
  • Neurodivergent people face drastic barriers in  the workplace, and even to entering the workforce. Like canaries in the mine, neurodivergent people are impacted first by issues that ultimately harm everyone.

    In this conversation with Dr Ludmila Praslova we explore how when you look after the people who are most vulnerable in the organisation, the most susceptible to toxic culture and poor systems, you in turn look after everyone. And this creates a massive win-win.

    In this thought provoking conversation, we explore the power of an explicitly intersectional and holistic approach to (neuro)inclusion, and what leaders can do to centre, celebrate and invite in multiple voices from the neurodivergent community.

    Ludmila shares lived experience and academic rigor, and tangible examples of how the Canary Code Model for intersectional inclusion can transform not just the working life of neurodivergent people, but of everyone.

    Ludmila N. Praslova, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology and the founding Director of Graduate Programs in Industrial-Organizational Psychology at Vanguard University of Southern California. Prior to her academic career, she built and led successful intercultural relations programs in global organizations. Her current consulting is focused on supporting organizations in creating systemic inclusion informed by an understanding of neurodiversity.

    This conversation is a guide to change-making for CEOs, managers, HR leaders, and everyone who wants to contribute to building a more inclusive world. It’s changed how we think about inclusion – we’re sure it will for you too!

    Find out more about Ludmila Praslova and where to get the book here: www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast/the-canary-code-ludmila-praslova

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It’s an undeniable truth that you only die once. And yet as today’s guest explores with us, many of us are already living like the un-dead. Each day passes by with a distinct lack of meaning and vitality.

    So how can Memento Mori - remembering we must die - actually make our lives better?

    In this conversation we explore the very real reality that we'll all die someday in the future with speaker and Author Jodi Wellman.

    Although a seemingly morbid concept, Jodi implores us to view our imminent death as a motivator to live our best life, one that’s wide with vitality and deep with meaning, every single day. And in this conversation she’ll help us understand how.

    This conversation was deeply personal for us for various reasons, we explore in the conversation with Jodi, and it’s one that we hope will inspire you to look differently at your work, leadership and life decisions.

    Find out more in our shownotes: https://www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast/you-only-die-once-jodi-wellman

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • As a leader, we’re tasked often with empowering others and coaching them to become the best version of themselves at work, and beyond.

    But how can we create the space for ourselves to become more coachable, and expand our leadership capabilities as a result? In this conversation we explore what it takes to become coachable with Jacqueline Lane and Scott Osman, Co-Authors of Becoming Coachable alongside Marshall Goldsmith.

    We unpack not only why it’s critical leaders become coachable, but the necessary ingredients you need to make this happen.

    Learn more about Jacquelyn and Scott:

    Jacquelyn Lane - Co-author of Becoming Coachable, President of 100 Coaches Agency and Executive Coach.

    Jacquelyn Lane is the President of 100 Coaches Agency, an organization designed to amplify the collective impact of the world’s most iconic leadership thinkers and executive coaches. She is the co-designer of 100 Coaches Agency proprietary curation process and the company’s relationship-first philosophy. In her role as President, she oversees the growth and development of the Agency, serves as a critical pillar of the 100 Coaches community, and is a member of the editorial team that selects the authors and titles published in their new book imprint, 100 Coaches Publishing.

    Scott Osman - Co-author of Becoming Coachable, Founder and President of 100 Coaches Agency

    Scott Osman is the founder and CEO of 100 Coaches Agency, an organization designed to amplify the collective impact of the world’s most iconic leadership thinkers and executive coaches. He is the co-designer of 100 Coaches Agency proprietary curation process and the company’s relationship-first philosophy. In his role as CEO, he establishes the vision for the company leads partnerships and business development, and serves as a critical pillar of the 100 Coaches community, which he co-founded with Marshall Goldsmith in 2016.

    He is the co-founder of Methods by 100 Coaches, the online learning platform, and he is a member of the editorial team that selects the authors and titles published in their new book imprint, 100 Coaches Publishing. But how can we create the space for ourselves to become more coachable, and expand our leadership capabilities as a result? In this conversation we explore what it takes to become coachable with Jacqueline Lane and Scott Osman, Co-Authors of Becoming Coachable alongside Marshall Goldsmith.

    Find out more, including where to find the book here: www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast/becoming-coachable-jacquelyn-lane-scott-osman

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • All humans go through transitions, and many of us experience challenges that cause us to question who we are and evolve into a more authentic version of ourselves. 

