
  • Jacob Nels joins host Marylee Shrider on Voices for Life, a production of Right to Life of Kern County, to discuss his sidewalk counseling ministry and the resources that Equal Rights Institute provides to increase your effectiveness outside of abortion facilities. In this episode, Jacob provides insight into fostering dialogues with abortion-minded women, including conversation starters, body language, clothing, signage, and graphic images.

    0:30 β€” Recap of part 1

    2:33 β€” Understanding what abortion-minded women are going through

    6:53 β€” Conversation starters on the sidewalk

    9:45 β€” Focusing on helping and loving the woman

    10:49 β€” Body language and what to wear

    13:18 β€” Keeping a calm presence

    13:50 β€” All ages can be effective on the sidewalk

    14:55 β€” Continuing the conversation throughout their time at the clinic

    16:25 β€” Effective use of signs

    18:42 β€” Graphic images

    23:32 β€” Talking to pastors about sidewalk counseling

    25:40 β€” Sidewalk Counseling Masterclass information

    27:48 β€” Conclusion

    Right to Life Kern County

  • Jacob Nels joins host Marylee Shrider on Voices for Life, a production of Right to Life of Kern County, to discuss his sidewalk counseling ministry and the resources that Equal Rights Institute provides to increase your effectiveness outside of abortion facilities. In this episode, Jacob provides tips and tools for engaging with alternative protestors as well as conversation starters for talking to abortion-minded women.

    2:38 β€” Introduction to Jacob Nels, Speaker/Sidewalk Counseling Trainer at Equal Rights Institute

    3:30 β€” Introduction to ERI and Jacob’s story beginning sidewalk counseling ministry

    6:40 β€” Dealing with alternative pro-life presences on the sidewalk

    11:30 β€” Sidewalk Counseling Masterclass information

    12:25 β€” Dealing with alternative pro-life presences on the sidewalk, cont.

    24:13 β€” Understanding and reaching out to abortion-minded women in conversation starters

    26:03 β€” Conclusion

    Right to Life Kern County

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  • Josh sits outside the ERI office to share our May 2021 update on what has been going on behind the scenes at ERI, including a recent speaking trip featuring two new seminars and an expansion to the Equipped for Life Course.

    Related Links:

    Josh's relational apologetics speech at Life Fellowship Church:

    Integrity, Hypocrisy, and Witness: Learning from the Failures of Ravi Zacharias:

    Pastors, You Can Reduce Abortions in Your Church | Pro-Life Theology in Practice:

    Article: One Thing Every Pastor Can Do to Prevent Abortions in Their Congregation:

    Josh's speech at a seminar on the pastor pledge:

    Steve Wagner: It’s Her Body

    Equipped for Life Course:

    Support Equal Rights Institute:

    00:00 Introduction
    00:59 Speaking trip in Oregon
    07:25 Ongoing video production & SEO work
    17:33 Bragging on our other staff
    21:19 Updating our bodily rights training
    24:46 Equipped for Life Course workbook 2.0
    28:17 Wrap up and thank you to donors

    First Track: Odessa β€” LiQWYD & Scandinavianz [Audio Library Release]
    Music provided by Audio Library Plus
    Watch: https://youtu.be/jNy-Dp3lgcg
    Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/odessa

    Equal Rights Institute Website:

    Equal Rights Institute Blog:

    Sidewalk Counseling Masterclass:

    Audio/Video Editor: Josh Brahm
    Publisher: Jen Westmoreland

  • After hiking Crabtree Falls Josh shares what has been going on behind the scenes at ERI, including finding Rachel's replacement and his three big goals for the rest of 2020.

    Josh recorded this in the field with just his camera mic so the audio isn't the best. Also, the camera ran out of space 20 seconds before he finished so the audio noticeably switches to his backup phone recording at that point. Sorry about that!

    0:00: Intro;
    0:50: Footage and Pictures from Crabtree Falls;
    1:36: Rachel's resignation;
    2:22: Rachel's replacement, Emily Albrecht;
    5:14: Goal #1;
    6:51: Goal #2;
    8:25: Goal #3;
    16:24: Exactly what we would do with your increased giving right now.

