Let's listen to this new episode! 🎤
In this episode we talk with Rubén García, Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of DISS, about the different places he has visited and the importance of traveling to keep the mind balanced and get new ideas for business.
We invite you to listen to this episode on our different channels.
Let’s listen to this new episode! 🎤
In this episode, we talk with Rubén Garcia, Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of DISS, about the RSNA (Radiological Society of North America) conference, which took place from December 1 to 5 in Chicago, Illinois. We participated alongside executives from various countries.
for more information: https://diss.com/podcast/lets-talks-about-rsna-2024/
Estão a faltar episódios?
Every day is a day to be thankful, and even though the official celebration has passed, we share with you this special Thanksgiving episode where we discuss the beauty of gratitude and the importance of resilience in achieving our goals.
Para más información: https://diss.com/podcast/thanksgiving/
🙌🏽 We invite you to continue listening to this podcast episode where we talk about the importance of effective communication in our work environments and in life.🎙️
For more information: https://diss.com/podcast/Effective-communication/
Los invitamos a seguir escuchando este episodio de podcast con nuestra invitada especial, la Dra. Cecilia Jimenez Hiciano, Médico Internista, Cardióloga, Cardiología Nuclear. 🎙️
En este episodio conversamos sobre la importancia de las imágenes de resonancia magnética en cardiología y los estudios avanzados de medicina nuclear en esta especialidad. Se destacó el enfoque en la prevención de enfermedades cardiovasculares mediante un estilo de vida saludable y consultas médicas recurrentes.
Para más información: https://diss.com/podcast/prevencion-de-enfermedades-cardiovasculares/
Los invitamos a escuchar este episodio de podcast con nuestra invitada especial la Dra. Delcia Jiménez, médico Radióloga.
En este episodio conversamos sobre la próxima versión de la Caminata Solidaria Cáncer de Mama organizado por la Fundación Unión Médica, el evento será realizado el 28 de septiembre a partir de las 6:00 A.M desde la entrada principal de la Clínica Unión Médica del Norte (Av. Juan Pablo Duarte en Santiago).
Para más información: https://diss.com/podcast/caminata-solidaria-cancer-de-mama/
🎙️We invite you to keep listening to this podcast episode where we talk about the healthy habits that accompany us every day and help us have more energy to achieve our daily goals.
Our podcast is available at: https://diss.com/podcast/heathier-habits/
🎙️¡Escuchemos este episodio de podcast con nuestro invitado especial!
En este episodio conversamos con el Dr. Alejandro Dominguez Brito, presidente y socio fundador de Multiimagen Diagnóstica, en este encuentro tan especial conversamos sobre la inauguración en este centro de un moderno resonador MAGNETOM SEMPRA de nuestra línea Siemens Healthineers y la evolución que ha manejado, desde sus inicios hasta hoy.
Para más información: https://diss.com/podcast/lanzamiento-resonancia-magnetica-multiimagenes/
En este episodio hablamos de las nuevas características de DISS Analytics y los avances que estamos haciendo con el sistema para crear nuevas herramientas que permitan a nuestros clientes gestionar adecuadamente las bases de datos en sus procesos médicos.
Our podcast is available at: https://diss.com/podcast/new-diss-analytics-features/
In this episode we talk about the new features of DISS Analytics and the advances we are making with the system to create new tools that allow our clients to properly manage databases in medical processes.
Our podcast is available at: https://diss.com/podcast/new-diss-analytics-features/
🎙️Listen to this episode with our Special Guests, Dr. Rosa Castro Ávila, MHSA President Elect and President of the 2024 Convention Committee
We talked about the xxxv annual CASS 2024 convention that will take place from June 26 to 29 at the Hyatt Regency Grand Reserve in Puerto Rico. The educational program of this event will consist of 13 credit hours and will be varied related to the topics of: Human Resources, Economics, Public Policy, Finance and Information Technology.
For more information and to request your participation in the Convention, we encourage you to contact Mrs. Jacqueline Freire at 787-764-6744 or via email: [email protected].
*Para escuchar la versión en español puedes pasar al minuto 24.
*To listen to the Spanish version you can skip to minute 24.
Our podcast is available at: https://diss.com/podcast/xxxv-convencion-anual-cass-2024/
🎙️Listen to this episode with our Special Guests, Lcda. Patricia Defrias-Tejada JD, MHSA ACHE President and Dr. Caleb J. Colón Rodriguez DRPH, MHSA ACHE President Elect.
