
  • In this episode, I speak with my partner, my love, Heather Glazzard. (You’ll hear me using their nickname “Hev” for most of this episode.) We talk about how Hev navigated having rampantly undiagnosed ADHD as a kid and how they channelled that energy into creating the beautiful and important photography practice they have today. Please note we also talk about addiction, abuse, alcoholism and death. But it ends on a good note: Hev shares how they dealt with traumatic events through gratitude and love- and a little bit of Oprah.

    I think Oprah said, “if you're an addict, find something else to be addicted to.” And so I trained my brain to feel passionate about something else that wasn't booze and weed.”


    TENDER ZINETile - tracking devices for your stuffPeace is every step (link to online PDF)Vision board Ted TalkQueer Letters Portrait & Letter SeriesOprah Videos on gratitude:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpw7crMrA6ohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5sSB2bVCsEADHD & Addiction StatisticsAlcohol Experiment - Linked to “This Naked Mind” podcast, which first got us interested in this


    To read the Transcription go to youandmeADHD.com

  • In this episode, I chat with artist Hayley Wall about their experience of living with ADHD. Some topics to expect:

    ADHD DiagnosisImagination as a child and adult with ADHDSound sensitivityHorror filmsImpulsive spendingStimmingChronic illnessMaskingFood behaviours.

    TW: If conversations about food make you feel weird please note that we talk about disordered eating and diet culture. Feel free to skip those parts.

    As a sound note - there are some popping sounds throughout & we have no idea where they've come from but I enjoyed the ASMR so it stayed.


    Helico fidget toyCalmer EarbudsIt’s Nice That piece about chronic illness and pain (jelly)Access to WorkLaverne Cox fatphobia episode Anti-diet culture episode on How Stuff WorksTools & Tips:online food shop- automate everythingwww.focusmate.comGood old fashioned lists but only do two things per dayLink to Hayley’s work: https://www.hayleywall.co.uk/

    To see the full transcription visit www.youandmeadhd.com

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  • In this episode, I speak with June Lam about his experience of living with ADHD. In his own words, June is an artist and activist, a trans person, East Asian, Australian, and someone who identifies as femme.

    Some of the things we discuss are:

    Dealing with emotional burnout and how meditation can help -- and how you can actually meditate having ADHDHyperfocus and what it looks and feels likeUs trying to describe our ADHD brainsHaving neurodiverse friends What speaking with ADHD is likeRSDRelationships, polyamory and ADHD Communicating your ADHD access needs

    To give a quick snippet:

    How would you describe an ADHD brain?

    ...there's something that I'm always trying to explain ADHD to people: It’s just like a kind of perpetual presentness. You're always just in the present. So you're always just thinking about like, “what's happening now? Like what have I forgotten today essentially?”

    To follow along with the transcription go to www.youandmeadhd.com

  • In this episode, I speak with Jade ‘O’Belle about dancing to a different rhythm than the people around you, finding ways to heal, and accepting and welcoming chaos as a part of life.

    Show notes

    Jade as Gaia Reiki Healer You can find out more about Jade’s “Birthright” collection on her Instagram highlights We will put the link for her upcoming podcast up as soon as the first episode drops.

    Some of my favourite quotes from Jade during this interview:

    "My mental health was me trying to dance to other people's beats of their drum. Like, oh, they're playing that tune. I'm gonna dance to that tune. And it's like, no, that is, I don't, I'm, I'm an offbeat person. Like I don't dance to the same rhythm. "

    "This is actually, this is the Jade way. Oh, God. I'm talking about myself in the third person? But like my way of doing things is I think like people are like 1, 2, 3, 4 in steps that they take and I'm like 1, 6, 20, 5 30, like, and it's like those - like it's, it's like if a door closes a window opens or, you know, a skylight I can climb through it's, I've got those approaches. So like I'm not a straight line person. I'm like curves and wiggles and squiggles. And that's if I, and I think, cause we're like in chaos, there's like synchronicity and like reason and Hmm. Like, colours of different hues and stuff. And I think I love that about myself and that is something that makes me different and everyone has that, those differences, but I'm recognizing mine and like really embracing that. So yeah."

    "I think just honouring like what energy brings to me, what like that flow is inside of me, how I swerve in and out of things and making sure that those paths are really clear within me. So that's why like I wanted to do Reiki because I wanted to unblock all those things. And I always have this metaphor and I think I said earlier we were talking, but like how we carry bags of other people that they put on you. And I, you know, I just want to like kind of clear out and be like, are these my bags I'm carrying? Or are they, someone else's bags? And what's in the bags and I'm going to give them bags back because I'm so chaotic inside that I need to know, I need to start kind of doing an inventory of being like “are these my bags or are these your bags? Am I going to give them back to you? You okay, these are yours.” Do you know what I mean? I need to do that. So then I can think clearly and really tune into myself because it is a frequency and I don't need all this extra noise kind of thing."

    "Just actually just having the language has actually helped me. Cause I'm like, okay, I'm not a bad person. Oh no, I'm not a lazy person. This is the problem. Or no, not even, this is a problem. This is, this is the issue that's come up. So how can I rectify that issue? Cause before it was just like, oh, I'm lazy. I need to do things that are for lazy people to like be productive and it's no, you're not lazy. You've got X, Y, and Zed going on. So if you start looking at what these problems are, issues, whatever, then you can start to, you know, make solutions for whatever challenges I was coming across."

  • In this introductory episode, I speak with my friend, fellow ADHD’er and assistant sent from the heavens, Shirleen Bredeé, about my journey with ADHD and why I’ve started this podcast.

    This was recorded a bit differently from the rest of the season because we had to do it remotely, so if you have audio sensitivity turn the volume down on this one.

    For the full transcript and show notes visit: www.youandmeadhd.com

  • Introducing a new podcast about ADHD. Every week Nora sits down with a different artist to talk about their journey with ADHD. We talk about the struggles and victories of navigating a neurotypical world- beyond the stereotypes. A podcast about neurodiversity by people with neurodiversity.

    Go to www.youandmeadhd.com to read the transcript