Do you work in medicine and love patient care but feel like parts of the job don’t measure up? Stimulus equips you with tools, mindset shifts, and strategies they didn’t teach you in training—so you can practice medicine like a boss, flourish in your career, and not let it crush your soul. Emergency physician and executive coach Rob Orman, MD, goes in-depth with thought leaders on how to avoid burnout, improve communication, lead without drama, and stay calm amidst the storm. Don’t just suck it up, think differently.
Månedsskriftet henvender sig til praktiserende læger, yngre læger og ansatte i almen praksis.
The landscape of Intensive care is changing. In the era of evidence based medicine, we try to make best possible decision for our patients based on best available evidence. Every fortnight, Dr Swapnil Pawar & Dr Jose Chacko will bring you one hot topic in Critical care. If you want to stay up to date with recent evidence or learn how to critically evaluate the literature in critical care, this podcast is for you.
The ASCO Education Podcast features expert conversations on the most talked-about topics in oncology today from physician burnout, medical cannabis, COVID and cancer and more…
Long Live The Brains (LLTB) was created by Dr. Philip Tipton, a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic; and, it is currently produced & co-hosted by Dr. Tipton & Kandice Jacobs Robinson, Florida licensed funeral director and Dementia Friendly America Champion. Both Dr. Tipton & Kandice have a passion for neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. These diseases are particularly cruel and can impair how a person moves, thinks, and responds to their environment. Neurodegenerative diseases are the epidemic of our time. The shared goals of the LLTB co-hosts are: (1) to address society's lack of awareness for these diseases and the abundance of inaccurate information about them and (2) to create a sense of community among patients, their caregivers and others poised to serve in a support capacity. The podcast is mostly interview-based to provide listeners with a 360 degree look at what neurodegenerative diseases are and how they affect the lives of patients and loved ones. The podcast will also keep listeners up to date on the state of healthcare, research involved in the care and study of these diseases, and resources available to those impacted. Content of this podcast is created by Kandice Jacobs Robinson, LFD & Philip Tipton, MD and does not represent the Mayo Clinic or any other institution. Graphic design by Megan Tipton. Music production by Robert McMinn. Instrumentalists include Robert McMinn on bass guitar, Bret Barnes on lead guitar, and Philip Tipton on drums.
Hvordan skaber vi et endnu bedre sundhedsvæsen?
Og hvordan skaber vi mere værdi for både borgere, patienter og personalet i de danske kommuner og regioner?
Podcasten FORBEDRINGER sætter i fem afsnit fokus på, hvordan du systematisk kan arbejde med at forbedre kvalitet og patientsikkerhed i sundhedsvæsenet. I hvert afsnit bliver du præsenteret for konkrete eksempler fra hele landet, og du kan finde inspiration i de mange guldkorn, de erfarne fagfolk kommer med.
Lyt med når Vibeke Rischel, vicedirektør for Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed, og Lars Oberländer, chefkonsulent på Odense Universitetshospital, introducerer dig for alt det forbedringsarbejde, der foregår i Danmark.
Podcasten er skabt i samarbejde med Lukas Bjerg, producent i LYDTRYK. -
Welcome to the Centre for Personalised Medicine podcast, where we explore the promises and pitfalls of personalised medicine and ask questions about the ethical and societal challenges it creates.
The Centre for Personalised Medicine is a partnership between the University of Oxford’s Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics and St Anne’s College, Oxford. It is a communication, engagement and research vehicle for students, academics, clinicians, the public and policy makers to explore the benefits and challenges of personalised medicine. The Centre’s principal aim is to explore personalised medicine from a range of perspectives.
In the pilot series, we interviewed members of the Centre for Personalised Medicine advisory board about their careers and their views on personalised medicine.
