
  • Mike recently retired after 40 years of service with Ambulance Victoria.

    Mike's father died of sudden cardiac arrest when he was 19 years old. It was a huge loss for his family, however Mike found his purpose in life when he decided to become a paramedic. Initially Mike trained as a paramedic before he started working on the road as a clinician and more recently a local supervisor, managing a team of 45 staff.

    Mike's vegan journey began when he attended a horse riding accident. While caring for the patient, he noticed her horse was bleeding, suffering and in severe distress. The patient's mother advised she had a called a vet, however the events that unravelled still haunt Mike to this day. Mike then started asking questions about how animals were treated. He initially went vegan in 2014 for health reasons, but quickly felt deceived by animal agriculture.

    After making enquiries about local animal rights groups, Mike learnt about the Animal Justice Party and felt at home with like minded people. Mike ran as a lower house candidate in the last state election and enjoyed being on the campaign trail. Seeing kangaroos in his local area and hearing about the Victorian kangaroo harvest program, Mike puts his efforts into advocating for kangaroos through letter writing, blogging and advertising campaigns.

    In this episode, Mike shares the highs and lows of his emergency services career, life after retirement as well as his fourth successful attempt at the 100km Great Ocean Walk.


  • Louise reflects on pivotal moments in her life and there are a few common threads - reading Peter Singer's books and the birth of her first child, all of which had a profound impact and led her to where she is today.

    During Louise's university studies, she read Peter Singer's book "Practical Ethics" which covered a range of ethical issues, including animal rights. This book absolutely changed how Louise felt about animals, because it brought their suffering to the forefront and as a result, she went vegetarian.

    Soon after the birth of Sebastian, Louise saw a television story on bobby calves in the dairy industry. She had experienced the strong bond between mother and child and knew she couldn't contribute to such a cruel industry, so she went vegan.

    Across her financial services career, Louise has worked in a variety of roles including retail banking, institutional funds management, stockbroking and financial advisory. In 2011, Louise read Peter Singer's "The Life You Can Save" and knew she needed to do more to help end human suffering. Louise and her family pledged to give a percentage of their household income to help those experiencing extreme poverty across the world. In a beautiful twist of fate, Louise joined The Live You Can Save team as Director of Philanthropy eighteen months ago.

    Louise recognises the importance of politics in bringing about change for animals, so she joined the Animal Justice Party over five years ago. Not long after joining, Louise was asked to stand as a candidate and has since been a candidate four times. In addition, Louise has held several leadership positions including SA State Convenor and was recently elected as President of the AJP Board of Directors.

    In this episode, Louise shares how she helped secure political reform for animals during the 2022 SA state and federal election, as well as donating with confidence and how she enjoys spending her free time.


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  • Phoebe co-founded Companion Cows after falling in love with cows and years of experience rescuing and fostering them. Companion Cows is on a mission to create a kinder world for dairy cows and their babies.

    Starting as a volunteer with Til the Cows Come Home who were working with The Owl and the Pussycat, Phoebe quickly learnt how to care for rescue calves. Although it was a steep learning curve, it was hugely rewarding.

    Phoebe put her hand up to be their first foster station in NSW and during that time, she was involved in the rescue of over 100 calves and thousands of battery hens. Phoebe soon took on the full time role of Animal Rescue and Foster Care Coordinator for Til the Cows Come Home.

    Phoebe crossed paths with a Tasmanian foster carer Krystal who decided to start her own organisation Companion Cows. Phoebe fell in love with the idea of a charity dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming dairy cows, so she joined Krystal in setting up the charity.

    Companion Cows has a strong focus on sharing the stories of cows who come into their care, as they believe it is critical to help the public connect with dairy cows and raise awareness about their plight. Advocacy is another important pillar of their work, with the organisation supporting people to ditch dairy.