    This is certainly true for every member of the LGBTQIA+ community, who face adversity not once, but as an ongoing experience, in a plethora of ways and situations. And yet, these same experiences can forge incredible leadership qualities. 

    Qualities which have never been more needed in leadership.

    In this podcast conversation we speak with Bree Fram and Dr Liz Cavallaro, the authors of the incredible new book, “Forging Queer Leaders, How the LGBTQIA+ community creates impact from adversity.” We explore how ‘crucible’ experiences can give rise to an array of key leadership attributes, and the powerful skills that the inner work inherent to coming out and gender transition can grant us.

    NOTE: we use the term LGBTQ+ during this conversation to reflect the diversity that exists within the spectrum of sexual orientation and gender identity aside from heterosexual and cisgender.

    Find out more here: www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast/forged-in-fire-bree-fram-liz-cavallaro

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Humility often gets a bad rap in leadership. Our guest today unpacks how humble leadership leads to incredible outcomes for teams and organizations, and in fact complements your confidence, decisiveness and ambition as a leader.

    Bestselling Author, Ultra Endurance Champion, Widely Published Professor Urs Koenig has identified a new leadership framework – Radical Humility – that replaces the top-down, “heroic” leadership of the past with a more human-centered approach, viewing humility as a strength and key to achieving goals in today’s complex world.

    Urs’ latest best selling book, Radical Humility: Be a Badass Leader and a Good Human, centers on five Shifts that will help you elevate your leadership from the old Heroic narrative to the modern, dynamic of radical humility.

    This conversation is packed with insight, tools and practical takeaways, giving you an actionable blueprint for your own journey of radical humility. Urs’ message draws on his world-spanning career growing leaders on four continents including as a UN peacekeeper, top consultant and a sought after executive coach. Learning from Urs left us delighted, smiling, inspired and invigorated to tap deeper into our own radical humility as humans and as leaders.

    Let’s delve in!

    Find more abour Urs Koenig, including links to his book at www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast/radical-humility-urs-koenig

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, you’re creative. We all are. And the capacity for innovative and creative ideas has never been more important in our work lives and beyond. 

    Our first idea is often not our best. And yet many of us get stuck in the ‘good enough’ rut, rather than pursuing something magical.

    So what does it take to be truly innovative? How can we nurture fertile ground for gamechanging ideas? an environment where ideas flow?

    I’m sally clarke and today alexis zahner and i are speaking with Jeremy Utley. Jeremy is a world-leading expert on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. He’s an adjunct professor at Stanford University, a General Partner at Freespin Capital, and the co-author of Ideaflow: The Only Business Metric That Matters. 

    His award-winning teaching has touched more than a million students of innovation. His current research concerns the impact of generative AI on problem solving and innovation. 

    Jeremy is a natural born communicator and this conversation will open your eyes on ideas, creativity and the impact of integrating AI at work, including practical tips on how to harness AI to improve you and your team’s ideaflow.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We tend to think of belonging as something that occurs in a group context, like belonging to a team, an organization, or a community. But what if belonging really starts as an inner journey? A journey of self leadership and radical curiosity towards deeply belonging to yourself, first and foremost.

    In this episode with Kim Dabbs we unpack what it means to belonging, and how we step into this power for ourselves. Through Kim’s rich lived-experience as a Korean-born, American living in Munich, Germany she shares what it’s felt like in her experience to be ‘from every where but belong nowhere.’

    Kim Dabbs is a global leader in belonging and purpose. In this episode we are unpacking her incredible debut book, You Belong Here: The power of being seen, heard, and valued on your own terms.

    This work helps us explore the four identities we each have, and how these impact how we show up in the world. This conversation with Kim unpacks these four identities: lived, learned, lingering and loved identities and how we can use these on the journey of becoming ourselves.

    Find more information about Kim Dabbs and where to get her book on our show notes: https://www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast/you-belong-here-kim-dabbs

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Who do you think of when I say the words rebel or insubordination? Perhaps someone who’s disagreeable, maybe even aggressive, someone who sits outside society or the popular norm? What if I told you that insubordination, when done well, isn’t just useful – but should be encouraged?

    In this episode we’re learning how to dissent and defy effectively with Dr. Todd B. Kashdan, Professor of Psychology at George Mason University and author of The Art of Insubordination: How to dissent and defy effectively.

    This conversation is one we wish we’d had at the beginning of our careers. Todd's wisdom has given us the language and the tools to not only understand how to challenge norms in our workplaces, societies and even political structures ourselves, but support and amplify the voices of others doing the same.

    Todd is a leading authority on well-being, curiosity, psychological flexibility, and resilience. He has published over 225 peer-reviewed articles and is in the top 1% of cited scientists in the world (over 48,000 times). Todd has received the American Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology. He is the author of several books including Curious? Discover the Missing Ingredient to a Fulfilling Life, The Upside of Your Dark Side, and his latest The Art of Insubordination: How to Dissent and Defy Effectively which we unpack today. 

    To us Todd is a shining example of divergent thinking, both through his research and the incredible way he articles these important concepts. This conversation is an absolute must listen for anyone who is ready and feeling the urge to drive change in the world around them.

    Find out more about Dr Todd Kashdan including here to get his books here https://www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast/dissent-and-defy-todd-kashdan

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • How does healing your trauma help you to connect with your most authentic self?

    Learn how to moving through your trauma can help you live a fuller life, and be a more authentic, human-centered leader.

    No one is a stranger to trauma. We have a tendency to think of trauma as separate from our professional lives. And yet, unhealed trauma impacts our leadership, our teams, and our workplaces. It can harm relationships and inhibit our ability to have the impact we desire.

    As leaders, it’s up to us to take responsibility to integrate and heal our trauma. To, Heal so we can really Lead. So how can we start and navigate this healing process?

    What are the four fundamental aspects of moving through and integrating trauma so we can lead with vision and authenticity and match our intention with our impact?

    Today we are speaking with Kelly L Campbell who writes about trauma, leadership, and consciousness. They are the author of Heal to Lead: Revolutionizing Leadership through Trauma Healing. Kelly is a Trauma-Informed Leadership Coach to emerging and established leaders who know they are meant for more. Their vision is to empower more than half of humanity to heal its childhood trauma so that we may reimagine and rebuild the world together.

    This conversation is personal, deep and steeped in truth – and full of practical advice and clear guidance for your own journey to healing your trauma as a human and as a leader.

    Find more about Kelly in our show notes: www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast/healing-trauma-leading-authentically-kelly-campbell

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We’ve been sold the candy that flow is the ideal state of being. But how often is it even possible to find flow, is this a realistic goal? Chasing flow is like trying to hold water in our bare hands – it’s possible, for a short while, but elusive and ephemeral in nature, and if we bank on it occurring regularly we’ll wind up disappointed. Instead our guest today argues we should concentrate on finding our optimal state instead. 

    Today we’re dive deeping into the world of emotional intelligence and how we can use our EQ to perform at our best with none other than Daniel Goleman himself.

    His latest book ‘Optimal: How to Sustain Personal and Organizational Excellence Every Day’ Co-Authored with Cary Cherniss unpacks the optimal state: characterized by focus, cognitive control and purpose - three things we have direct agency over.

    In this conversation we uncover the vital role emotional intelligence plays in fostering a productive and harmonious work environment. From understanding the intricacies of our own emotions to navigating complex interpersonal dynamics, Daniel shares invaluable insights and practical strategies for leaders looking to cultivate a culture of empathy, belonging and personal resilience. 

    Whether you're a seasoned Leader or just starting your leadership journey, this episode unpacks the tools need to optimize both your personal and professional growth. So, tune in and get ready to elevate your leadership game with none other than Daniel Goleman on the We Are Human Leaders podcast.

    Find out more about Daniel Goleman, including where you get his new book in our show notes at www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast/emotional-intelligence-optimal-daniel-goleman

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • What does it take to not only survive in business during volatile and uncertain times, which let’s face are almost constant conditions in our modern world, but actually thrive?

    In this conversation we’re unpacking the incredible research from Dr Rebecca Homkes, author of Survive, Reset and Thrive: Leading Breakthrough Growth Strategy in Volatile Times.

    Rebecca’s work will have even the most experienced business strategists rethinking strategy and execution during volatility. Her SRT framework, an interconnected loop, gives businesses a new model to continue growth even through the most uncertain of times - and we’ve unpacked it for you in this conversation. 