In our current series, we speak to researchers in the Clinical Ethics, Law and Society group at Oxford and Southampton to hear about their work on the different ethical and societal issues within personalised medicine. -
Hestedyrlægerne er podcasten for dig, der er dyrlæge eller veterinærsygeplejerske og arbejder med heste. I podcasten møder vi eksperter inden for forskellige områder, og vores ambition er at stille de spørgsmål, du ønsker svar på, og tale om ting, som du har praktisk brug for i din hverdag som hestedyrlæge eller veterinærsygeplejerske.
Nye afsnit vil blive udgivet med jævne mellemrum, så tryk på "subscribe" i din podcast-afspiller, så du ikke går glip af et afsnit!
Denne podcast er produceret af Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Nordics. Hvis du har et forslag til et kommende tema eller en gæst eller bare gerne vil give feedback på podcasten, kan du kontakte
Glem heller ikke at se på vores hjemmeside Der finder du som dyrlæge masser af gratis materialer, flere podcasts, webinarer og indbydelser til kurser. -
Dr Elaina George is Board certified Otolaryngologist who started Peachtree ENT Center with a mission to practice state of the art medicine that is available to everyone. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Biology. She received her Masters degree in Medical Microbiology at Long Island University, and received her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. Dr George completed her residency at Manhattan, Eye Ear & Throat Hospital. Her training included general surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital, pediatric ENT at The NY-Presbyterian Hospital, and head and neck oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. She has published in several scientific journals and presented her research at national meetings.
В этом подкасте обсуждаем все, что касается обучения косметологов, новинок в косметологии и новых техник для косметологов.
Мы будем говорить о том, какие навыки и знания необходимы для того, чтобы стать успешным косметологом. Мы расскажем о нашей школе и программах обучения, которые помогут вам развивать свои навыки и получать новые знания.
Мы также будем обсуждать новинки в косметологии, такие как новые продукты для ухода за кожей, новые технологии для процедур и новые методики лечения различных проблем кожи. Вы узнаете о последних тенденциях в мире косметологии и какие новшества помогут вам стать более эффективным специалистом.
Новые техники для косметологов также будут в центре нашего внимания.
Если вы являетесь косметологом или интересуетесь косметологией, этот подкаст для вас.
A monthly podcast from the medical journal Contraception highlighting featured research.
The Therapy Insights Podcast offers tools and insights for SLPs, PTs, and OTs working with patients who are experiencing some of the most difficult medical challenges of their lives. In a poll of an interdisciplinary SLP/OT/PT Facebook forum, only about 30% of clinicians reported that they were provided with the opportunity to take a graduate level class focused on counseling techniques to address grief, trauma, and major life transitions. This podcast aims to broaden the scope of understanding by SLPs, PTs, and OTs of current best practices within the counseling community in order to optimize and strengthen the medical field as a whole when it comes to rehabilitation and mental health.
Velkommen til Podcasten Totum og kropsterapien.
En podcast om livet som kropsterapeut, og hvad kropsterapien er, kan hjælpe med og selvfølgelig krop/psyke sammenhængen.
Emnerne vil handle om:
Hvad er kropsterapi? Og krop/psyke sammenhængen
Hvad kan kropsterapi hjælpe med?
Hvem kan have gavn af det?
Hvordan foregår det?
Hvordan er det at uddanne sig til kropsterapeut?
Hvordan er det at starte op som selvstændig kropsterapeut?
Hvordan er det at leve som kropsterapeut?
Og meget andet.
Så podcasten er for dig, som er nysgerrig. Måske ønsker afklaring, inspiration eller mærker at noget inden i dig kalder på en forandring.
Du kan godt lide mennesker, og jeg håber i hvert fald, at du kan lide deres historier, for dem får vi mange af.
Rigtig god fornøjelse -
Hi we're the med-students!
Classically pre-rounding consists of checking vitals, lab work, physical exam, and waking up the patient at an ungodly hour by the medical student. Just like in pre-rounds, we’re trying to figure it out. We’re learning, we win some, and we lose some. But at the end of the day, we become one step closer to becoming ReAl DoCtOrs. The Pre-rounds podcast follows two medical students in their journey through medicine and whatever it hurls at them. This podcast is perfect for pre-meds, medical students, and residents who want to feel nostalgic. Join us as we grow (with pain), learn, develop in medicine, and cultivate community from our first year to our last year.
