
  • 📢對話  
    👨‍🦱:어서 오세요. 몇 분이세요?     歡迎光臨!   請問幾位?  
    🙍‍♂️:두 사람입니다. 是兩個人。  
    🙍:우리 맥주도 마실까요? 我們要不要也喝啤酒?  
    🙍‍♂️:콜! 好! 
    👨‍🦱:주문 도와드릴까요? 要不要幫忙點菜?  
    🙍:네,‘양념치킨’하나하고 맥주 두 병 주세요.   好,(我們)要一份調味全雞和兩瓶啤酒。


    V/A (으)ㄹ까요?  (我們)要不要~? / 做~怎麼樣? 動詞、形容詞詞幹無收尾音 : 加 ㄹ까요? 動詞、形容詞詞幹有收尾音 : 加 을까요? 가다[動詞] 去、走 가(詞幹) + ㄹ까요 → 갈까요? 만나다[動詞] 見面 만나(詞幹)+ㄹ까요 → 만날까요? 보다[動詞]    看 보(詞幹) + ㄹ까요 → 볼까요? 먹다[動詞]    吃 먹(詞幹) + 을까요 → 먹을까요? 앉다[動詞]    坐 앉(詞幹) + 을까요 → 앉을까요?  부산에 갈까요?     去釜山怎麼樣?  언제 만날까요?     甚麼時候見面好呢?  영화를 볼까요?     要不要看電影?  밥을 먹을까요?     吃飯好不好?  우리 여기에 앉을까요?  我們坐這裡好不好? N(을/를) 주세요.  請給 N。/ 我要 N。 ★을/를[受格助詞] 커피(를) 주세요. 請給我咖啡(我要咖啡)。         생일선물(을) 주세요.      我要生日禮物。영화표 두 장(을) 주세요.  請給我兩張電影票。 휴지 한 장(을) 주세요.   請給我一張衛生紙。 


    몇       幾 분   位 量詞사람的敬語詞 하나     一個 → 한 사람 一個人→ 한 장   一張 둘    兩個 → 두 사람  兩個人 → 두 병   兩瓶 우리    我們 맥주    啤酒 부산      釜山 언제     甚麼時候  영화     電影 밥       飯 여기    這裡 콜      好!沒問題!同意! 마시다[動詞] 喝  주문하다 [動詞] 點、訂 주문 [名詞]  點、訂 도와드리다 (給於)幫忙 *도와주다的尊敬階詞 주다[動詞]    給 주세요  請給(我)、(我)要

    ◆ 「주세요」與「좀」搭配使用,可曾添謙卑之涵義喔!  

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏Article
    A new Barbie doll has been released that's based on Naomi Osaka. But many fans of the tennis star will be disappointed — because the doll sold out in just a few hours.
    The doll is part of the Barbie Role Model collection from toy company Mattel, which includes dolls based on inspiring women. Osaka's doll costs $30 and comes with a tennis racket and ball. Osaka explained on Instagram that it's wearing the same clothes she wore at the 2020 Australian Open.
    "I really hope every child is reminded that they can be and do anything," she wrote. "This is really seeing a dream of mine come to life."
    Carlyle Nuera, who created the doll, said that while Osaka is very skilled, what he likes most about her is how she uses her success to raise awareness of important issues. She often speaks about things such as racism, human rights and mental health.
    This isn't the first Barbie doll based on Osaka, however. In 2019, Mattel made a doll of the tennis player as part of its "Shero" collection, which includes dolls of many famous and successful women.
    Osaka, who started playing tennis aged 3, became the first Japanese player to win a Grand Slam competition, and the first Asian player to be named number one in the world. In 2021, she didn't play in the French Open because of mental health problems, and also didn't play at Wimbledon. But she plans to play for Japan at the Olympics.

    以網球明星大坂直美為模型的新芭比娃娃在短短上市幾小時內就賣光了。大坂的娃娃售價30美金,附贈一支網球拍和一顆網球。大坂在Instagram上表示,這娃娃穿的衣服跟她在2020年澳洲網球公開賽穿的一樣。打造這款娃娃的藝術家表示,他最喜歡大坂的地方,其實並不是她高明的網球技巧。他被圈粉的點是,她如何利用自身的成功,來提升公眾對重要議題的意識。 她經常談論像是種族主義、人權和心理健康等議題。

    🌏Words & Phrases
    role model楷模

    #想要超前學習韓語請點選 韓語好好玩
    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
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  • 뭐 좋아해요? 喜歡甚麼呢?

