
  • Juliet Funt is a Productivity Wizard. She is a renowned Keynote Speaker, CEO, Author and tough-love advisor to the Fortune 500.

    In this episode, Juliet gets into the tactics of how and what to do in order to create more space in your day and life. You’ll learn how to recognize that you’re doing too much, how Juliet helps companies and individuals reduce busyness and why space to recover, think, and be strategic, is the key to your efficiency.

    If you are a person in constant rush, throwing your hands in the air right at the brink of burnout, Juliet discusses what you can do to create more space and give yourself permission to “Opt-Out”.

    If you are employer, Juliet gives you actionable tools to avoid being a casualty of the great resignation, and retain your talent.

    You’ll also hear Juliet break one of her own rules, and share her ultimate Why Not Now? story; a story that she has never shared during a podcast interview before that involves her traveling to 14 countries in 2 years whilst still running her business and schooling her 3 children.

    Lastly, Juliet gives you her step approach to dealing with anxiety around email, managing our inboxes and scheduling meetings.

    Juliet’s new book “A Minute To Think” is out now.

    Learn more about Juliet here: https://www.julietfunt.com/

    Enrollment for the next Renegade Accelerator is now open. Learn more and apply: http://www.renegadeaccelerator.com/

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  • Sandra Campos is a three-time CEO, having led some of the biggest retail and fashion brands in the world. She is also a two-time founder, a member of multiple private and public boards, a contributor on CNBC and an absolute expert on the consumer.

    One of the things that stands out most about Sandra is her ability to understand the macro picture of things - whether that be culturally, or when it comes to her personal life.

    In this episode, Sandra shares a life changing Why Not Now? moment that has influenced everything she has done since. This moment in time ultimately became the best career move she has ever made. Sandra explains the pivotal events that led her to a crossroads of having to either look for a job in corporate America, or create an entrepreneurial experience that would enable her to forge a balance between career and family. She took a leap of faith, chose the latter, and the rest is history.

    Sandra explains how she arrived at making the decision, how that applies to your own decision making process, and why you should think entrepreneurially even if you aren’t an entrepreneur.

    You’ll learn what makes Sandra so decisive, how she considers decisions and the tools she uses in her decision making process.

    Sandra is someone that doesn’t sit still very often, but she has learned to take the time to appreciate the things in her life. She shares why focusing on what truly matters, being happier and more content will lead to more productivity naturally.

    Learn more about Sandra, here: https://www.instagram.com/sandracamposnyc/

    Watch the full episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/AfKRwhdgsq4

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  • Steven Kotler studied journalism, poetry, and writing in school. When he told others about his plans to conduct a neurobiological study, some literally laughed in his face. But Steven’s interviews with Flow State experts made him an authority on the subject, and he set out to help others reach peak performance.

    He now works with entrepreneurs, athletes, and leaders of some of the biggest companies in the world, helping them reach this state of “Flow” to become up to 500% more productive. He is also a 4 x NYT Bestselling Author. According to Steven, Flow is how you turbo boost your results beyond all expectations.

    In this episode of Why Not Now?, Steven and Amy Jo talk about overcoming imposter syndrome, how to get into Flow and how living a “Flow” Lifestyle can bring more purpose and happiness into our lives. They also talk about the difference in mindset between peak performers and non-peak performers.

    Steven tells Amy Jo that we have 5 major intrinsic motivators: curiosity, passion, purpose, autonomy, and mastery. To perform at our best, they must all point in the same direction. That is when we reach our Flow State.

    Learn more about Steven.

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  • Our priorities are what we do, not what we say we are going to go. In this episode, Amy Jo explains the difference between priority management and time management.

    You’ll hear two personal stories that have helped shape the way Amy Jo looks at her priorities as well as learn actionable tips you can try today to help you discern what is a priority, what is not and what to do with that data.

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    To watch the video of this episode, head to www.youtube.com/@renegadeglobal

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    Buy Amy Jo’s Book: https://amyjomartin.com/book

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  • Alignment and equal value exchange are everything when it comes to having skin in the game. Asking for equity, no matter if you are an employee, advisor or otherwise, is a long term strategy and can be life changing.

    In this short-but-tactic-packed episode, Amy Jo breaks down the 7 ways you can ask for equity, the strategy behind these phrases and the key ingredient to ensuring you are the one guiding the conversation and not the other way around.

