
  • Circa 2016 Anthony Fauci "predicted" that the next president would be faced with a killer pandemic. Actually, it wasn't a prediction but the establishment of a planned future event. The election of Donald Trump probably precipitated in an early release of the prior plandemic. It is no doubt that the plandemic had been blueprinted into the script for a world takeover by the elites. Last week, Joe Biden stated that he wants to direct more money to the development of a new vaccine. He also stated that this new vaccine will be one that works, which is an admission that the prior vaccines did not work. It is no secret that there is another plandemic is blueprinted into the 2025/2026 future event or our nation and our world. The illuminati and elites always somehow show their plans for society and/or society's demise. The call for a new vaccine for a new specific. With a surety of a new plandemic being touted to the world we have a pretty good idea that Trump will govern again. Let’s look at some plans of how this whole thing might play out and if in their attempt to destroy Trump and Earth’s population, it could lead to a worldwide revolt against the elites.

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  • I’ve been holding off and not saying that I believe that we are in a full-blown civil war, but I think that it’s time to make such a declaration. Some would like to call the need to fight, a revolution, but that definition doesn’t fit. Revolutions replace current systems with new systems. Americans simply want to reestablish our nation’s identity and to establish again the Constitution as our ultimate law of the land. For this reason, the term Civil War is more fitting. What has occurred in effect is the government has declared war on the people at large and they seek to take change our system to something that Americans cannot accept, that is socialism and using that as a fast-stepping stone into communism. The present regime has attacked the people, burning down our towns, grabbing the land through eminent-domain and creating a system of serfdom for anyone who will bow down to the system. The current regime has destroyed American business infrastructure, it has destroyed our manufacturing base and has turned a once prosperous nation into a banana republic.  This regime is acting as an agent to foreign powers and has sold our nations integrity and trust. Again, we strive for a new birth of freedom, not from a northern aggressor, but from a Deep State economic monstrosity based on demonic thought and intent. May Yahweh bless the Patriotic Front and may he grant us another chance to restore liberty, justice and faith throughout the land. May Yahweh have mercy on our enemies, because we will not.

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  • The Patriotic Military is in a Civil War against other military factions and also with FEMA and other agencies of the Federal Government. The Patriotic Military is holding true to its obligation to the oath that all federal workers have to swear, that they will protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. The originators of the oath were historians and they knew that traitors could rise up in America to cause her destruction. The oath to the Constitution supersedes any commitment or oath to any officer or office of the federal or state governments. Agencies like FEMA and the FBI apparently are not privy to this information or they choose to ignore it, that the parchment that creates and guarantees our nation and its life is the authority, not the president or any other official. Unfortunate for FEMA, they have chosen tyranny and deceit above fidelity and truth. FEMA has a reputation for arriving on the scene of disaster, not to provide help for the victims, but to pillage and plunder and we cannot rule out rape either. Reports are many where FEMA workers have assassinated victims of disaster and they have removed guns and valuables from the victims of those disasters. They have been sanctioned to do so by the heads of FEMA and no doubt FEMA’s superiors. What stands between FEMA and American citizens is the Patriotic Military. These blessed souls fight for us to ensure our liberty and to protect lives and properties. Perhaps someday soon, the Patriotic Military will sanction patriotic citizens the task of fighting for freedom and liberty along with them. Yes, we have that right via the Second Amendment, but having the blessings of those in arms would be comforting. Let’s explore these things this Thursday at 3PM on Opposing The matrix. 

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  • For decades Hawaiians have lived a carefree life. The cares and bothers that plagued mainlanders and Europeans, that Hawaiians successfully avoided are no longer avoidable, they are inevitable. What occurred in Hawaii last week was the revealing of a chessboard and the identities of those who are moving the pieces around. Until recently the games have been kept secret but now that the players are comfortable with their plan, and COVID proved that the public will just roll over like a gopher snake when faced with a genocidal government, there is no need to hide the game any longer. This Tuesday’s show will consist of proof of DEW weapons being used in Hawaii last week. We’ll look at the criminal FEMA organization and how they murdered civilians. We’ll also look at the good guys who went to Hawaii to confront FEMA and the deep state and who sent the Feds packing. Finally, we will see that this was all done to remove the population from Maui so that the Deep State can set up a 15 minute city on Maui to prepare for their corrupt and murderous New World Order. 