In this episode we talk about the Puerto Rico Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), the professional society of healthcare leaders committed to improving health. This important institution brings together great professionals from the Puerto Rican health management sector. If you want to be a member, check out the link you can find on the episode home page on the web.
*Para escuchar la versión en español puedes pasar al minuto 18.
*To listen to the Spanish version you can skip to minute 18.
Our podcast is available at: https://diss.com/podcast/ache-puerto-rico-chapter/
Escuchemos este episodio con nuestro invitado especial José Alejandro Estévez, Técnico en imágenes PET-CT en CIMEN.
En este episodio conversamos con José, sobre el nuevo equipo PET-CT Biograph mCT con el que cuentan en CIMEN en Santiago, República Dominicana, también conversamos con él sobre los beneficios y la preparación que conlleva contar con un equipo de esta gran magnitud, desde su perspectiva como persona que trabaja de la mano con los pacientes.
Para más información: https://diss.com/podcast/nuevo-pet-ct-en-cimen/
🎙️Escuchemos este episodio con nuestra invitada especial, la Dra. Javiela Tejada, Hematóloga internista de la Clínica Universitaria Unión Médica del Norte.
En este encuentro estuvimos conversando sobre el XXIV Congreso Internacional Clínica Universitaria Unión Médica del Norte, que tiene como lema oficial la Innovación y Humanización con visión de futuro.
Este evento se estará realizando desde el 31 de Mayo al 1ero de Junio 2024, en el Centro de Convenciones Hotel Gran Almirante en la ciudad De Santiago, República Dominicana y contará con la presencia de conferencistas locales e internacionales.
Este episodio es solo en español.
Para más información: https://diss.com/podcast/congreso-internacional-clinica-universitaria-union-medica-del-norte/
🎙️Listen to this episode with our special guest Michelle Bombalier, Digital Solutions Supervisor PUR.
In today's episode we were talking with our special guest Michelle Bomballier, Digital Solutions Supervisor and a great mother, she tells us what her life has been like as a mother and working in our corporation.
*To listen to the Spanish version you can skip to minute 14.
Our podcast is available at:
🎙️Listen to this episode with our Special Guest Ing. Fernando Vivieca, Caribbean Service Director at DISS.
In this episode we talk about the new brand image of our medical engineering services department. Our Regional Service Department is now called DISS Medical Engineering. With this rebranding, we will also be expanding our solutions, always maintaining our commitment to excellence, personalized service, and the best team of certified medical engineers, along with 24/7 support in all countries across the region where we operate.
*Para escuchar la versión en español puedes pasar al minuto 18.
*To listen to the Spanish version you can skip to minute 18.
Our podcast is available at: https://diss.com/podcast/new-brand-image-diss-medical-engineering/
🎙️Listen to this episode about our experience at the last HIMSS 2024.
In this episode, we talk with Rubén about his experience being part of the HIMSS 2024 - Global Health Conference & Exhibition 2024, which featured more than 500 speakers discussing technology and health topics.
*To listen to the Spanish version you can skip to minute 18.
*Para escuchar la versión en español puedes pasar al minuto 18.
Our podcast is available at:
🎙️Listen to this episode with our special guest Dra. Mayra Maldonado SOCRAD President.
In this episode we talk about the 27th Annual Convention of the Society of Radiology of Puerto Rico (SOCRAD 2024) that will be held at the Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Beach Resort Hotel from April 26 to 28.
*Para escuchar la versión en español puedes pasar al minuto 18.
*To listen to the Spanish version you can skip to minute 18.
Our podcast is available at: https://diss.com/podcast/puerto-rico-radiology-society-convention-2024-socrad-2024/
Listen to this episode with our special guest Eng. Luis Díaz, DISS Project Manager DOM and JAM.
In this episode we talk about the different responsibilities of this department and the key points that make us one of the best project departments in the medical industry.
Para escuchar la versión en español puedes pasar al minuto 16.
To listen to the Spanish version you can skip to minute 16.
Our podcast is available at:
🎙️Our Podcast evolves with a new look! Analytics For You is now transforming into Health Insight By DISS!
This new image marks the beginning of a new era where we delve even deeper into the fascinating world of medical technology and health innovation. Through Health Insight By DISS, we are committed to provide you with even more valuable information, experts interviews, and fascinating perspectives on the health industry and wellness.
Stay tuned in for new episodes, new guests, and much more! 🎧✨
Let's listen to this new episode! 🎤
In these 99 episodes we have had great guests who have shared very interesting topics with us, we invite you to listen to each of our episodes.
Our podcast is available at:https://diss.com/podcast/our-journey-on-the-podcast/
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