    🙍:우천 씨, 어디에 가요? 右千, (你)去哪裡? 
    🙍‍♂️:치킨집에 가요. (我)去炸雞店。 
    🙍:치킨을 좋아해요? (你)喜歡炸雞嗎? 
    🙍‍♂️:네, 정말 좋아해요. 對,很喜歡。  뭐 좋아해요? (你)喜歡甚麼? 
    🙍:저는‘양념치킨’을 제일 좋아해요.   我最喜歡‘調味炸雞’。  
    🙍‍♂️:저도요. 我也是。   

    韓文語序:『主題/主語(S) + 賓語(O) + 謂語(V)』

    저는 치킨을 좋아해요.    我喜歡炸雞。 언니는 쇼핑을 좋아해요.   姊姊喜歡逛街購物。 오빠는 밥을 먹어요.       哥哥吃飯。 엄마는 커피를 마셔요.     媽媽喝咖啡。 누나는 영화를 봐요.       姊姊看電影。    

    1. N을/를 좋아해요. 喜歡 N。
    쇼핑을   /  게임을
    드라마를 /  친구를
    ★ 안 [副詞] 不 : 位於動詞和形容詞前,表示否定

    쇼핑을 좋아해요?        喜歡逛街購物嗎?
    - 네, 쇼핑을 좋아해요.
    - 아니요, 쇼핑을 안 좋아해요.

    게임을 좋아해요?        喜歡遊戲嗎?
    - 네, 게임을 좋아해요.
    - 아니요, 게임을 안 좋아해요.

    드라마를 좋아해요? 喜歡電視劇嗎?
    - 네, 드라마를 좋아해요.
    - 아니요, 드라마를 안 좋아해요.

    친구를 좋아해요? 喜歡朋友嗎?        
    - 네, 친구를 좋아해요.
    -아니요, 친구를 안 좋아해요.

    2. N도요.   N也是。       
    친구도요.     朋友也是。        
    한국 사람도요?    韓國人也是嗎?    
    언니도요?    姊姊也是嗎? (姊姊你也是嗎?)       
    선생님도요.       老師也是。(老師您也是。)    

    3. N도 V. A      N也 V.A。
    오늘도 회사에 가요?   今天也去公司嗎?
    친구도 운동을 좋아해요. 朋友也喜歡運動。
    한국도 더워요.   대만도 추워요.   韓國也熱。 台灣也冷。 

    ◆ 韓文中的「 씨」是表示尊敬的稱謂,但是對長輩千萬不可使用喔! 


    씨      先生/小姐 양념     調味料、作料 쇼핑     逛街購物 게임     遊戲 드라마    電視劇 오늘     今天 회사     公司 운동     運動 정말[副詞]  真的、非常、很 제일[副詞]  最(第一) 뭐 [疑問詞]  甚麼 무엇的縮寫 →무엇을 →뭘 →뭐 -도[補助詞] 也 안[副詞]   不(否定動詞、形容詞) 가다[動詞]   去、走 → 가요 좋아하다[動詞] 喜歡 → 좋아해요 덥다[形容詞] 熱  → 더워요 춥다[形容詞] 冷  → 추워요

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏Article
    Tel Aviv wants to try a new way of encouraging people to pick up after their pet — a DNA database.
    Dog owners in the city may soon have to register their pet's DNA in a database when applying for a dog license. If officials find waste left behind on the street, they can test it for DNA and search the database to find the owner, who will then be fined. The new law still needs to be approved by Israel's Interior Ministry.
    City official Eytan Schwartz told Euronews Next that out of 40,000 dog owners, only a small number don't pick up their pet's waste. But the city still picks up 500 kilograms of dog waste every month, and he said that 2% of dog owners are ruining the city for other people.
    Tel Aviv has a lot of dogs, with about one in every 11 residents owning one. And in 2020, there was an increase in the number of complaints about dog waste being left behind by owners.
    The city has tried to fix the problem before. In April 2021, it started a public awareness campaign asking residents to pick up after their pets.
    Tel Aviv isn't the first place to try a DNA database to solve this problem. Most large apartment buildings in Utah already ask people to give their dog's or cat's DNA before renting an apartment. According to The Salt Lake Tribune, some residents have been fined up to $150 for not picking up their pet's waste.

