
  • The Azawakh, or otherwise known as an incredibly long name I didn’t look up, but Caitlyn says it, is a sight hound from Africa. As they are a sight hound from Africa, they are quite similar to the other dogs from the area. Pretty much if you’ve seen a Greyhound or a whippet, you’ve mostly got the idea. The most major difference is these dogs are so thin! Like way more thin than the other two, as those are also really thin.

    The dogs played a variety of roles for humans ranging from hunting to guard duty. Although they often had these types of jobs, they are still treated as if part of the family. The dog is probably the newest dog we’ve done so far on this show. Not saying it’s a brand new dog, but it’s a newly recognized dog for the AKC, as of January 2019. Although it is finally recognized, it is still quite rare.

    In this episode, we talk about for way too long Elf on a Shelf and Flat Stanley. We also say we’re gonna do another episode next week, but we’ll see about that.

    Song is Kel Tamasheck by Etran Finatawa

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  • The Australian Kelpie, also called “barbs” and “red clouds”, and not to be confused with the Scottish mythological creature, is a dog from. . . Australia. This time, actually from Australia, and not just named after it like that other Aussie dog. In all honesty, I believe it is only referred to as the “Australian” Kelpie just to stop the confusion with the dog and the Scottish Horse Ghost.

    The Kelpie (dog) is very well known for it’s ability to manage most livestock. This includes sheep, cows, chickens, and ducks. As a working dog, these dogs don’t seem to be able to stop and enjoy life. They are constantly needing to work, and even have a signature move where they run along the backs of sheep. Although incredibly uncommon in the United States, this dog is quite popular in its country of origin.

    In this episode, we discuss the Australian cultural phenomenon of walking into society while barefoot. We also draw up more excuses on why we missed a couple weeks again. This excuse is unique, I swear!

    Song this week is Kelpie the Legend by Bill Robertson.

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  • The Sheltie, short for Shetland Sheep Dog, is a small style herding dog. They are also one of the smartest dog, excelling at just about any task. Well, any task you might give a dog for the most part. According to Stanley Coren, they are able to learn just about any task very quickly with little errors. This however should be taken with a grain of salt, as they are still dogs, and lack thumbs and the ability to speak.

    The most unique thing about the Sheltie is that they have several different types of coats. A lot of them are based on the merle style. This can actually even affect their eyes, and I recommend you look up a merle eye. These are also very small dogs, and are obviously used for. . . sheep. I guess it’s not that obvious, because no one really refers to them by the full name.

    In this episode, we discuss some interesting etymological phrases that deal with swears and dogs. So if that’s a problem for ya, well I hope you read these deals! It’s not too bad, we put a warning in the audio part, too. We also talk about how anyone using measurement systems aren’t specific enough outside of the U.S.

    The song for this week is “Sheltie” by Funky Boo Nutz

  • The Irish Wolfhound, or wardogs, or just Wolfhound, is a dog that has no wolf in it. Yep, it’s one of those classic “oh it hunts that thing, so let’s just call it that” names. Now that the SEO tracking section is taken care of, Wow. Okay sorry about that little hiatus. We did sort of hint at it, but didn’t intend it to be so long. We’ve just been pretty busy with our day jobs recently, especially Kyle traveling all over the country.

    These dogs are pretty ancient as far dogs can go. They’ve been part of Irish history for almost ten thousand years at this point. They fell out of fashion and nearly went extinct mostly because they had one purpose and they achieved that purpose. They removed all the wolves from Ireland. Yeah, I don’t know why we have the story of St. Valentine driving out the snakes. . . Although now that I think about it, does seem like classic UK humor. So let’s just go with that. Also the most notable thing about this dog, they are the biggest one. Like frighteningly large.

    In this episode, Caitlyn and Kyle talk a lot about Game of Thrones, and Catholic rank hierarchy. We’ll hopefully get the next episode out much sooner than this one, as Kyle will be home for the next month. Or so we’ll see?

    Song is Wolfhound by Hailing Jordan.

