
  • AI can be a great tool to use in any business—but, it's there to *enhance,* not replace, human creativity and expertise. This is the theme in today's episode, where I'm sharing 5 practical, actionable ways to use AI in your business.

    - Why using AI to personalise your sales email templates can save you tonnes of time *and* improve consistency.
    - How refining your messaging and copy becomes much easier when using AI as a starting point.
    - The benefits of using AI to adapt email templates for your brand's tone of voice.
    - Using AI to brainstorm and outline content topics that bridge the gap for your audience, while overcoming content creator's block.

    - DM me “CC” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to find out more about the Conversion Campaigns membership or visit https://stephtaylor.co/conversion-campaigns

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Today I am coaching Carolyn, a naturopath and yoga teacher who sees clients 1:1 and virtually. The challenge that Carolyn faces today is how to create more programs without jeopardising her main offer. In this episode, we workshop different ideas to create a group version of her 1:1 program that doesn't sacrifice client results—or value.

    - How transitioning from 1:1 to group programs can be challenging, while also offering opportunities for balancing personal interaction and creating community.
    - How creating shorter programs that complement a longer program can make results more accessible, without compromising the personalised approach that clients value.
    - Why building your program as you go means you can co-create it with your clients based on their needs and their feedback.
    - The importance of exploring alternative options to provide 1:1 client access, like messaging apps and office hours.

    - Connect with Carolyn at carolynallenhealth.com or on Instagram at The Balanced Naturopath
    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

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  • I see so many business owners spending weeks and months (or longer!) building out their online course, group program or membership—and then wonder why it doesn't sell. In today's episode, I'm sharing 3 reasons why *now* is a good time to launch your offer, wherever you're at.

    - The 2 common mistakes to avoid when building your online digital product.
    - How launching your offer *before* you've even created it can save you so much time and energy.
    - Why building your course, program or membership is easier when you're getting *paid* to build it for your students.
    - How giving your students what they actually need, rather than trying to guess what they need, will make your offer so much more effective and efficient.
    - The benefits of generating consistent income by creating an offer suite that sets you up for success.

    - DM me “OLSM” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to find out more about “Offer Less, Sell More” or visit https://stephtaylor.co/offer-less-sell-more
    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • I've spoken about niching a lot on this podcast—but here's the thing: Niching down is one of the simplest ways to shift who your business attracts. So if you're struggling to stand out and find that you're getting people shopping around for the cheapest option, rather than seeing the value in what you sell, it could be that you need to switch up what you offer. In today's episode, I'm sharing some new ways to think about niching.

    - The common link between the niche you serve and your offers.
    - The answers to the most frequently asked niching questions, such as "how niche is too niche?" and "won't niching limit my business?"
    - How thinking about your business differently will help you to clarify your own niche.
    - The 3 different ways to niche your business and the people this will attract.
    - How your niche can help you stand out in an otherwise crowded, oversaturated market.

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Running your own business can be very satisfying and rewarding. But, it's never smooth sailing—there will always be setbacks that can knock you off course. In today's episode, I share 6 of the most common challenges I've experienced in business and my strategies and tips to overcome them.

    - How persevering through the slow income growth phase of your business is easier with these 4 steps.
    - Why growing your audience is a slow burn and the 2 options you could consider to speed up this growth.
    - Why understanding that business ownership is a financial rollercoaster will help you to deal with those unexpected burdens (like tax bills!).
    - The importance of trademarking your products to protect them from digital "copy cats".
    - Why prioritising YOU is super important to avoid burn out and how to overcome it when you do.

    - DM me “OLSM” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to find out more about “Offer Less, Sell More” or visit https://stephtaylor.co/offer-less-sell-more
    - Do you have a copy cat? Check out the "Copy Cat Kit" here: https://founddlegal.com/products/the-copycat-kit

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Our world is overflowing with free content and it's *way* more than we could ever consume. And as more social platforms pop up to share your content on, you're at the mercy of the ever-changing algorithms as trends come and go. In today's episode, I'm sharing my 3 top tips for creating standout content in a noisy online world.

    - Why choosing your platform is more about being consistent than the platform itself—there's no one "right" platform to use.
    - The importance of being intentional and strategic with your content, while focusing on your business goals and vision.
    - Why sharing what other people are sharing is a sure fire way to get lost in the crowd—while it probably won't get you any haters, it won't get you any true fans either.
    - The value of meeting your audience where they're actually at, rather than where you *think* they're at.
    - How creating content for education is much more effective than content created to entertain.

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Starting and growing an online business has many perks—but that doesn't mean it's going to be fun all the time... In the beginning, we often have unrealistic expectations built up by all of the external noise around us, and then feel flat and uncertain wondering if we're "doing it right" when it doesn't happen! In today's episode, I'm debunking 5 of these unrealistic expectations and revealing more realistic approaches instead.