    特拉維夫想要嘗試一種新方式,來鼓勵民眾撿拾他們寵物的大便,那就是DNA數據庫。這個城市的狗飼主,在申請狗證照的時候,可能很快就得將他們寵物的DNA註冊在數據庫裡。 如果官員發現街道上有排泄物,他們可能會拿來驗DNA,並搜尋數據庫找出飼主,處以罰款。 這項新法規仍需要經過以色列內政部的核可。市政府官員向媒體表示,4萬名狗飼主中,只有少數的人不會撿拾他們寵物的大便。 不過該城市每個月清理的狗大便仍有500公斤之多,他表示,2%狗飼主正在替其他人破壞這座城市。

    🌏Words & Phrases

    #想要超前學習韓語請點選 韓語好好玩
    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏Article
    A study has found that later school start times are linked to more sleep for middle school and high school students, with some students reporting better quality sleep too.
    According to data from 2016, the average start time for school in the US was about 8:10 a.m. — and some schools even started before 7:30 a.m. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that children aged 6-12 need 9-12 hours of sleep a night, and those aged 13-18 need 8-10 hours.
    However, most US teenagers go to sleep after 10:15 p.m., so getting enough sleep before getting up for school can be difficult.
    The recent study, published in the journal Sleep, used data from about 28,000 students in a school district in Colorado.
    In 2017, the district changed its start times to be 40-60 minutes later for middle schools, so classes began at 8:50 a.m. High school classes were moved 70 minutes, starting at 8:20 a.m.
    The students in the study completed annual surveys over three years, before and after their school start times changed. About one in 10 high school students reported better quality sleep, and one in five said they felt less sleepy during the day.

    美國疾病管制與預防中心表示,6歲至12歲的兒童一個晚上需要9到12個小時的睡眠,13歲至18歲的孩童則需要8到10個鐘頭。根據2016年的數據,美國學校平均上學時間約為早上8點10分——部分學校甚至在早上7點30分前就開始。 不過,多數的美國青少年在晚上10點15分之後才睡覺,所以在上學之前獲得充足的睡眠可能有難度。一項發表在《睡眠》期刊的研究發現,上學時間延後與國高中學生的睡眠時間增加有所關聯,也有部分學生回報睡眠品質變更好。大約十位高中生中就有一位回報睡眠品質變更好,每五位中就有一位說他們在白天的時候比較不會想睡覺。

    🌏Words & Phrases

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 근처에 식당이 있어요? 附近有餐廳嗎?
    🙍‍♂️:근처에 식당이 있어요? 附近有餐廳嗎?     
    🙍:네, 치킨집이 있어요. 是,有炸雞店。
    🙍‍♂️:어디에 있어요? 在哪裡? 
    🙍:은행 옆에 있어요. 在銀行防邊。 
    근처에 마트가 있어요? 附近有超市嗎?  
    아니요, 근처에 마트가 없어요.不,附近沒有超市。

    * 집이 있어요. 有家、有房子 
    * 집에 있어요. 在家
    1. N이/가 있어요. 有N ; N이/가 없어요. 沒有N

    화장실이 있어요?  有洗手間嗎? 경찰서가 있어요?   有警察局嗎? 시간이 없어요.   沒有時間。 한국 친구가 없어요.  沒有韓國朋友。

    2. (地點、場所)N에 있어요. 在N ; N에 없어요. 不在N 

    어디에 있어요?   在哪裡? 집에 있어요.     在家。 식당에 없어요?    不在餐廳嗎? 한국에 없어요.   不在韓國。 


    근처(近處)   附近 식당     餐廳 네      是、對 아니요    不是、沒有 치킨     炸雞 집      家、房子、店 은행      銀行 옆      旁邊 마트     超市 洗手間 화장실     경찰서    警察局 시간     時間 친구     朋友 방      房間 커피     咖啡 휴지  衛生紙 있다 [形容詞 有 [動詞] 在 → 있어요 없다 [形容詞 沒有、不在 → 없어요 에[格助詞]  用於場所名詞後 이/가[主格助詞]:用於名詞後 

    #想要超前學習韓語請點選 韓語好好玩
    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story🌏
    I had the hardest time trying to figure out who to have on our last show! And what better candidate than Klaus Bardenhagen, the German journalist who has been reporting from Taiwan as a freelancer for German media since 2008. After all, a journalist will have the most unbiased perspective, no?
    “I like living in Taiwan. I admire the degree of freedom this society has achieved for itself. My goal is to make the world know more about Taiwan. There is so much people in the West should know about Taiwan – about its democracy, diverse culture, stunning landscapes, and the amazing people here.” - Klaus Bardenhagen