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  • This month has been a dry one all over the United States. Not only here, but in Canada, Greece, Portugal and other places. Why so many fires all at once? Don’t blame it on Global Warming. Are these fires planned or could there be a cosmic cause for the fires? Are we witnessing a repeat of the California fires in Santa Rosa and Paradise, but to a much larger scale? Could it be the use of Direct Energy Weapons? Could it be from tidal action from Nibiru.

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  • The real Qanon as we know it started not long after the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. It has been working behind the scenes for that long, waiting for the public to wake up and realize the Matrix that is being forced upon humanity. Who are these good guys? What is their purpose? Is there a Psyop? Is there a counterfeit Qanon attempting to destroy the reputation of the legitimate Qanon? Are there really Military Tribunals going on in Guantanamo and Camp Blaz? Why are the dead still walking among us? We’ll look at these things Tuesday afternoon on Opposing The Matrix. Show airs at 1500 Pacific Time.

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  • In our last broadcast we talked about the personalities behind the Agenda For World Domination. We saw that it isn’t just evil satanic deviates that are trying to promote and control the agenda, it is fallen angels and demons that are involved also. For decades, centuries and even millennia these personages worked in the shadows, hiding because they feared the majority of humanity. In these last days they have gotten bold. The rats and roaches have moved out of the shadows and into the light of day to perform their wickedness in rebellion toward Yahweh. As always, their victims have been the weaker people in society, women and children. Tonight (Friday) we will be looking at how these abominations and how they victimize women and children. We will look at their ceremonies and some of the key players both here in America and overseas. First, before I invite you to follow along with the reading, The link for this article is https://stopworldcontrol.com/abuse/ I’d like to say that tonight’s broadcast leaves little to the imagination. Aside from a few pictures that show questionable activity during their celebrations, there is blood and there are pictures of children in situations where they have been rescued and are in their original environment underground and such and a few other questionable pictures. Because of this I will not allow anyone under 18 to view these images as much as I can prevent it. If such things make you queasy, you might want to avoid the video show and listen to the audio show instead, which can be found later in the evening at acast.com. 

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  • We must understand that organizations like the World Economic Forum are in reality a storefront for entities who operate behind the scenes. Throughout human history, there have been psychopaths who lusted for world domination - i.e., Egyptian Pharaohs, Roman Emperors, Russian Tsars, European Kings, and so on. For thousands of years, freedom never existed on earth, as the entire world was always ruled by tyrants who oppressed the people. In Europe, these rulers lived in luxurious castles, while the peasants worked hard in the fields. Most of what they produced went to the wealthy tyrants. In reality, the rulers never gave up their power; they have simply manipulated elections in order to position their political puppets, who dance on their strings. We will examine the rulership of the world as it exists now, and how it will be liberated by the only truly sovereign leader, the King of King and Lord of Lords. The show starts on Tuesday at 1500 Pacific time.

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  • This is really the sixty four thousand dollar question. Both men claim to have won the election although Trump did get close to eighty million votes and Biden says that he got over that amount. On inauguration day the departing president usually attends the inauguration after which he hands the Nuclear Football off to the incoming president, however, Trump left Washington early and never handed the football to Biden. Trump has been calling world leaders and acting like he’s president by making deals and policy while Biden sows destruction. Trump is in contact with Putin while Biden doesn’t do that even if he could remember his name and his mission. Trump never conceded the election to Biden. Maybe we can come up with some answers this Thursday on Opposing The Matrix. The show starts at 1500 hours.