    Last Christmas, Phoebe received a call from a farmer who had twin calves needing a home. Phoebe rushed to pick up Missy and Bart and they instantly found a place in her heart. Phoebe could not part with Missy and Bart and they are one month off celebrating their first birthday in her care.

    In this episode, Phoebe shares her years of experience rescuing animals, as well as Missy and Bart's heart warming rescue story and some of the challenges involved in caring for cows.


  • After ten years trialling beauty products, Marisa founded Wild & Cruelty Free - an online boutique featuring a carefully curated collection of tried and tested vegan beauty products. Marisa's always loved beauty, having started blogging over a decade ago and gaining a qualification in makeup artistry.

    Everything changed for Marisa during Christmas 2018, when she saw an Edgar's Mission billboard on the highway, featuring a picture of a pig and the statement "My name is Penelope Sue, not dinner". This image hit Marisa's heart, feeling a lot of sadness and guilt, so she told her husband Jason she didn't want to eat animals anymore.

    It didn't take long for Marisa to make the connection between beauty products and animal testing, vowing to no longer use products tested on animals. Thanks to some thoughtful conversations with a vegan on social media, seeds were planted about products not truly being cruelty free unless they are vegan. This extended Marisa's circle of compassion and she decided to go vegan at the start of this year.

    Wild & Cruelty Free was born out of Marisa's love for beauty and cruelty free content creation. Marisa values giving back to animal charities, providing a monthly donation to an animal organisation based on the sales from her business.

    In this episode, Marisa shares how she researched beauty products for their vegan and cruelty free merits, as well as customer advocacy for brands to go vegan and future plans for Wild & Cruelty Free

    For the month of November, Wild & Cruelty Free will kindly be donating money from every sale to Victorian Lamb Rescue.


  • This week we talk to Bronwyn Currie, Animal Justice Party's State Convenor in Victoria, as she shares everything you need to know about the upcoming AJP National Conference.

    The conference is being held on 11th & 12th November 2023 at the Fitzroy Town Hall, with the option to attend online as well. The theme of this year's conference is "It's Politics" and will host an impressive list of speakers (also previous podcast guests) such as Georgie Purcell, Emma Hurst, Matt Stellino, Paul Bevan and Emma Hakansson.

    Be sure to tune in to the episode for all of the essential details such as what's included in the ticket fee, the conference dinner social event, volunteering opportunities and raffle prizes up for grabs.


    Bronywn Currie for Mulgrave - https://vic.animaljusticeparty.org/bronwyn_currie_for_mulgrave

  • In 2012, after a 33 year career with Victoria Police, mostly in the mounted branch, Jan went vegan and faced what she describes as an “existential crisis”. What she did next changed the trajectory of her entire life!

    Jan's vegan journey started after she saw the Four Corners expose on Live Export, "A Bloody Business". She signed up to the Animals Australia newsletter and soon after learned the truth about bobby calves, which at the time, seemed almost unbelievable.

    Jan always loved horses and had begun her working career in the industry after leaving school. Once she went vegan and saw the use of animals by humans differently, she was at a loss as to how to provide for herself going forward.

    As she struggled to find her purpose, her natural affinity for travellers and travelling resulted in her “accidentally” creating a fully fledged vegan business - The Beet Retreat.

    The Beet Retreat, now Australia’s longest running all-vegan B&B, started on Jan's original 20 acre property in the Yarra Valley, VIC. In 2019 she moved it to 3 tranquil acres in Noosa, QLD.

    Specialising in private, personalised 3 and 7 day retreats, Jan also offers cooking classes, simple bed and breakfast stays, meals, guided hikes, healing and active time in nature.

    At age 45, Jan started adventure racing and then at 51, ultra-running. She was drawn to the mental and physical challenges associated with endurance sports and the types of people attracted to these adventures in wild, beautiful and remote locations.

    Jan, now 61, is making a return to ultra-marathon running next month with a gruelling 160km race on the Grampians Peak Trail in Victoria. She is hoping to raise $1160 for Happily Heifer After.

