This week Jake and Kyle saw Wonka and oh boy is it time to talk about it. What a way to end the year of mediocre or phenomenal movies with one that is squarely "good". An enjoyable film that for some reason says the one girl can't speak and then ten seconds later shows her singing with the group, but beyond that, pretty much anyone can enjoy this "requel". So come with me and you'll see an opinion on if this movie is worth your time in the theater or not.
You thought the day was finally here when BFD would miss an upload. WRONG! It will never happen as long as I'm around (Jake).The new TMNT movie was surprisingly good although it left me a bit wanting for he who shall not be named...The thematic message of this film may be dangerous as it supports some ideas that are detrimental to the sociological development of young audiences. What do I mean by that? Guess you're gonna have to watch to find out. INTRO 00:00STORY 01:28THEME 03:31CINEMATOGRAPHY 05:00SCORE 05:59UH-OH! 07:02
Estão a faltar episódios?
We did the Barbenheimer Crawl this Saturday and let me tell you... What a day for cinema. Beyond our critics or appreciations for these movies, we are so glad to see theaters filled to the brim for once! We even were told popcorn would take over an hour and a half to get to us since there were so many people in line! So, regardless of what we did or did not enjoy, we were glad to see theaters turn a hefty profit this weekend.But, with that being said, Barbie was rough and Oppenheimer was not perfect. Watch this to see why!
Howdy Ho BFD buds!Today is a solemn day as Jake is all alone. With Kyle unexpectedly sick and Chris nowhere to be found, the road ahead is unknown.Will Jake be able to do this video all by himself or will he fail miserably and be washed away by the despair that comes along with speaking to a lone camera? Find out in this week's episode of...BFD!LIKE.COMMENT.SUBSCRIBE:https://www.youtube.com/@bfd_videosGVM Discount:gvmled.myshopify.com/jake__ferrari
James Gunn was called in one last time to save the MCU before he departs to take over the DCU. Does he have what it takes or will Guardians 3 be another formulaic attempt to make something mildly interesting with a bit of an auteristic twist?Find out on this week's episode of BFD.Also Chris canceled himself so RIP Chris.LIKE.COMMENT.SUBSCRIBE: / @bfd_videos GVM Discount:gvmled.myshopify.com/jake__ferrariIf you comment correctly how many times Kyle pulled his shirt, we'll give you a lil surprise...
If its black fight back, if its brown lie down. Truly words of wisdom but there is only one problem with that statement. It doesn't mention what to do if you can't tell whether its a brown bear or a black bear... Oh well, sucks to be you.But this video doesn't suck and that's why you should watch it!Hey, hey, hey, all you buddies, and welcome to another video. In this week's rendition of BFD goes to the movies we watch the surprising slam dunk of a movie that is Cocaine Bear! Coming out of left field for some audience members, Cocaine Bear has it all. From emotional moments that leave you in tears to tense moments that leave you cheeks clenched. Sit back and strap in because here...We make videos better...
Howdy roundabout you animal lovers!No! Not like that you freaks!Sheesh, you know what just for those sick thoughts you don’t get a good description in this episode.I will say this though, Idris Elba, is not an animal lover in this film. As a matter of fact he punches them. And poachers and a dream sequence that is seemingly randomly placed in this film twice.Basically in the BFD bois opinions, this film isn’t great… BUT…We did get an experts thoughts to see why animals attack and why this film isn’t accurate to lions in any sense of the word.Anyway, enjoy I guess!Also subscribe or else.
Nope... is what we would say if you didn't watch this review. Does that make sense? No...pe...It doesn't have to so get off our backs. You know whose back you should get on though? Jordan Peele's. And by that we mean go watch this film.
Here we are, the final episode of the podcast. Did you ever think we'd make it this far? I sure as hell didn't think so...
Regardless, we made it, 2 1/2 years later. A couple movie analysis's later and we're still stupid and still know nothing. BUT, today is the day, at the time of 11:30, we will be walking across the stage at our university as they hand us a fake diploma. The real diploma won't be in my hand until 4-6 weeks later, hastily mailed in shoddy packaging and probably crumpled in the mailbox.
Oh well, enjoy this final episode of Al Pacino as we reminisce upon the times we've shared, the laughs we've had, the stupidity that has been blundered, the frustrations that have ensued, and the disagreements that have been created.