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  • For the last couple of decades, we have been bombarded with messages that state we are warming the Earth and it is leading to an unprecedented climate change that could make the planet uninhabitable. Scripturally speaking, the ending of mankind’s dominion on earth comes about much differently, and it doesn’t end with the extinction of the human race. It will be a near extinction event, but not the way that science portrays. So, what is the answer to stop mankind’s supposed destruction of planet earth. Many suggest that the wise route is to get rid of what they call fossil fuel devices. Many say that an abrupt change in our transportation habits will save the earth. They propose that humans should abandon the use of all gas fuels and that everyone should drive electric cars, that deliveries should arrive via electric trucks and that homes and businesses should only have electrical devices. Are there problems with such an idea? Does America have the infrastructure to support such a tax on the electrical grid? How is most power generated? What powers the car recharge stations? How many different hookup standards are there? What affects driving electric cars the most? Let’s look at these things Tuesday afternoon on Opposing The Matrix.

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  • Why do things and events sometimes seem out of place? Some videos show people just popping into our reality. Others show birds, planes and helicopters in suspended flight. Why do things that have happened in the last twenty years seem not quite right? Everything seems just a little bit off kilter. One could also surmise that the Mandela Effect, if there is such a thing would be part of a simulated reality. And what about Deja vu? Have we seen this simulation before? Have we been privy to the script at an earlier time? Parallel universes and/or realities come with inherent problems. How do they present themselves and do they negate the idea of other realities. Let’s look at these things in this episode of Opposing The Matrix.

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  • Times are changing for sure. Are these changes natural or are they manmade or manipulated by a few people who would love to change the world? Of recent, news is being made by people like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tucker Carlsen, supporting claims by Alex Jones that chemicals in drinking water is changing animals biologically. If this is true then it explains a lot of questions that people have had about people that see their gender as something that their appearance does strongly discounts. Can chemicals have this affect? Where would these chemicals come from? Did the manufacturers of these chemicals truly research their products or did they throw caution to the wind? Are people like Kennedy, Carlsen and Jones shouting “conspiracy theory,” or are they alerting us to what is a clear and present danger?

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  • If you check out the internet for any length of time you will discover that there are quite a few people that state that there will soon be a false alien invasion. I have wondered this very thing for at least the past thirty years. There are certain criteria that have to be met by the real Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ). One of those criteria is that Yeshua will return when Israel is at great peril and they face utter destruction. Another of the criteria is that Yeshua will return by coming in the clouds (or in similar manner) as when he left. He will fight on behalf of Israel and will destroy their enemies. The Anti-Messiah will convince the world that he’s Yeshua by using counterfeit signs. And what about the Abomination that causes Desecration? Will it be some sort of alien technology that astounds the people of Earth? Will it be something produced by using AI or will it be AI itself? Will it be the first AI to possess 

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  • The US Navy has gone woke. It uses transgender actors to recruit for service in the Navy. The Army too is accepting transgenders as recruits. Soldiers have to take sensitivity training so they won’t “offend” gender-oriented people. Services are dumbing down entrance tests to accept dropouts and willfully uneducated people. The services are reducing their physical requirements and soon soldiers can be obese allowing people to be unhealthy battlefield combatants. And, to top it off, nobody can get into the service unless they are vaccinated with the COVID-19 kill shot, and, perfectly healthy unvaccinated service members are being kicked out of the service sometimes taking decades worth of skills with them into the private sector where conditions are many times worse than the military. Why is this happening? Are these moves deliberate? Is Biden and his general cronies purposefully trying to destroy our military? Will double shot and double boosted obese soldiers drop dead on the battlefield? Are mentally ill transgender individuals a danger to normal soldiers? Are we the laughingstock of the military world? We’ll look at these things Thursday on Opposing The Matrix. The show airs live at 3PM Pacific.