    To watch the YouTube version, click here:

    Related links:

    How One Student Group Radically Changed Their Campus Culture

    Abortion as "Self-Defense"

    Example Dialogue Podcasts:

    Pro-Life Tim and Pro-Choice Rachel Pro-Life Josh and Pro-Choice Tim Pro-Life Rachel and Pro-Choice Tim

    Track: Odessa β€” LiQWYD & Scandinavianz [Audio Library Release]
    Music provided by Audio Library Plus
    Watch: https://youtu.be/jNy-Dp3lgcg
    Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/odessa

    Sound effects from Zapsplat.com

  • In February 2020 Josh Brahm was invited to speak at multiple pro-life events in Ireland. This is from a Q&A session after one of those events.


    0:00: How would you respond to someone who counters your argument about freedom of conscience for physicians by saying that doctors are in an occupation where they can’t opt out for personal reasons, just like ambulance drivers can’t decide not to help someone with a swastika tattoo?

    3:04: What about doctors being obligated to refer women to abortion practitioners?

    6:05: How should we respond to people who wonder how we would manage a pregnant woman who is suicidal over her pregnancy?

    9:14: How do you respond to people who say that you should be able to kill people if they’re using your body?

    17:36: What is a good approach to pro-life protesting, especially given that our abortions happen in hospitals?

    29:22: Do you think displays of white crosses are a good idea?

    31:46: How does the dynamic change if you’re debating in front of an audience or in a TV studio?

    36:44: Dealing with relativists who happily contradict themselves, even saying 1+1 can equal 3, and people who admit the unborn is a human but say that human rights should begin later.

    Related Links:

    Jordan Peterson / Cathy Newman debate

    William Lane Craig vs. Christopher Hitchens debate

    Survey of biologists Josh referenced

  • In February 2020 Josh Brahm was invited to speak at multiple pro-life events in Ireland. This is the edited audio from a speech he gave made particularly for their pro-life movement based on what is going on right now in their country, but includes helpful advice for movements in other countries as well.

    Related Links:

    Equipped for Life Course

    Sidewalk Counseling Masterclass

    Purchase ERI outreach brochures

    ERI Update Video January 2020 (with more explanation of what Josh was doing in Ireland)

  • Josh Brahm took a walk along the cliffs of Ireland to share with you what the ERI staff are up to lately. We've intercut the footage with a lot of beautiful pictures and videos Josh took around Ireland, so if you want to watch instead of just listen, here's the link: https://youtu.be/yeyxlhFrJUU

    Here's the video Josh mentioned of people from around the world sharing how ERI has helped them:

    Links to both of ERI's podcast feeds:

    ERI Website:

    ERI Blog:

    Equipped for Life Course:

    Sidewalk Counseling Masterclass:

  • Josh Brahm recently sat in our new studio to give you an update on what's been going on behind the scenes at Equal Rights Institute. There are a lot of visuals in this video, so it's best watched instead of listened to on the podcast, but both are available.


    01:14 - New studio; 03:55 - Tim's resignation; 05:01 - New Director of Training and behind the scenes of the new Equipped for Life extension; 07:25 - Launch of the Sidewalk Counseling Masterclass; 11:29 - Encouraging testimonies from the Protect Life Michigan conference; 13:49 - Relaunching the Equipped for Life Podcast into a free, public feed; 18:42 - Our plans to make a bigger impact at the next March for Life.

    Testimonials from the Sidewalk Counseling Masterclass:

    "I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone wanting to get involved in sidewalk counseling. Before watching the course, sidewalk counseling seemed like an intimidating thing that should be left to others more knowledgeable and gifted. After watching this course, I feel very confident that I could get out there and do it." - Jessica

    "This course has real-life lessons from seasoned sidewalk counselors. I appreciated so much that they not only make suggestions of what to do, but also shared their own mistakes and what they have learned. It's paced such that you don't need any experience in sidewalk counseling to follow it. The training is incredibly practical---- seriously, this course will be some of the best money you ever spend!" - Laura

    "I found myself making exclamations out loud! I was totally drawn to the reasonings and stories. I felt I could finally put a finger on things that were wrong with my previous experience. I felt inspired to just go back out there (it's been a year). I am sure that if the material was presented in a teaching format, I could not have processed everything in a personal way. When one video ended, I wanted to just see what was next on the next video." - Debra

  • On October 1st, 2019 the city of Jackson, Mississippi passed a buffer-zone law prohibiting free speech near healthcare facilities, which includes the last remaining abortion facility in the state of Mississippi. By looking at the events leading up to this ordinance being passed, pro-life advocates can learn to make better strategic decisions to prevent buffer-zone laws from being passed in their city. Some pro-lifers argue that buffer-zones are unconstitutional, but whether or not this ordinance is eventually upheld (like Hill v Colorado was in 2000) or dismissed, it is undeniably a devastating blow to sidewalk counseling in Mississippi as well as throughout the country.