    In this episode, Jan shares her sustainability plans for The Beet Retreat and the secrets behind her unique blend of vegan vitality and gentle advocacy.


  • Tully is an entertainer, entrepreneur and educator. Be prepared, this episode will have your mouth watering as Tully shares his passion for creating easy and authentic vegan curries.

    Growing up in Amritsar, the food capital of Punjab, Tully developed his passion for food while enjoying local cuisine and learning to cook with his mother. At age five, they moved to an army base where his mother was assigned a teaching role and Tully became more curious about different foods and cultures.

    Tully realised Indian recipes were the easiest to remove the meat and dairy and still retain amazing flavours. He took to social media five years ago, showcasing fun, easy and delicious vegan food, gaining over half a million followers in a short time. Wanting to help others, Tully has created curry sauces inspired by his mother's recipes, that make meal time super convenient.

    In this episode, Tully shares his childhood experiences, favourite recipes and upcoming launch of new products.

    Tully has kindly offered a discount to A Kynd Life listeners - Save 15% off your order when using code "KYND15" https://www.tullyzkitchen.com/


  • Alicia recently opened her own real estate agency Saint & Wood after being involved in real estate for over two decades. The agency is well on the way to being an entirely vegan agency, with 3 staff already vegan and one vegetarian.

    Alicia went vegan overnight after reconnecting with a friend over Facebook who happened to be vegan. She studied all of the animal rights content on her friend's page and was shocked at what she learnt. Alicia has 3 children, all of whom are vegan, including one from birth.

    Over the years Alicia has been heavily involved in activism including attending rallies, marches and protests as well as joining the Animal Justice Party (AJP) soon after going vegan. Alicia stood as a lower house candidate for AJP three times and worked for the political party during the last state election, as a coordinator of three electorates.

    Alicia's passion for real estate is what has kept her in the industry since she was 18. Starting in reception and administration, Alicia then moved into property management, sales and onto co-owning a successful agency with her dad. Alicia's prime motivation behind Saint & Wood is to give back to the community, with a portion of the funds going to charities that align with the company values.

    In this episode, Alicia also shares her vegan love story, returning to her real estate career and being the best example of a vegan she can.


  • Jess was inspired to sign up as a volunteer at Liberation Sanctuary after going vegan. Less than a year later, Jess started working at the sanctuary, managing social media and coordinating volunteers.

    As a child, Jess wanted to help animals by becoming a vet. She always thought she would go vegetarian when she grew up and started her journey by refusing to eat pig products when she was young after watching Babe. Seeing a video of Milly the cow enjoying cuddles at Happily Heifer After helped Jess to make the decision to go vegan. It wasn't long before she started researching the dairy industry and was horrified by what she learnt.

    Jess went vegan in February 2021 and applied a few months later to become a volunteer at Liberation Sanctuary. Jess enjoys the variety in her role and values spending time with the animals, capturing and sharing their stories for social media.

    In this episode, Jess shares insights into her role at Liberation Sanctuary, volunteer opportunities and speaking at Vegan Easy's World Vegan Day event in 2022.


  • Chloe and Jacques are the organisers of Vegan Kids Gold Coast, while raising two vegan children and embarking on a year long trip around Australia in 2024.

    Chloe was seven when she made the connection between eating meat and the animals she loved so dearly. She had been vegetarian for years when she met Jacques. Not long after they began dating, Jacques decided to go meat free for a month and ended up also going vegetarian.

    In a chance encounter with activists in Brisbane, the couple were prompted to question if being vegetarian was enough. After going away and doing research, Chloe went vegan, followed by Jacques declaring he would also go vegan on their wedding night.

    Noah, their six year old son, started feeling isolated and asked if they were the only vegans in the world. This led Chloe to ask in a Gold Coast vegans facebook group if there were other vegan families. They were inundated with responses and decided to create a facebook group for vegan children on the Gold Coast. They hosted the first event at their family home and the group has grown to become a strong community that holds monthly events.

