
  • 象徵全國最高身障運動殿堂的全國身障運,剛在台中圓滿落幕(4/9~4/12),這個兩年一次的盛會,也是少數有豐厚獎金的比賽,吸引各縣市的選手齊聚,爭奪至高的榮譽獎牌,努力寫下好成績。
    想了解更多歡迎來信:[email protected]
    單項運動組織推薦:台灣地板滾球運動聯盟 www.bocciataiwan.org 

    小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/ckpzorcbv20z20830bcgi5fms
    留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckpzorcbv20z20830bcgi5fms/comments

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  • 象徵全國最高身障運動殿堂的全國身障運,剛在台中圓滿落幕(4/9~4/12),這個兩年一次的盛會,也是少數有豐厚獎金的比賽,吸引各縣市的選手齊聚,爭奪至高的榮譽獎牌,努力寫下好成績。
    留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckpzorcbv20z20830bcgi5fms/comments
    想了解更多歡迎來信:[email protected]

    單項運動組織推薦:台灣地板滾球運動聯盟 www.bocciataiwan.org 

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  • 象徵全國最高身障運動殿堂的全國身障運,剛在台中圓滿落幕(4/9~4/12),這個兩年一次的盛會,也是少數有豐厚獎金的比賽,吸引各縣市的選手齊聚,爭奪至高的榮譽獎牌,努力寫下好成績。
    留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckpzorcbv20z20830bcgi5fms/comments
    想了解更多歡迎來信:[email protected]

    單項運動組織推薦:台灣地板滾球運動聯盟 www.bocciataiwan.org 

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 這集的主角是一位跨海的好朋友,帶著他心愛的另一半來跟台灣的選手講講話。

    想了解更多歡迎來信:[email protected]
    單項運動組織推薦:台灣地板滾球運動聯盟 www.bocciataiwan.org 
    留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/story/ckvwgjeem4ehr0922dul0pj09?m=comment

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  • 哈!我大概是第一次保留這麼多NG的段落和故意不想刪掉的粗話了~期待吧?





    勤參賽 爭獎牌 進帕運
    揚名氣 覓良緣 人生贏


    想了解更多歡迎來信:[email protected]
    單項運動組織推薦:台灣地板滾球運動聯盟 www.bocciataiwan.org 

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  • 大家久等了,這一集,體保生又來了,這次專心說出自己想要的。

    接下來他希望你記得這個名字:輪椅人WHEELCHAIR MAN
    [Youtube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6VDwic2PyA17QUULXaTCOg
    [facebook] https://www.facebook.com/wheelchairmanTW
    [IG] https://www.instagram.com/wheelchair_man_tw
    想了解更多歡迎來信:[email protected]
    單項運動組織推薦:台灣地板滾球運動聯盟 www.bocciataiwan.org 

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 這一集,我們來聽一個體保生的故事!
    你或許聽過他,但接下來他希望你記得這個名字:輪椅人WHEELCHAIR MAN

    [Youtube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6VDwic2PyA17QUULXaTCOg
    [facebook] https://www.facebook.com/wheelchairmanTW
    [IG] https://www.instagram.com/wheelchair_man_tw

    In this episode, let's listen to a story about an athletics student with recommendation!
     In the first half of his life, he relied on his excellent performance in sports to advance in the eyes of others. In fact, he was forced to grow up early and learn a lot that only adults need to learn in the world.
     Until the night that symbolizes the beginning of the intermission of life…
     You may have heard of him, but he hopes you remember this name from now on: WHEELCHAIR MAN
    Subscribe to his social media now!
     [Youtube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6VDwic2PyA17QUULXaTCOg
     [Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/wheelchairmanTW
     [IG] https://www.instagram.com/wheelchair_man_tw

    想了解更多歡迎來信:[email protected]
    單項運動組織推薦:台灣地板滾球運動聯盟 www.bocciataiwan.org 

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 地板滾球發展初期,有一個實力很強大的特教學校,派出來的選手屢屢獲得好成績,也最為人所知。其中有一位選手,那時候走路有點風,不管是能力還是氣勢,都讓人無法忽視。

    At the early stage of the development of boccia, there was a powerful special education school, and the players from it was known for repeatedly achieving good results. One of the players was a little windy at that time. Whether it was ability or momentum, it was impossible to ignore.
    Later, we became good friends. Only then did I discover that he was full of innocence and true temperament. He might even be a little grown-up boy. In this episode, I invite you to join me with Yi-Chieh, who can share a lot about his life story with us!