At the end of the day, Al Pacino has been nothing but a blessing unto all of our lives. We hope that the same is true for you.
Thank you so much for listening and watching. This may be the end of one book, but luckily for you, we are a poorly themed and written young adult series and books will keep being made. I hope you loved us because if you did, then that means I can use the following quote.
"What is grief but love perservering?"
For one last time,
Stout and Saurkraut,
Jake, Chris, and Kyle
Theme by Avery Yerlan
Email: pacinopodcast@gmail.com -
Holy moly guacamole.
We have a special one planned for this episode, and since it is our last formal episode, we must do something never before seen by Internet-kind..........
Chris will speak after the recap.
I know.
It's kind of shocking.
You know what else is shocking?
The electricity that nearly kills Alex at the end of the film, but I digress. We touch upon death and the meaning that surrounds it, maybe death is evil, or maybe death itself is unnatural????
Who knows?
Well, you at the end of this video.
So watch.
Also, special episode coming out in 2 WEEKS, Saturday, May 7th! Mark the calendars!
Stout and Saurkraut,
Jake, Chris, and Kyle
Theme by Avery Yerlan
Email: pacinopodcast@gmail.com
SNS: https://www.facebook.com/SchoolNightStudios -
Holy moly we're almost at the end of this series and boy does it feel like it.
We're currently on Chris's practicum set and we are TIRED. So here's an episode on the much maligned Green Lantern movie with Ryan Renolds. What's that? You knew already the movie was bad even though you only saw it if you were one who actually saw Iron Man in theaters?
That's crazy... It's as if people make their minds up on things without engaging in that thing themselves, therefore being less likely to make educated assumptions about said thing.
So anyway, here we talking about meaning again. Shocker.
Brady's Linktree: https://linktr.ee/Bradyjordan
Song from the beginning: https://www.youtube.com/user/batcreep
Stout and Saurkraut, Jake, Chris, and Kyle
Theme by Avery Yerlan
Email: pacinopodcast@gmail.com
SNS: https://www.facebook.com/SchoolNightStudios
Howdy howdy! We're currently on Jake's practicum set, so this is the first episode we've ever recorded previously. Every other one has been completely live, which is pretty cool if you ask me.
Anyway, today we talk about what standing up for yourself means and how finding your people isn't always as simple as following the norms. We also try to discern the meaning in literally every word spoken by every character since the Bri'ish accen' is bluddy -ifficu' innit? But truly, this movie is actually pretty good, even though we expect low number this episode due to the fact that not a single living being has heard of this movie.
But hey, prove us wrong!
Or don't, because we're always right.
Stout and Saurkraut,
Jake, Chris, and Kyle
Theme by Avery Yerlan
Email: pacinopodcast@gmail.com
SNS: https://www.facebook.com/SchoolNightStudios
Jake and Kyle were sitting around. Jake was playing Elden Rings. Kyle playing Uno [with Ash }:)].
Casually the podcast was mentioned and then we realized...
Wait a minute.
Wasn't this one supposed to release yesterday?
Well, shit. It was. We missed the due date.
"Well, better late than never, as I always say."
-Sherk, from Sherk 5: Fairytale Reboot
Stout and Saurkraut,
Jake, Chris, and Kyle
Theme by Avery Yerlan
Email: pacinopodcast@gmail.com
SNS: https://www.facebook.com/SchoolNightStudios
Before there was time, there was a land. And after some time it became lost. But before the land was lost there were lost dinosaurs. And the dinosaurs looked old but they weren't old because this was before time. But over some time they died and airplanes began to land. Before time there were no airplanes in the night sky like shooting stars that killed the dinosaurs before time when they landed. I'm lost.
Stout and Saurkraut,
Jake, Chris, and Kyle
Theme by Avery Yerlan
Email: pacinopodcast@gmail.com
SNS: https://www.facebook.com/SchoolNightStudios
Oh boy has this one been requested by a certain individual for a long time and oh boy have they not stopped reminding us to record it and upload it (which we do at the same time). This person, while being wildly attractive and smart and all the things, can also be--maybe Kyle will stop himself while he's ahead.
You know what's crazy? Only people over the age of 45 will have heard of this movie, but damn is that a shame! From story-telling and its link to the nature of human relation to a young boy learning what it means to become a man, this movie is truly wonderful. We should have more like this, honestly. We're tired of movies made after 2004.
