
  • Today, I want to chat about something that might not be the picture-perfect family life we often imagine: divorce. We all envision a loving, committed partnership raising happy kids, but for many, that’s not the reality.

    If you’re in a relationship that’s run its course or has turned negative, you might be wondering if staying for the kids is the right choice or how to move forward. I recently spoke with Kim Korven, who’s been through it all – a retired lawyer and judge, mom, divorcee, and judo coach. Kim’s approach to divorce is different. She doesn’t treat it as just a legal issue. Instead, she helps parents see themselves as the CEOs of their families, using divorce as a tool to improve relationships and help everyone thrive, even in tough situations like dealing with coercive control, narcissism, or mental health challenges.

    We talked about:

    Kim’s own divorce journey and how she kept her kids' well-being front and center. The real impact of divorce on kids and how to create a healthy environment for them, even if it means ending a bad relationship. Tips for communicating with a partner who might not be on the same page. Making choices that honor everyone’s well-being. Divorce isn’t ideal, but sometimes it’s necessary.

    Divorce isn’t ideal, but sometimes it’s necessary. Our conversation with Kim is packed with insights on how to navigate this tough time with your kids’ best interests at heart and maintain healthy communication. Even if divorce isn’t on your horizon, there’s a lot here about relationships and communication that can benefit anyone.

    If you found this episode helpful, please subscribe, leave a review, and share it with anyone who might need Kim’s wisdom. New episodes drop every Tuesday. Until next time, stay heartful and intentional in your parenting and relationships.



    Links & Resources Mentioned in this episode:

    Kim Korven’s YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiHQSHzsPT9S2AzOC8EIaRA

    Flow Chart for Amicable Divorce: https://www.kimkorven.com/free-gift

    Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/theheartfulparent

  • Hey there, Heartful Parent podcast fam! Welcome back to another enriching episode of the Heartful Parent podcast. And to our newcomers, a warm welcome! Whether you discovered us through the recent Safe Parenting Summit or stumbled upon us by chance, I'm truly grateful for your presence and excited to dive into today's conversation.

    Parenthood, partnerships, and our professional endeavors—they all weave together to shape who we are. Today's guest, Uwe Dockhorn, embodies this holistic approach to life.

    Hailing from Germany, Uwe is not just a mental health advocate and executive coach; he's the mastermind behind the AIM Experience—a coaching program tailored for busy executives and their VIPs (Very Important Partners). With over 17,000 sessions under his belt across three continents, Uwe's three-part coaching model has proven its effectiveness in reigniting career momentum while fostering joy and intimacy at home.

    In our conversation, Uwe opens up about a deeply personal journey that illuminated the importance of simultaneously releasing the past and embracing new opportunities—a lesson we can all learn from. We delve into the profound wisdom of finding balance and how it can propel us forward in both our professional and personal lives.

    Uwe shares insights on how his coaching empowers clients to not only excel in their careers but also cultivate thriving relationships at home. From reigniting passion to navigating challenging seasons, his approach offers a roadmap to rediscovering joy and connection.

    Whether you're seeking career advancement or longing to deepen your bond with your partner, there's hope, and Uwe's wisdom serves as a guiding light on this journey.

    Connect with Uwe: https://www.uwedockhorn.com/

    And if you are in need of parenting support, please reach out to me at

    [email protected] or find me at theheartfulparent.com.

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  • Hey there, lovely listeners! Get ready for another episode of the The Heartful Parent Podcast. Today, we're joined by Trunnis Goggins, a parent, educator, and all-around awesome human being.

    After the devastation of losing his oldest daughter, Trunnis slipped into a world of confusion and darkness. However, with soul-searching, he was able to rediscover his purpose and strive to help others deal with challenging and tragic situations arising from parenting and quite frankly everyday life. Trunnis now lives in Asheville North Carolina and is privileged to be with his oldest grandson who lost his mother the same time Trunnis lost his daughter.

    Trunnis is pulling back the curtain on his journey through parenthood, sharing stories of raising a big family, navigating loss, and finding strength through it all. He's all about communication, teamwork, and embracing each child's unique path in life.

    As Trunnis dives into his "Four P's" – purpose, planning, passion, and persistence – he dishes out some real talk about parenting. From coaching hockey to guiding his own kids and grandkids, he's learned that it's all about rolling with the punches and never giving up.

