In this age of consumerism, sometimes the coolest things come from the crowfunders and the will of the people! Artium Instruments have completed their kickstarter for 'Doppler' a desktop FM synth that looks to lean into unbridled exploration where you find a unique sound at every knob turn. We're checking out the press release to see what's up. In the Round Robin, we're looking to the release of Serum 2 and asking ourselves what is it in our studios that unequivocally requires that financial investment and why. Join us for an hour of synth nerding.Audionautic Records' latest release, Fields of Few - First Land Encounterhttps://fieldsoffew.bandcamp.com/album/first-land-encounterGrab tickets for Eonlake's London Show here:https://skiddle.com/e/40699373Help Support the Channel:Patreon: www.patreon.com/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli, Coraline Ada Ehmke, Jaycee Lewis and Stephen SetzepfandtLars Haur - Audionaut ProducerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerJoin the conversation:💌 audionauticsounds@gmail.com 🐤 Twitter @Audionautic📸 Instagram: @audionauticsounds📡Discord: https://discord.gg/ZsmyP8u5🎧Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lF...Sounds by Sunwarper Samples:https://soundsbysunwarper.bandcamp.co...Sunwarper: sunwarper.comKh3rtis: kh3rtis.comTIMESTAMP
Ableton have gone and announced their 12.2 update and many are quite excited about what it has to offer. The question is, what does it offer and is it worth the upgrade price?Eonlake and Kh3rtis mull it over. Grab tickets for Eonlake's London Show here:https://skiddle.com/e/40699373Help Support the Channel:Patreon: www.patreon.com/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli and Stephen SetzepfandtLars Haur - Audionaut ProducerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerJoin the conversation:💌 audionauticsounds@gmail.com 🐤 Twitter @Audionautic📸 Instagram: @audionauticsounds📡Discord: https://discord.gg/ZsmyP8u5🎧Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lF...Sounds by Sunwarper Samples:https://soundsbysunwarper.bandcamp.co...Sunwarper: sunwarper.comKh3rtis: kh3rtis.comTIMESTAMPS00:00 - Intro02:00 - What we’re Up To07:00 - Eonlake’s Live Set10:00 Ableton’s 12.2 Update15:00 - Bounce to new track20:00 - New MPE28:00 - ‘Meld’ and ‘Roar’ Updates43:00 - Community Corner52:00 - Round Robin: Pressing play vs Playing Live
Estão a faltar episódios?
So... Snoop Doggy Dog has rejected streaming and moved his catalogue over to tune.fm, a streaming platform based on the blockchain that supposedly emboldens the independent musician with direct payouts from listeners. Sounds too good to be true? We're taking a look and seeing if this is really an opportunity for us Help Support the Channel:Patreon: www.patreon.com/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli and Stephen SetzepfandtLars Haur - Audionaut ProducerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerJoin the conversation:💌 audionauticsounds@gmail.com 🐤 Twitter @Audionautic📸 Instagram: @audionauticsounds📡Discord: https://discord.gg/vwSDys6F🎧Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lF...Sounds by Sunwarper Samples:https://soundsbysunwarper.bandcamp.co...Sunwarper: sunwarper.comKh3rtis: kh3rtis.com
On this week's show we're having a look at two rather dope lil' plugins from Sketch Audio: 'Galaxy Brain' and 'Fuzz Droid'. These easily accessible sound boxes are packed full of randomisation and fun happy accidents. The question, as always, is where they lie in are arsenal and are they filling a gap in your workflow? Lets find out.
Check out our latest release on the label, 'Through the Quiet Dark' Here:
Help Support the Channel:
Patreon: www.patreon.com/audionautic
Thanks to our Patrons who support what we do:
Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli and Stephen Setzepfandt
Lars Haur - Audionaut Producer
Jonathan Goode - Audionaut Producer
Join the conversation:
💌 audionauticsounds@gmail.com
🐤 Twitter @Audionautic
📸 Instagram: @audionauticsounds
📡Discord: https://discord.gg/vwSDys6F
🎧Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lF...