    以「taiwanreporter」在臉書上打開知名度的白德瀚 Klaus Bardenhagen,在台灣跟德國之聲、德國公共電台等媒體合作,透過文章、廣播、或電視報導,將台灣介紹給世界。「我的目標是增加西方世界對台灣的認識——台灣的民主、社會、自然、與人民。我支持民主、人權、永續、與常理,」白德瀚在臉書上如此介紹自己。我讀完他這個自我介紹,我就知道 Klaus 就是我在找的最後一集來賓的最佳人選!在這個誤打誤撞來到台灣的德國人眼裏,台灣究竟是有什麽樣的魅力讓他這麽的想讓全世界都看見台灣呢?希望這集的采訪也可以也讓台灣人的你,透過 Klaus 來看見自己。

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏Taiwan Through the Lens of Tobie Openshaw 🌏歐陽峰 - 來自南非的攝影師藉著他深情的鏡頭來探索/紀錄台灣🌏

    人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
    Tobie Openshaw is a documentary filmmaker/photographer/anthropology researcher based in Taiwan for over 25 years. His work has been seen on channels such as National Geographic, Discovery, and the BBC. Over the last two decades, Tobie was able to document and capture different aspects of Taiwan culture including the betel nut girl culture (what started it all), the Sunflower Movement, human rights and Indigenous rights. 

    *Tobie Openshaw - Documentary filmmaker and anthropology researcher - moved to Taiwan from South Africa over two decades ago. I couldn’t have picked a better guest to come to our show to share his Taiwan experience with our listeners. 
    南非紀錄片導演歐陽峰 Tobie Openshaw 專門採訪那些台灣不尋常,不被人們所注意到的故事像是檳榔西施、原住民族部落內的日常到學運,都在他的題材範疇之中。Tobie 的攝影充滿故事,因爲他很用心的在用他的攝影詮釋台灣的角度,讓世界看到台灣真實的一面。有時候光收集一個題材的内容就花了幾年的時間,主要就是因爲 Tobie 他堅持耐心地去真正深入瞭解這個題材/文化/人物。只有這樣才能真正呈現真實的台灣。

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story🌏
    So what if you’ve visited Taiwan a few times and you think you are ready to move here! Finding a place to live has gotta be the most difficult thing especially if you are trying to find a place before you actually arrive in Taiwan. I am going to hook you up with an insider tip by introducing our guest this week! Edouard from Rooms Taipei knew from first-hand experience that finding a place to live in a foreign country can be a daunting task! So their team has prepared a handful of apartments in easy-access neighborhoods for newcomers where they can transition into the new environment/culture with ease. They offer so much more than just a place to live as the co-living spaces also offer plenty of opportunities to mingle and assimilate into Taiwanese culture. 

    如果你身邊有已經關注台灣很久或者是有來過台灣很多次很喜歡台灣的外國朋友,然後他們想更進一步的搬來台灣體驗正港的台灣生活的話,千萬不要錯過這一集喔!因為我們邀請到了 Rooms Taipei 的 Edouard Roquette 來跟我們討論一下他和其他創辦人一起建立專屬外國朋友的共享公寓公司- 提供剛搬到台灣的外國朋友們可以馬上入住而且適合外國人需求的公寓!Edouard 他們的 Rooms Taipei真的是一個非常貼心的服務!我真的覺得Edouard開這個公司的動機,真是超佛心的! 畢竟搬到一個新的國家要融入那邊的語言文化生活環境是一件蠻困難的事情!不僅是給這些剛來來台灣的外國人一個比較像是他們原生國家熟悉的居住環境,讓他們很快地能夠融入台灣的文化以及生活。還可以跟各國各地來的外國朋友們一起體驗台灣所有的美好,是不是很棒棒呢? 

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
    "After completing a BA in Cultural Anthropology and backpacking to over 50 countries, I came to Taiwan in 2008 as an English teacher. My plan was to stay for a year then move somewhere else. At the end of that year, I met my now wife on the Taipei MRT, and I just never left!" 
    -Nick Kembel of Taiwan Obsessed 
    If you haven't checked out Nick's website "Taiwan Obsessed", this is probably the best resource available about traveling in Taiwan and Taiwanese culture. Besides working on this travel blog, Nick also spends a lot of time answering questions in the Facebook group he created called "Taiwan Travel Planning Group". I highly recommend this FB group for anyone interested in visiting Taiwan as you will get some insider scoop on just about anything! It's also a great group if you would like to share your knowledge about Taiwan. 