    Throughout our chat, Trunnis emphasizes the importance of creating open spaces for emotions and fostering togetherness within the family. And hey, if you're hungry for more of Trunnis's wisdom, head over to his website for even more insights and inspiration.

    And if you are in need of parenting support, please reach out to me at [email protected] or find me at theheartfulparent.com.

    Connect with Trunnis


  • Have you ever been so distracted by your phone that you’ve missed important moments in your child’s life?

    Today’s guest knows just what that feels like. Joey Odom joins me to talk about phone distraction and how it impacts our children’s lives.

    Joey missed his son’s first soccer goal because he was looking at his phone, he had a realization: his phone was getting in the way of his best intentions as a Dad and husband. Since then, he has been on a journey to change his relationship with his phone so that he can change his most important relationships in life. He and friend, fellow Dad, and co-founder, Heath Wilson (co-founder of eVestment, a NASDAQ company), started Aro to help create a new generation of intentional families. Since launching in October 2022, Aro has been adopted by thousands of families across the country, helping parents model healthy habits for their kids, be more present with their families, and set their kids up for success with technology.

    During our conversation we talked about:

    Setting boundaries and prioritizing face-to-face interactions.

    Tips for modeling positive behavior for children.

    Balancing screens and connections in modern parenting.

    Strategies for intentional parenting amidst digital distractions

    So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and join us as we explore the intersection of technology and family life on this journey toward intentional parenting in the digital age.

    And to learn more about Aro visit https://www.goaro.com/



  • Hey Heartful Parents,

    As we wrap up April, I wanted to share a fun topic: Using Music in Parenting. Today’s guest, Samantha Foote is a board-certified music therapist that explores the transformative role of music in parenting.

    During our conversation we talk about:

    Crafting emotion-based songs using GarageBand

    Creating playlists for different emotion states

    Using Drum talks to facilitate non-verbal communication

    Samantha also focuses on how the power of music can ease transition between activities and connecting with neurodivergent children.

    Throughout the conversation, Samantha discusses the importance of prioritizing connection over correction in parenting. Her personal stories underscore the profound impact music can have on fostering emotional awareness and family harmony.

    For more insights and resources, visit Samantha's website, https://www.boisemusictherapycompany.com/ and tune in to her podcast, "Every Brain is Different."



    P.S. And don’t miss out there’s still time to register for The Safe Parenting Summit! You can sign up here: https://thesafeparentingsummit.com

    This FREE virtual summit is your chance to gain valuable knowledge, connect with like-minded parents, and elevate your parenting game!

  • Hey Heartful Parents,

    Today, I've got a guest on the show who's tackling a topic that's not always easy to talk about—pornography. Yep, I said it. It's a subject that often gets swept under the rug, especially when it comes to conversations with our kids or within our own relationships.

    Let's face it, discussing porn can be uncomfortable, even controversial. But here's the thing: when we dig into the facts, the evidence, the science, things start to become clearer. And that's exactly what we're going to do today.

    So, let me introduce you to our guest, Parker Hymas. Parker is with an organization called Fight the New Drug, a nonprofit that's all about raising awareness on the harmful effects of pornography using science, facts, and real-life stories.

    Parker's got a knack for connecting with people and driving positive change. With his background in communications and his passion for community engagement, he's been spreading the word about Fight the New Drug to audiences far and wide.

    I've been following the incredible work of Fight the New Drug for a while now, so when Parker reached out to chat about it on the podcast, I was thrilled. Look, I get it—this topic can make some folks squirm, especially if they've used porn themselves. But here's the deal: no shame, no judgment. Just important conversations.

    Whether it's talking to our kids or navigating the waters of adult relationships, these conversations matter. And Parker's here to shed some light on it all.

    So, stick around, parents, You're in for a thought-provoking discussion filled with insights and research that might just change the way you think about porn.



    Register for the Safe Parenting Summit happening May 6-10th, 2024! https://thesafeparentingsummit.com/

    Connect with Parker:






  • Hey Parents,

    When was the last time you read to your kids?

    You’re going to want to drop everything and listen to today’s episode all about fostering connections and breaking stereotypes through storytelling.

    I’m sitting down with the wonderful Bunmi Emenanjo and attorney, an entrepreneur, an author and my friend. And you may remember her from last year’s Safe Parenting Summit.

    Bunmi is going to share her journey growing up in Nigeria, where storytelling isn't just a pastime—it's a way of life.

    We chat about the incredible power of cultural storytelling and why it's so important for our kids to hear stories from all around the world. And trust me, she has some amazing insights to share!

    But it's not all serious stuff. We'll also dive into the heartwarming tale behind Bunmi's own book, "I'll See You in Ijebu." Get ready for a story that'll warm your heart and remind you of the joy of family connections.

    Hopefully, this episode will leave you inspired and enthusiastic about reading to your kids, no matter how much time has passed (Even my teenager still likes me to read to her sometimes). I am grateful for your support each and every week and if you need support don’t hesitate to reach out.



    You can grab Bunmi’s book “I’ll See You in Ijebu'' here. https://bookshop.org/p/books/i-ll-see-you-in-ijebu/18919449?ean=9781646868438

    Connect with Bunmi on Instagram


  • Hey Heartful Parents!

    Today we are sharing a past interview with Melissa Griffin. Melissa was part of our Safe Parenting Summit in 2023 and as we gear up for the second annual Safe Parenting Summit I thought it would be great for you to get a sneak peek of what you can expect when you join this year’s Safe Parenting Summit.

    Drawing from her years in Human Resources, Melissa "HR Mom" Griffin is passionate about the importance of raising "Real World-Ready Kids" who can successfully launch into adulthood. She uses humor and real-life examples to help parents and educators build a child's critical life skills and independence from a young age. She believes parents are most effective when they “Stop Parenting and Start Leading.”

    During our conversation we explore practical strategies for guiding our kids towards independence, like role-playing and creating supportive environments for mistakes. Plus, we'll share personal stories and examples to inspire you along the way.

    By the end, you'll have actionable steps to kickstart your child's journey towards independence. And don't forget to mark your calendars for May 6-10th for the Safe Parenting Summit, where experts will share invaluable insights on raising resilient children. You can register for the Summit here: https://thesafeparentingsummit.com/waitlist/

    So, stay tuned for more inspiring conversations and practical guidance on empowering your children for success. See you there, Heartful Parents!

    Connect with Melissa:





  • April's here, and you know what that means - Testicular Cancer Awareness month! So, for our latest episode of The Heartful Parent we're diving deep into a story that'll hit you right in the feels.

    I had the privilege of chatting with Nancy Balin, who wears two hats: she's the Executive Director of The Family Jewels Foundation and, lucky for me, a good friend. Together, we unpacked her stepson Jamieson’s journey through Testicular Cancer—and trust me, it's a rollercoaster.

    Nancy doesn't hold back - she gets real about the importance of catching this stuff early. We're talking about missed diagnoses, delayed treatment, and how it all made a difference for Jamieson's prognosis. And hey, we mix in a bit of gallows humor because life's too short not to laugh, right?

    But in all seriousness, we're sending out a vital message: talk about this stuff! With your kids, your pals, or anyone with a pair of jewels. Early detection saves lives, plain and simple.

    So, grab your tissues (you'll need 'em), and let's talk about the family jewels with Nancy Balin.


    For more information on Testicular Cancer or the Family Jewels Foundation, click here


  • We hear the term self-care a lot, even I talk about it in the work I do with parent coaching. How can self-care really help us be better parents? My conversation today with Siris Raquel Rivas-Verdejo gives us a glimpse into a world of how to prioritize joy and self-care, framed around her experience of growing up with two siblings with special needs.

    Siris is a Family-Child coach, and she does work around the role of communication in building strong family relationships and managing the day-to-day within our family unit. She challenges us to use all of our senses when finding things that bring us joy (which is a form of self-care!), and teaching our kids to do the same. Siris and I also dig into not just communication styles, but how kids communicate with their energy and nonverbal cues.

    You can connect with Siris at her website, on her YouTube channel @sirisraquelrivasverdejo, or by emailing her: [email protected]. And you can also snag a complimentary copy of her eBook Being a Different Possibility for Children: Tools to Help Children Be Successful By Accessing Their Magic and Unique Gifts HERE.



    Follow Siris on YouTube - @sirisraqelrivasverdejo

    Free eBook - Being a Different Possibility for Children

    Email Siris - [email protected]

  • Putting kids on social media -- is it social behavior or exploitative BS? Well it depends. And I brought in two of my favorite fellow podcasters and parent coaches to talk all about it. I welcome Casey O’Roarty and Amy Lang back to The Heartful Parent Podcast today to talk about the #Kidfluencers movement and all the things that are wrong with this use of social media to exploit children.

    This conversation is based on our joint outrage after reading the NY Times article “A Marketplace of Girl Influencers Managed by Moms and Stalked by Men.” And we’re talking about it today to help you navigate the right kind of conversations with your kid, tween, or teen around what is acceptable and “normal” on social media. We are reminding you how to stay curious and teach your kids to think critically about the “water they are swimming in.”

    We also dig into where the “line” is and Casey even wonders if she’s crossed it in some of the work she’s done that has included sharing her kids’ struggles. Catch more with Casey and Amy on their podcasts: Joyful Courage Podcast and Birds+Bees+Kids.

    In order to put a stop to this type of exploitation and child sexual abuse, talk about this topic with people you know. Better yet, pass this episode along to get more people talking!


    NY Times article: A Marketplace of Girl Influencers Managed by Moms and Stalked by Men

    Casey O’Roarty

    Joyful Courage Podcast



    IG - @joyful_courage

    Amy Lang

    Birds+Bees+Kids Podcast



    IG - @birdsandbeeskids

  • Could you use a couple more tools in your toolbox for managing and reducing stress or shifting the energy around your parenting? My guest on this episode of The Heartful Parent Podcast is Rosalyn Acosta, an Energy Healer and Eco-Wellness Travel Planner, who is also the founder of Live, Heal, Travel.

    Rosalyn and I dive into the practice of reiki, which I know we’ve maybe heard of, but possibly don't know much about. It is the practice of using the energy in the body to heal and cleanse your chakras. She explains some mindfulness methods and demonstrates some breathing techniques that can not only help you reduce stress, but get out of a constant state of fight or flight.

    If you are interested in learning more or even booking a reiki session with Rosalyn, you can reach out to her through her website or Instagram @livehealtravel. If you mention The Heartful Parent Podcast, she has some special offers for you on reiki sessions, shamanic energy healing services, crystal reading, and help you plan an eco-wellness trip.

    And if you are in need of parenting support, please reach out to me at [email protected] or find me at theheartfulparent.com.



    Rosalyn on IG - @livehealtravel

    Rosalyn on LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/rosalynsalters

  • Welcome to the Podcast, Jonas Keating! I’m so thrilled to have my husband, one of my very favorite people, on The Heartful Parent Podcast for this episode. He is such a good sport and truly a great podcast guest! He not only answers all my questions, we even have one from our six year old, which turned out to be the hardest question for both of us.

    Jonas shares with us how parenting is different than he expected, his perspective on what makes our family work well, and what it is like being married to someone in the parenting space. He also shares his true north, what guides him as a dad and what he has learned about himself. Tiny spoiler, it’s his Harry Potter house, which also turns out to be his true north!

    This is a special episode for me. It’s a little vulnerable to put my family out there this way, but it all comes from my true belief that we are not meant to do this alone. By sharing my parenting partner with you, I hope you get a glimpse into my support system. I’m here to support you, whether you have a parenting partner or not. You (& your partner) do not have to navigate your parenting journey alone.

    Reach out to me! [email protected]. And if you are ready to give The Heartful Parent Academy a try, use code PODCAST to get your first month for just $7. I would love to see you there.


    The Heartful Parent Academy

  • You’ve heard me say it at the start of every episode: we were never meant to do this alone. Parenting, that is. Finding the support she needed was what saved this week’s guest’s relationship with her daughters and got her on a much better path in parenting. Providencia Lopez is a former client that I had the pleasure of working with when she found herself newly sober and in a very tough spot with parenting. She knew she needed help, and she did the right thing by reaching out to find it.

    Providencia and I dig into the importance of true self-care, not just getting your nails done, but going deeper into what fills your cup so you’re able to show up for your kids. We also touch on how to build connection with your kids (and your partner if you have one) and how to truly repair when we’ve screwed up with our kids, our partner, or even the employee at Forever 21.

    Providencia gets real and vulnerable in this episode, and I appreciate her willingness to share her journey so we can really share the message that we all need support. It is truly my pleasure that I got to be part of her parenting journey. She has come leaps and bounds since I first assigned her to hug her daughter as homework in her first coaching session.

