Det går ad helvedes til med verden - eller hvad? Jeg hedder Esben Bjerre, og i denne podcast udfordrer jeg min pessimisme og undersøger, hvordan det egentlig går med at afskaffe sult og fattigdom, reducere uligheder, sikre god uddannelse og bedre sundhed til alle, anstændige jobs og mere bæredygtig økonomisk vækst. Og meget mere. Er det himmelråbende naivt, eller kan det lade sig gøre? Podcasten er udgivet af PlanBørnefonden med støtte fra Danida. Produceret af Filt CPH.
This podcast covers topics in neuroscience, health and performance with the Carrick Institute
Magnus Kaas-Larsen & Asbjørn Brøndel fortæller om livet som ung i en by som Odense med fokus på lokal liv, det at være ung-voksen, popkultur og andre spændende ting
Kristine Trinkjær og Inger-Sofia er de to værter for podcasten FRA PIGETOILETTET. De to piger laver begge Youtube og i podcasten fortæller de om deres hverdag, ungdomslivet i København og deres tanker om alt andet mellem himmel og jord.
Lectures on international law issues by eminent scholars, practitioners and judges of national and international courts. The lecture series is brought to you by the Public International Law Discussion Group, part of the Law Faculty of the University of Oxford, and is supported by the British Branch of the International Law Association and Oxford University Press. Further details of this series can be found on the Public International Law at Oxford website.
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Kremlin coverage for Kremlin watchers.
Podcast of lectures on "The Politics and Government of Germany" at the University of Oxford, held in Hilary Term 2007
Welcome to The Alltime Conspiracies podcast. The show that discusses the strange and the wonderful, the weird and the worrying.
Interviews from Bret Fisher's live show with co-host Nirmal Mehta. Topics cover container and cloud topics like Docker, Kubernetes, Swarm, Cloud Native development, DevOps, SRE, GitOps, DevSecOps, platform engineering, and the full software lifecycle. Full show notes and more info available at
The Sociological Review Podcasts bring the sociological imagination to a wider audience. They are the latest contribution from The Sociological Review's (, a journal known for publishing critical and creative works about society and social relations, an ethos that has taken on increasing urgency in these times of dramatic economic and political change. Our podcast series extend this ambition of showing why the sociological matters, offering insights on emerging issues and perennial debates.
Hvorfor er folk så vrede?” Det er Twerk Queen Louise og drag queen Mizz Privileze på en mission for at finde ud af. Hver uge spiller de S, P eller K (2021 edition) med en ny gæst for at forstå, hvad har sat deres pis i kog. Formålet er klart: at give krænkelsesdebatten et frisk pust og drysse masser glimmer på undervejs. Velkommen til en snak om Sex, Privilegier og Krænkelser
Vækstlaget er en podcast præsenteret af KVINFOs bibliotek, hvor vi går i dybden med de nyeste tendenser og resultater indenfor kønsforskningen.
A series of lectures given on each Prime Minister's relationship with Europe since Margaret Thatcher by an individual who worked very closely with that leader. The series of lectures was recorded in Autumn 2017 at the Weston Library hosted by Will Hutton, the Principal of Hertford College, in conjunction with Lord Adonis.
Our Advanced Spanish weekly program will allow you to listen to a normal speed conversation in real everyday Spanish spoken in Spain. You will not only improve your oral and reading comprehension of the language, you will also be more attuned to the Spanish mind and way of regarding at the news. Each week our engaging hosts will share with you their views on international and Spanish events and help you think and feel as a native Spaniard.
Current events podcast in Russian for upper-intermediate to advanced Russian speakers. Nuanced cultural conventions and socio-political developments in the post-Soviet countries delivered weekly. Authentic Russian, high-frequency idioms, cultural references, and much more.
Grant Cardone’s brand new interview show focuses on the rockstars, dominators and moguls in the Network Marketing arena. You will get clued in on how to 10X your business, get more of the right people to join your business, and to find the hottest MLM prospects you need to dominate your space.
All displaced people need some form of shelter. Whatever the type of shelter which is found, provided or built, it needs to answer multiple needs: protection from the elements, physical security, safety, comfort, emotional security, some mitigation of risk and unease, and even, as time passes, some semblance of home and community. This FMR looks at the complexity of approaches to shelter both as a physical object in a physical location and as a response to essential human needs. It also contains seven ‘general’ articles on other forced migration topics.
Podcast fra AOF Danmark - Folkeoplysning siden 1924.
EU kan virke godt gammedags kedeligt og knastørt, men ikke desto mindre sindssygt vigtigt for os danskere. I 'EU & the Juice' forsøger Sandie Westh og Josefine Stork at gøre EU mere spiseligt, når de giver dig dagens vigtigste EU juice.
Bitcoin - fremtidens valuta eller digitale Matadorpenge? I den danske podcast Lyden af Bitcoin hiver den professionelle trader, Jacob Skaaning, Crypto-Danmarks førende eksperter ind til en snak om Bitcoins fortsatte overlevelse trods dets mange udfordringer, om hvorfor prisen går op og ned uden det påvirker den robuste Blockchain, og alt dét imellem som også sker i Bitcoin universet. Lyt med når grundlæggeren af åbner for dørene til Bitcoins digitale verden for både nye og øvede crypto-kendere.
Vi går i dybden med det konkrete live-marked, og snakker om både muligheder og sandsynligheder, hvad vi ser lige nu samt hvad planen er fremadrettet.
Vi tager en noob ind og opklarer alle de gode begynder-spørgsmål. Hvad er Bitcoin og Blockchain, hvordan fungerer Mining, er Bitcoin egentlig et scam, hvordan køber man Bitcoins, og vent, hvad er nu det der med Wallet og sikkerhed?
Vi hiver de bedste eksperter ind fra hele Danmark og graver os sammen ned i emnerne. Det kan være alt fra eksperter som har været i Bitcoin verden i lang tid, folk som har en speciale indenfor et bestemte emne eller projekter indenfor exchanges og/eller blockchain virksomheder. Jeg stiller alle de dumme spørgsmål og vil forhåbentlig sammen med jer lyttere lære noget nyt hver gang.
Jacob Skaaning
Dansk Bitcoin Podcast