    Nick 年輕的時候喜歡到處去旅行;因緣際會之下來到了台灣。結果沒想到一住下來就住了10幾年。原先 Nick 的旅遊部落格是關於他到其他國家旅遊的經驗分享,結果不知不覺的 Nick 發覺其實他居住的地方其實就是最好寫作的部落格題材 - Taiwan Obessed! 
    Nick 跟他一家人剛好在疫情爆發前剛回到了加拿大;但是 Nick 還是把工作重心放在他的 Taiwan Obsessed 部落格上。結果疫情把 Nick 腳步整個搗亂。兩年期間 Nick 從來沒有放棄過經營他的 Taiwan Obsessed 旅遊部落格以及他在臉書上所組織的群組(叫做 Taiwan Traveling Planning -是專門為了要來台灣旅遊的外國朋友們專門設立的群組,以便回答所有關於台灣旅遊的問題)。當疫情一結束後 Nick 之前所有的努力終於得到回報!一下子每天幾乎有進千人加入這個臉書群組 。雖然他人現在不在台灣,但是你可以感受到 Nick 的心是留在台灣的。

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
    Did you guys enjoy the interview from last week? We will continue our part 2 interview with German teachers Deike and Michael this week. You can tell these two enjoy each other's company VERY much! They both agreed that the thing they enjoy the most about doing their YouTube station is the part where they get to spend time together since they are literally having fun and laughing the whole time! Don't we all need a bestie like that!? 
    Anyway, I can't say enough good things about their language learing YouTube channel. If you or any of your Taiwanese friends/family wants to learn German, I highly recommend checking out their fun videos. 

    教學經歷加起來超過四十多年、在教學界小有名氣的德文老師 Michael 與 Deike,分別來自德國的東西兩方,雖然曾經被歷史上的柏林圍牆隔開、過著相反的生活,卻在台灣相識後成了好朋友,總是幽默地互開對方玩笑。兩位老師在 2018 年正式開始了 YouTube 頻道《德文就是這麼簡單!》,用輕鬆的情境搭配中文教學,幫助許多想要學習德文卻苦於沒有適合資源的同學,對於正在學習德文的中文母語者中可能不算太陌生的面孔。跟著他們兩個上課真的非常有趣。而且影片裡面內容,老師們都會用中文解釋,所以很推薦給予初學者,或者想學德文但中文成度不錯的外國朋友。

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story🌏

    Everyone here in Taiwan always thinks it’s so cool to live the lives of a foreigner. They are hip, they are cool and they stand out in a good way here in Taiwan! But packing up all your belongings to move to a new country with a different language, a different culture, different food. That’s gotta be a hard adjustment for most people. Not to mention you have to also try to meet new friends and find your support circle! And if you haven’t found that just yet, what do you do when you need just a little help adjusting to this new country!? Well, if you are in the Taipei area, you are in luck! We’ve invited the Programs Manager at The Center to talk about the services they offer there to help ease English-speaking new residents on this island to help them transition to life in Taiwan! Stay tuned because this is a beneficial episode that will help newcomers who have just moved to Taiwan. But old timers can also find this very helpful! So don’t just think oh you already know everything and you don’t need help! What if you can help others? Right? 

    我覺得大部分的台灣人覺得外國人搬來台灣是一件很輕鬆的事情,因為大家都覺得外國人會得到特別的關注和待遇,所以他們應該沒有什麼煩惱吧對不對但是其實不管什麼樣的人搬到另一個國家都會遇到一些困難。不管是飲食方面或者是文化方面,都是會難免有一些適應期。更何況搬到一個新的地方要交新的朋友要學習好多新的東西,光想就覺得很難。如果你身邊有遇到面對這個類型問題瓶頸這種狀況的外國朋友,非常推薦他們可以聽聽這一集的內容,因為今天我們邀請到位於台北市的The Center 國際社區服務中心的專案經理Lucy 來跟大家分享The Center 他們中心所提供在台灣的外國人的英文諮詢服務項目以及所有的活動等等讓他們可以更容易融入在台灣

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story

    I love it when I am able to interview people I know on our show. Especially when they are the pioneers of their thing! I’ve invited the husband and wife musician duo Jay and Lis to our show to talk about this really exciting concert. They just put up a concert in collaboration with the Swiss-based Curious Chamber Players. Other than conventional instrumentation (flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, and cello), the group extends its sound world through integrating everyday objects into this Taiwan-themed concert. Jay and Lisa went above and beyond to show all the team members around Taiwan to experience Taiwan’s food, culture, and everyday local life so they can take tall these new senses and information they’ve gathered into all the musical pieces in the concert. Jay and Lisa are putting up another really awesome show at the end of the year. If you are interested in finding out about what these two are up to, make sure you follow them on FB to get all the latest and greatest! 