    If you need some support, reach out to me! I would love to hear from you [email protected] or see you in The Heartful Parent Academy. It might just be the community of support that makes the difference for you in your parenting, partnering, or even your professional life.


    Healing Your Providence on IG - @healingyourprovidence

    Providencia on IG - @provi3010

  • First of all, I’m so grateful to all of you, Listeners, for being on the podcast journey with me for one full year of episodes! I’m proud of the episodes I’ve been able to bring you and have so much more to offer. Today’s guest is no exception. I am thrilled to have Lori Sugarman-Li, a fellow Certified Fair Play Facilitator and Family Coach, join me for a great conversation today.

    We dig into the value of unpaid work. And if you are a parent, you are doing unpaid work. Even if parenting is not your only job. Not only is Lori a great advocate for starting the conversation around the value of this work, she has great ideas for how to get into Family Flow. This means making the invisible work more visible, getting your kids involved in “chores” in a way that makes sense to them, and shifting the energy around these undesirable tasks.

    This is not easy work, and if you find yourself in need of support, I would love to see you in The Heartful Parent Academy! You can use code PODCAST to get your first month for just $7.

    And finally, in the interest of keeping The Heartful Parent Podcast going strong, please share this episode with someone who might also need to feel valued in the unpaid work they are doing. A 5 star rating along with a review is also helpful, and greatly appreciated!


    Our Home: The Love, Work, and Heart of Family by Lori Sugarman-Li


    Lori on IG - @ourhomeourpride

    I don’t get paid. So what am I Worth? by Lori Sugarman-Li [LinkedIn. April 5th, 2021]

    Want Great Women Leaders? Help Men Be Better Fathers. by Avivah Wittenberg-Cox [Forbes. June 15, 2021]

    The Heartful Parent Academy

  • Do you know any narcissists? If you do, I’m sure just reading or hearing that word triggers a reaction in you. Did you know there is actually healthy narcissism? Now, before you skip past this episode because of the word narcissism, please hear me when I say you will find the conversation in this episode more fascinating and applicable than you probably expect. I sure did.

    Dr. Mary Ann Little is my guest for this episode, and she is a clinical psychologist with years of experience in private practice and has written books about parenting and children including the book we’re talking about today, Childhood Narcissism: Strategies to Raise Unselfish, Unentitled, Empathetic Children. Who doesn’t want their children to be generous, well-rounded, and empathetic?!

    Dr. Little and I dig into successfully developing the four structures in parenting that will protect against narcissism in your child. She also describes how to find moderation in your parenting with your child’s concept of self, emotional regulation, ability to accurately perceive, and positive modeling of love and relationships. So many good gems in this conversation.

    If you would like to connect with Dr. Mary Ann Little, you can visit her website, drmaryannlittle.com, or find her on Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

    If you find yourself nodding along at any point in this episode, please share it with another parent who might find it useful. Then drop a rating and review so we can reach even more parents who might need support.


    Childhood Narcissism by Dr. Mary Ann Little


    Dr. Little on Twitter - twitter.com/drmaryannlittle

    Dr. Little on Facebook - Dr. Mary Ann Little, author

    Dr. Little on Instagram - @drmaryannlittle

  • Did you know that feng shui is the art of creating a harmonious and healthy home? You might be a skeptic, and that is okay. But if you stop and think about it, your relationship with your space (home, office, bedroom, etc) impacts everything.

    Maybe it’s hard to relax with a lot of clutter. Maybe you can’t unwind in your bedroom because it’s also your office. Maybe your kitchen table is full of kids’ homework and papers to look over. All of this is impacting the energy of your day to day routines.

    Feng Shui Expert Patricia Lohan is my guest today and she is sharing how to bring harmony into our homes and enhance our relationships by embracing a few new techniques within your spaces. In this episode, Patricia and I dig into how the flow of your home impacts your overall energy and atmosphere.

    Patricia gives us a few practical recommendations for how to begin to feng shui your kids’ room, your main living areas, and your bedroom. And she gives three very doable suggestions for how to truly shift the energy in your home right away. If you are as intrigued as me after you listen, check out Patricia’s $9 mini course that you can access from her website.

    I would love to hear from you about this episode or if you find yourself in need of support along your parenting journey. Email me [email protected] or visit theheartfulparent.com to find out about more.



