En podcast som har til formål at skabe ro, refleksion og glæde. Og tid til at tænke over tingene. Podcasten beskæftiger sig med emner såsom træning, kost, sundhed, markedsføring, livet/eksistens, internetkultur og digital kommunikation. Vi tager os tid, graver os dybt ned og forsøger at være så agendaløse som muligt. Vi inviterer også spændende gæster, som kan udfordre både os og jer.
Podcastens værter er Morten Svane og Jacob Beermann. -
Talking Robots is a podcast featuring interviews with high-profile professionals in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for an inside view on the science, technology, and business of intelligent robotics. It is managed and sponsored by the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems (LIS) at the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Ben Scheirman and Joe Cieplinski team up to create an app. This podcast documents their journey through ideas, sketching UI, technology choices, design tradeoffs, marketing and more.
The Potatocast is a kind of online chit-chat between Snake FPV and Onigiri FPV, about their miniquad journey among other topics.
Nothing too serious, after all, potatoes gonna potate ! -
Computationel thinking - at tænke med maskiner er en podcast-serie fra It-vest om informatik og brugen af computationelle metoder i forskning og uddannelse.
Du vil få indsigt i, hvordan computere kan supplere vores kognitive kompetencer, og du vil møde en lang række forskere fra vidt forskellige forskningsfelter, der fortæller, hvordan de med computernes regnekraft og dataopsamling kan skabe helt nye resultater, som ikke var mulige for mennesket alene.
Du kan finde podcast-serien på vores hjemmeside ().
Den er produceret af Anders Høeg Nissen, (podLAB), i samarbejde med It-vest. -
Everything Microsoft Power BI!
Welcome to the Adobe Creative Suite Podcast with tips and tutorials by Terry White. Learn how to unlock the power and potential of the Creative Suite with the visual examples here. I will try to cover all the products evenly, but I do have a passion for InDesign and Photoshop.
En særpodcast i tre afsnit om markedsføring og annoncering på Facebook.For første gang har Facebook inviteret en dansk journalist ind i de hellige haller for, over en periode på to dage, at lære fra sig og dele ud af deres egne bedste tips og tricks til, hvordan du bliver en markedsføringskonge (eller dronning) på verdens største sociale medie. Du får også et eksklusivt kig bag facaden på en ret vild arbejdsplads!!Du kan finde mere info og links fra podcasten på
Sanne og Andreas er dine værter i Jeg Er Ordblind Podcast'et. De sankke om deres ordblind samtidig med de prøve at blive klogere på den. Er du selv ordblind så er dette en podcast for dig!
OutLawz handler om jura, tech og hvordan fremtiden ser ud. Vi ønsker at give lytteren et indblik i, hvad der er af spændende tendenser indenfor den juridiske branche, og tale med dem som har bevæget sig ud i ukendt farvand.
Explore Analytics makes data analysis and visualization fun by providing useful tips and advanced techniques through a series of how-to videos.
Luisa Winters is one of the most recognized and respected members of the Adobe Trainers Community. She has authored countless tutorials and articles on Adobe techniques. Her areas of expertise include: After Effects, Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Encore, Flash, Captivate, SoundBooth.
Our Dog Show is a podcast meant for pet parents and dog lovers. We discuss important issues of the day as well as training concerns and light hearted pet related stories. Our Dog Show is a bi-weekly podcast available in both video and audio formats. Certified dog trainers, rescue organizations, and pet store owners and products will be guests on the show to talk about the latest and greatest in pet care. Whether you have a full grown adult dog, or a 12 week old puppy you can learn a lot by watching just one of our 15 minute video or audio podcasts.
A podcast by Grant Sanderson, Ben Eater and Ben Stenhaug about education, technology, and whatever else comes to mind.
Your concierge to the best photo apps!
The Ministry of Testing Dojo Podcast - Look out for new episodes on a regular basis...
Developer On Fire with Dave Rael is an interview podcast with inspiring and successful software professionals telling personal stories about their experiences with delivering value. It is a chance for you to get to know your favorite geeks and learn more about who they are, how they deliver, and what makes them tick. Learn from and get to know special geeks like Matt Wynne, Rob Eisenberg, Udi Dahan, Ted Neward, John Sonmez, Phil Haack, and David Heinemeier Hansson.
Security In 5 podcast brings you security news, tips, opinions in the area of Information, IT and general security...all in about five minutes. Easy to listen to, easy to understand and adding awareness to help you strengthen your personal and business security posture. Be aware, be secure.
The iDeveloper Podcast is a magazine style podcast for OS X and iOS developers. Each episode looks at subjects such as recent developer news, technical issues around cocoa and cocoa touch, the latest tools and utilities as well as examining the business side of being an indie Mac or iOS developer.
#maketechhuman is a new podcast hosted by The Nerdist’s Matt Mira, presented by WIRED Brand Lab and enabled by Nokia, to explore where technology is heading and how it is impacting humanity. Our goal is to host a series of discussions and debates that will impact global discourse, human behavior and even product development and policy making. Over the next few months, we'll be exploring a number of core #maketechhuman issues, such as Artificial Intelligence, Privacy + Security, Connectivity, and Equity. You won't want to miss a single episode. Participants in the #maketechhuman program include Dan Ariely, Yves Behar, Rodney Brooks, Stephen Hawking, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Monica Lewinsky, Fei-Fei Li, Sugata Mitra and Hossein Moiin. For more, check out