This series covers the Strachey Lectures, a series of termly computer science lectures named after Christopher Strachey, the first Professor of Computation at the University of Oxford.
Hosted by the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, the Strachey Lectures began in 1995 and have included many distinguished speakers over the years. The Strachey Lectures are generously supported by OxFORD Asset Management. -
I denne serie af oplæste artikler ser vi på verden med videnskabens øjne for at forstå naturens komplicerede sammenhænge, og hvordan de former vores liv. Serien er støttet af Carlsbergfondet.
Mathematics has been done in particular times and places for thousands of years. Behind the theorems, equations, techniques and applications taught in the lecture room is a history of false starts, astonishing breakthroughs, remarkable personalities, fruitful collaborations, misattribution of credit, and disputes over who discovered what first. A series of stories, in fact. The materials aim to give students some of the history which lies behind a selection of the famous names and equations in mathematics. Each topic comprises a 'stand alone' two page pdf suitable to be 'dropped' into lecture notes and an accompanying mp3 file based on the pdf. This podcast provides the mp3 files and the pdf documents can be found on the website These materials are freely available for educational use. We would like to hear from any tutors or students who use these resources - please tell us how you use them and how far they meet your needs.
Cybercrimeology is a podcast about cybercrime, its research and its researchers. We talk to top researchers from around the world to learn about different forms of cybercrime and their research. We learn about cybercrime theory, organized crime online, Darknet drug markets, cybercrime awareness and crime prevention, technology-facilitated intimate partner violence and much more.
The podcast has been running since November of 2019 and there is still so much to learn. I am happy to have you along for the journey into this fascinating subject. -
Ilona Rauhala on pitkän linjan psykologi, yritysvalmentaja sekä OK5 Oy:n perustajajäsen ja toimitusjohtaja. Ilonan intohimona on auttaa organisaatioita ja johtajia onnistumaan työssään. Podcastissaan Ilona jakaa sisältöä muutokseen, työssä onnistumiseen, huippusuoriutumiseen, hyvään elämään ja ihmismieleen liittyvistä teemoista. Katso lisää osoitteesta sekä
You've got questions and astrophysicist Paul M. Sutter has answers - every episode you will come closer to complete knowledge of time and space!
An audio podcast for Otolaryngology Ear Nose and Throat, Head and Neck Surgery. This podcast is designed as an learning tool. A direct way to update clinicians on all things ENT.
We aren't the experts, we just interview them. #FOAMed
Find us on Twitter- @ENTexpertopin and Facebook- ENT Expert Opinion. Join our conversation- it's fun.
Feedback encouraged. -
Audio and video podcasts from undergraduate lecture courses given in the Chemistry Department. The audio materials are annotated as "enhanced" Podcasts with full lecture notes, handouts, and linked to rotatable/and or animated 3D models (of molecules, their vibrations, and their molecular orbitals. Requires Java) and to much original literature.
Subscribe to this channel for bits and pieces and short interviews from conferences all over the world.
Interviews with some of the smartest & most interesting people in the world of ideas. Two questions I'm always asking: (a) "How does the world work?" and (b) "How can we do a better job of living in it?"
This podcast interviews the best experts in the world to bring emerging themes in athletic performance, neurology, sleep physiology and medicine. Louisa regularly consults for technology development companies, professional athletic organizations and consults with the biggest names in NBA, MLB and NFL. Louisa is on the scientific advisory board of Tonal, Hone Health, Klora and Momentous. Find Louisa on Instagram @louisanicola_
The Department of Physics public lecture series. An exciting series of lectures about the research at Oxford Physics take place throughout the academic year. Looking at topics diverse as the creation of the universe to the science of climate change.
Features episodes previously published as:
(1) 'Oxford Physics Alumni': "Informal interviews with physics alumni at events, lectures and other alumni related activities."
(2) 'Physics and Philosophy: Arguments, Experiments and a Few Things in Between': "A series which explores some of the links between physics and philosophy, two of the most fundamental ways with which we try to answer our questions about the world around us. A number of the most pertinent topics which bridge the disciplines are discussed - the nature of space and time, the unpredictable results of quantum mechanics and their surprising consequences and perhaps most fundamentally, the nature of the mind and how far science can go towards explaining and understanding it. Featuring interviews with Dr. Christopher Palmer, Prof. Frank Arntzenius, Prof. Vlatko Vedral, Dr. David Wallace and Prof. Roger Penrose." -
This Physical Geology course is designed to give you an understanding of how the Earth works. Topics that we will discuss include: what causes earthquakes, how old is the Earth and how we know this, how has the Earth evolved into the world that we see, and the nature, limitations, and benefits associated with extracting natural resources, such as petroleum.
Most of the lectures are in the Lecture (audio) playlist below. Most of the files have been edited to eliminate long pauses that occur while I am making sketches and to eliminate discussions of laboratory topics at the beginning of the lectures. -
Koodikahvit on podi, jossa istutaan alas kahvikupposen äärelle keskustelemaan IT-alasta, koodauksesta ja kaikesta siihen liittyvästä. Podia hostaa Anniina ja Pauliina, ja vieraina on alalla työskenteleviä tai siitä kiinnostuneita henkilöitä.
Editointi: Anniina Sallinen | visuaalinen ilme: Niko Salkola | musiikki: Aki Kiminki
Instagram: koodikahvit ( | Twitter: @koodikahvit ( -
The Gait Guys: Exploring the Links between Human Movement, Biomechanics and Gait. Website, We blog daily on Tumblr, Facebook & YouTube -
Check out the Addgene Podcast for interviews with academics, students, and industry leaders in the biological sciences. With this bi-monthly podcast, you'll get career advice, ideas on how to advance your research, and the inside scoop on developments in biotechnology, academic research, and, of course, plasmids.
Podcasts from the workshop on the theory and practice of Immigration Detention Centres in both the UK and the rest of the world. This series of lectures look at the legal and political frameworks as well as the social impact of Immigration Detention Centres and the ideas of Asylum in the eyes of the government, human rights groups and those referred to as 'Asylum Seekers'.
Indiana Swimming Sport Development Director, Dr. Roch King, sits down with Coaches, Leaders and Scholars to discuss the lastest in Competitive Swimming
Find out more about our night sky, from new planets to far-off galaxies and the vastness of the Universe. A series of short talks and presentations for the general public from leading astronomy researchers at the Oxford University Physics department -