    我一直很想要借這個機會來介紹一下台灣音樂界裡面一群正努力默默的在為台灣當代音樂注入實驗特徵與豐富聲響的新作品的一群音樂家。 Lisa是台灣團隊一公聲藝術One Litre Sound 一公聲藝術 的負責人,她跟她的作曲音樂家先生Jay林煒傑一起合作並特地邀請瑞典當代室內樂團Curious Chamber Players 一起來合作開了一個音樂會,來呈現世界首演新曲目。Jay和Lisa非常用心的帶了瑞典的團體,走遍台北各地嘗試各種各樣台味十足的美食/文化,為的就是因為讓音樂家們可以完整的感受到在新曲目裡面是以台灣元素為創作的主題。那這個樂團很有趣的東西就是他們不只是用樂器來表演,也結合了技巧延伸和物件演奏的方式試圖建構獨特表演以及聆聽的方式。常常在YouTube上看到很多人藉著吃台灣火鍋逛台灣夜市唱卡拉OK吃快炒店來介紹台灣給外國朋友們,那我覺得比較特殊的是,Jay 跟Lisa是邀請了這些音樂家去體驗這些非常台味的東西,然後透過音樂的專業和文化交流創造出充滿外國人眼裡的台味的新作品!這真的是一個很棒的組和!如果你對他們這一群很前衛的音樂人有興趣的話歡迎去他們的臉書,因為他們將在年底有另一個非常精彩的表演規劃!非常期待!

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
    Have you ever wondered what it's like to have your DREAM job? Well, our guest Cecilia certainly does! She's combined two things she loves the most in life and turned it into a happy and successful career for herself. I am super excited to have her come on our show today to chat with us about it! I hope today's show has inspired some of you. It's not hard to have your dream job if you plan ahead like Cecilia did. She took her time to explore what she really enjoyed doing in life and then she found opportunities to really hone her skills and experiences before she ventured off to start her own dog hiking business! I think that's a very smart lady right there who approaches achieving her dream job with careful planning! If you are a pet owner who lives in the Taipei area and would be interested in signing up your dog to go hiking and explore all the great nature Taiwan has to offer, def go check her out on her IG. I will be sure to post all her info on our website and all our social media! Maybe one day when you take your dog hiking on the weekends on your day off, your dog can show you the ways since he or she has been there more often than you have! 

    你是不是有想過如果自己從事的工作就是你最愛的東西,那是什麼樣的感覺呢?今天邀請到一位住在台灣已經13年的特別來賓Ceceilia,來一起聊一聊她把她人生的兩大最愛的事情結合在一起,成立了一個帶著狗狗爬山的Release the Hounds!如果你或是你身邊有朋友平時工作很忙碌沒有辦法帶家裡的狗狗出去戶外好好運動的話, 都可以找帶你們家的狗狗去和Cecilia 和她的hiking pack 一起去探險喔!除了可以幫助狗狗鍛鍊身體,消耗一些體力以外,都還可以讓他們有機會能夠跟其他的狗和人一交起流。

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
    Today we've invited the founder of TUTEEMI Camila Sáenz to our show. TUTEEMI is to talk about what got her started this tutoring platform. TUTEEMI has been connecting foreign tutors to teach languages in person 1-1 since 2019 all around Taiwan. Now they've launched TUTEEMI+ MVP which is a platform where people can teach more than just languages. "Skills from all, for all" that's the TUTEEMI+ motto! 
    I think I was a bit surprised when I found out how young Camila was when I first got to chat with her. She just seems so accomplished at her young age! Not to mention she carries herself like a super-intelligent, confident self-made woman! I am pretty sure you will know what I mean by the end of today's show! 