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    Buy Amy Jo’s Book: https://amyjomartin.com/book

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  • “Once you launch in, there’s no going back.” Paula Wallace is the Founder and President of the Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD) - a world leading comprehensive university for creative professionals. Paula invented SCAD in 1979, and she has most definitely not looked back.

    Paula has continued to reinvent the way we learn and the way we teach the combination of creative, art, business and now even AI. She writes her own rules.

    In this episode, Paula and Amy Jo talk through Paula’s formula for reinvention, her approach to how she makes decisions and what Paula is seeing with AI on the horizon.

    You’ll also hear Paula’s fascinating Why Not Now? moment, which is the origin story of SCAD, as well as the pillars that have guided Paula through multiple big changes over time, and why starting with the past is so important when you begin your approach to reinvention.

    Lastly, Paula shares the trends that she feels will truly shape the next few years and beyond.

    Paula is a Renegade in every sense of the word. Her new book “Lessons In Leadership” is out now.

  • This is the final episode of Amy Jo’s 3 part series all about reinventing your relationship time and money. We encourage you to listen to Part 1 (Ep 313) and Part 2 (Ep 314) before pushing play on Part 3.

    In this last installment, Amy Jo focuses on the money side of things. To be clear, this is not investment advice, but you will learn how to potentially earn more and save more.

    Amy Jo shares her specific money story and how that has changed over the last ten years. The net/net? Sacrifice does not equal success. Period.

    Our earning potential is highest when we are expanding our capacity and optimizing our bandwidth. Sometimes that means spending money to create more time. Amy Jo explains how. She also shares what she is looking at specifically in her budget, and how she uses that data to determine if she is operating at her full earning potential.

    You’ll learn the importance of assigning a value to your hours, and start making decisions based on the value of your time, as well as the difference in approaching finances from a confident place as opposed to doing so out of fear, and with a scarcity mindset.

    Finally, Amy Jo takes you through the 5 Renegade Rules as a refresher so you can apply the rules to what you’ve learned over the last 3 episodes and beyond.

    To watch the full video of this episode, head to www.youtube.com/@renegadeglobal.

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  • Welcome to Part 2 of Amy Jo’s 3 part series on reinventing your relationship with time and money. If you haven’t spent time with Part 1 (episode 313), we encourage you to go back and listen before diving in to this latest installment.

    As promised, in this episode you’ll hear Amy Jo’s New Year’s list featuring what she plans to take with her into the new year, leave behind in 2023 and create new in 2024. She has been doing this exercise for over ten years. These actionable items go hand in hand with her goal to reinvent her relationship with time and money. It’s not too late to do this exercise yourself. Amy Jo dives into the “now what?” and how to execute on your goals for the year.

    You’ll learn the tactics and indicators on how to know when you are tapped and trapped, how to know when you are creating momentum and when you are on the right track to increasing your capacity and expanding your bandwidth.

    Amy Jo explains what the Ruthless Red Pen is and how you can use it, as well as how to deal with what she calls Bandwidth Bankrupters. You’ll learn the important questions to ask yourself before you decide to take another “hey can I pick your brain?” meeting.

    Lastly, Amy Jo shares the Three S’s and what they mean for your bandwidth and capacity.

    This episode is packed with tactics to get you on your way to your reinvention goals. In Part 3, Amy Jo will breakdown how these tools and reinvention mindset applies to money.

    To watch the full video of this episode, head to www.youtube.com/@renegadeglobal.

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  • A solo series with Amy Jo! In this first episode of a three-part series, you’ll hear how Amy Jo is reinventing her relationship with time (and how you can too). You will learn tactical tips so you can do the same. Amy Jo has overhauled how she spends her days. The catalyst for this reinvention? Some tough, life-changing lessons. You will learn how to optimize your bandwidth (finite 24 hours in a day) and expand your capacity (infinite potential). Hint: Getting up earlier and earlier is not a strategy.

    When we make friends with the data, (aka make friends with reality), we start to see tangible change. Reinvention is a daily practice.

    Amy Jo has never seen the level of exhaustion in people's eyes that she sees now. After looking in the mirror, she realized that she also slipped into this boat.

    Amy Jo shares what is required for reinvention. She explains the difference between your bandwidth and your capacity. She teaches how to design and execute your ideal day by using a time budget and how to conduct a time audit. These tools are invaluable for you in order to change your days.

    You’ll also learn what to do if you are not feeling a sense of growth, fulfillment and joy in your life and career, and the three things you can do today to start expanding your bandwidth and your capacity.

