In a short fast paced structure with occasional interviews of 15 minutes or less you will hear stories of recovery, psychology, mindset, inspiration and tools to create Complete Financial Choice™. This is where you can choose to work instead of have to work.
Open the door to a new series where ambitious and forward-thinking people are taking on societal and global challenges and driving inclusive economic growth.
If you’ve ever wondered about Scotland’s rich tradition of scientific excellence and industrial collaboration; how organisations are investing, what teams are building, and how entrepreneurship and innovation in Glasgow are making a difference around the world, then Door to the District is the right show for you.
Taking you behind the scenes at Glasgow City Innovation District, you’ll discover bold enterprise and cutting-edge research across an array of industries, from space and advanced communications to FinTech, HealthTech and Quantum.
Every episode we meet industry leaders and academics who are working in the District towards an adaptable, accessible and sustainable future.
Subscribe and listen to learn more.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to the I Fired My Boss Franchise podcast, hosted by Dan Claps and Christian Dadulak. Dan Claps is the founder and CEO of Franchise Playbook, a franchise or platform that creates, owns and operates dynamic franchise brands in the mobile services space. His life's goal is to help people just like you fire their boss and become a business owner. Christian Dadulak is a top franchise consultant and co-founder of Real Franchising, a leading franchise consulting firm. And together they're on a mission to help people fire their boss, hire themselves, and live the American dream through franchise ownership.
Tune in to Brian Evans as he shares his thoughts on investing and securing your retirement in his weekly radio broadcast, Growing Your Wealth with Brian Evans. For over 30 years, Brian and his staff have been helping families live out the retirements that they deserve by giving them experienced, common-sense advice.
A weekly live audience show featuring the people building and funding companies that are extending healthy human lifespan. Join us Thursdays on Clubhouse and check the show schedule on
Hosted by Nathan Cheng (founder @ Longevity Marketcap // Longevity List) and Robert Ziman (Cohen Lab). -
Conversations with the best short term rental investors and business leaders in the world. We explore their ideas, methods, and stories to help you better invest your time and money.
Conversations with business experts from around the globe.
Strategies, tips, and advice from the most influential and knowledgeable people in the Australian startup industry. Please note that this is not financial advice and is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
Hi! My name is Adrian and this is VC in the CEE. Podcast about the venture capital ecosystem in Central and Eastern Europe.
Just 10 years ago venture capital almost did not exist in the CEE region and now it is one of the most common ways of funding startups and technology companies. This podcast is about people who help startup founders turn their ideas and projects into real-live products and solutions. You'll hear here about their investment strategies, opinions about startup ecosystems as well as how they evaluate potential investment opportunities.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Explore Mercury's innovative podcast, crafted specifically to guide startups through growth hurdles. Gain practical wisdom from experienced investors, advisors, and accomplished founders customized to your unique path. From surmounting funding hurdles and mastering the product-market fit to broadening your customer reach and fostering a growth-focused mindset, "Go Slow to Grow Fast" addresses the complete spectrum.
- czyli Arek Hajduk i Michał Olszewski kontra pełen tajemnic świat venture capital i startupów technologicznych.
Od 2012 (z krótką przerwą) pomagamy zrozumieć jak to wszystko działa! -
Бизнес, Стартап, Инвестиции
MOST - корпоративный канал холдинга "МОСТ" (первая частная экосистема для стартапов и венчурных инвесторов в Центральной Азии). В структуру холдинга входят бизнес-инкубатор "MOST Business Intelligence", венчурный фонд "MOST Ventures", клуб бизнес-ангелов "MOST Investor's Club" и IT хаб в городе Алматы "MOST Hub Almaty".
Mała Wielka Firma to podcast o marketingu dla soloprzedsiębiorców – właścicieli jednoosobowych biznesów oferujących produkty i usługi oparte na wiedzy. Słuchacze MWF to najczęściej specjaliści z branży kreatywnej, edukacyjnej, marketingowej, IT, zdrowotnej itp.