    這個禮拜邀請到來自從高中畢業以後就搬來台灣求學的瓜地馬拉的博士生,同時也是TUTEEMI的創辦人的 Camila Saenz 來聊聊她當初是這麽創辦這個非常獨一無二的外語家教媒合平台品牌。來台求學多年,且擁有豐富的外語家教經驗。但她一直對臺式補習班的教學方式不是很認同。所以因緣際會的機會下,她開始接自己的學生。跟著學生多了起來,她也會推薦身邊外國朋友去教學生們。有著創業精神的她意識到這個是一個可以開發的點,可以協助和她一樣,飄洋過海來到台灣求學的外籍生,能夠更簡單的找到家教工作。而且她也可以用她自己的方式來激發學生們對學習的動力。 TUTEEMI上的每位外師都來自不同的文化背景而且每個老師都會至少兩個語言以上Camila 覺得這樣他們才能體會學生們在學習上遇到的困擾。 每個Tutor 都會用客制化的方式來幫助教導學生,融入各地文化、國際觀,讓外語學習更具趣味性,藉此提高學生的學習動力與效率,
    Camila覺得「學語言的主要目的是和別人溝通,而不是通過考試。但是許多外國人在台灣只教英文很可惜,他們可能在其他領域也有一技之長。」所以Camila 才發展出 TUTEEMI plus的這個新服務,協助學生媒合音樂、運動等技能類的外籍導師,進一步強化自己的能力與興趣。有興趣的朋友可以上TUTEEMI的網站看看哦~

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
    I’ve been wanting to interview the founder of Parkbus Taiwan Michael McCreesh for some time now so I am super excited to finally get to chat with him about the idea of connecting city dwellers to nature in Taiwan. Michael and I ended up chatting up a storm and so obviously this has been easily turned into a two-part series. Parkbus started out in Canada where people grew up immersed in the great outdoors. So naturally when Michael moved back to Taiwan from Canada, he wanted to bring a bit of the Parkbus nature-loving spirits to Taiwan. He also wanted to create a unique intimate experience for all the participants so they can truly see for themselves how beautiful Taiwan truly is. JOIN me and Michael this and next week on his Parkbus journey back to Taiwan! 
    這個禮拜的來賓Michael McCreesh 其實我早在去年就很想要邀請來上我們節目了。我常常一直在講說我很想要找時間去探索台灣的山!但是基於常常工作沒有時間或者是老實說,只有一個字能夠形容就是”懶“!所以一直沒有能夠實現去山上玩的夢想。所以之前看到Parkbus Taiwan這個負責任的永續的旅遊體驗就覺得非常特別!不管你是沒有車的台灣人,或你是短期在台灣拜訪的外國朋友,或者是你跟我一樣懶惰不想計劃旅行的人,這個Parkbus Taiwan 真的非常適合你。Michael 他們規劃了很多古道以及國家公園的旅遊體驗 讓每個人(不管你的體力或者是經驗是多少)都可以體會到台灣大自然的魅力!而且最棒的是還可以透過這個方式結交到其他喜歡大自然來自世界各地的朋友們。當然我們兩個一聊就聊到外太空,所以下個禮拜會繼續Parkbus的Part 2採訪~

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
    I’ve invited one of my favorite entrepreneurs back on our show this week to talk about an exciting new project he’s been brewing up! Elias and his international members from the US, Ireland, Taiwan, and Sweden have come together to create THE dream courier e-bikes with Keego Mobility!  Since all founders have lived in Taiwan for many years, they’ve strived to be a proud MIT company with all their bikes manufactured in Taiwan! 

    還記得去年節目邀請到來自瑞典的創業達人嗎?很榮幸這個禮拜又要請他來到我們節目談談他最近的new project - Keego Mobility! Keego Mobility是一間外送電動腳踏車(e-bike)新創,由來台超過22年的瑞典創辦人尹克勤(Elias Ek)與其他兩位來自歐洲的創辦人所共同創立。他們三個創辦人都與台灣淵源不淺,Elias在台灣也已經住了20多年。Keego麽看中了全球外送需求越來越龐大,所以他們和他們的團隊為外送員專門量身開發一個可以承重至多65公斤貨物的電動腳踏車,讓外送員們能更輕鬆的服務大家。現在大家街上看到的外送大多是騎摩托車吧? 那用電動腳踏車送外送,為何是個更好的選擇?Elias 將在節目裏跟大家談談外送電動腳踏車對外送平臺有什麽幫助。
    除了跟大家分享他這個新誕生的寶貝公司以外Elias還想跟大家報告一個好消息!一年一度的Dragons’ Chamber Taiwan (競賽仿效歐美高人氣創投實境節目)專門為外籍創業家提供向資深前輩提案的平台活動今年的活動開始接受申請咯!身邊若是有外國朋友有興趣的話要趕快加緊去報名哦!

