A conversation of the visceral experience of sound. How Art and Play are the most essential practices to ensure longevity and happiness. Planting the seed of a project to see it grow roots and become a big tree of inspiration.
This was one of my most pleasant and inspiring conversations as of late, make sure to check out Ernie Essay in geist magazine:
How much, on what and for how long we pay attention to things shapes our entire human experience. This episode is one to inspire time and attention as one of our most precious resources.
Book Reference:
"Stolen Focus" by Johann HariPodcast Referece:
"You make Sense" Sarah Baldwin -
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Logan isn't just talented, smart and incredibly good at what he does, he is also an amazing human being. Find all that and the secrets to his perfectly balanced brews in this weeks episode.
As a young entrepreneur he shares tips and tricks on what makes a good start up and how to not let work get in the way of having fun.
Insights into the folks that inspired his path and most of all the relationship Logan carries on with the community at the Kamloops Farmers Market.
How to get in touch with Logan:
Insta @taprooterments
In this episode we take a deep dive into what it means to be dependent and to which degree dependency is natural and good for us. Whether our dependencies are social, envionmental, habitual or economical.
How to get back to base line and reevaluate what are good habits and what is impulse behaviour.
Book reference:
Johann Hari "Stolen Focus" -
Jamie is the very person creating awareness and supporting communities in relation to Mining Companies. Mining being a big factor in the Canadian economy and supporting a lot of families income is also a mayor contributor of fossil fuel and water polution.
Is it possible to find a balance where we don't take more than what we need and once again find a way to live in harmony with the earth giving back as much if not more than what we take from our environment?
Is the price we pay for "wealth" and "comfort" worth our extinction?
Listen in and judge for yourself.
how to get in touch with Jamie:
Steve gives us insight into the beginning of Ikigai Farms. Words of wisdom from his life experiences, his mentors and the difference between surviving or thriving as a farmer.
The challenges and experiments of learning each year, the art of seed saving and the culture of being part of the Farmers Market community.
"There is not happiness if it can't be shared" were his words after his return from a five year hiatus to South America. And MAN are we lucky to have Steve grow veggies for us.
I had an epic time recording this conversation with my dear friend and I am positive you'll enjoy it as much as I did.
Book reference:
The Market Gardener by Jean Martin FortierHow to get in touch with Steve:
[email protected] -
Cindy and I are neighbors and close friends. I always call her one of my most "eccentric" friends because Cindy lives and breaths spirituality. Cindy is on the path of enlightenment, the healing of the planet and genuinly loves and cares about all beings in this universe.
This conversation is about Suede Hills, her and her husband Phils farm, how it came about, what they do and why their products help people feel better. Their vegan and alkaline diet program has been an inspiration to many who have recovered from mayor health obstacles through their guidance.
Check out their website www.suedehills.com
Hold your horses everyone, this episode is real girltalk. Taylor & Brooklyn started "The London", an intimate eventspace, cafe, apothecary and tea room a couple years ago. In this epic conversation with these two bad ass women, we cover live music events, mocktails, the gift of expressing your anger, boundaries, motherhood, vaginal issues, coops, art, creativity, the challenge of small business and somatic work.
If I may give these ladies a huge shout out and ask that you please pop in for a tea o mocktail to check out this creative space when you are in the town of Kamloops!
This is how to get in touch with them to book your next event:
check out their web page:
book reference: "A Dance ofAnger" Harriet Lerner
Tristan Cavers wears many hats, as an organic farmer, jiu jitssu instructor, political activist, volunteer firefighter, ski patroller and family man. The story of how Golden Ears Farm came about, the successes, failures and challenges of farming organic vegetables. The history of the farm, the family and the evolution to their current CSA box program.
I conversation rich in the enthusiasm about life and how to stay excited about hitting the ground running.
Boudaries are the bridge between our relational, external and interal world. Learning how to navigate the triggers of a boundary being crossed, being assertive instead of reactive. The power of choice and the liberated feeling of knowing when to stand up for your well being is an important skill to practice.
Book references:
A Dance of Anger by Harriet Lerner
Liberated Love by Mark Groves and Kyle McBeath
The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck -
What motivates us, to do anything? I was pondering this question for a number of weeks. This, the last episode of season one wraps up a collection of thoughts on purpose, meaning and boundaries. The ability to say no to things, people and behaviours that no longer serve us. The external pressures of life and how struggle can be a very important motivator.
Book reference: The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate
Cover Photo: Pony Blue - the master of "No"
An educational conversation about sustainable fashion and what it is not. How companies "green wash" a sustainable image. How to build better textile habits, delaying gratification instead of impulse buying. Why donating your clothes is not necessarily the best option and where garments go if our thrift stores do not re sell them.
Sustainable Fashion Company Shout Outs:
Find Eva's podcast: wtf.wearthefuture
This episode is a close up look on coping behaviour, the need to belong, fit in and the path of how bad addiction can get. Chris raw and vulnerable story of addiction, retox, rehab and recovery via the 12 steps has been a humbling journery. It inspires a good look at ones habit structure, the motivation to practice awareness and change.
Book references:
Connor Beaton "Men's Work"
Mark Groves & Kylie McBeth "Liberated Love"
Jordan Peterson "12 Rules for Life"
Russell Brant "Recovery" -
This episode is about "dopamine" the reward processing neurotransmitter balancing our pain/pleasure center. With rates on depression sky rocketing since the 1990's, taking a good look at ones dopamine "bank account" and where we deplete our "savings" is an interesting exercise. This subject is about awareness and radical self honesty.
Are you holding your breath when you write a text message or email? "email apnea", snoring, anxiety and ADHD are all related to how we breathe. The purpose of this episode is to bring more awareness to the thing we do all day long, we breathe, and most of us, do so incorrectly without even knowing.
Book reference: James Nester "Breath"
A conversation on how alcohol and the culture of drinking deelply influences our lives. Our need for beloning and "fitting in" early in our adolecent years shape patterns of behaviour that ultimately do not serve us later in life.
Thoughts on liberating yourself from social pressures of the "normal" consumption" of alcohol and the reality of ultimately living a better life.
This episode is a special insight into Brody's life from his early start in fine dining, to michelin star cookery, the bocuse d'or and to today's entrepreneurism.
If you haven't alread appreciated what goes on in this magic little shop in our town, you'll most definitely do so after listening to this episode.
This is an in depth discussion on what makes our economic world turn. "Consumption is an expression of our relationships with each other and the natural world" Kim Naqvi, Professor of Geography at Thompson River University, shares her insight on everyday activism, the reality that we are servants of our economy and the fact that consuming is the very thing that brings us together.
I hope you enjoy this dialogue as much as I did.
"tonic immobility" not being able to get out of your head has not much to do with laziness, it is a trauma response. A place our body goes to for safety.
Book reference Dr. Peter Levine "in an unspoken voice".
In this episode Andrea talks about regenerative agriculture, wildfires, friendship and the amazing sense of belonging real connection brings about.
If you'd like to get check out details about the Ranch here is her web page www.bunchgrass.ca FaceBook Bunchgrass Wild-Grazed Beef or Instagram bunchgrass_wild_grazed_beef
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