    - The benefits of organic growth and why online businesses don't grow overnight
    - How dispelling the myth that social media is ALL you need to grow your audience will help you to explore other ways too.
    - Why investing in your business is necessary to flourish and grow.
    - The true non-linear growth of business and why taking a step back is sometimes necessary to move forward.
    - The reality of operating an online business—it's not always going to be fun!

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Today I am answering a question from a listener who has multiple business ideas but doesn't know which one to pursue. In today's episode, I'm sharing how I've used the wrong ideas in the past and reveal the 6-step process I now follow when making decisions.

    - Why unique ideas are not always the best ideas—or what people actually want.
    - Why starting with the market you intend to sell to and brainstorming (their problems and solutions) is the first step.
    - The power of 1:1 client research to gain insight into their problems and what they need.
    - The importance of brainstorming for potential solutions to their most pressing problems.
    - Why testing your idea is a crucial step in the decision-making process.

    Have a question you’d like me to answer on the show? Write in with your question at https://stephtaylor.co/asksteph

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Running a business can be super BUSY! And it can be really hard to figure out how to balance your time across everything you need to do and all the tasks that need your attention. In today's episode, I'm sharing 5 strategies I use to free up my time and prioritise my tasks.

    - Why defining your "Queen Bee" role is a must-do for anyone who runs a business.
    - How automating your repetitive tasks can help to free up your time.
    - Why delegating anything that's not your "Queen Bee" role will help you to buy back your time—cos just because you *can* do something doesn't mean *you* should do it.
    - The importance of creating templates and processes around everything you can.
    - How creating structure can keep you focused and energised—and create more freedom in your life.

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • I've made *a lot* of mistakes in my business journey—and one of these was lacking the clarity and focus for the vision I had for my business' future. I also built a previous business that I thought I was *supposed* to build but it was based on someone else's vision. In today's episode, I'm putting *you* in the hotseat with some questions to ask yourself to find this clarity and focus for *your* business.

    - The 3 lessons I wish I'd learned earlier in my business and how you can learn from these mistakes.
    - Why getting really clear and honest with yourself can help you to understand what's important and why.
    - Why letting go of the "how" can drive you to dream bigger and deeper without limiting yourself or your business.
    - How identifying the internal and external forces that are stopping you from having the kind of business you want can help you to understand what you can and can't control.
    - Why being really clear and focused on your vision will help you to identify what you can start doing (and what you need to stop doing).

    - DM me "EMM" on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) or download the work book for free at stephtaylor.co/EMM

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Feel like you're doing all the things but your monthly income just isn't increasing? This is totally normal and growing a business can take a while. In today's episode, I'm sharing 5 things that you can do *now* to help build your income.

    - Why understanding the income equation will help you to identify the cause/s of your slow income growth.
    - How being clear on the strategy behind how you sell will help you to navigate ways to grow your income.
    - The importance of using your free content to attract the right people into your audience.
    - Using other ways to create a quick cash injection into your business.

    - DM me “BYBS” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to find out more about “Boost Your Brand’s Superfans” or visit https://stephtaylor.co/boost-your-brands-superfans
    - DM me “OLSM” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to find out more about “Offer Less, Sell More” or visit https://stephtaylor.co/offer-less-sell-more

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Most online businesses go through periods of low cash flow. So knowing how to generate cash on demand is a super useful skill to help you get back on track. In today's episode, I'm sharing 5 ways you can boost your cashflow when you're needing a quick cash injection.

    - How creating a quick cash injection means you can generate more cash flow whenever you need to.
    - The benefits of using a "time limited campaign" to boost your cashflow.
    - Why using cash injections is a great way to take imperfect action and experiment with an offer and test what works best—and learn what your audience *actually* wants.
    - How being creative with *how* you deliver your offer can give you more options for more offers.

    - Find out more about the Conversion Campaigns membership https://stephtaylor.co/conversion-campaigns. Doors are currently open for a limited time!

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Christine is a certified pilates instructor who has a membership platform teaching online pilates. She's also a member of my new Conversion Campaigns membership. In today's episode, we talk about a new offer she successfully launched to her community, despite having no business or marketing background.

    - The benefits of creating a cash injection into your business outside of an existing monthly membership.
    - How Conversion Campaigns helps to clarify ideas for new offers *and* joins the dots from idea to action to results.
    - How using one-off campaigns to test new offers helps you to learn so much about your audience and business—with minimal time and effort.
    - Why selling your offers via email (instead of social media) can be much more effective.
    - The importance of being part of a like-minded community who understands the business journey.
    - How tweaking your existing programs can save a lot of time rather than trying to create something from scratch.

    You can connect with Christine on Instagram or via her website.

    - To find out more about the Conversion Campaigns membership visit https://stephtaylor.co/conversion-campaigns

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • There's a lot of fear out there in the online space right now that says "no-one is buying" because of the economy. But it's normal for the economy to ebb and flow—that's nothing new. What's even more important when it comes to cashflow in your business is how you're showing up and selling your offers. In today's episode, I'm sharing 9 reasons why your sales may be slow right now that have nothing to do with the economy.