Sounds by Sunwarper Samples:
Sunwarper: sunwarper.com
Kh3rtis: kh3rtis.com
00:00 - Intro
02:00 - What we're up to
07:00 - The Story of Sketch Audio
10:00 - Galaxy Brain
17:00 - Galaxy Brain's Modulation FX
24:00 - Fuzz Droid
30:00 - Fuzz Droid on Drums
40:00 - Fuzz Droid on Guitar
52:00 - Community Corner
55:00 - Round Robin
With the Release of Sunwarper's 'Through the Quiet Dark' on Audionautic Records, we're examining the journey through which the album came to be on physical cassette. With the modern independent scene ever precarious, there is something special when it comes to having something physical and tangible in our hand for your sonic enjoyment. We're talking that through on this week's show. Check out 'Through the Quiet Dark' Here:https://sunwarper.bandcamp.com/album/through-the-quiet-darkHelp Support the Channel:Patreon: www.patreon.com/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli and Stephen SetzepfandtLars Haur - Audionaut ProducerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerJoin the conversation:💌 audionauticsounds@gmail.com 🐤 Twitter @Audionautic📸 Instagram: @audionauticsounds📡Discord: https://discord.gg/BrVmRnRKb8🎧Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lF...Sounds by Sunwarper Samples:https://soundsbysunwarper.bandcamp.co...Sunwarper: sunwarper.comKh3rtis: kh3rtis.comTIMESTAMPS00:00 - Eonlake is Back!04:00 - What we’re Up To20:50 - Hey to the Community24:00 - Artist Spotlight: Sunwarper - ‘Through the Quiet Dark’26:00 - Why Cassettes?37:00 - How easy is it to make Cassettes?45:00 - On Demand Physical Merch in 202562:00 - Community Corner - NEW DISCORD CHALLENGE
We've have the the S-1 in our possession for a while so what better way to review the pocket synth than with two perspectives from two workflows simultaneously?
Help Support the Channel:
Patreon: / audionautic
Thanks to our Patrons who support what we do:
Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli and Stephen Setzepfandt
Lars Haur - Audionaut Producer
Jonathan Goode - Audionaut Producer
Join the conversation:
💌 audionauticsounds@gmail.com
🐤 Twitter @Audionautic
📸 Instagram: @audionauticsounds
📡Discord: https://discord.gg/BrVmRnRKb8
🎧Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lF...
Sounds by Sunwarper Samples:
Sunwarper: sunwarper.com
Kh3rtis: kh3rtis.com
00:00 - Intro
02:00 - What we're up to
11:00 - Roland ARIA S-1 Tweak Review
13:00 - Oscillators Galore!
36:00 - Community Corner
45:00 - Round Robin
Spotify and Universal Music Group (UMG) just announced a massive multi-year partnership that could reshape music streaming as we know it. With new subscription tiers, artist-centric payouts, and stricter anti-fraud measures, what does this mean for independent musicians, major labels, and the future of royalties?In this week's show, we're breaking down everything you need to know about Spotify & UMG’s latest move, how it fits into the "Streaming 2.0" shift.Help Support the Channel:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli and Stephen SetzepfandtLars Haur - Audionaut ProducerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerJoin the conversation:💌 audionauticsounds@gmail.com 🐤 Twitter @Audionautic📸 Instagram: @audionauticsounds📡Discord: https://discord.gg/ZstKVdtRHE🎧Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lFIuRD0xz87UZ3bRflu9HSounds by Sunwarper Samples:https://soundsbysunwarper.bandcamp.com/releasesSunwarper: sunwarper.comKh3rtis: kh3rtis.comTIMESTAMPS00:00 - Intro02:00 - What we're up to 08:00 - Streaming 2.023:00 - So... What do we do with streaming?36:00 - Community Corner45:00 - Round Robin
Well, NAMM has come and gone. With it, the easy dopamine of the new synthesised releases of all the big names in electronic music. We're running down our key takeaways and the interesting pieces of gear that caught our eye. Help Support the Channel:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli and Stephen SetzepfandtLars Haur - Audionaut ProducerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerTIMESTAMPS00:00 - Intro02:00 - What we're up to 07:00 - Stylophone DS-215:00 - Roland ARIA Compacts30:00 - ROLI Airwave42:00 - Behringer 49:00 - Yamaha SEQTRAK 55:00 - General Takeaways60:00 - Community Corner
NAMM 2025 is HERE and with it all the GAS temptations, tribulations and abstentions. Sunwarper is there picking around and looking whats up. Kh3rtis and Eonlake are here with the bits that caught their eyes ahead of the grand opening. Roland has announced their 'Super Instrument' and Native Instruments allies themselves with AKAI. Lots to talk about and mull over - even the degree to which we need to temper ourselves and invest our time into the gear we have already. Help Support the Channel:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli and Stephen SetzepfandtLars Haur - Audionaut ProducerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerJoin the conversation:💌 audionauticsounds@gmail.com 🐤 Twitter @Audionautic📸 Instagram: @audionauticsounds📡Discord: https://discord.gg/ZstKVdtRHE🎧Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lFIuRD0xz87UZ3bRflu9HSounds by Sunwarper Samples:https://soundsbysunwarper.bandcamp.com/releasesSunwarper: https://linktr.ee/sunwarperKh3rtis: https://.kh3rtis.comTIMESTAMPS02:00 - What we've Been Up to09:30 - Roland 'Galaxias' Super Instrument25:30 - Native Instrument Teams up with big names39:30 - When is enough, enough?63:00 - The week ahead