Nowe odcinki ukazują się co drugi poniedziałek. Dowiesz się z nich, jak zdobywać nowych klientów, budować wizerunek eksperta, zwiększać swoją produktywność oraz radzić sobie z wątpliwościami i problemami, które często towarzyszą osobom prowadzącym jednoosobowy biznes.
Uzupełnieniem podcastu jest cotygodniowy newsletter dostępny na stronie -
BBN Brasil Podcast, apresentado por Tom Reaoch, um americano com experiência em negócios no Brasil e no mundo, e conhecido como o ”Rei do Networking”. Entrevistas em português com empreendedores, executivos e líderes de negócios no Brasil. BBN Brasil Podcast é um lugar para se manter atualizado sobre as últimas tendências de negócios.
Não perca a chance de ouvir as histórias inspiradoras de sucesso dos maiores nomes do mundo dos negócios. Junte-se a nós no BBN Brasil Business Network Podcast hoje mesmo! Visite-nos em para saber mais." -
Привіт! Мене звати Саша Бородіна, і я авторка подкасту про підприємниць Women Make Money. Я вірю в силу жінок та women's leadership. В цьому подкасті я спілкуюсь з лідерками, які запускають важливі проєкти, будують бізнеси, розвивають себе та поєднують роботу з особистим.
Я хочу, щоб цей подкаст став місцем, де інші підприємниці знаходять для себе корисні поради і ідеї. А ті, хто тільки думає про свою справу, або ставить власні амбітні цілі, — натхнення і наснагу.
Нові епізоди – по п'ятницям раз в два тижні.
Мій інстаграм: -
Finanse Bardzo Osobiste to podcast o zdrowym i sensownym podejściu do życia i pieniędzy. Mówimy w nim o gospodarowaniu pieniędzmi w taki sposób, aby pomagały w czynieniu dobra, spełnianiu marzeń i jeszcze lepszym wykorzystaniu naszego potencjału. Marcin Iwuć to finansista z wieloletnim doświadczeniem, autor książki „Jak zadbać o własne finanse” oraz popularnego bloga „Finanse Bardzo Osobiste” pod adresem: . Tagi: oszczędzanie, inwestowanie, skuteczne pozbycie się długów, mądre zarządzanie budżetem domowym, odpowiedzialne uczenie dzieci o pieniądzach – to tylko niektóre tematy podcast’u, którego hasło brzmi: Gromadź oszczędności, ciesz się życiem, inwestuj i pomagaj innym.
Energize your investments and maximize your tax deductions. Join Mike Mauceli, CEO of REI Energy, and learn how the energy sector offers investors revolutionary ideas to gain wealth.
The Business of Thought Leadership podcast is about building your thought leadership around your expertise, your brand and your name. To become well known and highly regarded in the market place for the results you are able to produce for your clients.
Our guests are top thought leaders who have done it. They’ve become widely known for their expertise and results they’re able to deliver for their clients. They all love what they do and get paid very well for doing it.
You’ll meet entrepreneurs that have leveraged thought leadership in driving business revenue, coaches that were unknown and barely making ends who later became celebrities and took their income into the 7 figures, consultants that transformed into best-selling authors and built multi-million dollar firms and senior executives who followed their passion, left their day jobs and are changing the world.
We’ve had interviews with notables such as New Times Best-Selling Author Seth Godin, success and investment coaching icon, Raymond Aaron, a personal coach to billionaires, Alex Charfen & Tony Robbins’ Director of Coaching, Marc Von Musser.
Steve Jobs once said “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
Are you crazy enough to join us in making the difference you were born to make. We want you to 10x your impact, your income and your influence every 12 months.
Financially successful people with purpose and passion are changing the world and we want to inspire you to be one of them. -
Nazywam się Dorota Sierakowska.
Jestem finansistką, inwestorką, seryjną przedsiębiorczynią i zapaloną podróżniczką, pracującą zdalnie z różnych miejsc na świecie.
Ale przede wszystkim, jestem założycielką społeczności Girls Money Club.
Opowiadam o tym, jak stworzyć sobie kilka źródeł przychodów, jak umiejętnie zarządzać swoimi pieniędzmi i jak je mądrze inwestować.
Pozwól mi być Twoją przewodniczką po świecie pieniędzy!