Are You Tuned Into Your Reality? Also, check out this stone! #TheLoveFreq #ItsTheG Tuning Into The World Around Us- How To Shift Your Environment.
Are Eustress?/ Why Passion is Important/ Tune In. Lets explore the depths of passion and why it is important to have THIS type of Passion
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Balance/ Homeostasis/ Masculine and Feminine Energy ....#TuneIn to #TheLoveFreq ❤️ ItsTheG.com
Mental Toughness/ Lion Gate Portal/ Higher Frequencies
Peace Beloved ❤️ Are you activating on higher levels? Or are you stuck in ego? #TheLoveFreq #TuneIn #ItsTheG
Are you prepared for the journey? There is a major shift happening and many of us are stepping into our purpose. Do you feel that you are on the right path towards your divine mission? Follow @Her.She.Goddess and go to ItsTheG.com for more!
AnG and Mz Demo speak on the importance of having a correct vision and intention when manifesting. The full moon just passed so it is the perfect time to talk about how its energy also plays a major role in manifestation. Check it out! #TheLoveFreqs
When it comes to having an aspect of total wellness it is important to maintain a state of balance. How much and how deep is the balance? That is determinate on the individual. But lets take a look and chop it up as we explore the importance of having balance in our lives. TheLoveFreq.com
The Love Freq shines light on the Oscar situation this week to analyze relationships that may be …toxic! Check it out here! #TheLoveFreq every week!
What does it mean to you and for you when you hear the words love is patient and love is kind? Let’s talk about it! Tune In
Hey Loves! Do you ever wonder what it means to transmute energy? Is it even something you've considered or even heard of? Lets take a closer look at how we can transmute energy in order to create the lives we desire! (archive episode) Also, hit us up and let us know how you are liking TheLoveFreq-Podcast thus far! Follow on Instagram: @the.love.freq and we'll catch you next time!
Lets explore the concept of chakras and how they correlate to the higher self! When we are at our higher selves we can be on this frequency of love and live a life of peace and joy http://www.TheLoveFreq.com Sit tight and tune in for the crystal of the week!
What does it mean to channel sexual energy and what is the inner smile? Catch up with The Love Freq on this archive episode! Follow on Instagram: @The.Love.Freq and sign up for newsletter at TheLoveFreq.com
Today we sit down with Reiki Master Alicia Jones and talk the benefits of Reiki and why you should try it to help elevate your overall frequency! http://www.TheLoveFreq.com http://www.Instagram.com/the.love.freq
In this archive episode TheLoveFreq speaks about the importance of cleansing baths and shares some techniques that will enhance the experience. Follow on Instagram: @The.Love.Freq and go to TheLoveFreq.com to stay in touch! Talk to you later my Loves
Welcome to The Love Freq! In this episode we talk about the fundamental aspect of love....self-love! We talk what it means and the journey to get there! Also, be on the lookout for the Crystal of the Week with Star's Crystals!