    Amy Jo is brutally honest and acknowledges she hasn’t figured everything out but the concepts and tactics she shares can make a considerable difference in how you spend your days - which is how you spend your life.

    To watch the full video of this episode, head to www.youtube.com/@renegadeglobal

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  • Corporate isn’t a dirty word, and Nicole Rex will tell you why. She is on a journey to reinvent it.

    Nicole is the VP of Global Marketing at Dell Technologies. A storyteller, creator, and marketer at heart, Nicole brings a unique passion for helping people and infusing creativity into every aspect of her work, all while having a ton of fun. After all, if we’re not having fun, what’s the point?

    In this episode, you’ll explore how Nicole is redefining the corporate landscape…the Renegade way. You’ll learn the innovative tactics she employs with her team, hear her unravel the secrets to taking ownership of your own career in a rapidly evolving industry, and get a glimpse into the future of technology.

    Dive into the world of corporate reinvention and learn from the experiences of a true Renegade in global marketing.

    To watch the full video of this episode, head to www.youtube.com/@renegadeglobal

    To listen on Apple Podcasts, head to https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/why-not-now-with-amy-jo-martin/id1151555311

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    Buy Amy Jo’s Book: https://amyjomartin.com/book

  • Immerse yourself in a profound conversation with Dr. Melanie McNally, a licensed clinical psychologist and a trailblazing brain coach. With a career spanning almost two decades, Dr. McNally has devoted herself to the mental well-being of adults and adolescents. Her groundbreaking life coaching programs are designed to instill self-awareness, align actions with values, and empower the younger generation to create a life that sparks excitement.

    Dive into the intricacies of the mind as Dr. McNally shares insights on how to find your flow state and overcome your fear of public speaking. You’ll also explore the world of brain coaching through her unique hacks, gaining practical tools for navigating the complexities of modern life. Discover the art of decreasing cognitive load and an abundance of tips and tricks to enhance your mental well-being.

    This episode is an exploration of the inner self, offering a wealth of knowledge from a true Renegade in the realm of mental health.

    For more about Dr. Melanie, head to https: www.destinationyou.net/about

    Dr. Melanie's new book

    To watch the full video of this episode, head to www.youtube.com/@renegadeglobal

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  • What is the impact of AI on humans? How can you use it to your advantage? Well, the goal of this episode is to leave you empowered and able to take very practical steps toward your own AI goals.

    Dive into the dynamic world of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies with Amy Jo and our Renegade guests - Lindsey Michaelides, Founder of Strongsuit, Erin Suarez, Group Manager, Americas Demand Generation at Epson (who oversees 60% of their revenue!) and Georgia Sapounas, Senior Director of Digital Products and Innovation at the Cleveland Cavaliers, as they unravel the profound impact of AI on humanity.

    You’ll be handed the keys to success in navigating the evolving landscape of AI, from staying relentlessly curious to the power of finding a mentor and even asking ChatGPT to teach you about itself (yes, that’s a thing).

    This conversation, recorded live at the 2023 Renegade Summit in Miami, is a powerful reminder that opportunities are rarely handed out; instead, they are created by those who dare to push boundaries.

    Whether you're a tech enthusiast or a professional seeking a deeper understanding of AI's future, these industry leaders share their experiences and lessons from the forefront of technological innovation to send you well on your way.

    To watch the full video of this episode, head to www.youtube.com/@renegadeglobal

    For more info and to join Renegade, head to https://www.renegade.global

    Follow Renegade Global on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renegade_global/

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  • In this compelling podcast episode, host Amy Jo engages in an on stage conversation with Nadya Okamoto, a force to be reckoned with in the entrepreneurial world. Nadya, Founder & CEO of August, a sustainable tampon and pad company, has not only pioneered eco-friendly menstruation products but also led the charge against period poverty through her non-profit organization, PERIOD, all at the age of 25.

    They explore Nadya's remarkable journey, beginning with her entrepreneurial spirit kindled in childhood. They tackle the delicate topics of mental health struggles and being disowned, offering valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs. Nadya shares her experiences finding community on social media, where she has over 4 million followers, and how it inspired her to create lasting change.

    This episode dives into Nadya's unique ability to stay grounded and humble amidst her significant accomplishments, including founding multiple companies. Hear about her discovery of her superpower and how it propelled her to start August, revolutionizing the menstrual product industry while making an impact.

    Tune in for an inspiring conversation on youth-led entrepreneurship, authenticity in the digital age, and the power of impactful initiatives. Discover how one person's determination can create lasting change in the world.

