The focus of The Clear Evidence initiative is Human. The aim is to spread wisdom and help people in need. Each and every content has been handpicked and has been categorized for easy navigation and reference.
Observe, Reflect, Be Wise. -
مجموعة محاضرات يلقيلها نخبة من العلماء والدعاة
القرآن الكريم كاملاً بصوت القارئ الشيخ عبدالرشيد بن الشيخ علي صوفي برواية شعبة عن عاصم
مجموعة محاضرات يلقيها نخبة من العلماء والدعاة بجامع الإمام محمد بن عبدالوهاب
برنامج يقدمه د.سلمان العودة
يعبرعن رؤيته للأحداث الراهنة بشكل عام من خلال نشر تغريدة مختلفة في كل حلقة يتم الاعلان عنها لتشاركونا تجاربكم
Podcast Record -
موقع يهتم بتراث أهل البيت عليهم السلام و المذهب الزيدي
Saʻd al-Ghamidi (born 1967) is a Qāriʾ and an imam of the great holy mosque Masjid an-Nabawi. Al-Ghamdi has served as imam to Muslim communities across the globe.
al-Ghāmidī was born in Dammam, Saudi Arabia in 1967. He memorized the entire Quran in 1990 when he was 22 years old. He is often noted for his acclaimed tajwīd. He studied Islamic law (Islamic Studies) in Dammam,[2] particularly in the school of Sharia, the source of Muslim religious commandments. In 2012, he was appointed as the Imam of the Yousef bin Ahmed Kanoo Mosque in Dammam before having the same profession in several mosques around the world, including in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Austria.[3]
During Ramadan 2009, Sheikh Saʻd al-Ghāmidī was an Imam during the Tarāwīḥ prayers in the al-Masjid an-Nabawi (Medina's Holy site of Islam) of Madinah.