    Noah and Chloe are also creating a children's book together about Noah's experience being a child who feels like he found his place in the vegan community.

    In this episode, Chloe and Jacques share their alternative way of living, travel plans for next year and how raising their vegan children has inspired their family.


  • Amanda and her husband Matt created Herbidoor to supply ready made vegan meals to their local community. Five years on and the company has a wide range of meals delivered across Australia.

    The inspiration behind Herbidoor was Matt's passion for re-creating childhood classics such as lasagne. The alternative meat products created for the meals were so popular, the couple created Plant Providore, a branch of Herbidoor which sells vegan steak, lamb, chicken, pepperoni, roast and brisket.

    After being vegetarian for years, Amanda realised the dairy and egg industry wasn't as cruelty free as she first thought, so she became an ethical vegan. Growing up Amanda was a competitive swimmer and got involved in life saving. In her adult life, Amanda has competed as a vegan bodybuilder in Australia and the US and more recently took on a new challenge of completing a triathlon.

    In this episode, Amanda discusses why we should reconsider using the term "fake meat" and shares the challenges of running a small business in the current climate, as well as advice for people transitioning to veganism and raising vegan children.


  • It's been a year since I first interviewed John Thomas and what better time to have him back on the show, than while he is in the middle of a bodybuilding competition prep!

    John is aiming to compete in an amateur division bodybuilding class later this year. He is working with a coach who has no prior experience with a vegan competitor, which John sees as an opportunity to change the sport from the inside out.

    Alot of changes have occurred in John's life since we last spoke; he recently moved to Tampa to surround himself with the top athletes in his sport, dyed his mohawk green to stand out and spark conversation about veganism, got tattoos, found a tumor on his chest and sadly his father passed away.

    In this episode, John provides heartfelt reflections on the year that's been, how competition preparation is going and his plans for the future.


  • Being a qualified Clinical Nutritionist and vegan for twelve years, Lisa helps clients optimise their plant based lifestyle.

    Going vegan sparked Lisa's curiosity to learn more about nutrition, so she studied a Bachelor of Nutritional & Dietetic Medicine, as well as a Bachelor of Complementary Medicine. Having worked in the health and wellness space for over a decade, Lisa recently opened her own private practice which has been warmly welcomed by the community.

    Lisa is passionate about making evidence based nutrition advice more accessible; not only are her consultations available in person and online, she also recently released the first of many free downloadable mini guides and is working on a course for later in the year.

    In this episode, Lisa shares the difference between a Nutritionist and a Clinical Nutritionist, as well as common diet deficiencies, nutrition hacks and her favourite meal - Rainbow Nasi Goreng.


  • Lynne started Galahad's Animal Sanctuary to provide care and a forever home to as many rescued animals as possible.

    Galahad's Sanctuary rescues and rehabilitates farm animals from various circumstances within the food system, as well as camels, horses, donkeys and dogs. These animal ambassadors spread the message that they deserve our compassion and respect.

    The sanctuary residents have inspired Lynne's quest to seek a harmonious and sustainable way to tread lightly on our planet and ecosystem using a plant based diet. The sanctuary is now home to over 50 residents and aims to spread a message of hope and compassion.

    Lynne recognises the importance of providing opportunities for people to relax and engage with animals as they are their own ambassadors, so she holds tours and events, as well as offering stays in the B&B.

    Living in London in the late 80s, Lynne went vegetarian because she wanted to see the end of animal suffering. Animals had always been her best friends and when she realised how cruel the dairy industry was, Lynne went vegan. Lynne has always been involved in activism, taking part in protests, marches, petitions and online advocacy.