    了解更多歡迎來信:[email protected]
    單項運動組織推薦:台灣地板滾球運動聯盟 www.bocciataiwan.org 

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 地板滾球發展初期,有一個實力很強大的特教學校,派出來的選手屢屢獲得好成績,也最為人所知。其中有一位選手,那時候走路有點風,不管是能力還是氣勢,都讓人無法忽視。

    At the early stage of the development of boccia, there was a powerful special education school, and the players from it was known for repeatedly achieving good results. One of the players was a little windy at that time. Whether it was ability or momentum, it was impossible to ignore.
    Later, we became good friends. Only then did I discover that he was full of innocence and true temperament. He might even be a little grown-up boy. In this episode, I invite you to join me with Yi-Chieh, who can share a lot about his life story with us!

    了解更多歡迎來信:[email protected]
    單項運動組織推薦:台灣地板滾球運動聯盟 www.bocciataiwan.org 

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 這集找來的朋友,對我個人有滿大的意義,想到要訪問選手,第一個好像不能不是他。





    了解更多歡迎來信:[email protected]
    單項運動組織推薦:台灣地板滾球運動聯盟 www.bocciataiwan.org 

    The friend I found in this episode means a lot to me personally. When I think of interviewing the players, he must be the first one.

    Hsin Lin is a player I have cooperated with many times on the field. Because of his hard work and never giving up, I realized that it is a wonderful experience to fight together, enjoy the glory together, and take responsibility together as a player's assistant.

    He has beaten almost all the elite players, but just missed the gold medal. I have an idea: the gold medal throne cannot always be on one person, but when it comes to the strongest silver medal, I only agree with one person, which seems to be a good comment.

    This episode allows everyone to listen to his battle with the god of death. Maybe you don’t know that the experience of almost knocking on the death door of being in danger is actually part of a group of severely physically handicapped people in their lives.

    And there is something maybe you don't know.......

    OK~ let's Boccia BAR !

    know more)[email protected]
    support them)https://pay.firstory.me/user/marsboccia
    recommend sports organization)台灣地板滾球運動聯盟 www.bocciataiwan.org 

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 這集找來的朋友,對我個人有滿大的意義,想到要訪問選手,第一個好像不能不是他。





    了解更多歡迎來信:[email protected]
    單項運動組織推薦:台灣地板滾球運動聯盟 www.bocciataiwan.org 

    The friend I found in this episode means a lot to me personally. When I think of interviewing the players, he must be the first one.

    Hsin Lin is a player I have cooperated with many times on the field. Because of his hard work and never giving up, I realized that it is a wonderful experience to fight together, enjoy the glory together, and take responsibility together as a player's assistant.

    He has beaten almost all the elite players, but just missed the gold medal. I have an idea: the gold medal throne cannot always be on one person, but when it comes to the strongest silver medal, I only agree with one person, which seems to be a good comment.

    This episode allows everyone to listen to his battle with the god of death. Maybe you don’t know that the experience of almost knocking on the death door of being in danger is actually part of a group of severely physically handicapped people in their lives.

    And there is something maybe you don't know.......

    OK, let's Boccia BAR !

    know more)[email protected]
    support them)https://pay.firstory.me/user/marsboccia
    recommend sports organization)台灣地板滾球運動聯盟 www.bocciataiwan.org 

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 第一集對於聽眾來說,是個了解這個podcast第一印象的重要時機,找來聊的人當然要有觀眾緣,最好長得還有點福氣,大人小孩通吃,哈!所以,這個笑起來很開朗的大男孩,就是我第一集的來賓了。


    The first episode is an important opportunity for the audience to get the first impression of this podcast. Of course, those who come to chat must be attractive to the audience, and it is best to be a little chubby that adults and children like it all, haha!So, THE big boy with a cheerful smile is my best choice for our first episode.

    OK~Let's Boccia BAR!

    了解更多歡迎來信:[email protected]
    單項運動組織推薦:台灣地板滾球運動聯盟 www.bocciataiwan.org 

    Powered by Firstory Hosting