
  • My name is Baba Olapade ifakunle
    I’m Babalawo Ifa Priest from Ogbe Otua Ifa and Orisa temple Ibadan Nigeria I just want to enlighten everyone what if’s mean

    Ifa is a witness to human destiny and creation (Eleri ipin)

    Ifa sees, knows and unravels the mysteries of the universe.

    Ifa is a historian of old (opitan ife Oodaye) which explain the origin, the sustenance and continuity of the universe.
    Ifa knows the action before it is initiated.

    Ifa teachers knowledge and wisdom even like one's sister (A KO Ni loro bi iyekan eni)

    Ifa is the arrow pointer in the life of humans (Atona). It show the way and guides while following

    Ifa brings joy to the hopeless, peace and comfort......::Ase Alafia 🦾💪❤️🙏📿📿

  • Sacrifice (Ebo)

    Why Is sacrifice (Ebo) Important?

    Did you know that Ebo is the most important and powerful part when receiving a divination or a life consultation? Many people who come for divinations think that main action which solves their issues is the actual reading, guidance and advice; when in actuality receiving the divination or consultation is the first step. The second step is the spiritual ebo prescribed. THIS MUST BE COMPLETED.
    Although it is important to listen to the advice and the wisdom coming from the system IFA; translated by the Babalawo, the sacrifice or spiritual action prescribed must be carried out immediately in order for the forces of nature to aid us and shift our experiences towards success. Here are a few questions and answers about Ebo:

    What Is sacrifice (Ebo) ?

    Ebo is sacrifice. It involves working with materials i.e, herbs, animals, fruits, money, wood and the four elements etc, all of which man and womankind use to survive and live on Earth; that which comes from nature.
    Ebo is how we appease the forces of nature, it is how we show gratitude to the ancestors and Orisa (forces of nature). Ebo keeps us in alignment and harmony with our destiny.

    Where Does sacrifice (Ebo) Originate From?

    According to our African Yoruba history, when Orunmilla was on Earth he became known as the father of IFA Worship. He was born with the gift of wisdom and insight and he had the ability to solve people's problems and issues through divination.
    Ebo came from Ifa; ebo is the child of Ifa. It was given to us as a means to help remedy and overcome challenging obstacles and situations.

    Why Is it Important to do sacrifice (Ebo) ?

    To stay in alignment with our destiny. Ebo (sacrifice) is giving up something in order to gain something much higher. For the sake of making a successful change in life, one must give up or let go of something to determine positive results; this is also a form of ebo. Ebo works with all the elements of the universe. It is important as it assists in helping to heal human beings from suffering.

    How Long Should I do Ebo After A Divination?

    Ebo should be done immediately after divination in order to continue enjoying the blessing of being in harmony with your destiny. There are times when you are in harmony with your destiny, however, by consulting the system of IFA it will be detected by the Babalawo what specific disrupting forces are trying to intervene the progress. Ebo should be performed promptly to block negative forces.

    What Happens If You Do Not Perform Ebo?

    By not completing Ebo or the spiritual work you may block your chances of success.

    Can Anyone Perform Ebo?

    NO! Only ordained IFA Priests are permitted to do so. Ebo is one of the most important tools used by a IFA Priest. One has to be trained in the art of doing ebo and sanctioned by a recognised priest counsel within the traditions and customs of your priest lineage.

    How Are Other Orisa Important Within Ebo?

    The Orisa are extremely important in regards to ebo because when the client arrives for a consultation or a divination guidance reading from the Babalawo. Although all Orisa are under IFA, another Orisa may be summoned or called upon to carry out the ebo.

    How Does The Babalawo Play An Important Role While Performing Ebo?

    The Babalawo has the Ase, wisdom and the knowledge to activate the ebo (sacrifice) or spiritual work. The Babalawo has acquired the aforementioned by undergoing initiations and oaths; as well as lengthy and in-depth training which qualifies and gives him the authority to proceed in carrying out the ebo.

    How Many Types Of Ebo Are There?

    There are many ebos and many IFA priests who specialize in various types . The basic ebo are Eboriru, Etitu (nation, economic issues in the community and overcoming suffering. 💪💪💪❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏📿📿📿📿🙏

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  • What is Ifa Reading ( consultation) and what does it mean?.......Ifa reading consultation is a light 💡 like touch in a dark room’’when you in a light 💡 in a dark room .you we see all the hidden thugs that you did not see before.it also talks about a past,present,and future situation.consult Ifa one not need to wait for problem to arise to seek the solution.people of all cultures,personal background and walks of life eat to receive divination everyday.one such traditional divination system is the Yoruba method known as Ifa .ifa reading we allow you to access hidden knowledge about your life .trusting the inherent knowing that we all possess allows all of us to take back our own personal power ,which is according to Ifa and Yoruba philosophy our given birthright ,this divination method provides you with greater knowledge of self and utilizes various tools and ritual to assist you with actualizing and manifesting the desires of your life from to place of inner knowing and guide wisdom. This foreknowledge.when combines with following spiritual discipline in the form of prescribed ritual,gives us back our self-confidence,joy and inner peace .coupled with this knowledge,we can be .do and experience anything our hearts desire the clarity given through divination with to competent diviner will help you reassess your life this is turn deepens your own ability to be compassionate,loving and forgiving of yourself ace well ace everyone and everything in existence.ifa reading we also tell you everything about your spiritual life and your head of ancestors,your Ifa and your orisa name Ase 📿🙏📿

  • I'm babalawo olapade ifakunle, I'm babalawo ifa priest from Ogbe otua ifa and orisa international temple Ibadan Nigeria I'm here to help people with spiritual in any ways that you need help ... to consult the oracle protection promotion to get a work cure any kinda sickness found what you lost favor from everyone, restore broken relationship, you don't want your wife or your husband to cheat, protection from evil, love spell and more and make ifa reading for them Also as well