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  • Wow, we’re on a record pace for dropping episodes! Sorry about that folks, but here is the long awaited episode on the Bloodhound! These dogs are THE dog when it comes to dogs and their noses. It can track a human over a long distance, and after a large of amount of time passing. The reasoning for this, when the bloodhound was being created, they put all the stats into smelling.

    The bloodhound has a bit of an unknown true origin as they have been mentioned for nearly a thousand years. Those in France suspect they are an offspring of the St. Herbert hound, or the Belgians would tell you it might be another dog. What we do know, is the dog has always had a knack for finding people, either missing or criminals. This was what the dogs were put to use doing, after they were seen to be poor hunting dogs.

    Caitlyn in this episode stops the whole show because she tells a joke she thinks is too funny. She also talks about what you might look for in a dog when finding one to sire your pups.

    The song for this week is, well you’ll just have to see.

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  • The Pumi, not to be confused with the Puli, is another dog from Hungary. To take it back to that last sentence there, apparently these dogs used to be nearly synonymous with the Puli. If you’re having trouble remembering which dog that is, it’s the chorded one we did at the beginning of February. Yeah, so much so that they used to be interchangeably referred to with both names. How this could even be possible, I don’t know.

    To actually talk about this dog, it’s fairly new to the AKC, only being added in the last decade or so. It is known for it’s ears that stick up, and it’s herding and terrier type instincts. The dog is actually a treasure of Hungary, and one of the eight recognized dogs from there. Which dog are we on so far? We just did number 3, so I guess we have 5 more to go??

    In this episode, we talk about Canada a bit. That’s where Kyle was recently. Specifically Vancouver, which was a time oh boy! We also talk about why we had a hiatus sorta.

    Song is a song called Bhoomi, which kinda sounds like Pumi (there aren’t songs with that name.)

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  • The Puli is another chorded sheep dog from Hungary. A question you might ask, “Haven’t we already done this dog?” No. Well, kinda? The Komondor and the Puli are incredibly closely related. So much so, that they are essentially hot swapping with each other when their shifts end. The Puli mostly herds its charge during the day, and the Komondor guards at night. Also the largest difference between the two are the color of the coat and their size.

    The Puli has an interesting temperament in that they are severely moody. They can go from lazy and lethargic to spastic and over-reactive. They don’t really like meeting new people, and if pushed to it, feint attacking newcomers. I say feint, as they are not really known to injure people, as they are all bark and no bite. Honk.

    In this episode, we talk about Hamilton. There was an original opening that got cut out, because Caitlyn didn’t want to have fun with it, but we reference it later on. It sorta comes out of nowhere without context, but the opening just replaced dog with hamilton and that it was good.

    Song for this week is from a movie called “Puli”. I have no idea what the song is called.

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  • The Italian Greyhound, or the “IG” or Iggy, is basically the greyhound. The largest factor in determining the difference is the Italian model is tiny. They may have been related to another type of similar looking dog, but they were more or less bred down this way. Although it is a “toy” breed, it is also a hound dog. In fact it is the smallest sight hound breed recognized by most organizations.

    So you’re probably wondering, “Why ‘Italian’ Greyhound?” Well the Italians were the ones who popularized this dog, as they loved to carry them around. It’s mostly assumed they were used as fashion accessories, sort of how many heiresses attempted in recent history. Because of this, the dog just became synonymous with the culture, and the name stuck.

    In this episode we talk about the worst way to try to assassinate someone. Caitlyn has issues with counting, and we also finally learn what Willies dog breed is! Did I say breed? Well it’s not really a breed, because he’s a bit more complicated.

    Song is “Stray Italian Greyhound” by Vienna Teng.

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  • The Border Collie, also known as the “not-Lassie collie”. That’s right, the collie that everyone knows about is not the one that everyone knows about. The Border Collie is however, THE herding dog. These dogs are used to herd just about everything. Including sheep, pigs, chickens, and any other kind of bird you can imagine. Oh were you going to say ostrich? Yeah, they herd those, too. I wish I had video proof, but I can’t find any on such short notice.

    The Border Collie is also one of the few dogs that are workers and show dogs. In fact, the working dogs are also allowed to show with their scars and damage from herding work. Interestingly though, as the Working Collie Club doesn’t seem to get along well with the AKC. Because of this, in the past, they have removed registration from dogs that have won in AKC shows. They also dominate in agility trials, and have even forced show runners to created ABC trials (Anything But Collies).

    In this episode, we talk about Caitlyn’s resolution to take care of chickens if we ever got them. We finally follow up on the Chihuahua episode where Caitlyn went to the dentist. This time Kyle went. What were the results? Find out in this episode of Why Are You A Dog?!

    Song this week is “Border Collie Song” by Rich Hall

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  • The Samoyed is that fluffy white snow dog that smiles. That’s right, it actually smiles. It’s got full on pareidolia going on. Interestingly the fact that this dog can smile actually does serve somewhat of a purpose. Much like the other dogs that we had covered recently (can it be recent if it’s almost been a month?) it is of spitz breed origin. So it is well at home running and working in the snow.

    The dog was named after the people who used them, sharing a very similar name. Until someone stole it from Siberia, most of its history was shared with the Samoyede. It was used for herding, hunting and sledding. Although the dog is decently large, it can actually suffer occasionally from dwarfism. This somehow also affects their vision. Genetics, right?

    In this episode, Caitlyn and Kyle are kinda sick. We sound awful. In all honesty, I don’t blame you for skipping this. But you would miss out on the debate on what determines if something is outside or not. We also ponder if there are listeners out there that hate when we have asides like that. Sorry if you exist.

    Song is “Samoyed Song” by Russelbuck

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  • The Bernese Mountain Dog, or known as Bernies or Berners, is a big dog from the mountains of Bern. As a mountain dog, it’s probably not shocking at all that they are super furry and large. It’s almost like they developed the way they are due to the elements. As they are larger dogs, they were mostly used as guarding dogs for their owner’s farms. They were even strong enough to pull carts into towns. Granted, I don’t know how big these carts were, but still cool to say about a dog.

    The dog is unfortunately a rather unhealthy one as it has, among even large dogs, one of the shortest life spans. They get all the popular diseases, and they often have mobility problems even at young ages. But even so, they are as playful and fun as just about any other dog.

    Caitlyn and Kyle talk a lot about their recent experience visiting the 2018 AKC National Championships hosted in Orlando. They went around meeting several breeds, and watching some of the agility trials and dock diving. Both of which were amazing to watch, as any of the dogs could have a great run or an awful one. It was chaos incarnate. We even got to witness a Bernese Mountain Dog in action.

    Song for this week is “Bernese Mountain Dog” by Nancy Simmonds

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  • The Siberian Husky is THE snow dog. When you look at people doing sled racing, it is likely this dog that you think of. It’s also the dog that someone who doesn’t know much about dogs thinks looks like a wolf. These are actually a pretty healthy and old breed, and you would be surprised that it actually comes from Russia. That’s right, it’s not a misnomer like the Australian Shepherd or the Labrador (which is totally from Newfoundland, ha! Well, originally I mean.) The dog has a lot of breeding and popularity in the United States.

    The dog can come in several different colors, and it made its claim to fame with the Nome Serum Run. The famous trek in Alaska where several dog teams carried serum for diphtheria. These dogs have been used to pull sleds in both the Arctic and the Antarctic and are regarded as the best sled dog around. It is actually a much smaller dog compared to sled dogs of the time it was introduced.

    Kyle talks about how he started reading a sad book about dogs. Caitlyn is excited that we use a lot of latin, since no one can stop her mispronunciations.

    Song is “Snow Dogs” by Brunswick Project

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  • The Tibetan Mastiff is that one giant scary looking dog you’ve seen pictures of. The one when you literally type in “giant furry scary dog” that pops up first. Seeing as how the dog was originally kept as guard dogs, the look is well earned. So if you are trying to rob a Tibetan Mastiff’s house, you’ll probably see that version. Generally though, these dogs tend to have an indifferent demeanor. They are also incredibly lazy.

