
  • Let's talk about a healthy weight loss approach and healthy weight management that we can adapt for a lifetime.

    In this episode,  I am talking about a weight loss approach that I personally live by which helps me to always stay in a very small range of weight fluctuation. This approach helped me to lose weight after I struggled with binge eating without going on any diets.

    I referred to the following episodes you can learn more about binge eating and food cravings: 




    To identify your personal underlying reasons for binge eating and overeating, download this free resource:

    13 Elements that lead to overeating, binge eating and food cravings

    Join our self-paced online program to address all 13 triggers that lead to overeating, binge eating and food cravings.

    Solve The Overeating Puzzle Online Program

    For in-depth information visit my website or book a free discovery call.


    Connect with me through

    INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    FACEBOOK  https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • In this session Eugenia is speaking to her client Kim who struggled with binge eating and purging for 20 years. During their 3 months of work together, Kim has been able to reduce her binge eating episodes from a few times a day to once 2 weeks.
    Kim started purging as a way to reduce her weight and keep control of her weight. This led to a binge eating and a purging cycle that she couldn't get out of, despite being admitted to the hospital. 

    During the 3 months of working together, Kim and Eugenia were focusing on understanding the underlying reasons for her binge eating episodes, the underlyign needs behind the binges and how those needs could be met in other ways. 

    To identify your personal underlying reasons for binge eating and overeating, download this free resource: 

    13 Elements that lead to overeating, binge eating and food cravings

    Join our self-paced online program to address all 13 triggers that lead to overeating, binge eating and food cravings. 

    Solve The Overeating Puzzle Online Program

    For in-depth information visit my website or book a free discovery call with me.


    Connect with me through

    INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    FACEBOOK  https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

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    Click here to refresh the feed.

  • Sugar cravings can affect all of us. I personally have experienced these cravings during my pregnancy and used this opportunity to look into how can I be more in control of those cravings. My suggestions don't only apply to pregnancy, but to anyone who struggles and experiences sugar cravings.

    In this episode, I am talking about: 

    My personal experience with sugar cravings during pregnancy
    My pregnancy journey
    Reasons for sugar cravings (during pregnancy and in general)
    How to identify why we crave sugar
    What, when, how much and why to eat in a certain way to navigate sugar cravings
    How o stabilise blood sugar
    How our diet affects our cravings for carbs and sugar
    Tools, tips and strategies to curb cravings and be in control of cravings for sweet food

    More episodes about sugar cravings:
    More help to stop binge eating:  Solve The Overeating Puzzle – Self-paced online program that gives you the exact pathway from beginning to end. A program that gives you all the information and  answers you need as you end overeating, food cravings and binge eating.
    Connect with me through
    INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/
    TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@unloxu
    FACEBOOK  https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/
    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my  BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • In this episode, I am discussing how to avoid Binge Eating and Overeating during Christmas and the Festive season.
    I am looking into the reasons why we binge and overeat during this time and strategies you can apply to enjoy the food and the people around you.

    For in-depth information visit my website or book a free discovery call with me.


    More help to stop binge eating:

    Solve The Overeating Puzzle – Self-paced online program that gives you the exact pathway from beginning to end. A program that gives you all the information and  answers you need as you end overeating, food cravings and binge eating.

    Connect with me through

    INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@unloxu

    FACEBOOK  https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my

    BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • I am discussing how to stay consistent with our goals to lose weight, create a healthy relationship with food, when we want to stop overeating and binge eating, etc.
    I often get told how easy it is to eat well and follow a plan or be focused when we start a new program, but after a while, we go back to old habits. This creates fear of failure and doubts about whether we can ever be successful. 

    In this episode, I am looking into 

    why we might give up and lose hope and  what exactly we can do to overcome that negative self-talk,  how to start believing in ourselves and  how we can create the success we are looking for. 

    Mentioned resources:
    Night time cravings - why we crave sugar and junk food in the evening and how to stop. 

    For in-depth information visit my website or book a free discovery call with me.


    Connect with me through

    INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@unloxu

    FACEBOOK  https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • It seems like nighttime is when the sugar and food cravings kick in. It's the time when we feel like something nice and delicious after dinner, even though we are not hungry. 