    To watch the full video of this episode, head to www.youtube.com/@renegadeglobal

    For more info and to join Renegade, head to https://www.renegade.global

    Follow Renegade Global on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renegade_global/

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    Why Not Now? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whynotnow/

    Buy Amy Jo’s Book: https://amyjomartin.com/book

  • Sophia Amoruso is a serial entrepreneur, a New York Times Bestselling Author, and the original #GirlBoss. In this episode, she shares how she started a company from the back of her ‘87 Volvo, scaled it to a $100 million, and how she has reinvented and rebuilt herself in the process.

    In this candid conversation, Sophia shares the unvarnished truths of her journey, shedding light on the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs in the world of venture capital. She opens up about her experiences in creating opportunity, the power of saying no, starting fast and cutting losses quickly, and the X-factor that has helped her be so successful. Sophia gets real about her reactions and struggles with press coverage about her and her companies, offering insights into the complexities of balancing life and business. She’s leveraged these experiences to launch BusinessClass, an online course helping entrepreneurs launch their dream businesses and her venture capital firm, TrustFund.

    Sophia and Amy Jo talk about their best tips to managing burnout, setting boundaries, and walk through step by step Amy Jo’s secret tool to managing her inbox. Sophia is a total Renegade - writing the rules and shaking sh*t up again and again.

    To watch the full video of this episode, head to www.youtube.com/@renegadeglobal

    For more info and to join Renegade, head to https://www.renegade.global

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    Why Not Now? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whynotnow/

    Buy Amy Jo’s Book: https://amyjomartin.com/book

  • Matt Lombardi, former professional athlete and Co-Founder of Beam, joins Amy Jo for a heartfelt conversation covering inspiration, heartbreak, mental health and everything in between. Beam crafts functional wellness products designed to enhance sleep, calm, energy, recovery, and hydration, reshaping the landscape of health and wellness.

    Amy Jo and Matt dive deep into the essence of Matt's remarkable journey. They explore the inseparable relationship between risk and reward, shedding light on the sacrifices made on the path to entrepreneurial success. Matt shares how his background in sports honed his entrepreneurial instincts and the unyielding mindset that propelled him forward, even in the face of personal tragedy.

    The conversation takes an emotional turn as Matt opens up about the loss of his father and how that experience became a driving force for his inspiration. He gives valuable tips on maintaining focus, prioritizing health, and combating imposter syndrome.

    By the end of this powerful episode, Amy Jo found herself moved to tears, a testament to the depth of the conversation and the inspiring wisdom shared.

    For more info and to join Renegade, head to https://www.renegade.global

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    Why Not Now? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whynotnow/

    Buy Amy Jo’s Book: https://amyjomartin.com/book

  • Join Amy Jo as she delves deep with Jodi Shelton, the remarkable co-founder and president of the Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA). Jodi's story is one of relentless determination and unwavering dedication, she will outwork most anyone in a room evident from the fact she’s held a job since 6th grade).

    Throughout the conversation, Amy Jo and Jodi explore topics that have shaped Jodi's extraordinary journey. They discuss her insatiable passion for travel and exploring different cultures, highlighting the role it played in broadening her perspective. Jodi shares the exact moments that led her to start her own company, emphasizing the importance of a strong work ethic and how she found unshakeable confidence in her abilities.

    The episode is rich with valuable insights as Jodi opens up about following one's curiosity and ideas, illuminating the path to innovation and personal growth. She also touches upon the delicate balance between time and sanity, offering practical wisdom for managing a demanding career while preserving one's well-being.

    Part of the conversation revolves around finding parallels between one's career and personal life. Jodi's experiences serve as a guiding light, illustrating how the principles of perseverance, resilience, and forward momentum can be applied universally, both in the professional arena and in our individual journeys.

    For more info and to join Renegade, head to https://www.renegade.global

    Follow Renegade Global on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renegade_global/

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    Why Not Now? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whynotnow/

    Buy Amy Jo’s Book: https://amyjomartin.com/book

  • Get to know the REAL person behind the personality. Matthew McConaughey has depth and shares things in this episode that we’ve never heard before. We all know him from the big screen, but this wide-ranging conversation takes unexpected turns and give us a glimpse into his life behind the scenes. You’ll hear the Matthew behind the @officiallymcconaughey.