    - Why showing up with effective sales processes for your offers are keys to creatively selling to your audience.
    - Why testing the offers you're selling is so important.
    - How serving exisiting clients in different ways can be much easier than trying to constantly find new ones.
    - The key differences between selling and promoting (hint: they're not the same thing!).
    - Why thinking about what your client needs *right now* is so important when it comes to deciding which problem to solve.

    - DM me “CC” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to find out more about the Conversion Campaigns membership or visit https://stephtaylor.co/conversion-campaigns

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Having the ability to generate cash injections on demand means you're in control of the cashflow in your business—and that the slower months can be a little less slow as you begin to realise that you can always bring in some sales if you need to. In today's episode, I'm sharing 5 ways you can add a quick cash injection into your business when sales are slow.

    - How creating a low-hanging fruit offer can be simple and straightforward so that you an bring in some quick cash.
    - Why reminding your audience about the services you offer to solve their problem will keep you front and centre in their mind.
    - The benefits of relaunching an existing offer.
    - How following up old leads can help you to find those who are ready to work with you now (especially if they were not ready earlier).
    - Why re-engaging past/existing clients is much easier than trying to find new ones.

    - DM me “OLSM” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to find out more about “Offer Less, Sell More” or visit https://stephtaylor.co/offer-less-sell-more
    - DM me “CC” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to find out more about the Conversion Campaigns membership or visit https://stephtaylor.co/conversion-campaigns

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Riding the income roller coaster can be a challenge when it comes to online business. Some try to solve this by rebirthing an offer into a different format, however, this isn't always the solution. So, in today's episode, I'm sharing some other options to help you to ride that wave in your business.

    - The importance of understanding that your 1:1 client may be quite different to your one-to-many student.
    - Why a concrete sales funnel is essential to turn your 1:1 offer into an online product that avoids lack lustre results.
    - The value of intentionally designing a suite of offers to re-engage your existing clients whilst also appealing to new audiences.

    - DM me “OLSM” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to find out more about “Offer Less, Sell More” or visit https://stephtaylor.co/offer-less-sell-more

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Is it really true that the riches are in the niches—and that the smaller the niche, the better? There may be times when your business could benefit from accessing a larger niche. So, in today's episode, I am sharing how you can know that it's time to "un-niche" (go broader) in your business.

    - The importance of understanding your total addressable market and where you business is positioned within that.
    - Why having a bigger market is not necessarily better (unless your business outgrows a smaller niche).
    - How having a really specific niche to start with can help you to make those initial waves.
    - Why your niche *will* inevitably change over time and how to navigate that.
    - The relevance of market demand and its role in expanding your niche.
    - How un-niching your "who" (upstream, downstream and horizontally) as well as what you sell can help you to serve a broader audience.

    - Episode #785: Strategies for identifying your niche (+ 5 red flags if you’re off course). DM me “785” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) for a direct link.

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Today I'm answering a question from one of my long-standing students who is torn between scaling her current offers or creating new offers to service her existing community. In today's episode, I'm sharing some of the pros and cons around this important decision as well as offering a couple of alternatives.

    - How scaling one product can minimise the risk and allow more time for focusing on the next thing.
    - The challenges that present themselves whilst scaling up.
    - Why creating a new offer and increasing the lifetime value of your existing customer is easier than trying to reach new people all the time.
    - The strategy behind expanding your offers backwards, creating the simple win whilst nurturing your audience to your next offer

    - Got a question you'd like me to answer on an upcoming episode? You can submit it at http://stephtaylor.co/asksteph
    - DM me “OLSM” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to find out more about “Offer Less, Sell More” or visit https://stephtaylor.co/offer-less-sell-more

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • The foundations for building a sustainable online business may not look as shiny or as exciting as other things—but they *are* essential for running a business that continues to grow, even when you step away from your laptop screen. In today's episode, I'm sharing the 3 key elements for a sustainable business that gives you freedom.

    - How navigating "the messy middle"—where you have neither financial freedom nor time freedom—is part of the journey (and what you can do to move through it).
    - Why getting complete clarity on the vision in your business is so important.
    - Why defining your business model and goals provide the foundations that underpin everything you do in business.
    - How establishing systems and structure while building your platform, will help to position you as the expert in your niche.
    - The benefit of developing a sales process that will support consistent sales generation and business growth.

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Today I am coaching Steven, who is the co-owner of a software platform for coaches. The challenge he faces today is how to replace his freelance corporate job with two complementary online revenue streams when he isn't sure what to do first. In this episode, we talk about how he can spend more time building his business, while making sure his financial needs are met.

    - How trying to help many different people with many different problems can make it harder to become known for anything in your specific niche.
    - Why being strategic about your offer suite will help you to support clients through the next steps.
    - How thinking outside of the box can provide options for different types of income to help replace your "normal" income.

    - Connect with Steven at www.obmplan.com or www.mycoachoffice.com

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...