Gary talks about something very passionate for him. Ask the question. Are you OK? Take QPR training. It can save a life!
Just Gary sharing his thoughts and the lessons learned after attending his first Grand York Rite Session in 2022.
Let us know if you would like to see a topic discussed in our podcast, or to just send us a note telling us if you like what you are hearing to [email protected]
No AC. No Jason. Just a short thought on walls and boundaries. Let us know if you would like to see a topic discussed in our podcast, or to just send us a note telling us if you like what you are hearing to [email protected]
Gary announces the plans for upcoming episodes. It is a morning of contemplation and humility as Gary reflects on the blessing of Freemasonry in his life.
AC and Gary discuss their choice in music, esoteric movies, and duality in existence and being exposed to both sides of things.
Gary and AC discuss controversial topics.
Jason be gone! Why? Listen and see. How we should correct a brother, being kind, and what respect really is.
The brothers three discuss the question of what Freemasonry is to them.
The gents talk about introductions, COVID, service, philosophers, and other not so mundane stuff.
Co-host AC Ransom reads an excerpt from the Masonic publication "Rocky Mountain Mason" as written by the publisher Bro. Ben Williams. It serves as important words of wisdom for us in our times, in all times in fact, for all men and Masons. Please visit rockymountainmason.com to learn more about the publication and consider getting a subscription if you found this content worthwhile.
These newly made Master Masons talk about a list shared with them by a brother of their Lodge. The title of the list was things you should teach your son. Are these items that Freemasons should be doing or improving on? See what the gents have to say.
In this week's episode, the boys have a good laugh. The COVID pandemic, more rings, a bit of the Scottish Rite rumors, dating, eye liner, tattoos, graphs, bitten lips, y-axis, Dr. Pepper, tears, 2 o'clock, bad Russian/Irish, etc. Yep, they talk about it.
AC and Gary have a great chat about Masonic education in Lodge and Freemason learning in general. What should we teach men to make them better? Join us as we share our ideas.
The COVID-19 killed our donutty pleasure! Jason can't get his Macey's made bacon maple donuts. A short clip from a recent recording.
This week we interview Gary Roberts and learn why he became a mason and how that has impacted his life.
Three Master Masons talk about getting properly inebriated, the human experience, and religion.
This week we are joined by the Junior Warden and former Secretary of Harmony 21 for a discussion on how Taco Tuesday's are vital for new masons.
Three Master Masons talk about what Past Masters are, their importance, and how to support them.
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