    Matthew is an Academy Award winning Actor, Producer and College Professor. In this episode he shares amazing stories, tactical insights and lessons hes learned along the way. This conversation goes from comical to philosophical to heartwarming and hilarious. Matthew’s 10 year old daughter, Vida, even makes a cameo to give her Dad some constructive criticism.

    Matthew and Amy Jo also discuss his book “Greenlights” and explore his vision for the future. Matthew sheds light on how he sees the current role he's playing as being the ultimate script and the only character he is interested in portraying at the moment. There is a lesson in that for all of us.

    For more info and to join Renegade, head to https://www.renegade.global

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    Why Not Now? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whynotnow/

    Buy Amy Jo’s Book: https://amyjomartin.com/book

  • Marcus Buckingham is the author of two of the best selling business books of all time. He studies psychometrics for a living and brings research into everything he does to unlock strengths, increase performance and help pioneer the future of how people work. Both his insight, and storytelling, are unrivaled.

    In the episode, Marcus reveals what he perceives as the fundamental key to life. He uses research to underscore how being in love serves as a prescription that enhances our intelligence. Conversely, he explains the consequences of suppressing love, shedding light on intricate biochemical processes in our brains.

    Marcus explains how who you are, and how you contribute in the world, is massively connected to what you love. Therefore, we must find the love in what we do. We cannot sustain without love.

    You’ll learn how to identify what it is about your days that you love, along with 4 key questions leaders should ask each week to optimize their teams' potential and harness the unique qualities that each individual brings to the table.

    Learn more about Marcus, and check out his free assessment at https://www.marcusbuckingham.com or follow @marcusbuckingham on Instagram.

    For more info and to join Renegade, head to https://www.renegade.global

    Follow Renegade Global on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renegade_global/

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    Why Not Now? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whynotnow/

    Buy Amy Jo’s Book: https://amyjomartin.com/book

  • Scott O’Neil stands as one of the most accomplished and multifaceted executives, excelling across both the professional sports and corporate domains. Currently serving as the CEO of Merlin Entertainment and acclaimed author of “Be Where Your Feet Are,” his prowess transcends industries. His legacy is underscored by former leadership roles as CEO of the NHL’s NJ Devils, NBA’s Philadelphia 76’ers, and the Prudential Center.

    Scott has been through extreme ups and downs in his life, but finds joy in the triumphs, tribulations, and lessons learned along the way.

    Amy Jo and Scott’s paths intertwined during their tenure in NBA and within this dynamic episode, the pair delves into an extensive array of topics ranging from productivity tips and business lessons to distinguishing what is really important in life!

    During the episode, Scott shares a simple yet impactful philosophy that serves as a guiding principle in both his personal and professional life. He also sheds light on the immense power of the word 'no' and how it has positively shaped his journey. Additionally, the pair unpack the key attribute that sets high achievers apart from the rest and offer practical, step-by-step guidance to adopting this behavior.

    Tune in for an exclusive backstage pass to the playbook on navigating the complexities of your personal and professional journey with a man who has not only witnessed it all but has also thrived in the process.

    For more info and to join Renegade, head to https://www.renegade.global

    Follow Renegade Global on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renegade_global/

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    Why Not Now? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whynotnow/

    Buy Amy Jo’s Book: https://amyjomartin.com/book

  • Brittany Hiller is the COO of Renegade and the complementary Yin to Amy Jo's Yang. Britt embodies a fusion of razor-sharp legal acumen with entrepreneurial artistry. Discover how Britt’s journey took an unexpected turn from attorney to CMO, and how her remarkable results led to her taking the reins as CEO, leading the organization in 200+% topline growth in 2.5 years and a nine-figure exit, all before the age of 32.

    In this episode, Amy Jo delves into the synergy between her distinct skill set and that of Britt’s, highlighting how they seamlessly intertwine to amplify each other's strengths. Britt goes on to unveil her 'secret sauce'—a set of leadership strategies she employs to enhance connectivity, foster a robust team dynamic, and drive not only her own achievements but also elevate the organizations she engages with to remarkable success.

    In a candid conversation, Britt delves into her journey of navigating the landscape as a young female CEO, shedding light on the stark discrepancies in treatment and questioning she faced compared to her male counterparts. Discover how Britt not only harnessed the power of numbers to silence skeptics but also strategically wielded data as a shield against naysayers.

    For more info and to join Renegade, head to https://www.renegade.global

    Follow Renegade Global on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renegade_global/

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    Follow Amy Jo:

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    Why Not Now? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whynotnow/

    Buy Amy Jo’s Book: https://amyjomartin.com/book