    Sidewalk Counseling Masterclass (use code "HELP"):

    For more information:

    Consent Decree Pro-life Mississippi v Horton 2016:

    City Council Meeting Sept. 26th, see item 8:

    Hill v. Colorado Supreme Court decision:

    News report from MSN:

    News report from the Guardian:

    Clinic escort group Facebook page:

  • Josh Brahm and Rachel Crawford discuss the abortion episode in the third season of "13 Reasons Why," how it misrepresents the pro-life movement, and what pro-life people ought to say when they hear people bring it up.

    Video version of this discussion is available at our YouTube channel:

    Related Links:

    ERI Blog: "Sometimes It’s Not about the Argument"

    Preorder the Sidewalk Counseling Masterclass:

  • This is the audio from yesterday's Facebook Live event where Josh Brahm talked about what he learned about the controversial Marshae Jones case, where a pregnant woman's baby died as a result of a gunshot in a fight, and yet the mother has been charged. Once you dig into the story, it's more complicated than the headlines imply.

    Read Josh's article on this case here:


  • Josh Brahm gives an update on what's been going on behind the scenes at the ERI office, regarding recent speaking trips, making the video series analyzing "Reversing Roe," and an update on the sidewalk counseling course.

    Related Links:

    Video Series: Reversing Roe - Exposing the Bias:

    ERI Website:

    ERI Blog:

    ERI Course:

  • Josh Brahm offers a few practical dialogue tips for pro-life advocates that will help with big family gatherings. Learn more with these two articles: - 6 Things Every Pro-Life Advocate Needs to Know Before the Holidays: http://bit.ly/2KfqhHz - 7 Tips for Handling a Forced Political Debate at the Holiday Dinner Table: http://bit.ly/2Klw0eC

  • In November of 2017 the Holy Family Respect Life Committee, in conjunction with Charles County Right to Life, invited Josh Brahm and David Bereit to speak at their annual pro-life conference in Southern Maryland.

    After the keynote sessions, Josh and David did a panel discussion and Q&A, joined by Michele Hendrickson, Capital Area Regional Director for Students for Life of America and Heather Sells, CEO of the Catherine Foundation, a local Pregnancy Resource Center. The panel discussion was hosted by Ali Rak from the Southern Maryland Pro-Life Symposium.

    Apologies for occasional audio issues in the panel discussion. They used tabletop panel discussion mics and when Heather would turn her head away from the mic sometimes her mic sort of cuts out. We've made some edits where possible, and you can always get the gist of what she's saying.


    0:01:29 - From your standpoint, what does the pro-life movement need to do to become more effective? 0:16:00 - What should pro-life advocates avoid and what hurts our cause the most? 0:31:00 - What is access to abortion like in Southern Maryland? Where does a woman who is abortion-minded go to terminate a pregnancy? How many of them tend to go to the local Pregnancy Resource Centers? Paint a picture of what it's like to be in crisis in Southern Maryland. 0:35:49 - What does counseling an abortion-minded woman look like in your Pregnancy Resource Center as opposed to sidewalk counseling where you often only have a moment to start that conversation? 0:43:39 - How are college and high school students shaping the pro-life movement? How do we get more youth involved, and why should there be a Students for Life club at every school in the country? 0:51:26 - Josh, as a "connoisseur of good arguments and gracious conversation," how can pro-lifers use Facebook and social media as a force for good? 0:56:06 - How do we build the pro-life community locally, one that is engaged and motivated toward action, rather than just being pro-life? 1:04:53 - Can we learn anything from the effectiveness of the gay marriage movement that we can apply to our movement? 1:09:55 - It seems like there is so much emphasis these days on individual rights, where for some people, even if they personally feel like abortion is wrong, they don't feel like it's their place to speak out against abortion because they don't want to offend someone. How do you get beyond that? 1:13:10 - You said that you don't approach this issue from a religious standpoint, and I'm struggling with the idea of stopping at the concept of equal rights because I think equal rights come from a religious standpoint. I'm assuming you talk to lots of college students who don't believe in equal rights. How do you deal with that without getting into the religious aspect that we're created in God's image and not a product of evolution? 1:19:32 - Josh, you mentioned utilitarianism. Can you explain what that is and how it might come up in abortion conversations? 1:21:33 - I was really struck by a statistic that was shared about one in four women in church having had an abortion. How can we effectively express that graphic imagery and very strongly worded signs almost create a PTSD kind of moment for a lot of women who have made a very difficult decision in their lives, and would like to be involved in the pro-life movement, but can't abide by being in that presence? How do we overcome that obstacle?

