We receive many messages from the outside world and our brain often goes into overdrive. Overthinking and over analyzing become common place. Our minds are mired in the incessant thinking that prevents us from trusting in our own intuition because we place so much value on the opinions of others and sometimes manipulations that exist behind their expectations. It's important to take a moment to evaluate where these messages come from and do they have true relevance in our life. Also being aware of the inner dialogue that is sometimes created through these outside influences,. Learn to identify the subtle toxicity within those messages, whether it be in our professional lives or our personal relationships.
Through our ability to show kindness and compassion we collectively raise the energetic vibrations of society as a whole. This is the highest level each individual can contribute! Each individual comprises the whole of our society. Through these acts of kindness we have the ability to demonstrate the change we wish to see in the world. When we demonstrate this behavior we are showing empathy and having consideration for those around us and by doing so we create space for the changes that must occur to initiate and sustain a healthy environment with those around us.
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In current times we often find it difficult to keep our energy elevated. We must remember our power to influence the atmosphere around us by setting the tone. Moving through this world with kindness and compassion helps us radiate that positive energy out into the world and through our consistency in doing so, we cultivate a healthy sense of well being in our own lives. Our inner world creates our outer world. Our sparkle comes from within and as we become aware of what is driving us internally we are better able to light the way.
Understand that hanging on to resentment, either out of jealousy or a feeling of betrayal, can impact our ability to move forward in our own lives. The feeling of resentment has more consequence for us that it does the other person. Knowing this can be a powerful way to let go of the negative energy that is holding you back.
"Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die." - Saint Augustine
Identifying the roots of where our fears truly come from is empowering because it helps us to dispel the power that we have imbued them with. Our fear often holds us back and keep us from recognizing the opportunities that may be available to us. Taking risks and moving into the realm of the unknown can be daunting but if we allow ourselves to explore the reason behind our fears, we may find the key to unlocking our full potential.
Listening to your body is a skill that deserves to be fine tuned. Our body and mind can work together as unit to help us be more efficient if we consider the necessary practices to implement. We have many ways of fueling our body with the right stuff. This means looking at not only our nutritional habits but also the things we feed our mind.
With our advancements in technology we are able to achieve many things. AI is a perfect example of this. People are using these assets to write books and create works of art and many other things. We have dating apps and avatars and emojis to communicate all sorts of thoughts and emotions. Through all the changes that we see happening in our world, how do keep our true identity and stay authentic? One drawback that we often see is that technology can sometimes provide a degree of anonymity that seems give people a space to criticize or demonstrate negative behaviors towards one another. It is important to be mindful of our connectedness and to find ways to use these tools to project our genuine authenticity through the accelerated advancements of our time.
We are inundated daily with so many messages, through media and even our relationships with others. Often we do not take the time to filter out what messages truly resonate with us. Many times we are absorbing these messages and applying them to our lives as if we didn't have a choice. It is important to ask ourselves the questions that will hep us clarify why we do the things we do. Why are they are important to us and why we continue going through the motions even when it doesn't align with how we really feel?. Are these our ideas or am I simply maintaining the status quo because of what is expected of me?
Too often we find that we are too afraid to pursue our passions because we are fearful of receiving criticism. These criticisms can even come from the people we know and care about. We must learn that we are the creators of our lives. For us to fulfill our purpose we have to be aware of the naysayers and not let the ideas of other prevent us from our desire to go after our dreams.
When the weather starts to change and the days shorten in length we sometimes feel our mood drop. For some even the upcoming holidays can contribute to slipping into a funk. During those moments it's important to remember that we can use this time to shift our focus to the planning and creativity that can propel us forward. This is a perfect opportunity to take inventory of our personal thoughts about our priorities and goals. By writing out a plan of action to chart our course we can feel empowered. We can accomplish this by setting specific goals and intentions for the upcoming months and devising a plan of execution.
In our busy lives sometime chaos ensues and we can find ourselves swept up in it. To be sure that we stay our course we must learn to recognize when we are being distracted from our purpose and our goals. Reminding ourselves to be the change that we want to see in the world by not placing our energy on the chaos around us but to focus it on what we wish to emulate to the world. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." —Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Being considered an optimist can sometimes be met with criticism. We must move away from the negative connotation's that people sometimes give about being optimistic. Changing our negative thoughts can only benefit us physically, emotionally, and mentally. It can help us in bringing our very best to the things we do. Aligning our head and our hearts so that we can function with optimal performance.
We are made of energy! Maintaining and protecting our energy is vital. Its okay to set boundaries regarding our energy, who we engage with and how much energy we invest. The energy of those around us can have a positive or negative impact. We can experience energy in many ways, from attending a concert, or festival, to feeling the effects of a negative person, or even the heightened stress of taking a test. Its important to be aware of our energy, not only by what we project but also by what accept.
At some point in our past we may experienced a financial trauma maybe even as far back as childhood. Understanding sometimes these experiences around money can set into motion a whole plethora of limited beliefs and can initiate a negative relationship to money, making it hard to envision what a positive attitude regarding money might feel like. Putting these things in a different perspective can help us develop a more positive outlook and see more possibility.
Much of the time our brain stays in a beta brain wave state, which can feel very chaotic and scattered. We often stay in this mode of worry and stress without realizing the impact it has our bodies. Understanding how our brain works and realizing that staying in constant fight or flight mode can lead to exhaustion. In this episode we talk about the relationship between our mind and body and how to get out of survival mode..
Adaptability is a valuable skill. We sometimes face unexpected challenges and it is important to understand our power through our ability to adapt and accept the things that we can not change. Moving beyond our attachment to how we think things should be and strengthening our ability to become more resilient.
Our brain believes what we tell it! In this episode we talk about how the brain does not have a true concept of time because in truth we can revisit a memory or even visit a planned future event in our mind and bring ourselves into feelings and emotions that are created at the time of the event as though we are experiencing it in the now.
When we immerse ourselves in gratitude we are creating the reality of how we perceive the external events that happen in our lives. Coming from this elevated emotion helps us to make better decisions and bring positive change to our lives. By doing this we are setting our own frequency and in doing so we are projecting our energy instead of absorbing the energy of others. We set the precedents for what we experience no matter what kinds of challenges arise.
When we are setting goals we are sometimes oblivious to the changes that we have to make within ourselves in order to get us to a place of being able to go for our dreams and goals. We have to determine what is keeping us from getting into the action phase of our plan. Observing our own behaviors and discovering what it is in within ourselves that prevent us, the habits that we create and maintain that do not serve our higher purpose. This is the precursor to any plan we make. It is through gradual changes we are able to view ourselves as capable of making the necessary changes and our ability to sustain them.
In this episode we talk about rediscovering your inner child and celebrating that free spirit within. We see the light in the eyes of a child and hear the joy that emanates through their laughter and it becomes contagious. Celebrating our inner child is a way of bringing back the wonder and lightheartedness that is sometimes missing in our adult lives. We often stay in serious mode so much of the time wrapped up in our thoughts of responsibilities and daily routines. It is an essential part of our mental health to laugh and embrace those joyful moments.
When we are faced with moments of uncertainty or situations arise that cause us to react with a highly emotional response our body gives us clues as a kind of prelude to what is coming. Learning to pay attention and bring that physiological response into our awareness can be helpful. By identify those clues we are better able to understand our emotional response and become better prepared to handle those moments and help us to be more healthy.
Recommended reading for more on this topic: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza and The Audacity to Be Queen By Gina DeVee
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