تمكين المرأة الناطقة باللغة العربية حول العالم. موضوعات نفسية وتربوية.
Empowering Arabic-speaking women around the world. -
Merhaba Nur Erdem Özeren ben! Kitabın ortasından eğitim konuşmaya başlıyoruz. Kitabın ortasından eğitim konuşurken; her hafta eğitimle ilgili sıkça sorulan soruların cevaplarını uzmanlarla aramaya başlayacağız. Daha iyi bir anne olmak için, daha iyi bir baba olmak içi,n ebeveynliği daha iyi şekilde yapmak için, çocuğumuzun daha mutlu olması için, bizim ne yapmamız gerektiğiyle ilgili soruların cevapları için, her hafta eğitim sıkça sorulan sorular serisinde uzmanlarla kısa net aklınızdaki soruların cevapları için yayınlar yapacağız.
Ayrıca her hafta eğitim gündemiyle ilgili yorumlarımı paylaşacağım. Sizinle biraz daha onu da kitabın ortasından yapıyor olacağız. Herkesin yorumlayamadığı taraftan herkesin birlik olduğu ve aynı fikirde olduğu taraftan değil de farklı bir taraftan ele alarak gündemi yorumlayacağız. Bizi tüm yayın platformlarından takip edebilirsiniz.
Ayrıca instagram'dan sorularınızı sorabilir, hangi gündemi ele alsak ve hangi soruları cevaplarını ne şekilde ele alsak diye düşüncelerinizi paylaşabilir ve bize geri geri bildirimlerde bulunabilirsiniz. Başlıyoruz, her hafta burdayız.
Nur Erdem Özeren
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Ten years old -- already a decade of life! Engaging and connecting with your ten-year-old now will make a huge difference in how well they are able to navigate the next decade of their life. Children are more likely to learn how to manage their own behaviors, solve problems, and make responsible decisions when they are intentionally engaged. Now is the right time for parents and those in a parenting role to support their child in growing confidence, respect, and the ability to make healthy choices. shares a process and tools in this podcast that gives you small things that you can try right now to cultivate your child’s healthy development. The skills you will gain in this podcast will turn your daily interactions with your ten-year-old into relationship building, learning experiences. Practicing this type of engagement will help your child develop the social and emotional skills they need to be successful now and in the future.
Each stage in a child’s life brings parents and those in a parenting role many joys as well as apprehensions. Parenting is not easy. provides resources for parenting needs that evolve with their child’s growth. The Montana Department of Health and Human Services collaborated with the Center for Health and Safety Culture at Montana State University to promote healthy mental, emotional, and behavioral development through Although originally created for parents and those in a parenting role in Montana, parents everywhere can benefit from sharpening their skills with these tools and resources.
Utilizing the tools in this podcast will prepare you for each stage of your child’s life as you engage them using a five-step process: Gain Input, Teach, Practice, Support, and Recognize. You will be ready to meet parenting issues while strengthening your relationship with your child and encouraging healthy development. As your child’s needs evolve, you can use the same process to support their growth. In addition to a trusting relationship, strong communication skills enable parents and those in a parenting role to actively work through challenges alongside their children. Taking the time to learn how to engage your child in communicating and solving problems builds the skills they need for lifelong success. The tools available for parenting your ten-year-old include: Anger, Back Talk, Bullying, Chores, Confidence, Conflict, Discipline, Friends, Homework, Listening, Lying, Tantrums, Mixed Messages About Alcohol, Reading, Routines, Sharing, and Stress. Listen now to support your child’s healthy growth! -
Бид мэдлэггүй, мэдэхгүй байгаагаа хүлээн зөвшөөрч, мэдэх, ойлгохын төлөө тэмцэх нь өөрсдийн залхуурлыг ялан дийлэх эхний алхам байх болно.
Таныг хүндэтгэсэн,
Ө.Ганзориг -
Педагог Дима Зицер отвечает на вопросы родителей, учителей, детей — всех, кому важны и интересны детско-взрослые отношения.