    Related Links:

    Timothy Brahm for the ERI Blog: Abortion Images: A Case for Disagreement without Division:

    Live Speech Audio from Timothy Brahm: Using Digital Media to Save Lives:

    Josh Brahm for the ERI Blog: Understanding What Richard Dawkins Actually Believes About Abortion and Down Syndrome:

    Josh Brahm for the ERI Blog: Richard Dawkins Retweeted My Article, and What We Can Learn From That:

    Amazon: Blueprint for Revolution:
    https://amzn.to/2LnIRg4 (Affiliate link)

    Amazon: After the Ball:
    https://amzn.to/2utEiKR (Affiliate link)

    For more on utilitarianism, read Timothy Brahm's recent article, Thanos Would Be Pro-Choice:

    Southern Maryland Pro-Life Symposium:

    David Bereit:

    Students for Life of America:

    The Catherine Foundation:

    ERI Website:

    ERI Blog:

    ERI Course:

  • In November of 2017 the Holy Family Respect Life Committee, in conjunction with Charles County Right to Life, invited Josh Brahm and David Bereit to speak at their annual pro-life conference in Southern Maryland.

    In this keynote David shares the story of how he got involved in the pro-life movement in spite of being an unlikely activist and encourages the audience to become more active in the pro-life movement, including practical advice on how to find your pro-life lane and get plugged in.

    Related Link: DavidBereit.com

  • In November of 2017 the Holy Family Respect Life Committee, in conjunction with Charles County Right to Life, invited Josh Brahm and David Bereit to speak at their annual pro-life conference in Southern Maryland.

    In this keynote Josh shares seven practical dialogue tips (including two that he's never taught before!) as well as explaining how to use the Equal Rights Argument to change minds about abortion.

    Related Links:

    Southern Maryland Pro-Life Symposium:

    ERI Website:

    ERI Blog:

    ERI Course:

  • Josh Brahm recently sat in the conference room in our new office to give you an update on what's been going on behind the scenes at Equal Rights Institute:

    01:41 - Sidewalk Counseling Course production update; 02:58 - Why following us on Facebook and Twitter will help us publish books; 07:18 - Introduction to my project to help pastors prevent abortions in their churches.

    Related Links:

    Photo Album: Equal Rights Institute Turns Four Information about Josh's upcoming speaking events in Ohio and Berkeley Click here to like us on Facebook Click here to follow us on Twitter Article: One Thing Every Pastor Can Do to Prevent Abortions in Their Congregation Pastor Pledge Landing Page Click here to donate to Equal Rights Institute Contact Us form Click here to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes.
  • Timothy Brahm explains how now more than ever, pro-choice advocates are turning to the back alley abortion argument. Watch this video to learn how to respond graciously and persuasively.

    Related Links:

    Audio Blog: Bodily Rights Arguments Necessitate Extremism Blog Article: Bodily Rights Arguments Necessitate Extremism

    Click here to follow Timothy on Twitter.

    ERI Website:

    ERI Blog:

    ERI Course:

  • Josh Brahm gives a mini ERI update because we're making some changes that will impact this podcast schedule.

    ERI Website: https://EqualRightsInstitute.com

    ERI Blog: https://Blog.EqualRightsInstitute.com

    ERI Course: https://EquippedCourse.com

  • When the first Women’s March happened in 2017, Rachel was a senior in College. She was taking women’s studies classes, so she was surrounded by people who were promoting, organizing, and going to the Women’s March. She felt immersed in that culture, and it was a really interesting experience for her.

    This post, inspired by that experience, takes that Women’s March and pro-choice activism and looks at what pro-life advocates can learn from what they did right and discusses what we should do differently.

    Related Links:

    Read the Washington Post article about the Women's March removing New Wave Feminists from the list of official sponsors:

    See the list of Women's March partners and sponsors:

    Josh Brahm: Fetus Tunnel Vision: 4 Reasons Pro-Lifers Need to Stop Doing This:

    Share the original article:

    ERI Website:

    ERI Blog:

    ERI Course: