Talks and lectures on varying topics about Yoga and Yoga Life including finding balance and harmony, the power of positive thinking, non-violent communication and relationships, and understanding how the mind works and functions.
हिंदू शिव पर दूध क्यों चढ़ाते हैं?
Welcome to my podcast , I hope you enjoy listening to it!
You’re listening to Encounter
Encounter was launched with a mission to offer a safe space to encounter the transcendent God in the midst of the noise of our daily routines.
It is a daily podcast of sacred and mindful meditations to help you encounter the divine presence of God throughout your day. -
Inhimillistä itsetuntemusta podcast lisää ymmärrystäsi ihmisyydestä ja itsestäsi. Tekijänä Eevi Minkkinen.
The Hot Seat is an interactive Islamic podcast that aims to deal with contemporary issues by using classical solutions from the past. Atheism. Feminism. Politics. The early generations of Muslims – the best of Muslims – had answers for all of these issues and many more.
However, this isn’t your average Islamic lecture series. Firstly, YOU have the power to choose the topic you would like to see discussed on the show. Secondly, the unique format of the show comes to life through an engaging, captivating, and often heated dialogue between two opposing parties. Enjoy!
Find out more by visiting or by following us on Instagram @thehotseat_pod -
Maailmanpuu – joogaan ja maailman viisausperinteisiin keskittyvät podcast. Isäntinä joogaopettaja Miska Käppi ja tietokirjailija Matti Rautaniemi.
Podcast, joka kertoo parhaat jutut viimeisten 2000 vuoden varrelta.
Life is change. Change is magick. Magick is life... and the journey is the creation.
Usein ne, jotka eivät hyväksy valmiita vastauksia kritiikittä tai muuten sovi yhteisön normeihin, torjutaan kristillisistä piireistä. Tässä podcastissa etsitään suuntaviittoja kohti sellaista uskoa, joka ei tarkoita järjen tai omantunnon hylkäämistä. Isäntänä teologi, eksegetiikan väitöskirjatutkija Markus Finnilä.
Facebook: Harhaoppia
Email: [email protected] -
The podcast where we wonder together about the story of God. We Wonder is a contemplative devotional for children, and the grown-ups who remember that we are God's children too.
Valopäät valottavat ajankohtaisia aiheita. Kaupunkikulttuurin oraakkelit Henri Järvinen ja Jan Ahonen on päästetty irti.
Nicole J. Sachs, LCSW is a speaker, writer, and psychotherapist who has dedicated her life and her practice to the treatment of chronic pain and conditions. She is the author of The Meaning of Truth, and the online course: FREEDOM FROM CHRONIC PAIN. Through her personal journey working directly with Dr. John Sarno as well as counseling hundreds of clients, she's shaped and evolved theories which serve to teach those suffering how to heal themselves, completely, with no medication or surgery. Learn more about Nicole's work at, and check out her YouTube channel The Cure for Chronic Pain with Nicole Sachs, LCSW. (
A Former Adventist Looking in from the Outside! Peter enjoys interviewing every 'kind' of Adventist and discussing every possible topic! From history, politics, doctrines, Ellen G. White, controversies, tensions, hot potatoes and beyond!
Psychedelic Milk is a podcast about alternative medicine for scientific healing purposes and spiritual growth.
Pappismunkki Damaskinos Ksenofontoslainen kertoo ortodoksisen kirkon hengellisestä perinteestä.
Ready to dive into all things manifestation? From the Law of Attraction to self-help and spirituality, Aligned Abundance by Emma Mumford covers it all. With new episodes released every Monday, expect to get deep and personal as Emma welcomes you into her world and shows you what’s truly possible with the power of manifestation.
As the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert, award-winning life coach, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker, and 3x bestselling author of ‘Positively Wealthy’, ‘Hurt, Healing, Healed’, and ‘Manifesting Rituals’, with over a decade of manifesting experience Emma knows her stuff - and you’re about to get a front-row seat.
Expect deeply relatable topics, advice, and inspirational guest conversations, as well as access to Emma’s proven methods and tools to help you turn your dream life into an abundant reality. Tune in and get ready - because you’re about to supercharge your manifestation powers and live a life beyond your wildest dreams!
Learn more about Emma
Website -
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Emma's bestselling manifestation books -
Join Emma's FREE Law of Attraction Support Group on Facebook -
Watch Emma's YouTube videos -
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Podcast by Therian and Otherkin talk show and encouragement
Jyri Komulainen on dogmatiikan dosentti, joka on perehtynyt uskontodialogiin ja kristinuskon erilaisiin tulkintoihin maailmalla. Podcasteissaan Jyri käy vuoropuhelua kirkkokuplan ulkopuolelta tulevien vieraiden kanssa - väittelyäkään karttamatta. Ekstrajaksoissa keskustelukumppanit tulevat tutummin kirkon sisäpiiristä, mikä ei tarkoita, etteikö katse suuntautuisi silloinkin ulospäin. Tuotanto: Marjo Kiljunen/Kirkon viestintä
Download free lectures about spirituality, religion, kabbalah, the Bible, Greek myth, Runes, astrology, alchemy, meditation, the Zohar, Tantra, sacred sexuality, and much more. A free public service from Glorian Publishing, a non-profit organization.