    The dog actually has little human guidance in how the breed developed. Although a domestic dog it is very closely related to the wolf, but has a lot of inbreeding in the line. As it is indigenous to the Himalayan mountains, it is quite fluffy. In fact, the artist rendering we requested for this episode is absurd. Among absurd things, the official club for this dog tries to convince you not to get this dog.

    In this episode, we talk about the terror of high altitude aerospace. We also expound upon some of the pop-cultural appearances of this dog. Chiefly the film “The Tibetan Dog”.

    Song for this week is Tibetan Monk Throat Singing.

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  • The Boykin Spaniel, or as I wish we mentioned in the episode, “The Swamp Poodle” is a dog. It is known for hunting wild turkey in South Carolina. The reasoning for the name Swamp Poodle, is because apparently wild turkey love to hang around swamps. Did you know that? Did anyone know that? I thought they were just wild after the US President released them from the White House on Thanksgiving!

    The Boykin Spaniel was especially loved by its creators, because it was a smaller retrieving dog that could fit into boats. They are relatively calm dogs, which allows them travel with ease. The dog was used to flush out or corner turkeys while the hunters would shoot them. The dog is also the official state dog of South Carolina.

    This episode was originally released on Thanksgiving, which is why we did it on a dog that hunts turkeys. Kyle does a couple South Carolina accents, eventually landing on an impression of an old female co-worker. Caitlyn is unimpressed with his other tries.

    Song is “Birdie Brain” by The Fiery Furnaces. The song barely mentions Spaniels, but this was the best I could do.

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  • The Afghan Hound: named after Afghanistan, or the blanket? It’s the former. Probably for both, actually. Kyle asked this question, but I don’t think we got a straight answer. Anyway, the Afghan hound is known for two things: 1) they have very long locks of hair all across their body 2) they are the dumbest dog. I suppose there are people who look at the world that way, so here’s the answer. Not completely true, we’ve unpacked a bit on how these grades are received in previous episodes.

    The dog is very similar in build to most other sight hounds, almost like a long haired Greyhound. In fact, at some point in history it even had a variation of the name “greyhound”. The dog used to hunt various game across Asia, including the rare Snow Leopard. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of information about the dog until they came to England. Some verifiable facts about the Afghan, is the dog was the first dog ever cloned. That’s right, someone cloned a dog, and it was the Afghan hound.

    Since the dog is objectively pretty, we talk about fashion and how Kyle doesn’t understand it. What is the point of a fashion runway shows, as it seems improbable for someone to buy or wear the outfits. Yes, a well tapped comedy mine, don’t worry, we don’t linger long.

    Song this week is “Afghan Hound” by Manor.

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  • The Scottish Terrier, or the Scottie, or like 12 other names is a dog from Scotland. I know, surprising. Well, it IS Scottish, but the English were the first to form a breed club around it. When you look at the dog these days, you typically see them only in one color: black. But when the dog was being “invented” they came in a wide variety of dark colors. If you’re still not sure which dog this is, just think of the dog that looks like a broom.

    An interesting concept to consider is that Scotland seems to have a lot of terriers. I wonder if this is due to the type of game available in the region, or if Scots like loud small dogs. It could be a combo of both, but why make so many kinds? It is a bit uncertain if the Scottie is the progeny of many other terrier breeds or the genesis. What is certain is that the dog is unique among many other similar types in it’s region.

    Caitlyn and Kyle talk about way too fat dogs. Seriously, how do you let your dog get this big!? We also talk about how history is covered in odd ranges.

    Song for this week is “Scotty Doesn’t Know” by Lustra.

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  • The French Bulldog, or the Frenchie, is another bully breed dog. Surprise! But seriously, the name of the dog is pretty descriptive. Just like Kyle had said in a recent episode, the naming schema was “Place, thing related to what it does, dog/hound”. The history is very similar to the other bully breed dogs, but this dog was originally the reject dogs. When English Bulldogs came out too small, they would send them off to France. The French loved this.