“Just like in Pre-rounding, we’re trying to figure it out.” - the med students.
We love you much
- Hana and Michael <3
Join Dr. Rosalyn Morrell on her new podcast "Cancer From A to Z" where she'll be discussing topics that matter the most to those whose lives have been touched by cancer.
Dr. Morrell is a board-certified radiation oncologist and has been successfully treating cancer patients for over 15 years.
Cancer is a complex topic to navigate through and Dr. Morrell is here to help guide you through your cancer journey. She'll be interviewing medical specialists and other health professionals, patients (to get their perspectives), as well as sharing her own experiences and professional expertise. Her goal is to share informative and educational conversations to help guide you and your loved ones through the maze of cancer information and treatment options.
Be sure to join Dr. Morrell for each and every episode of the podcast as she and her guests discuss Cancer From A to Z.
You can find out more about Dr. Rosalyn Morrell and the cancers she treats at -
Tune into our bi-monthly podcast where we interview experts in the field to broaden the awareness of new HCM studies & advancements!
I denne podcast får du, på uformel vis, viden om psykologi og konkrete øvelser til din egen selvudvikling!
Din vært er Cleoh Søndergaard: Autoriseret psykolog, der til dagligt arbejder med psykoterapi og supervision inden for det kliniske felt. Hun elsker formidling og er desuden klinikindehaver af Innervention.
Hun inviterer sine kolleger i studiet til samtaler om psykologi, psykoterapi og selvudvikling.
Flertallet er psykologer - de har alle noget vigtigt på hjertet, som de brænder for!
I podcasten finder du også solo-afsnit, hvor hun deler sin viden om en række emner som selvværd, den indre selvkritiker, stress, skizofreni og angst. Du vil også finde mini-afsnit med øvelser og guidede meditationer.
INDSIGT handler både om at kigge indad, at få et nyt perspektiv og kunne se nye muligheder - hvilket lige præcis er podcastens vision.
Missionen er at udbrede viden og psykoterapeutiske øvelser, så lytteren over tid vil opnå mere autencitet, selvværd og ro. INDSIGT med Cleoh kan derfor fungere som din psykolog i lommen.
Cleoh tror på, at gennem mere selvindsigt, får man modet til at vise sig selv venlighed og at man tør udtrykke sig autentisk. Ved at turde udtrykke sig ærligt, opnåes forløsning og ejerskab.
Dette er også en mission; at give lytteren modet til at vise mere venlighed og ærlighed overfor sig selv og andre. Så ønsker du et mere balanceret følelsesliv, mere selvværd og blomstring, bedre kommunikation i dine relationer eller blot viden om faget psykologi, er dette podcasten for dig!
Om Cleoh Søndergaard:
Uddannet og autoriseret psykolog, samt certificeret sexolog. Klinikejer og ophavskvinde ved Innervention. Underviser og supervisor.
Hun tilbyder psykoterapi og supervision og brænder for formidling og foredrag.
Hun er anerkendt for sin terapeutiske stil og har en bred erfaring, men forbliver nysgerrig og sulten på viden.
Metodisk, filosofisk og praktisk er hendes hjerte i ACT; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
Denne har sit oprindelige ophav i buddhistisk psykologi og er en moderne 3. bølge adfærdsterapi, der blandt andet arbejder med følelser, selvomsorg, heling, metakognition - og har værdier for øje som en central rød tråd. -
En podcast for og af fysioterapeuter. Find os på Facebook og Instagram.
A podcast about getting through life with a differently shaped brain. My Good Bad Brain aims to build a space of solidarity and validation for the neurodiverse. We do this with honest explorations of life with mental health challenges, especially depression, anxiety, ADHD, and the general existential dread of being alive today. Soomehow, from this, a sense of invisible connection, community, and possibility arises.
If you're thinking about killing yourself: do not.
Self - care, hydrate, be well.
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