    In this episode, Lynne also provides an insight into Australia's horrific camel culling program, opportunities to help raise the sanctuary profile and the challenges of running a sanctuary.

    https://www.instagram.com/galahads_sanctuary/ https://www.facebook.com/GalahadPetTherapy/

    Vegie Tribe Fundraising Event - 7th October 2023

    Sanctuary videos
    Visitors at the sanctuary, meeting all the animals -

    Camel videos
    Catapult crying while being stroked -

    Milkshake and Catapult jumping for joy for dinner -

    Phoenix doing zoomies being introduced to other camels for the first time -https://www.tiktok.com/@galahadsanimalsanctuary/video/7243360137530887426?is_from_webapp=1

    The conditions the rescue animals were living in next to the petrol station -

  • Amber has been a musician all her life and wants to use her musicianship as a platform to spread the animal rights message.

    As a child, Amber's parents enrolled her in piano, violin and guitar classes, as well as choir. Playing the piano has always been a big part of Amber's identity. In college, she graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Piano Performance and is now a piano teacher for children.

    During COVID, Amber and her partner began curating music where he would DJ and she would play the piano. The couple were asked to go on tour with The Backstreet Boys to support their European tour and ended up playing at six shows! More recently, Amber travelled to Australia to perform at the Dominion Anniversary Animal Rights March. Being surrounded by passionate activists fighting for animals was such a special experience for Amber, she hopes to do it again soon.

    Amber went vegan on a whim at age 18 because she cared about animals and the environment. Once she started educating herself on how animals in the agricultural system were treated, she knew she could never go back. Amber has an almost two year old son and believes it's important to cultivate his love for animals at an early age.

    In this episode, Amber shares her experience with performance anxiety, the release of new songs later this year and her vegan pregnancy.


  • Alyssa founded Victorian Kangaroo Alliance after recognising the need for a state-wide coordinated approach to targeting the persecution and exploitation of kangaroos, the victims of the world’s largest land-based wildlife trade.

    Alyssa has been involved in wildlife advocacy for eight years, beginning with the Coalition Against Duck Shooting, followed by co-founding the Australian Native Parrot Protection Association and more recently as the Founder and President of Victorian Kangaroo Alliance.

    Kangaroo advocacy found it's way to Alyssa when she was asked to set up a social media campaign for "Save the Kinley Kangas". The campaign transformed into the Victorian Kangaroo Alliance when a proposal for a kangaroo processing facility in northern Victoria reared it's head. Victorian Kangaroo Alliance experienced rapid growth; becoming incorporated and endorsing a full committee, as well as having great support from community groups across the state.

    In addition to wildlife advocacy, Alyssa is passionate about death education and advocacy. Alyssa and her sister started a green burial business, Heaven and Earth Eco Burial Products, providing people an environmentally friendly end of life option that gives back to nature and creates protected habitat to benefit native animals and plants.

    In this episode, Alyssa discusses the difference between commercial and non-commercial killing of kangaroos, the impact of pressuring big sporting brands to ditch kangaroo leather and her experience balancing the transition to veganism whilst maintaining her recovery from an eating disorder.


  • Holly is an Ecologist working with a national conservation NGO to save threatened species. She is extremely passionate about identifying the early warning signs of decline in common species, so we can act before it's too late.

    Growing up in England, Holly was influenced by her father's love of bird life, enjoying family field trips admiring the wildlife. After studying Ecology in Scotland, Holly moved to Australia and started her career at the Broome Bird Observatory. She became interested in justice for First Nations People and worked in community development programs in Alice Springs.

    Holly returned to Ecology, deciding to further her study with a PhD and later became a Research Fellow at Melbourne University, focussing on wildfire ecology.

    During her school years, Holly remembers being disgusted by the idea of eating animal flesh, so she went vegetarian. After going vegan in 2017, Holly embarked on her own research mission, reading many books, watching documentaries and googling animal rights organisations.

    Holly quickly joined her local Animal Justice Party group and welcomed a strong sense community. Holly, now the Ballarat Sub-Regional Group Leader, ran as the AJP candidate for Ripon in the last state election and is excited for the next opportunity to represent animals in an election.

    In this episode, Holly discusses scientists and their role in advocacy, vegan book recommendations and her experience presenting at the recent Victorian Inquiry into Victoria's recreational native bird hunting arrangements.


  • Krystal's purpose in life changed after rescuing two bobby calves, Frankie and Fletcher. She founded Companion Cows, a registered charity on a mission to create a kinder world for dairy cows and their babies.

    Krystal, her husband and two children moved to Tasmania four years ago. They very quickly saw the realities of the dairy industry when they came across a bobby calf on a dairy farm. It didn't take long for Krystal to step into action, she became a foster carer for a charity rescuing and rehoming calves.

    In July 2022, Krystal started her own charity, Companion Cows and now operates the charity with her friend Phoebe. Companion Cows has grown, with foster stations in Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales, rehoming all the calves rescued into safe and loving homes.

    Through her rescue journey, Krystal gained a much deeper understanding of the broken system alot of farmer's find themselves in and wanted to help on a much bigger scale. Krystal launched Farm Transitions Australia, a charity helping farmers transition out of animal agriculture into plant based agriculture or a new career. The charity provides services to farmers free of charge and involves a collaborative approach with an advisory panel and third partner providers.

    In this episode, Krystal shares her first hand experiences saving dairy cows, being a guardian of bovines and her long term solution to the bandaid fix of rescue.


  • Working as an educator in an animal sanctuary, Emma saw the impact sharing animal's stories had on people. She had the opportunity to curate their stories through film and found it so fulfilling, that Emma and her partner John decided to become full time filmmakers, co-founding Veganography.

    Emma has been a classical musician from a very young age and went on to study Cello Pedagogy at University. She went vegan during her university studies and realised that being a Cello teacher wasn't impacting those she cared most about - animals and the environment.

    Emma left music entirely to become the director of education and development at an animal sanctuary. She learnt invaluable skills in communicating and educating people about animals and their sentience. Emma and John witnessed the impact their videos of sanctuary residents had on creating lifestyle change in members of the public.

    In creating Veganography, Emma and John hope to empower people to make more plant based choices through inspiring and informational storytelling. Their films have been accepted at 12 international film festivals and won awards at 7 so far. The couple are also writing a book on how to be the most effective vegan advocate, to help amplify an individual's impact.

    In this episode, Emma shares lessons learnt in delivering the vegan message and her favourite rescue story of Lucky the cow.


  • Jess quit her eight year career as a Midwife and founded Project Bali Dog to protect and restore the welfare of dogs in Bali, Indonesia.

    Jess has sponsored Robbie, a rescued street dog in Bali for eight years. On her last visit, Jess walked out of the shelter where Robbie lives a safe and comfortable life and saw street dogs needing help on the other side of the gate.

    Having always loved animals and being vegan since 2014, Jess knew she needed a change. She made the decision to quit her job and go to Bali in February this year, to find out what she could do on the ground to help Bali's dogs. Before leaving, Jess set herself a volunteer challenge to help at 30 animal organisations in a 30 day period.

    Under the Project Bali Dog initiative, Jess has started Bowls for Bali, where she makes and provides 5L dog bowls, distributing them to local businesses to provide a fresh water supply to dogs in the area.

    Jess recognises the importance of a sterilisation program for Bali dogs and has launched a fundraiser to help Bali Pet Crusaders perform mobile sterilisation of 217 cats and dogs. Jess needs to raise $5000 to fund the project and when the target is achieved, she will shave her long blonde hair.

    In this episode, Jess teaches us about Bali dogs, the issues they are facing, as well as Sunny's rescue story and insights into her 30 day volunteer challenge.

    Fundraiser - https://www.mycause.com.au/p/316465/unleash-the-power-of-the-clippers-shave-to-sterilise-balis-dogs