    The dog is actually much more popular than any other breed that is part of it’s lineage. This includes dogs like the pug, or the Mastiff, which is interesting, as it is nowhere near the size of a mastiff. This is also one of the most expensive dogs to give healthcare to. Any sort of issue that could happen, seems to happen to this dog. Down to even being nearly incapable of naturally breeding. They’re lucky that they are generally accepted as a cute breed, otherwise, this dog would go the way of the Steller’s Sea Cow.

    In this episode, Caitlyn and Kyle talk about Red Dead Redemption 2. Mostly against Caitlyn’s will, because it’s what Kyle has been doing. Not him playing the game, just talking about it on the show that is probably not listened to by people who enjoy games. Whoops!

    Song is “Frenchy, I’m Faking” by Architecture in Helsinki

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  • The Affenpinscher, or the “monkey dog”, is the final dog of Dogtoberfest! Don’t worry, I’ll go back and address that “Monkey Dog” thing. Apparently someone thought the dog looked like a monkey. That’s the story. Sorry, I didn’t mean to get your adrenaline running. Interestingly though, in German, Affen translates into english as “ape”. Which only furthers the whole thing, because Apes technically are not monkeys. Go ahead ask any know-it-all around you, they’ll be sure to point that out.

    These days, the Affenpinscher is mostly a toy dog that doesn’t really work. In it’s original form, it did indeed perform many terrier tasks. The dog actually performed a few different jobs, moonlighting as a hunter during the day, and a lapdog at night. Much like some other small dogs we’ve covered, they were essentially little furnaces.

    Caitlyn and Kyle spend WAY too long looking up things we didn’t know. I could only imagine the audience sitting at home shouting the answers to our queries into their windshields. I assume most people who listen are likely inside of a vehicle.

    Song is “Monkey Dog” by Wright, O. V.

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  • The Jagdterrier, pronounced “Yack Terrier”, is a relatively new dog in the dog world. By that I mean, it was basically invented by as a science experiment during WW2. I specifically mentioned WW2 and science experiment, as it should have put a specific person in your mind. Don’t worry, had nothing to do with him, but the creator did have some dealings with that party. Essentially, the man who went on to create the Jagdterrier wanted to make a fox hunter with a German look. Problem was, he got the look down, but didn’t have any hunting dogs in the breed line.

    Eventually the dog became a pretty decent hunter in it’s own right, hunting many types of game. The dog never became very popular in the United States though, as the US doesn’t really hunt foxes. The dog can hunt other things like squirrels and duck, but it’s main function is almost unneeded stateside. The AKC was nice enough to let them hang out in the Foundation Stock Services category in case they ever change their mind.

    Kyle tells Caitlyn a pretty humorous story of how his pet ferret was a great hunter of her own. Caitlyn teaches us all some new words, and we apologize to the countries of Australia and New Zealand. Sorry guys, we don’t think you’re the same, but we often do.

    Song is “Jagdterrier” by Hasenchat Music

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  • The German Shorthaired Pointer, not to be confused with the other dogs with the same names, is a. . . Pointer Dog. What is a pointer dog? Well, you’ve probably seen a dog that is depicted as a “smart” or overly obedient doing a point. Scooby Doo has done it when he is pretending to be competent. The Pointing technique was obviously trained, but it’s also based off of a natural occurrence in the breed. The dog uses the stance to better triangulate the position of prey. Humans eventually adapted this into what we now refer to as “pointing”.

    The German Pointer is often given comparisons to birds in their features. Their nose being “hooked” or even having amber eyes like a bird of prey is not uncommon. If you’re trying to show these dogs, it might not work out for you though. Their history is closely tied to nobility in Prussia (now Germany). They became popular after the ordinary people could own firearms and hunt with dogs. They were easy to train and eager to please, so they were very popular.

    Caitlyn and Kyle talk about how Germany wasn’t always Germany. We dub ourselves as official dog experts, as we have a long running podcast. 57 isn’t really a benchmark but still pretty decently long amount of time.

    Song is “I’m So Excited” by The Pointer Sisters.

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