    Often these cravings start in the afternoon or when we get home after work. So the question is... Why do we experience nighttime cravings and how can we stop craving food in the evening? In this episode, I explore three potential reasons for being extra hungry in the evening and give some suggestions on what you can do to avoid overeating in the evening. 

    Mentioned resources:
    Solve The Overeating Puzzle Online Program

    13 Elements that lead to overeating, binge eating and food cravings

    For in-depth information visit my website or book a free discovery call with me.


    Connect with me through

    INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@unloxu

    FACEBOOK  https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my
    BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • Listen in to my final coaching call with Scott Townsend and be inspired by his transformation. He lost 16kg, feeling amazing, healthy and well and is living his purpose by doing breath work around New Zealand and is now even reaching out to the world. 

    Follow Scott's journey in this Psychology Of Eating Coaching series.  
    Listen to Scott's first coaching session here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2zEYULh0gV2kHNyrBoqpCQ 

    If you would like to have 1:1 coaching support to be in control of food, weight and your body, book a free discovery call with me. https://unloxu.nz/contact/ Visit our website for more podcasts: https://unloxu.nz/solve-the-overeating-podcast/

    Connect with me through INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • Scott is curious about the keto diet and asked me how to start the keto diet. We explore what to eat on the keto diet and some keto treats he might add for when he wants a treat.

    In this coaching session, we review Scott's progress so far, everything he has implemented and the results he has seen so far.

    Follow Scott's journey in this Psychology Of Eating Coaching series.  

    #1 Coaching session: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2zEYULh0gV2kHNyrBoqpCQ
    #2 Coaching session:

    If you would like to have 1:1 coaching support to be in control of food, weight and your body, book a free discovery call with me. https://unloxu.nz/contact/ Visit our website for more podcasts: https://unloxu.nz/solve-the-overeating-podcast/

    Connect with me through INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • This is my second coaching session with Scott after he reached out to me saying he wants to lose weight which he gained due to depression and lockdown time. Food has become his comfort and his crutch. 

    In this coaching series, I am coaching Scott to reach his goals of not only losing weight and overcoming overeating but also living his best life and living his purpose. 

    Follow Scott's journey in this Psychology Of Eating Coaching series.  
    Listen to Scott's first coaching session here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2zEYULh0gV2kHNyrBoqpCQ

    If you would like to have 1:1 coaching support to be in control of food, weight and your body, book a free discovery call with me. https://unloxu.nz/contact/

    Visit our website for more podcasts: https://unloxu.nz/solve-the-overeating-podcast/

    Connect with me through INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • Scott reached out to me wanting help and support after he gained 20 kgs due to overeating, depression, and just feeling out of control with food.

    This is a coaching series of Scott's journey to achieve weight loss goals and be not only in control of food but also his life. 

    In this first consultation, I establish Scott's goals and identify some of the root causes for his struggles with food and his life.
    At the same time, he leaves the call with the first "homework" and tasks to focus on, to take the first steps towards freedom with food and a healthy body.

    Follow Scott's journey in this Psychology Of Eating Coaching series.

    For in-depth information visit my website or book a free discovery call with me. https://unloxu.nz/contact/

    Connect with me through INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • If comfort and emotional eating are two of your regular challenges with food, then this episode is for you.
    We are diving deeper into what to do when we need comfort and are seeking it from food. Look into the psychology of our underlying needs and how the psychology behind our needs drives our eating decisions.

    Mentioned Membership:

    Don't know why you can't stop eating? Download the FREE guide to identify which of the 13 triggers cause you to overeat, crave food or binge: https://unloxu.nz/overcome-binge-overeating-control-around-food/

    For in-depth information visit my website or book a free discovery call with me. https://unloxu.nz/contact/

    Connect with me through INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@unloxu

    FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • Nadine Uerata helps women to become the best versions of themselves through menstrual health practices, feminine energetics & business support!

    In this episode, we are discussing how we can synchronise our diet, exercise, social life, career or business to our cycle to optimise our well-being and our life. 

    You can follow Nadine on Instagram: @thisisnadinechanel

    For in-depth information visit my website or book a free discovery call with me. https://unloxu.nz/contact/

    Connect with me through INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@unloxu

    FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

    Tag us @unloxu.nz to let us know what you have learned and share our podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3dhc9WBvH4eXk7Z0F9gePK

  • In this episode, for the first time, I am sharing about my own eating disorder and answering your questions. I also talk about my life after I recovered from orthorexia, binge eating disorder and nighttime eating syndrome.  

    I have never spoken openly about my experience with an eating disorder in detail, but I know it was time to answer your questions. I hope that my binge eating disorder story can help someone out there who also binges to feel less ashamed and in the dark. It is important to address an eating disorder as soon as possible to come back to healthy eating habits.

    The road to recovery is not always smooth and there can be setbacks. It has taken me years to get to feeling the easiest around food. But no matter how long it takes, recovery is always worth it. 

    I am answering your questions such as: 

    Do I still have moments when I struggle?  How do I eat now?  Was I ever overweight?  What do I think about diet plans and intuitive eating. 

    If you would like me to answer more of your questions, please send me an e-mail at [email protected] or book your free call on https://unloxu.nz/contact/

    Connect with me through INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@unloxu

    FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • We don't have sugar cravings because we have a sweet tooth. 

    There are many different reasons why someone might be craving sugar and feels out of control with it. Depending on the root cause of the cravings, the solution to tame the cravings will be different. 

    In this episode, I introduce 6 potential root causes of sugar cravings and what you can do to address each of the reasons.
    I discuss psychological, biochemial and physiological reasons for sugar cravings.

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    Rewired To Eat Framework: a nutrition program that introduces a framework to rewire the appetite and turn the natural "OFF SWITCH" button. 

    Don't know why you can't stop eating? Download the FREE guide to identify which of the 13 triggers cause you to overeat, crave food or binge: https://unloxu.nz/overcome-binge-overeating-control-around-food/

    For in-depth information visit my website or book a free discovery call with me. https://unloxu.nz/contact/

    Connect with me through INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@unloxu

    FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

    Tag us @unloxu.nz to let us know what you have learned and share our podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3dhc9WBvH4eXk7Z0F9gePK

  • Overeating, Food Cravings and Binge Eating have a deeper meaning. There is a message for us to understand and learn. In this episode, I am giving some specific eating habits that people do and what it might mean. I also explain the reasons why we eat at certain times of the week or day and what we actually need and want apart from nourishment and nutrients.

    1: You had dinner, feel full and yet you feel like eating something else as soon as you sit down to watch TV.

    2. You had a long week and at the end of the week on Friday, you order a pizza and get a bottle of wine.

    3. You order a coffee and maybe something sweet at the same time of the day and every day.

    If you can recognise yourself in these examples, you will understand why you actually do it and why you think you do it.

    Don't know why you can't stop eating? Download the FREE guide to identify which of the 13 triggers cause you to overeat, crave food or binge: https://unloxu.nz/overcome-binge-overeating-control-around-food/

    For in-depth information visit my website or book a free discovery call with me. https://unloxu.nz/contact/

    Connect with me through INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@unloxu

    FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • Whether you have undergone bariatric surgery or are considering one, this episode is for you. 

    If you have undergone bariatric surgery, in his episode you will learn what to focus on for optimum results and ongoing great health. 

    If you are considering getting it done, here is everything you need to know to make an informed decision. 

    We discuss: 

    Who might be eligible for this surgery How to optimise brain and gut health after the surgery and why it's important to prioritise it What, how much, when to eat to keep metabolic health at optimum for long-term weight management Which nutrients to focus on and why Type of tests that are available to avoid nutrients deficiency long-term. 

    To follow Kirstie, you can find her on social media:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/legacynutrition_nz/
    Website: https://www.legacynutrition.co.nz/

    Kirstie is our Clinical Nutritionist at Unlox'U where she specialises in Healthy Hormones and a Healthy Gut. You can learn more about her on our page:

    Don't know why you can't stop eating? Download the FREE guide to identify which of the 13 triggers cause you to overeat, crave food or binge: https://unloxu.nz/overcome-binge-overeating-control-around-food/

    For in-depth information visit my website or book a free discovery call with me.