I've been watching a lot of The Mentalist recently. It's like every other cop show, but it fulfills the fantasy of being the smartest one in the room all the time and seeking revenge for our family's death that happened due to a serial killer we pissed off. That is the ultimate male fantasy after all.
Anyway, we're shooting Kyle's practicum right now and Chris and Jake will be shooting later, so wish us luck!
On with the show!
P.S. The description was written by Kyle but I'm not totally sure why he referred to himself in the first and third persons. I think I might need to take him to the hospital.
P.P.S. The P.S. was written by Jake.
Stout and Saurkraut,
Jake, Chris, and Kyle
Theme by Avery Yerlan
Email: pacinopodcast@gmail.com
SNS: https://www.facebook.com/SchoolNightStudios
Greetings and salutations fellow apocalypse survivors! Today we reach back into the ol' Suggestion Box and we tackle.... Well, let's be honest, this movie isn't great for the podcast.
First of all, it's already really infused with meaning that is both explicit and understandable. Secondly, it's not too well-known, but the people who do know it remember it as being "really good" and "ha[ving] a bunch of meaning for sure". And thirdly, Nate sent this in and after Starship Troopers we should've seen this coming.
But regardless, here we are, talking about meaning, purpose, blindness, and so much in-between so tune in and stay swole!
Also, does anybody know of a place that's hiring someone for video production? But like, company video production based somewhere in the southeast? No?...
Yeah, us either....
Stout and Saurkraut,
Jake, Chris, and Kyle
Theme by Avery Yerlan
Email: pacinopodcast@gmail.com
SNS: https://www.facebook.com/SchoolNightStudios
Back to our bi-weekly episodes, we return with one of the best titles for a movie we could find. Unfortunately, the best part is the title... But damn do we have some things to say about it!
Set in New Zealand, this movie stays away from the Shire and moves into the world of dybbuks and past problems resurfacing in the present.
What's weird is that there's like a weird sex scene with the couch, but then she just kind of wakes up and it's weird man. Also, life update for now: Chris is still married, Jake just got a girl's number the other night, and Kyle is seeing some chick that he's not that crazy about or anything don't worry about it it's fine and she's great and he likes her a lot but it's not a big deal.
And other life update, we're all graduating this May and that's the end of our college careers ladies and gentlefolk. So listen up and don't worry, we'll definitely be employed especially as inflation rocks 7% and the fed will be trying to curb it in March (which will result in an inability for employers to invest in their company and expand) AND taxes will have to increase if we'll ever get Build Back Better passed. But it's ALLLLLLLLLL okay and don't worry it's fine. Just trust the experts, they know better than you.
So anyway, here's Killer Couch.
Stout and Saurkraut,
Jake, Chris, and Kyle
Theme by Avery Yerlan
Email: pacinopodcast@gmail.com
SNS: https://www.facebook.com/SchoolNightStudios
This is a bad movie.
Merry Pacinomas everyone and Happy Pacinodays! Children are terrible and are getting worse, aren't they? Well, Santa thinks so and that starts this whole chain of events where Ben Shapiro hires someone to kill Santa.
What does Santa stand for? What does love practically mean? Why am I asking all these questions?
I don't know man, but maybe you will find out after you snuggle up, drink some cocoa, finish opening your presents. So, spend some time with the boys and then go back to your folks for the holiday.
Stout and Saurkraut,
Jake, Chris, and Kyle
Theme by Avery Yerlan
Email: pacinopodcast@gmail.com
SNS: https://www.facebook.com/SchoolNightStudios
Alright you Shaggy Goose losers, buckle up for a massive trainwreck full of philosophy, conspiracies, and a lot of interruptions. I don't even really remember what we talked about but I do know we broke one of our most sacred rules. The devil hasn’t come for us yet, but the Christmas season ain’t over. There is one lingering question… do you believe in cults? Cults that you unknowingly join or can’t quite remember how you became initiated in one. Cults that take Christmas so seriously that if you dare not spend $6000 on it they’ll make your life a living hell. Cults that force you to put up a giant snowman that tried to kill you on your roof. I do
Stout and Saurkraut,
Jake, Chris, and Kyle
Theme by Avery Yerlan
Email: pacinopodcast@gmail.com
SNS: https://www.facebook.com/SchoolNightStudios
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