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
    Caleb knew that a desk job or teaching was his cup of tea. So when Covid hit, he actually started to bartend. And when Taiwan had its level 3 lockdown, he opted to become an Uber Eats driver! Quite different from most other foreigners’ jobs, no? But he soon wanted a job that was more stable and so he started his own painting company Sunshine Painting Services! This was something that he knew how to do well and also enjoyed doing! It doesn’t tie Caleb down to an office setting and he gets to travel all around the Taipei area. Not to mention he also gets to meet new people! So if you are in need of a good painter, look no further! Caleb is your guy here! 
    我知道最近我們的話題都比較嚴肅一點,所以今天才請到一位步調比較輕鬆一點的來賓 - 也就是的Caleb Bennett。來自加拿大居住台灣已經12年的Caleb原先是因為傳教的緣故而來到了台灣。但是後來因為疫情的影響他決定開始他的斜槓人生。剛開始他是在在一間精釀啤酒吧裡面當bartender! 但後來因為台灣疫情第三級警報的時候大家都沒有辦法外出,所以他決定做起了Uber Eats的司機! 大家可以想像嗎?幾個Uber Eats司機在紅綠燈停下來了,他們互相左看看,右看看,竟然發覺其中一個騎著Gogoro的司機是一個金髮閉眼的外國朋友! 後來Caleb因爲做Uber Eats工作不穩定的關係,他又演化了他的的斜槓人生。Caleb找回自己青少年時代在加拿大的本行,做起了粉刷油漆的工作!自己 開公司(Sunshine Painting 陽光油漆),自己當老闆最好的優點就是自己的工作時間自由定, 而且還可以認識到更多不一樣的人,去更多不一樣的地方。

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

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  • 🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story

    This episode is especially dedicated to those of you who are in the process of learning Mandarin. Whether you are just starting out or if you’ve been at it for a while, I’m sure you all have been there before where you feel a bit stuck and not progressing into the next level you want to reach. We've invited Mandarin teacher Estela to our show to teach us a few tricks and tips about how to learn the language. It’s easy to see why Estella is such a great teacher. On top of she really enjoys what she does, she also loves being around all her students who are just like her friends. To find out more about Estela Lin Teaches Mandarin 

    我身邊有很多外國朋友都在學習中文。雖然說大家的程度都不一樣,但是,每個人都有個共同點就是他們也一樣像你們學習英文的時候 會碰到灰心氣餒的時候。有時候是因為不夠專心,沒有定時好好的複習學習的內容。有時候則是太過於努力了,結果忘了有時候還是需要放輕鬆享受這個學習的過程。不管怎麼樣,大家一定要記得不要放棄,don’t ever give up! 這一集的內容特別介紹給在學習中文的外國人朋友們。我們邀請到一位教中文中文老師 Estela 來教大家一些學習的小撇步!非常推給你身邊正在學習中文的外國朋友們喔!

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

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  • 📢對話 안녕하세요?  

    🙍:저는 주희선입니다. 妳好!     我是朱希鮮。 한국 사람입니다.  (我)是韓國人。      
    🙍‍♂️:안녕하세요?  저는 황여우쳰입니다. 你好?     我是黃右千。 타이완에서 왔습니다. (我)來自台灣。    
    🙍:만나서 반갑습니다. 很高興見到您(幸會)。
    🙍‍♂️:반갑습니다.  幸會。

    1. 저는 N입니다.    我是N。
    -는[補助詞] 用於名詞後,表示主題。

    저는 학생입니다.    我是學生。 저는 회사원입니다.  我是上班族。 저는 스무 살입니다.  我是二十歲。

    N입니까?    是N嗎?   

    학생입니까?     (你)是學生嗎? 선생님입니까?     (您)是老師嗎?

    2. N에서 왔습니다.  來自N / 從N來
    -에서[副詞格助詞] 用於場所名詞後,表示“從”。

    저는 타이베이에서 왔습니다.  我來自台北。 저는 서울에서 왔습니다.    我從首爾來。 어디에서 왔습니까? 你從哪裡來?        타이완에서 왔습니까?  你從台灣來嗎?     

    3. 만나서 반갑습니다. 幸會!


    저 我(謙稱)           나  我 주희선   朱希鮮[人名] 한국 사람    韓國人 황여우쳰 黃右千[人名](황우천) 타이완       臺灣(대만)타이베이    台北(대북) 서울      首爾 어디      哪裡학생      學生 회사원     公司的職員、上班族스무 살     二十歲-입니다.     是~-입니까?    是~嗎? -에서 왔습니다. 來自~ ;從~ 來 -에서 왔습니까? 來自~嗎? ;從~ 來嗎? 만나서 반갑습니다. 幸會

    ◆ 韓國人喜歡問別人的年齡? 千萬不要見怪喔! 

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

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