    Connect with me through

    INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@unloxu

    FACEBOOK  https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my 

    BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • In this podcast, I am talking to Charlotte who shares her personal journey of struggling with binge, emotional eating, body hatred and yo-yo dieting that consumed so much of her life, time and energy. Charlotte shares specific and very practical tools she used to recover. This makes her a relatable coach and even more passionate about helping her clients to overcome their eating arechallenges, as she knows that peace and freedom is waiting for them on the other side.

    Charlotte is our Unlox'U coach and is qualified psychology of eating coach. 

    In this episode, we talk about: 

    practical ways that helped Charlotte to overcome binge & emotional eating some unexpected ways that helped her heal from binge & emotional eating How to create new healthy habits and say consistent with them How mindset plays a role in overcoming eating challenges and how to create a mindset of growth Why binge eating is not actually a problem but rather a message and there is a deeper reason for our challenges with food. How to read this message from our body, life, and soul.

    Don't know why you can't stop eating? Download the FREE guide to identify which of the 13 triggers cause you to overeat, crave food or binge: https://unloxu.nz/overcome-binge-overeating-control-around-food/

    For in-depth information visit my website or book a free discovery call with me.


    Connect with me through

    INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@unloxu

    FACEBOOK  https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • Easter is around the corner and a lot of people feel overwhelmed with so much chocolate in the house.  This episode is all about how to Avoid an Easter Binge - and not to worry about overeating on all the chocolate in the house.  

    I know binge eating and overeating can be a very sensitive topic, and being exposed to so much chocolate on holidays can be very stressful. If you feel like you might be triggered to binge or overeat during easter or other days, listen to this episode to stop binge eating and change your eating habits long term.

    Don't know why you can't stop eating? Download the FREE guide to identify which of the 13 triggers cause you to overeat, crave food or binge: https://unloxu.nz/overcome-binge-overeating-control-around-food/

    For in-depth information visit my website or book a free discovery call with me.


    Connect with me through

    INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@unloxu

    FACEBOOK  https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/


    ou can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • This episode is about how to stop sugar cravings for good! 

    If you are feeling addicted to sugar, this episode is for you.

    Listen to the end of this podcast as all points are building on top of each other and need to be considered when wanting to reduce sugar cravings.

    This is a very comprehensive episode on how to stop sugar cravings looking at the psychological, emotional, and physiological pillars of sugar cravings. 

    For in-depth information visit my website or book a free discovery call with me.


    Connect with me through 

    INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/

    TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@unloxu

    FACEBOOK  https://www.facebook.com/unloxu.nz/

    You can learn more about food cravings, overeating, and the psychology of eating on my BLOG https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/

  • Eating too much chocolate is very common and can be overwhelming for many individuals.  

    The Best Solution To Stopping Binging on Chocolate In 2021 | Binging on chocolate  

    In this episode, I am sharing four tips that might surprise you on how to stop eating too much chocolate and also why It Can Be Hard To Stop At Just One Piece.   

    The first step is to understand why you experience Chocolate cravings or why we even binge on chocolate and other foods. 

    There are 8 hidden reasons for overeating, binge eating and food cravings, including chocolate cravings. 

    Download this free guide to discover your underlying  triggers for chocolate binges, food cravings and other triggers you  might experience with food:  https://unloxu.nz/overcome-binge-overeating-control-around-food/   

    Book your discovery call with Eugenia to see how you can regain control with food: https://unloxu.nz/contact/​​  

    FOLLOW ME ON: INSTAGRAM ➭ https://www.instagram.com/unloxu.nz/​​  

    BINGE EATING BLOG:   ➭ https://unloxu.nz/bingeeatingblog/​   

    JOIN ME ON:NEWSLETTER:  https://bit.ly/3ak8DkL​FREE​  
    Facebook community group: https://bit.ly/3iu0YCD​​  
    WEBSITE: https://unloxu.nz/​