О том, как получать от этих отношений настоящее удовольствие, как сделать совместную жизнь с детьми комфортной, яркой, тёплой, счастливой для всех, как не мучать их и самих себя, как вести себя в самых разных ситуациях.
«Любить нельзя воспитывать»: где будет стоять запятая, зависит от нас. -
Little Talks focuses on meeting the social and emotional needs of your students, moving them toward, healthy social decision making and pro-social skills development. Sign up for our monthly newsletter for latest Little Talks releases.
Family is more complicated than ever. Episodes of “It’s a family matter.” features Dr. Michael C. Blackwell, noted family advocate and president/CEO of Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina, as he interviews guests on the leading edge of relationship issues involving parenting and family. Whether you are looking for guidance or just want to hear some great conversation on families, this is the podcast for you.
Çocukların mekân algısı ve mekânsal hakları... (Hazırlayan ve sunan: Gizem Kıygı)
Berbat Bir Anne podcastinde, annelerin, öncelikle birer insan olduğunu savunurken, bilimden azade tespitler ve toplum baskısına yönelttiği kafasına göre serzenişleriyle eteğindeki taşları da gediklerine doğru kibarca serpiştiriyor. Bazen bir ağlama duvarı, bir günah çıkartma ayini, bazen bir anı defteri ya da bir altın günü tadındaki bölümlerde buluşmak üzere.
İletişim: [email protected]
Instagram: @berbatbiranne
My K9 Coach Podcast aims to educate and empower dog owners, giving them the tools and knowledge to build their ideal lifestyle with and for their dogs. Episodes will provide actionable dog training protocols, explore current dog training trends and feature guests within the canine industry.
Join the conversation in the Facebook Group, just search My K9 Coach Podcast.
Boys Built Better is bringing you experts in all areas of parenting boys, from the normal everyday parenting stuff to big current day issues. Join me so we all can live a slightly saner life and do better for our boys, one episode at a time.
Part of the NoCo FM family of podcasts. Hear Boys Built Better first on Tuesday nights at 9pm ET/7pm MT on the live stream at or get our free mobile app. -
Söz Küçüğün: 20 Nisan 2015 Bugün medyada çocuk haberlerini analiz ettik.
Confused about the road to college? Don’t know where to begin your college search? The College Checklist podcast is your source for great information on the college admissions journey. Hosted by SAT & ACT expert and entrepreneur Lauren Gaggioli, the College Checklist features interviews from college counselors, admission officers and other professionals who can help you get into college, pay for school with scholarships, and succeed once you’re there. This podcast also features test prep tips and tricks and alerts for dates and deadlines for upcoming ACT & SAT test dates. The College Checklist podcast is your source for all things college admissions. The College Checklist podcast is brought to you as a free service of Higher Scores Test Prep, an online test prep company that helps students prepare for the SAT and ACT.
Start the school year off right with this collection of the most popular back- to -school episodes on BAM Radio Network, as selected by listeners. Check back weekly as we add the most useful and popular shows that surface over the next three months.
With a focus on diverse learning, we offer you mini-workshops, tips, and resources to help teachers meet all students where they are and engage them to learn more!
Gelin birlikte çocukluk kıyafetlerimiz üzerinden anılarımızı biriktirelim, hepimizin çocukken bizde bir anısı olan kıyafeti vardır. Eğer benim var ve anlatmak istiyorum diyorsan bu alan sana ait :)
instagram: @chiandcheilecocuklugum -
Mama💜 You are magic.. 🪄
Merhaba.. Ben, Müberra. Annelik yolculuğunda soğuyan yüzlerce kupa kahvenin anısına; iyi, kötü ve karmaşık tüm duyguların anneliğe dair olduğunu anlatmak, çocuk hakları konusunda farkındalık oluşturmak ve hayat yolculuğunda minik bir mola vermeni hatırlatmak için buradayım.. hoşgeldin☯️
[email protected] -
veysel dinçer ve gökçen çetiner.
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lanet olası federaller ve mesafeler bile dostluğumuza engel olamadı.
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haklısınız ses kalitesi kötü, ama daha çok yeniyiz, zamana ihtiyacımız var :))
bize ulaşmak isterseniz: