History – Slovenia – Uudet podcastit
A Day In History brings to you the unsaid, weird, and ugly parts of history that are not taught in textbooks, along with some more hopeful sections of our past. With so much misinformation everywhere, our aim is to shed light on some of history's most suppressed but factual events.
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Ever wonder what’s really out there—hidden in the shadows of history, buried in conspiracy theories, or lurking just beyond the stars? From unsolved mysteries and urban legends to extraterrestrial encounters and mind-bending science (both real and fringe), Divergent History is where the strange gets explained—without the boring lectures. We’ll explore the stories that keep you up at night and the questions that make you rethink everything you thought you knew.
Oh, and you’ll also meet Wendell, my snarky, wise-ass owl sidekick who never misses a chance to throw in some sarcasm. Think of it like chatting with your neighbor over coffee—if your neighbor loved cracking jokes, solving mysteries, and hanging out with a grumpy owl. So, pull up a chair, and let’s dive into the unexplained. Together, we’ll uncover the secrets that make the unknown a little more fun—and maybe even a little less unknown. -
A parapolitical podcast about IG Farben, the chemical cartel that made WWII and the Holocaust possible for Nazi Germany.
Human Curated / AI Generated
Scottish Ghost Stories is a podcast created using Google NotebookLM software. Human research is combined into an AI generated podcast. We feature ghost stories from around Scotland, exploring the many interesting experiences from a supernatural perspective. -
I promised you a History of the Germans but I am afraid there is no such thing. All I can give you is the histories of the German people. The previous 94 episodes you have heard one of the histories of the Germans, the one about the mighty emperors and their political, military and spiritual struggle with the papacy. It is a great story, and it was fun to tell it.
But today we kick off another of the histories, the history of the North of Germany, the part that looked east, rather than south. It is a story of a frontier culture where an estimated 7% of the population of the western part of the empire pack up their belongings and move east, sometimes under the cover of expansionary princes or knightly orders, sometimes invited by local potentates looking to grow their economies. It is a story about the creation and expansion of trade networks, the foundation of cities, some that will remain modest in size, others that turn into important European capitals. It is the story of a periphery that will in time become the centre.
This is a narrative history in weekly 25-30 minute episodes that had initially been published in the History of the Germans Podcast. This is a re-release, so if you want to listen ahead, just go to https://historyofthegermans.com/eastward-expansion/ -
The Habsburg Empire may have collapsed following WWI, but the impacts left by the diverse multilingual state continue to affect the world, today. The Botstiber Podcast brings together historians, politicians, authors and more to help illustrate the connections shared by the various lands of the former Habsburg Empire and the United States.
A conversation about European Society.
Hosts Christian Geib, Lukas Posch, Fabian Kleinschmidt, John Winsell Davis and CDM’s L Todd Wood. -
Dive into the thrilling world of pirates with this series, exploring everything from the Golden Age of Piracy to the legendary figures who sailed the high seas. Uncover the truth behind iconic pirate treasures and the gritty realities of life aboard a pirate ship, as well as the fierce clashes between pirates and powerful navies. Discover how pirates created their own unique culture and democratic systems, and trace their lasting influence on modern pop culture. This series will unravel the myths and reveal the fascinating history behind the skull and crossbones.
Italy from 1409 to 1530 is synonymous with the Renaissance, but this was also the age of the condottieri, Italian captains of mercenary companies and multinational armies who fought in the service of city states, monarchs, and the Pope. Some like Ludovico Sforza in Milan seized power and founded dynasties in their own right. The merchant princes of the Medici family reached their apogee in Lorenzo the Magnificent in Florence, but faltered in the Papacy; Leo X proved no match for Martin Luther and Clement VII was powerless to avert the sack of Rome in 1527. Venice lost her overseas empire to the Turks, while proud King Francis I, defeated by the Emperor Charles and a prisoner in Madrid, was eventually forced to relinquish all hope of Italian conquest.
In this podcast, Megan also known as mkb and Maja also known as biscuit or mj, delve deep into the dark realities realities are often misconstrued and hidden from art world. We provide a background on historical artists and question the morals and motives on certain controversial topics in the world of Art.
“I Was There” is a podcast series featuring former senior humanitarian officials. They will take you back to various moments over the last 40 years that left a mark in the evolution of the humanitarian system. Each speaker reflects on her or his personal experience, and shares successes and challenges in their career journey.
Listen to personal reflections of how our former senior humanitarian officials navigated the challenging work of the UN in complex situations in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Iraq, Myanmar, Rwanda, Sudan and more.
Production: OCHA, UNTV, Hausberg Productions and Sucher Films. -
Poskus razumljivega opisa tega obdobja nemške zgodovine.
Predvsem želim predstaviti zanimive življenjske zgodbe in psihološka ozadja.
Pokriti želim celotno obdobjeod Bismarckovega Nemškega cesarstva nekje od 1870 do konca druge svetovne vojne in tudi po njej.
Rad bi poudaril, da je moje zanimanje zgolj zgodovinsko. Želim si prizadevati za objektivno objektivnost, tj. natančen prikaz realnosti.
Nimam političnih ciljev! -
Was the moon landing faked? Did Shakespeare actually pen his works? And were the pyramids really built by aliens? In History's Greatest Conspiracies, Rob Attar takes a deep dive into the theories in the company of expert historians to uncover if there's any truth behind the murky myths.
History’s Greatest Conspiracy Theories is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. For more fascinating stories from the past, head to HistoryExtra, the home of ‘History’s Greatest’ podcasts. There you can find other feeds including History’s Greatest Cities and HistoryExtra LongReads. Find out more at historyextra.com/podcast.
We'd love to know what you think about the podcast, so leave us a review and let us know the topics you think we should be covering. Or, follow us on Facebook, X, Instagram or YouTube to keep in touch.
You can listen ad-free to this podcast and more by subscribing to HistoryExtra Plus here: https://apple.co/4fgRA1d. -
Join Alix Chidley-Uttley & Amy Boucher for you dose of Witchcraft and Folkore. From murderous myths, the Witchfinder General to the plague, Alix & Amy discuss it all!
This series on China explores the rich tapestry of its history and culture, beginning with ancient civilizations and the philosophical foundations that shaped society. It delves into the imperial era, highlighting the achievements of dynasties like the Tang and Song, before examining the tumultuous transition to the modern era marked by imperialism and the rise of the Republic. The series then investigates the rise of communism under Mao Zedong, followed by economic reforms initiated by Deng Xiaoping that propelled China onto the global stage. Finally, it addresses contemporary challenges, including political dynamics, human rights issues, environmental concerns, and China's evolving role in international relations, offering a comprehensive view of this complex nation.
The later Hohenstaufen, Henry VI, Philipp von Schwaben, Otto IV, Frederick II and Konradin cover some of the most famous events of the High Middle Ages.
The capture of Richard the Lionheart, the conquest of Sicily, the battle of Bouvines, the Fifth Crusade, the court of Frederick II, Cortenuova and the epic final struggle between the pope and the emperor.
This is a narrative history in weekly 25-30 minute episodes that had initially been published in the History of the Germans Podcast. This is a re-release, so if you want to listen ahead, just go to https://historyofthegermans.com/frederick-ii/ -
Izmed mnogih žrtev totalitarizmov 20. stoletja, ki so opisane v knjigi Palme mučeništva, so slovenski škofje izbrali seznam mogočih blaženih. Na seznam kandidatov za beatifikacijo so uvrstili 27 oseb: 13 duhovnikov, 3 bogoslovce, eno redovnico in deset vernikov laikov. Med njimi je največ škofijskih in redovnih duhovnikov, dva bogoslovca, dva študenta, štiri učiteljice, redovnica, redovni brat, dva kmeta, pravnik, mizar, gospodinja in gospodinjska pomočnica ter dijak. Umrli so nasilne smrti med drugo svetovno vojno ali po njej, v koncentracijskem taborišču ali doma, med opravljanjem službe, med kmečkim delom, po zaporih ali so preprosto izginili. Vsakega od njih bomo predstavili v posebni pet minutni oddaji, ki je na sporedu vsako nedeljo ob 20.50.
A podcast on the truth about the creation of U.S. National Parks, retold by Indigenous voices.
Parks is about the Indigenous people who lived, hunted, and created communities on U.S. public lands, living reciprocally with nature for centuries before settler-colonists arrived. It’s about the racism, violence, and lies perpetrated by colonizers and the federal government as they dispossessed land from Native people not long ago.
On this podcast, you'll hear Indigenous perspectives on what’s happening to the land now, and what they hope for tomorrow.
Parks asks you to take a new look at our beloved natural spaces — including their conflicted pasts and their uncertain futures. -
Cuando nació, matrimonios, hijos, primera premiación
A weekly history podcast covering the rise and fall of the Greek city state of Syracuse
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