    Dr. Rebecca Homkes is high-growth strategy specialist and the founder of a boutique consultancy firm, advising CEOs and executive teams focused on growth and success through uncertainty. She is a Lecturer at the London Business School (LBS)’s Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Faculty at Duke Corporate Executive Education, Advisor and Faculty at Boston Consulting Group University, and previous Fellow at the London School of Economics (LSE)’s Centre for Economic Performance.

    Find the full shownotes at: www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast/survive-reset-thrive-rebecca-homkes

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • One of the most traumatic experiences we can have in the workplace is being made redundant. From one day to the next, your life drastically changes and you don’t have a say. 

    Being made redundant raises all kinds of questions, as well as feelings like shock, anger and shame. 

    Sometimes leaders handle redundancies well. More often, they don’t, making the process immeasurably harder for those on the receiving end.

    Redundancies are also complex for those who are left behind: you might feel survivors guilt – or the dread of not knowing if you’ll be next.

    If you’ve been made redundant you’re not alone. millions of people around the globe experience it every year, and rates have grown over the past 12 months in many countries.

    So, what can leaders do to minimise pain for those who leave? How can you ensure culture continuity for those who stay? And for the person who’s been made redundant, what steps can you take to heal, recover and get back into the drivers seat of you career?

    In this conversation we explore this with Leanne Elliott who is a Certified Business Psychologist, Consultant and Coach who builds workplaces that empower teams and enable performance. She is also Co-host of the award-winning psychology podcast, Truth, Lies & Work and Co-Founder of people and culture consultancy, Oblong. 

    Leanne shares practical tips and best practices for all of us to better understand more about the best ways to navigate one of the worst workplace experiences.

    Find more information about the episode and Leanne Elliott on our show notes: https://www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast/layoff-redundancies-leanne-elliott

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • How do you translate your ideas into meaningful, maximum impact?

    This week on the We Are Human Leaders podcast, we speak with the incredible Michael Sheldrick, cofounder of Global Citizen and author of the upcoming From Ideas to Impact: A Playbook for Influencing and Implementing Change in a Divided World. With 12 million members around the world, Global Citizen has raised more than USD 40 billion to help improve lives, making Michael a leader in the field. We’re sure this conversation will empower and inspire you to translate YOUR ideas into impact, too.

    During this inspiring and insight-packed episode of We are Human Leaders, we examine the common pitfalls people make. In particular, Michael shares the importance of being clear your own authentic contribution and capabilities so you can engage the right support for maximum impact. We also explore the importance of being clear both on the exact issue you are looking to solve, and the one solution you are looking to implement.

    With a career that spans the world of pop and policy, Michael has worked with an impressive roster of international artists such as Beyoncé, Coldplay, Idris and Sabrina Elba, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Priyanka Chopra, Rihanna and Usher, as well as prominent political leaders including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Barbados’ Prime Minister Mia Mottley, former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and former Australian Prime Ministers Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd.

    Find out more about Michael Sheldrick, including where to find his book in our show notes at https://www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast/idea-to-impact-michael-sheldrick

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Leadership is one of the most hyped topics in business today. But are the historical archetypes of Leadership really the inspiration we should be drawing on?

    In this episode we’re unpacking the recent book of Martin Gutmann Ph.D., The Unseen Leader which is an exploration of leadership through the lens of historical scholarship, offering a less sensationalized and stereotypical protagonist's tale of leadership. 

    Martin’s research focuses on leaders who largely remained unseen and unwritten about through the pages of history. Not because their impact and influence wasn’t substantial, but because they don’t comply with the compelling heroes' tale, and offer us an opportunity to redefine what  true leadership is. 

    Martin Gutmann Ph.D., is a Swiss-American historian, author, and professor at the Lucerne School of Business, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Switzerland. He has published three books, most recently (as co-editor with Dan Gorman) Before the UN Sustainable Development Goals: A Historical Companion (Oxford University Press). He lives in Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Germany, with his wife and their three children.

    Find the full show notes about the episode, and where to find Martin's book at www.wearehumanleaders.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • There’s no denying that vulnerability has been a buzzword in leadership for some time now. But what exactly does vulnerability look like in the workplace, and how do we use it effectively in leadership?

    In today’s conversation we explore the concept of with vulnerability with Jacob Morgan author of Leading with Vulnerability. He details how leaders can effectively use vulnerability to connect, motivate and engage teams.