Social media continues to be an ever invasive and messy, yet necessary aspect to the independent artist trying to get their music heard. We're hashing out our plans and ideas for our social medias in the coming year. As a community we'd love to get your take. Help Support the Channel:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli and Stephen SetzepfandtLars Haur - Audionaut ProducerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerJoin the conversation:💌 audionauticsounds@gmail.com 🐤 Twitter @Audionautic📸 Instagram: @audionauticsounds📡Discord: https://discord.gg/ZstKVdtRHE🎧Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lFIuRD0xz87UZ3bRflu9HSounds by Sunwarper Samples:https://soundsbysunwarper.bandcamp.com/releasesSunwarper: https://linktr.ee/sunwarperKh3rtis: https://linktr.ee/Kh3rtisTIMESTAMPS00:00 - Welcome02:00 - Eon's Back!04:00 - Expectations vs Realities - and that's okay!07:00 - The Process of Mixing43:00 - Patrons & NAMM 202546:00 - Social Media 2025 and the Independent Musician
We are back! Easing ourselves into the New Year with a chilled sit down to discuss our new set ups and what the forthcoming year brings for our dawless adventures. Sonicware dropped a lil' drum box which caught our eye, we'll be having a look at that also. Help Support the Channel:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli and Stephen SetzepfandtLars Haur - Audionaut ProducerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerTIMESTAMPS00:00 - Welcome Back!02:00 - What we're been up to13:00 - Cydrum: a neo-hyperactive drum machine 24:00 - Love to our Patrons31:00 - Dawless in 202562:00 - The Week Ahead
It's been quite the year for gear and music marketing. This week we discuss our favorite hardware, FREE software, albums and social media sites.
Thanks for making this such an incredible year and we hope you have an amazing holidays and new year :)
Help Support the Channel:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli, Stephen Setzepfandt, Mike K Smith & Justin LicameliLars Haur - Audionaut EngineerJonathan Goode - Audionaut Producer
AI continues its spread into every facet of our live, including that of music production. Izotope have just released a new delay plugin that supposedly uses AI to remove muddiness. Did we ask for it? No, Did they give it to us? Yes. Is there a point to it? Lets find out. Our favourite morally questionable company has released 'swords' a mutable instruments clone modular device. We're checking it out. In the final Round Robin of the year, we are expressing our gratitude for our community and the line of work we do. all in the festive spirit. Help Support the Channel:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli, Stephen Setzepfandt, Mike K Smith & Justin LicameliLars Haur - Audionaut EngineerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerJoin the Discord: https://discord.gg/KHd97ZdhSunwarper: https://sunwarper.comKh3rtis: https://kh3rtis.comTIMESTAMPS00:00 - Intro02:00 - What we're up to 06:00 - Izotope announces Cascadia11:00 - What's the point?40:00 - Behringer and Mutable Insruments 45:00 - What do we think?54:00 - Round Robin: Expressing Gratitude
Sonic Bending Extraordinaire Frequency Control Centre joins us for this week's musings as we're checking out the specs of the new Polyend synth and pondering on whether it's up to the mark when it comes to synthesis. In the Round Robin this week we're headed for a trip down memory lane as we go back to our roots to share our origin stories, how we came into the music world and what set us on the path of production.Help Support the Channel:Patreon: https://patreon.com/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli, Stephen Setzepfandt, Mike K Smith & Justin LicameliLars Haur - Audionaut EngineerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerSunwarper: https://sunwarper.comKh3rtis: https://kh3rtis.com
Teenage Engineering recently came out with their new lil' Black Box - The OP-XY. Resident TE expert Eonlake returns so this is as good a time as any to peek at the specs and see whether we're vibing with it's eye watering $2300 price tag...We also found another FREE plugin for you. This time from DAWSOME and the Zyklop synth. It's a mystical box full of non traditional sound design techniques. We're demoing it on the show and look at how it can be used in your arrangements. Help Support the Channel:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli, Stephen Setzepfandt, Mike K Smith & Justin LicameliLars Haur - Audionaut EngineerJonathan Goode - Audionaut Producer
TIMESTAMPS00:00 - Intro06:00 - OP-XY - The polarising conversation10:00 - Is the OP-XY Worth it?17:00 - How does it compare to other TE products?23:00 - Thanks to our Patrons!30:00 - This FREE Plugins is AWESOME!44:00 - Maximalist vs Minimalist
