Lenguas Calvas es un podcast de comedia donde los actores Christian Alvarez y Laura Gisselle, y sus invitados cuando hay, responden preguntas que le envían los oyentes sobre problemas o situaciones incomodas. WWW.PATREON.COM/LENGUASCALVAS
Delve deep into the world of the macabre and unusual in this bi-weekly podcast where three friends discuss everything from serial killers and horror movies to the paranormal and the world's greatest mysteries. Join in the fun with play along drinking games and riotous debauchery.
Welcome to That Blunt Bitch Podcast, a conversational comedy podcast. Hosted by two 20 somethings who are still trying to get their lives together. Come a long for the ride and join in on discussions about life, current events, weird shit, advice, and shit that we all go through as young adults.
New posts every Wednesday.
Follow us!
Instagram: @thatbluntbitchpodcast
Twitter: @thatbluntbitch1
Send in your "my roommate nightmare" stories and "Creepy relatives" stories to: [email protected] -
Описание всего проекта:Больно смешно — подкаст, где комики рассказывают травмирующие истории а профессиональный терапевт помогает разобраться в себе и дает полезные советы.
Мы пропагандируем ментальное здоровье, стараемся разобрать сложные жизненные ситуации, показать вам как может выглядеть психотерапия, разобраться в своих проблемах и начать жить чуть более приятную жизнь.
Артур Шамгунов — стендап комик и модератор подкаста, Сергей Дегтярев — психотерапевт и главный экесперт каждого выпуска.
Сергей Дегтярев (психотерапевт) ВК: Артур Шамгунов: Телеграм канал Артура Шамгунова:
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Hank Davis and others, discuss the weirdest sex news stories imaginable! You couldn't make up stories this outlandish! Brought to you by TPE Network. -
Das Energy Mein Morgen-Team stellt Paare auf die Probe. Unabhängig voneinader werden Bärchen & Basi drei zum Teil nicht ganz indiskrete Fragen gestellt. Stimmen alle Antworten überein, gibts ein Wellness-Wochenende zu gewinnen.
Астро-шоу, ничего серьезного, но всё же… Мы не претендуем на достоверность. Мы не выносим приговор, у нас нет туманной мистики. Мы просто напоминаем прописные истины. Всегда к месту, всегда вовремя. Феншуёвый подход нам чужд! Только хардкор! Лиц, фанатично исповедующих любое мировоззрение, просим воздержаться от прослушивания – и не говорите, что вас не предупреждали!
Don't Take Our Word For It is an advice/comedy podcast featuring two gross and sassy ladies who want to be helpful but need a lot of help themselves.
A podcast for Fly girls who defy expectations and navigate the world on their own terms. A community. A philosophy. A safe space.
People send us their weird or depressing personal problems and we give them terrible advice or make fun of them. No personal growth allowed. Bonus content:
Moon Me is a weekly podcast where comedian Dana Moon let's you get inside her inappropriate brain and her friends unleash TMI on the world with hilarious personal stories of shame, disgrace, and embarrassment, all for your listening pleasure.
A smart & funny weekly audio series about sex, love, and dating from 4 queer Black feminists from NYC.
Lets face it - we're all the reason SOMEONE needs therapy.
On "I'm Fine." with Krista Allen, Krista and her comedian/celebrity guests explore their own personal debaucheries while diving into the perplexing world of self-help. Join them as they sift through intimate chapters from their own lives, inspired by a different facet of self-help each week. It could be anything, books, articles or even instagram posts!
It's time to "shift" or get off the pod!
"I'm fine." with Krista Allen is a part of the Dragon Wagon Radio Podcast network. @ItsDragonWagon -
A little Fashion Boutique for all shapes and sizes set adrift in Open Space, otherwise known as The Black Sea; the story follows the narrative of Nikau Iona, a Tech-Witch engineer working for a Giant Alien Moth, and their misadventures through Time and Space. If you happen to waltz through a mysterious pair of red double doors, rest assured they'll help you finding your way back home with a renewed sense of self.
Each week, RJ and Bley welcome a guest who tries to help them not act like complete morons around women. Give these dumbasses advice at!
This is the home of the Iron Cast, the podcast hosted by the crew at Black Iron Gym in Sparks, Nevada (Reno area). Krissy Mae Cagney and the rest of the Black Iron crew play host to a variety of guests, usually athletes, to talk about training, life, and mostly trying to get a few laughs.
Comedians and BFFs Jess Salomon and DeAnne Smith, with the help of the Brothers DePaul, bring you a podcast that's part stand up show, part sit down chat. It's all here: great jokes, juicy interviews, bonus ASMR tracks, forklift training plugs, and crazy amounts of chemistry! “Their chemistry is undeniable” - Jess’s wife
If you ever thought Dj'ing at a strip club for a living was the best job ever, we're here to tell you different with a weekly podcast taking you behind the scenes of the strip club world. The show is hosted by 3 current strip club Djs; Tim Rhodes, Dane Hansen, and Glenn Miller. Oddly enough they've scored some great guests with entertaining content. Give their show a listen and leave a nice review!
A podcast where we take a fun approach to pulling your head out of your ass.
Health, Relationships, Comedy, Advice, this podcast has it all! Hosted by Doctor Ashely (urologist and sexual medicine expert) and Mo Mandel (stand up comedian and expert in nothing) Call in your questions to 213-631-3460 or write them to [email protected]!
This is a personal Podcast, produced in the creators' own time and solely reflecting our personal opinions. Statements on this site do not represent the views or policies of our employers, past or present, or any other organization with which we may be affiliated. All content is copyrighted.