    Jacob Morgan is a trained futurist and one of the world’s leading authorities on leadership, the future of work, and employee experience, He speaks in front of tens of thousands of people each year and his content is seen over a million times a year. Jacob is the best-selling author of five books: Leading With Vulnerability (Wiley 2024), The Future Leader (Wiley 2020) The Employee Experience Advantage (Wiley, 2017), The Future of Work (Wiley, 2014), and The Collaborative Organization (McGraw Hill, 2012). He speaks at over 50 conferences a year including TED Academy which is one of the largest TED events in the world. In addition Jacob provides advisory and thought leadership services to various organizations around the world.

    To learn more about Jacob Morgan and find his latest book, check out our show notes at www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Our societies are permeated with bias. Many people are subject to multiple biases without even being aware. At the same time, AI is everywhere in our everyday lives. So, what are the implications when bias is built into AI? The answer is potentially dangerous, with implications for our leadership, our workplaces and beyond. And yet, there is hope.

    In this conversation we are talking to Tracey Spicer about her new book Man Made: How the bias of the past is being built into the future. She unpacks the shocking forms of bias she discovered in the 7 years of research for the book, the implications of AI for work and leadership, and practical steps leaders can take now to harness AI for positive impacts in the workplace of the future.

    Tracey Spicer is a multiple award winning author, journalist and broadcaster. She has also been awarded for her extensive charity and social enterprise work. Tracey is a sought after keynote speaker and thought leader and you’re about to find out why – she’s articulate, compelling and a great storyteller.

    Tracey is a glass half full kind of person – and this shines through in her solution-oriented thinking around what can be a daunting topic: AI, and the future of work.

    Find more information about Tracey Spicer and the full show notes at www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Is your organisation future fit?

    How can you navigate the uncharted waves of change and emerge stronger than before?

    In this conversation we had a conversation with highly acclaimed change management expert Friska Wirya. In her new book ‘The Future Fit Organisation’ she tackles the burning questions that keep forward-looking leaders awake at night, with unique insights that pave the way for change to galvanise. Real-world case studies and thought-provoking analysis equip you to shape a resilient organisation poised for sustained success:

    Level up your ability to catalyse enterprise-wide change.Harness the right headspace to guide with acuity and nimbleness.Foster creativity in problem solving to stay head and shoulders above the rest.Drive acceptance and adoption to fuel expansion and unlock step-change performance.Forge a vibrant organisational culture that acts as the calm among the chaos.Perfect your transformative leadership savvy to motivate your organisation to embrace change - be it in the boardroom or on the shop floor.

    The Future Fit Organisation is your compass for steering through change, providing practical strategies to successfully guide and evolve your organisation's transformation.

    Are you ready to get future fit? Dive into the conversation and find out!

    Friksa is a Change Management Thought Leader, and author of her bestselling new book the Future Fit Organisation: a leaders guide to transformation.

    She has led change at global organizations driving hundreds of millions in annual savings and is now Chief Change Officer at Fresh by Friska. Friska is lifelong learner and self-confessed geek, and she’s a born communicator – which we’ll sure you’ll agree with after listening to this warm and wide ranging conversation.

    Find out more about Friska Wirya and where to find her book at our shownotes on www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this conversation we unpack workplace Friction with Hayagreeva 'Huggy' Rao. Friction can be both good and bad in a workplace, knowing how to use it and how to eliminate it when it's doing harm is critical.

    The Friction Project is the latest book by Huggy Rao and Bob Sutton and is The definitive guide to eliminating the forces that make it harder, more complicated, or downright impossible to get things done in organizations.

    THE FRICTION PROJECT: How Smart Leaders Make the Right Things Easier and the Wrong Things Harder is written by bestselling authors and Stanford professors Robert I. Sutton and Hayagreeva “Huggy” Rao. It presents a decade’s worth of research on what ought to be easy and what ought to be hard in organizations, and how to change things for the better. Based on their research, case studies, and hundreds of engagements with top companies, the authors reveal just how widespread this affliction is, and provide a roadmap for readers to take up the mantle and blaze a path out of the muck. 

    Our episode today with Huggy Rao unpacks this book and the incredible research conducted to help you discern between good and bad friction, and what to do about it.

    Huggy Rao is the Atholl McBean professor of Organizational Behavior at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Science, the Sociological Research Association, and the Academy of Management. He has written for Harvard Business Review, Business Week, and the Wall Street Journal. He is the author of Market Rebels and coauthor of the bestselling Scaling Up Excellence.