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  • From 1946 to 1989 Russia, in the form of The Soviet Union was our sworn enemy. The end goal was to see which empire would end first. With the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990’s that contest should have been decided in favor of The United States and The West. This was however not the plan that the Elites had for the two nations. Russia was supposed to wane and die and to be replaced by decolonialized union of nations made up of Western Russia, Siberia Russia and Western Russia. Putin came to power with nationalist intentions not to let NATO’s plan come to fruition. He’s doing what every leader should do, and that is to look out for his people and forsake all others if needed. Russia was baited into attacking Ukraine because the West was encroaching on the borders of Russia and their plans were not noble, in fact their plans are insidious. Tonight, on the eve or a possible third world war, we will examine how we got to this place and we’ll expose Biden’s and the West’s plans that they are insisting must happen, even if it doesn’t. 

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  • All over the world people have been hearing strange and creepy noises. Those who have tried to investigate these noises cannot find their origin. What could be causing these sounds? Is it the sound of tectonic plates moving or maybe magma moving up into vents? Is it the work of HAARP or maybe that of aliens? Maybe it is the sound of solar activity or perhaps that of intergalactic waves? And what about the Schumann Resonance? This sound that is put out by Earth is said to have a soothing and maybe healing property. Could it have something to do with the creepy sounds that we will talk about? Tuesday we will look at these possible explanations and others too. The show will air at 3:00 PM Pacific which will probably be our new air time for Tuesday and Thursday. Come and check us out and participate in the live chat. See you then.

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  • Over the past two or three months a great deal of large military equipment has been seen traveling by way of railroad flatcars. In addition to that, some cities here in the States have seen troops and personnel carriers driving around neighborhoods. Fighter jets and air transports have been seen as have Marine Corp Osprey’s and helicopters. It is clear that something is in the works. What is not clear is who is orchestrating all of these moves. Join us this Thursday night at 7:30 PM.

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  • Bill Gates (of Hell) isn’t happy by being one of the richest men in the world with all that his status would afford. Now it is as if he would be happier with all of that money along with the power to cull humankind by 90+ percent. So, he’s at it again, not with COVID-19 injections, but with a vaccine for TB that he’s using Africans for guineapigs to test. Still yet, he’s decided to experiment with mosquitos; tweaking their DNA to make them infertile and to breed them out of existence so that they cannot pass on malaria. Trouble is, it has caused the mosquitos become super-mosquitos that are more vigorous than their predecessors. And, to put some icing on the cake, for the first time in 30 years, there are now malaria cases in Florida and Texas. You can’t make this stuff up. Is this one of the new ways that Gates and his cohorts will use to reduce the population of humans on Earth? Will Gates (of Hell) ever be held accountable for these genocidal actions? Let’s look at these things this Monday on Opposing The Matrix. Show starts at 7PM Pacific – No show on Tuesday due to July 4th Holiday.

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  • George Soros seems to be the poster child for the Deep State, or shall I say the New World Order. He is hated both in Russia and in the United States. He and his cohorts corrupted the election of 2020 and the Deep State has been pretty good at maligning Donald Trump as well as Vladimir Putin. A coup that the NWO orchestrated last week almost started a civil war in Russia and they try constantly to ignite a civil war here in the states. Why does the NWO want to erase Russia and America? Should the USA and Russia join forces to put an end to the NWO? Could such an alliance happen with the players that are currently controlling things? Would the return of Trump place everything more on an even keel? Brian and Dave will look at these things this Friday night on Opposing The Matrix. The show starts at 7PM Pacific.

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  • This week on the San Francisco Bay a group of Navy Seals breached a ship’s security, killed the guards and rescued hundreds of children. What you might not know is that this sort of thing happens almost daily. Why does the MSM fail to cover this subject and report it? Is it because they are pedophiles too? Is it because many of those in higher positions are satanists? They most know that if they started to report this crime the whole socialist agenda in this nation would crumble to dust to be blown away by the wind. Who are the individuals that free the children? Why do they do what they do? Tonight we will look at these things on Opposing The Matrix. Program airs at 7PM Pacific.

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