They're known by many names; Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yowie, Yeti, Almas and the list goes on. For centuries, eyewitnesses have reported seeing them in forests all over the world.
You might wonder what's it like to have an encounter with a Sasquatch. Well, listen to the show and you'll hear eyewitnesses tell you what it was like for them when they encountered a Sasquatch. -
Indiana Swimming Sport Development Director, Dr. Roch King, sits down with Coaches, Leaders and Scholars to discuss the lastest in Competitive Swimming
This series provides detailed guidance for planning a trip to Everglades National Park. Different sections of the park including the Ten Thousand Islands, Shark Valley, Flamingo, and Royal Palm are discussed by park rangers.
This Podcast is going to give you in-depth conversations with a variety of experts and professionals in the Equine Therapy field. It will be my job to find world class leaders on Equine Assisted learning and Therapy and deconstruct their experience, habits, routines, and principals to manageable pieces so we can apply the most critical skills.
A podcast about much more than just traditional Bowhunting. We get to meet, and speak with a lot of amazing individuals. Join us as we introduce you to these characters and share knowledge and hunting stories along the way.
Join neuroscientist, philosopher, and five-time New York Times best-selling author Sam Harris as he explores important and controversial questions about the mind, society, current events, moral philosophy, religion, and rationality—with an overarching focus on how a growing understanding of ourselves and the world is changing our sense of how we should live.
Sam is also the creator of the Waking Up app. Combining Sam’s decades of mindfulness practice, profound wisdom from varied philosophical and contemplative traditions, and a commitment to a secular, scientific worldview, Waking Up is a resource for anyone interested in living a more examined, fulfilling life—and a new operating system for the mind.
Waking Up offers free subscriptions to anyone who can’t afford one, and donates a minimum of 10% of profits to the most effective charities around the world. To learn more, please go to
Sam Harris received a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA. -
Podcast kaikesta siitä viisaudesta, mitä hevoset meille opettavat sekä niistä hevosista, jotka sitä viisasta oppia meille antavat.
Kertomuksia maailmankaikkeuden ääristä ihmiskehon syövereihin.
Toimittajina Pirjo Koskinen, Leena Mattila, Teija Peltoniemi ja Riikka Suikkari.
Ohjelmaa avustavat tiedetoimittajat Mari Heikkilä, Sisko Loikkanen ja Jari Mäkinen.
Yle Radio 1 tiistaisin ja perjantaisin klo 12.10.
Tuottajana Jenni Stammeier.
Jos tykkäät Tiedeykkösestä, niin lisää se Areenan mobiilisovelluksessa suosikiksesi ja tilaa ilmoitukset, niin saat puhelimeesi aina tiedon uudesta jaksosta. -
Each week we pair a comedian with a scientist, to break down the scientifically inaccurate elements of popular movies and TV shows. Warning: There will be spoilers.
Kimanttia on Viaplayn NHL-selostaja Antti Mäkisen ja NHL-asiantuntija sekä Stanley Cup -voittaja Kimmo Timosen podcast maailman parhaasta jääkiekkosarjasta. Uusi jakso torstaisin.
For a decade, Dave Asprey, “the father of biohacking,” elevated what you knew about the capabilities of your mind and body across a thousand episodes of Bulletproof Radio. Now, he’s evolving it even further in his plan to upgrade humanity. You’re invited to expand your knowledge, explore your own performance and embrace possibility with The Human Upgrade™.
You’ll meet bright thinkers and radical doers who push the boundaries of science, technology, personal development, and human performance in every way imaginable. You’ll learn from experts around the world who elevate what it means to be human.
Every guest you listen to, every topic you learn about, every new idea you discover on this podcast moves you forward.
Join The Human Upgrade™ with Dave Asprey on this next evolution to upgrade your mind, body and life.
Sisältö ei ole järin laadukasta, mutta sitä on tarjolla paljon. MA/KE/PE mennään heti aamutuimaan. Keskiviikot pelastaa Ika Lehkosen kopukankova huippu-urheiluromantiikka. Lisätietopaketit ja yhteydenotot:
The Michael Shermer Show is a series of long-form conversations between Dr. Michael Shermer and leading scientists, philosophers, historians, scholars, writers and thinkers about the most important issues of our time.
A Daily Morning Show About Sports & Hip-Hop Hosted by TDBarrett & Eli Mack.
NHL-podcast Kaukosenlaidalla vie kuulijansa maailman parhaan jääkiekkosarjan NHL:n syvään päähän. Uutiset, ilmiöt, analyysit ja tuoreimmat keskusteluaiheet pintaa syvemmältä ja kelloon katsomatta. Tarunhohtoisiin käänteisiin kuulijat johdattalee jääkiekkohullut Veli Kaukonen ja Nico Oksanen. Tervetuloa mukaan joka maanantai!
Motorcycle racing podcast covering all aspects of the sport with co-host Dom Herbertson and rolling co-hosts Josh Corner, Joe Akroyd and Christian Iddon. We talk all things motorbikes, covering Road Racing, BSB, WSBK, MotoGP and much more.
Follow us on socials:
Instagram: @chasintheracinpod
Facebook: Chasin' the Racin' Podcast
X: @motorbikepod -
Interviews with Scholars of Medicine about their New Book
Support our show by becoming a premium member! -
This series covers the Strachey Lectures, a series of termly computer science lectures named after Christopher Strachey, the first Professor of Computation at the University of Oxford.
Hosted by the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, the Strachey Lectures began in 1995 and have included many distinguished speakers over the years. The Strachey Lectures are generously supported by OxFORD Asset Management. -
Polkuporinat -podcastsarjassa pääset kuuntelemaan kestävyysurheilun parissa olevien henkilöiden haastatteluja ja pureutumaan aiheeseen juuri heidän näkökulmasta. Haastateltavana on monipuolinen joukko suomalaisia urheilijoita ja alansa asiantuntijoita.
Lääkäripodi on tuotettu Duodecimin tuella.
Lääkäripodi on kahden lääkärin, Jennin ja Annin tekemä terveyspodcast, jossa ei ole tyhmiä kysymyksiä, ja vastauksetkin ovat ymmärrettäviä. Tämä podcast on sulle, jos olet kiinnostunut omasta terveydestäsi.
Viikoittain vaihtuvan asiantuntijavieraan kanssa ruoditaan ajankohtaiset aiheet ja mietitään, mikä on terveyden kannalta oikeasti oleellista.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.