Our favourite music exploitation platform come out with another milestone! In the same year that they cut Artists' royalties, they announce a profit for the first time ever. Great news for the international corporation, though the people are less than joyous. We break it down. We're also looking at a VST that is broken... on purpose. What's the point of it we hear you cry? Well, stick around to find out. Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mDmGvfdgHelp Support the Channel:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli, Stephen Setzepfandt, Mike K Smith & Justin LicameliLars Haur - Audionaut EngineerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerJoin the conversation:🎙️Discord: / discord 🎧Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lF...Sunwarper: https://linktr.ee/sunwarperKh3rtis: https://kh3rtis.comTIMESTAMPS00:00 - Intro02:00 - What we've been up to?12:00 - Spotify's Demise?56:00 - Community Corner68:00 - Broken Mini VST
Native Instruments have crossed our radar this week as they released Maschine 3. New avenues for exploration in the stem separation game has our ear perked up. We also have out final Artist Spotlight of 2024. Last week Kh3rtis concluded his 'Intervoidal' Trilogy. We're taking a look at the lessons learned from the experience and where the line lies between art and product as a result. Check out 'Intervoidal III' here:https://kh3rtis.bandcamp.com/album/intervoidal-iiiJoin the Discord: https://discord.gg/TzZjdZjcHelp Support the Channel:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli, Stephen Setzepfandt, Mike K Smith & Justin LicameliLars Haur - Audionaut EngineerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerJoin the conversation:🎙️Discord: https://discord.gg/N2tkge85UV🎧Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lFIuRD0xz87UZ3bRflu9HSunwarper: https://linktr.ee/sunwarperKh3rtis: https://linktr.ee/Kh3rtisTIMESTAMPS00:00 - Intro02:00 - What we've been up to?15:00 - Maschine 3 22:00 - New Features in the Update33:00 - What the Chat Thinks 35:00 - Community Corner40:00 - New Discord Server Challenge45:00 - Artist Spotlight: Kh3rtis - Intervoidal III66:00 - Outro#nativeinstruments #musicproductiontools
Black Friday season is upon us and so far we haven't been disappointed!This week we're checking out deals from Soundtoys and Dreadbox, these lil' devices are sure to trigger our G.A.SIn the community we have a new release with Kh3rtis concluding his 'Intervoidal' journey. Check it here:https://kh3rtis.bandcamp.com/album/intervoidal-iiiJoin the Discord: https://discord.gg/TzZjdZjcHelp Support the Channel:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli, Stephen Setzepfandt, Mike K Smith & Justin LicameliLars Haur - Audionaut EngineerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerTIMESTAMPS02:00 - INTRO04:00 - FCC's Tape Loops10:00 - Discord Server Challenge Updates13:00 - Soundtoys' Phasemistress30:00 - Community Corner35:00 - Dreadbox Artemis60:00 - What we're up to
This week Elektron announced their Digitone II so we're taking a peek at what we can expect. Also, Bluesky announce a monetisation plan for Content Creators, does this open up the door for a new pathways for the independent musician? Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/TzZjdZjcHelp Support the Channel:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli, Stephen Setzepfandt, Mike K Smith & Justin LicameliLars Haur - Audionaut EngineerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerJoin the conversation:🎙️Discord: https://discord.gg/N2tkge85UV🎧Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lFIuRD0xz87UZ3bRflu9HSunwarper: https://linktr.ee/sunwarperKh3rtis: https://linktr.ee/Kh3rtisTIMESTAMPS:00:00 - Intro11:00 - Introducing the Digitone II15:00 - Digitone II Analysis 29:00 - Which one do you buy? 47:00 - Community Corner57:00 - Bluesky Monetisation65:00 - What does it mean?70:00 - Is Bluesky worth it?73:00 - Bluesky vs Instagram 77:00 - What we are up to?
Youtube has undergone a huge upheaval in their short form content strategy and we're dissecting it this week's show. The changes that are coming in and what that means for the independent musician looking to market themselves on this platform. We have also welcomed new label mates onto Audionautic Records. Last week The Billows Burn Bright and Willebrant released 'Traveler', a wonderful Ambient EP with us and we're sitting down with them to discuss their collaborative methods and Ambient sound design techniques. Check out 'Traveler' here:https://willebrant.bandcamp.com/album/travelerHelp Support the Channel:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/audionauticThanks to our Patrons who support what we do:Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli, Stephen Setzepfandt, Mike K Smith & Justin LicameliLars Haur - Audionaut EngineerJonathan Goode - Audionaut ProducerJoin the conversation:🎙️Discord: https://discord.gg/N2tkge85UV🎧Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lFIuRD0xz87UZ3bRflu9HSunwarper: https://linktr.ee/sunwarperKh3rtis: https://linktr.ee/Kh3rtis
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