    Praise for The Friction Project:

    “Sutton and Rao have given us a thousand gems, each an invaluable insight on its own, reinventing management as the art of ensuring that things get done as they should without unnecessary struggle. Marshalling the crucial insights from classic works, as well as from the very latest studies, they make a convincing case for friction as a vital focus and offer countless practical suggestions that you can apply in your work. I guarantee that their profoundly humane arguments will win your hearts, change your behavior, and transform your companies.”

    —Amy C. Edmondson, Professor, Harvard Business School, Author, Right kind of wrong: The science of failing well (Atria, 2023)

    “I have found every place I’ve been to be filled with people who REALLY CARE about doing the right thing for the company. Sutton and Rao show how leaders who pay attention to friction - which kinds are

    helpful and which are not—can equip these people with the right tools, build their trust, and make incredible progress as a result.”

    — Ed Catmull, co-founder of Pixar, former President of Pixar and Disney Animation Studios, and author of Creativity INC: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Life consists only of moments, nothing more than that. So if you make the moment matter, it all matters
    What does it mean to truly be mindful? In today’s conversation we explore the mind-body connection through decades of powerful, trailblazing research with Harvard University Professor and the ‘Mother of Mindfulness’ Ellen Langer.
    This conversation will radically shift your perception around what it means to be mindful, and mindless. From reversing the signs of aging, to healing from dire medial prognosis, through to the illusion of control and how Leaders can better engage workplaces to be more present and mindful - this conversation with Professor Langer covers it all.
    Ellen J Langer was the first tenured female in the Harvard Psychology Department, and has since lead decades of ground-breaking research into mindfulness human behaviour, and it’s opposite, earning her the title of ‘Mother of Mindfulness’.
    Ellen J. Langer is the author of eleven books, including the international bestseller Mindfulness, which has been translated into fifteen languages, and more than two hundred research articles. She is the recipient of, among other numerous awards and honors, a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest from the American Psychological Association, the Award for Distinguished Contributions of Basic Science to the Application of Psychology from the American Association of Applied and Preventive Psychology, and the Adult Development and Aging Distinguished Research Achievement Award from the American Psychological Association. Langer’s trailblazing experiments in social psychology have earned her inclusion in The New York Times Magazine’s “Year in Ideas” issue and will soon be the subject of a major motion picture. A member of the psychology department at Harvard University and a painter, she lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

    This conversation is nothing short of mind-altering, let’s dive in.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Every now and then, we have one of those special conversations that we can tell at the time will have a profound life-changing impact. They shift how we see that person, how we see ourselves and our perspective on the world at large. This is one of those pivotal conversations for us– today, we are speaking to Craig Foster. Former captain of the Australian Men’s national soccer team, the Socceroos, with an impressive ongoing career in sports broadcast, Craig holds a masters in sports and a law degree, and is now well known for his incredible work as a human rights and social justice advocate and an antiracism activist. 

    He’s won numerous awards and accolades but that’s not really what Craig is about – and its certainly not what motivates him. 

    In this conversation Craig shares about his lessons from professional sports, his journey to becoming a leading human rights activist, where morality fits into the discussion around leadership and humanitarian issues – and the responsibility those of us with privilege have to level the playing field for everyone. 

    Craig Foster was the 419th Australian football international (Socceroo) and 40th Captain, Oceania Player of the Year and Australian Team of the Century nominee with decades of experience in broadcasting, government and diplomacy and social justice. Formerly a Director of COALAR (DFAT) and currently the Australian Multicultural Council (Dept Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs) played various sports diplomacy roles including Chef de Mission NSW Govt to Brazil and bilateral meetings, MERCOSUR. Heavily involved in indigenous football and rights, refugee children and refugee rights and homelessness, through sport programs. Ambassador for Amnesty, Australia Committee Human Rights Watch, UNSW Australian Human Rights Institute. Three Logies as part of the SBS FIFA World Cup team, named an Australian Financial Review (AFR) BOSS True Leader 2019 for the #SaveHakeem campaign, ChangeMaker 2019 by Sydney Morning Herald, Australian Human Rights Commission Human Rights Medal Finalist, author and columnist, Bachelor of Laws, Masters in International Sport Management. Life Member, former CEO and Chair of Professional Footballers Australia (PFA). Named one of Australia’s Best Dressed Men, though heavily disputes this dubious honour

    Learn more about Craig at www.wearehumanleaders.com 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.