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Starseed Radio is a action based radio show with a plan to help build self empowerment of one's self, family and there community through ancient knowledge, secret information and technology to sustain the planet. The commentator Jonah Bolt covers the latest in World News, Conscious Living, Health & Wellness, Earth Changes, Global Events, New Technologies, Spirituality, Sustainable Practices, Esoteric Topics, Holistic Practitioners, Healers & Galactic News. Featuring ground breaking Conscious content that includes Environmental and Social Change movements, Activism and getting people more actively involved in their communities to make substantial change.
Starseed Radio is hosted by Jonah Bolt, a modern day renaissance man. Jonah has traveled to over 40 countries world-wide, Has toured the US for motivational speaking, TV & Radio Interviews globally and has been published over a dozen times for his poetry and other writings. Given his grace and energy toward people awakening to what is happening in this world, Jonah is inspired to help empower people through sustainability of Food, Water, FREE Energy and Education around the globe. He has built a massive network of people who also want to gather the masses to make substantial change aboard Spaceship Earth. Starseed Radio has hosted some of the world's top doctors, scientist's, spiritual leaders, presidential candidates, music artists, authors, visionaries, activists, and other special guests. Over the past 5 years of Starseed Radios broadcast, the show is now reaching listeners in over 162 countries. -
TUSMØRKETIMEN er en podcast om dét, der gemmer sig i skumringen. I første sæson dykker vi dybt ned i den danske folklore. Vi undersøger forskellige væsner fra folketroen – fra oldtid til nutid. Ét væsen per episode. Podcasten er udarbejdet af forfatterne Sidsel Katrine Slej og Haidi Wigger Klaris som hver især interesserer sig for henholdsvis det historiske aspekt og den spirituelle vinkel.
Atheists and "Freethinkers" discuss topical events, and share personal experiences.
Hosted by DaRohn Sercey.
This Podcast was created using www.talkshoe.com -
Gennem vores prædikener ønsker vi at udruste og udfordre til et discipelliv med Jesus.
With reports from around the globe, CBN News Miday features the latest news in politics, religion, finance and more. Watch 24/7 at cbnnewschannel.com
With reports from around the globe, CBN News Tonight features the latest news in politics, religion, finance and more. Watch 24/7 at cbnnewschannel.com
With reports from around the globe, CBN News Morning, Midday, and Tonight features the latest news in politics, religion, finance and more. Watch 24/7 at cbnnewschannel.com
Reflections on God's Love for the Poor and Marginalized - As Orthodox Christians, we are called to act in love towards those scarred by the world's injustice. This monthly podcast explores biblical and patristic writings dealing with social justice and applies them to current situations around the world.
Som teenager blev Samia sendt på genopdragelsesrejse til Pakistan. Forud lå flere års konflikt med hendes familie. Informations Anton Geist interviewer politikere, meningsdannere og eksperter om social kontrol med udgangspunkt i bogen ’Genopdragelsen’, der opruller Samias historie.
Du kan læse et uddrag af bogen på https://information.dk/genopdragelsen og købe selve bogen på https://butik.information.dk. -
The Enlightenment Evolution Network ( The EEN ) was created in 2013 by Rob Gauthier, the ET Whisperer, who was inspired to create a network of many types of shows that all showcased and explored all of the different aspects of our spiritual journey. His idea came from the show he started on Internet Radio called The Enlightenment Evolution Hour. (formerly known as The Rob & George Enlightenment Evolution Show) After the start of the Network announcement Rob Added 5 new shows to the network including shows similar to Rob’s about channeling and metaphysics, With Famed Channeler Daneil Scranton starting his own show called “ Heart To Heart Radio. And the other shows on the spectrum in UFO and Conspiracy called “Disclosure Now” with Pied Pipe and Texas Rebel. Rob’s wife and partner, Kalina Angell who is also a channeler had her own show called “The Earth Experience With Kalina Angell”. Even a spiritual business financial show was on the network. And all things between this huge spectrum of topics. Every topic on spirituality was covered.
Eventually the network got up to 14 shows, 2 per day with over 282,000 viewers. With the success this brought to all of the hosts, and Rob and Kalina, with the birth of their new child, they took a hiatus from running the network. Rob returned to hosting his own show, The Enlightenment Evolution Hour ( EEH ) on April 13th 2022 and soon went from a once monthly show to a weekly show again, and now opens the entire network again. -
Hver ukedag gir Forklart deg en grundig forklaring av én nyhet på bare 15 minutter. Aftenpostens journalister gir deg en rask oppdatering og hjelper deg med å forstå hvordan ting henger sammen.
Forklart er gratis, finnes overalt og er én av landets største podkaster.
Har du spørsmål eller tilbakemeldinger? Ta kontakt på [email protected]
Husk at du kan lytte til Genstarts aktuelle episode – først i app’en DR Lyd. DR's nyhedspodcast.Tidens største og vigtigste nyhedshistorier.Få et unikt indblik i én aktuel historie, få den fortalt fra starten og få besvaret de spørgsmål, du ikke anede, du ønskede svar på. Alle hverdage og søndage - fra klokken 03:00.
Velkommen til Astropod. En ugentlig podcast om astrologi og andre spirituelle nørderier. Tilrettelæggelse og værter: Marianne Gellert og Amalie Bendixen. Optagelse, mix og redigering: Mathias Sørensen. Titelmusik: Empha Jomsø.
Henover de kommende år, vil Michael Jeppesen og filosof Rasmus Ugilt simpelthen læse sig igennem hele Bibelen, fra ende til anden. Som hvis man skal spise en hval, vil de tage en lille bid af Biblen hver dag, og så diskutere skriftstedet i bund, alt sammen for at blive så klog på Bibelen som muligt.
Højt humør, ærlige analyser og en yderst selektiv gennemgang af verdens tilstand. Leveret ugentligt af Peter Falktoft og Esben Bjerre
For dig som er nysgerrig på det, der ikke nødvendigvis kan måles og vejes. I hvert afsnit taler jeg med en ekspert inden for et spirituelt område og bliver klogere på, hvad det drejer sig om.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
24syv Dokumentar er resultatet af ugens samlede Råbånd - klippet sammen til en dokumentar på en time.
En monteret udsendelse, hvor de syv råbånd er klippet sammen til en helstøbt dokumentar. Redaktør og tovholder på konceptet er Mikkel Clausen. -
Det går ad helvedes til med verden - eller hvad? Jeg hedder Esben Bjerre, og i denne podcast udfordrer jeg min pessimisme og undersøger, hvordan det egentlig går med at afskaffe sult og fattigdom, reducere uligheder, sikre god uddannelse og bedre sundhed til alle, anstændige jobs og mere bæredygtig økonomisk vækst. Og meget mere. Er det himmelråbende naivt, eller kan det lade sig gøre? Podcasten er udgivet af PlanBørnefonden med støtte fra Danida. Produceret af Filt CPH.
B.T.s Henrik Qvortrup endevender de mest diskuterede historier om mediernes rolle.
- sammen med en kendt medieperson i Danmark.Vi mener, at medier altid skal tage ansvar. -
Hver lørdag får Esben Kjær besøg af skiftende gæster, der giver ugens nyheder med grovfilen og sætter dem i et skarpt og ofte satirisk lys.