    Feng Shui 101 - $9 mini course

    Patricia on YouTube - @PatriciaLohan

    Patricia on IG - @powerhousefengshui

    Patricia on FB - PatriciaLohan.RestoringYouBack.ToHarmony

  • Most of us wonder what we can do to raise happy, successful kids; the answers aren’t always obvious or easy!

    In this solo episode, we are digging into what the research shows about raising securely attached kiddos who thrive socially, emotionally, and cognitively from preschool through adulthood.

    Not surprisingly, perhaps, the answer starts with us: how we show up is key.

    To help parents do that well, we’re talking today about the 4 S’s, which were developed through the brilliant work of Drs. Dan Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson .

    The 4 S’s are a beautiful framework for thinking about what’s important and how we show up, and provides parents with some clear, concrete strategies for ensuring that we are parenting with presence and connection.

    We can all help our children feel Safe, Seen, Soothed, and Secure; I’m sharing why it’s important, how to do it, and some successes and learning moments for me as a mom.

    As always, I would love to support you. If you need help with the 4 S’s or anything else in parenting, please reach out [email protected] or come see how The Heartful Parent Academy can give you the support and sense of community you might need.

    The Power of Showing Up by Dr. Dan Siegel and Dr. Tina Bryson

  • Can you relate to feeling angry, exhausted, overwhelmed? I’m betting every parent has! And maybe you’ve even lost it on your kids or your partner. Cue the shame spiral. We’ve truly all been there, but we can’t let our shame get the best of us!

    On this episode, I have the pleasure of talking about all things overwhelmed, angry, and exhausted with Emily Hughes, a Conscious Parent Coach, Somatic Therapist, and mom of two. She and I both share pretty vulnerable stories about times we’ve had all-out-rage just take over. Again, cue shame spiral. Like I said, we’ve ALL been there!

    Here is the good part! Emily and I dig into not only when this happens, but why. She shares all about the role of shame and how it could be contributing to anger and reactivity in your parenting. And she also shares how we can get back into our bodies in these moments to begin to break that cycle. Emily also explains how getting clear on your values might explain some of the anger you are experiencing.

    This is a great conversion for anyone who feels stuck in their angry, exhausted, and overwhelmed state and wants to get unstuck. And I walked away feeling so much more seen and understood, and much less alone in some of those tough emotions.

    You can connect with Emily for more support or you can reach out to me! I would love to hear from you [email protected]. If you sign up for my newsletter, you’ll get great resources and tips delivered right to your inbox each week! Sign up HERE.



    Emily on IG - @findingflowparenting

    Emily on Facebook - facebook.com/FindingFlowParenting

    FREE Masterclass - Stop Yelling and Start Thriving

  • Sugar Dating?? Have you heard of this? If you have a teen, tween, young adult, or someone who is going to grow into one, you’ll want to hear this! My good friends and colleagues, Amy Lang and Casey O’Roarty, and I are talking about something just a little disturbing today, and that is the concept of Sugar Dating.

    We dig into what it is exactly, how it is being facilitated through the internet, why adolescent brains are NOT equipped to really understand the reality of this, and finally how and when to talk to your kids about these types of topics. Even if it’s not sugar dating, we can’t wait until our kids hit their late teen years to begin these conversations. We have to start framing how they think about sex and relationships much earlier.

    We cannot control (unfortunately) what they think and the actions they will ultimately take, but we CAN ask the right questions in order to help start framing how they think about sex and relationships. Casey, Amy, and myself are telling you what questions to ask and when to start asking them so you can pave the way for your teen/tweens’ underdeveloped brains to THINK about things like how sugar dating fits into the picture of a healthy relationship.

    Quick disclaimer: This is an episode that aired on Casey O’Roarty’s Joyful Courage Podcast in December of 2023. It is such an important topic and great conversation, I decided to share it here too.

    To learn more about all the fabulous work that Casey and Amy do, you can catch their podcasts or visit each of their websites (links are listed below).

    And if you are in a place where you could use some parenting support or are part of an organization that could use some parenting education around brain or body safety, please reach out to me [email protected] or visit my website: theheartfulparent.com.


    Casey O’Roarty

    Joyful Courage Podcast



    IG - @joyful_courage

    Amy Lang

    Birds+Bees+Kids Podcast



    IG - @birdsandbeeskids