This is season 3's last episode. Request from Masha -- if any of these episodes or the resources shared within have helped you or meant something to you, please reach out to masha@boldadulting.com to let me know. I'm not sure when the next season will be, but I promise it is coming. Suggestions for guests (including yourself!), topics, other podcasts you'd like to hear me on, or just a hello are very much appreciated. Reach out anytime :)
Episode description:
Anonymous client receives support on maintaining confidence during job searches and dealing with unease in social settings. Tips include learning how to say no to social invitations even if you don’t have other plans and how to use “I don’t know” to your advantage in job interviews.
reaching out to people (virtually) figuring out what you want to make progress on and making a plan being open about what you're going through with the people who you feel comfortable sharing with looking for evidence-based resources remembering that you are not alone
NOTE from Masha: As these episode are being released, the world is dealing with the coronavirus crisis. Because all episodes in the season were recorded well in advance, this is not discussed on the show. I hope that you will apply the same themes that we discuss throughout the Bold Adulting podcast to coping and supporting both yourself and others in your community (including the global community) --If you want to connect with me to discuss what you're going through (about this or anything else), please feel free to email me or find me on Facebook (send me a message letting me know you found me through the podcast).
I also strongly suggest connecting with other caring and compassionate people through the Facebook group Distance Resistance (which I don't run but I participate in) which is about staying connected even while we have to stay apart. You can also find a lot of information there about getting help or giving help -- this is a is moment to come together.
end of coronavirus talk, back to regularly scheduled programming
Mentioned in this episode:
Homework: What Do I Like Homework: Mindful Moment Homework: In the Moment Jordan Jesse Go podcast’s suggestion of pulling out a power jam with your mind to improve your mood Dorie Clark’s networking tips Association of Women in Science - San Diego————————————————————————
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Bart Cameron and Masha Evpak
NOTE from Masha: As these episode are being released, the world is dealing with the coronavirus crisis. Because all episodes in the season were recorded well in advance, this is not discussed on the show. I hope that you will apply the same themes that we discuss throughout the Bold Adulting podcast to coping and supporting both yourself and others in your community (including the global community) --
reaching out to people (virtually) figuring out what you want to make progress on and making a plan being open about what you're going through with the people who you feel comfortable sharing with looking for evidence-based resources remembering that you are not aloneIf you want to connect with me to discuss what you're going through (about this or anything else), please feel free to email me or find me on Facebook (send me a message letting me know you found me through the podcast).
I also strongly suggest connecting with other caring and compassionate people through the Facebook group Distance Resistance (which I don't run but I participate in) which is about staying connected even while we have to stay apart. You can also find a lot of information there about getting help or giving help -- this is a is moment to come together.
end of coronavirus talk, back to regularly scheduled programming
Director of Postdoctoral Affairs Angela Fowler shares about persevering through her PhD after a rocky start and navigating how much to share about chronic health problems (from endometriosis & hip pain) with her committee members. Bonus: Angela shares some great tips for professional development!
Contact Angela:
Email: afthescientist@gmail.com
Twitter & LinkedIn
Mentioned in this episode:
Pittsburg State University University of Kansas MAPS (Mentorship, Advisors, Peers, and Sponsorship) Groups for Women in Bio La Jolla Institute for Immunology Tip: Informational interviews to learn more about the careers you’re interested in and make connections Use this free 7 Step Guide for Confidently Reaching Out to Anyone to set them up! Interview with Graduate Career Counselor Guilia Hoffmann part 1 and part 2 Tip - have projects outside of grad work (helps your professional development and your mental health) LinkedIn for professional development Some tips for using LinkedIn are in this article Tip: the founder of LinkedIn has a podcast called Masters of Scale which interviews entrepreneurs of major businesses. The 10 New Rules for Big Career Changes episode has great career tips even for those who have no interest in having their own business. Endometriosis Professional Pathways class at the UCSD Biology PhD Program Nisha Cavanaugh Dorie Clark’s book Reinventing You————————————————————————
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Bart Cameron and Masha Evpak
Estão a faltar episódios?
NOTE from Masha: As these episode are being released, the world is dealing with the coronavirus crisis. Because all episodes in the season were recorded well in advance, this is not discussed on the show. I hope that you will apply the same themes that we discuss throughout the Bold Adulting podcast to coping and supporting both yourself and others in your community (including the global community) --
reaching out to people (virtually) figuring out what you want to make progress on and making a plan being open about what you're going through with the people who you feel comfortable sharing with looking for evidence-based resources remembering that you are not aloneIf you want to connect with me to discuss what you're going through (about this or anything else), please feel free to email me or find me on Facebook (send me a message letting me know you found me through the podcast).
I also strongly suggest connecting with other caring and compassionate people through the Facebook group Distance Resistance (which I don't run but I participate in) which is about staying connected even while we have to stay apart. You can also find a lot of information there about getting help or giving help -- this is a is moment to come together.
In a Bold Adulting workshop, a group of UC San Diego Grad Women in Computing grad students explore how to feel confident in the face of struggles, strategize about solving their problems, and discuss the extra obstacles that international students can face. Note - The audio in this episode isn’t perfect, but I hope you’ll still find it worth a listen. (I’ve since improved my ability to record my workshops.) - Masha
See the activities covered in Success in Grad School & Beyond workshops and fill out this interest form if you might want to book a workshop.
These workshops are great for any group who wants to improve their career confidence and make progress for goals!Mentioned in this episode:
Grad Women in Computing Huge thanks to Ailie Frasier (LinkedIn, Twitter), Trisha Ngoon (LinkedIn, Twitter), and Steven Rick (LinkedIn, Twitter) for bringing Masha in to work with your amazing group! The Getting To Know You activity has participants use the American Sign Language (ASL) signs SAME and DIFFERENT to visually see how they relate to each other. Note: Masha knows a lot of American Sign Language, but isn't fluent yet. She consulted with an expert in Deaf culture/sign language to make sure this is an ok use of a language, so as to avoid appropriating another culture. If you have any thoughts about this or anything else, please feel free to email: masha@boldadulting.com Siering/Wilson Award to Support Undergraduate Research in Microbial Ecology Endowment Fund This foundation was formed in honor of the memory of Patty Siering, one of the most talented and caring professors and mentors I’ve ever had, who passed away in 2017. Success in Grad School & Beyond workshops slides Useful quotes: “You're never going to get the proof you want that shows you're doing okay, because other people telling you that doesn't seem convincing to you. You just tell yourself that those people don't really see what's going on. The one thing we forget to be critical of is our own ability to assess ourselves.” -Mizuho Ota (microbiologist) “I think everyone should think of science as a profession just like any other, such as carpentry. You don't start with the big saws and power tools and try to build a house. You first make a table using a hand saw and a hammer.” - Bahram Kheradmand (bee behavioral biologist Recovering Academic podcast Confidence Cat demonstration of Growth Mindset(that link has other Confidence Cat art too) Imposter syndrome Halloween costume picture can be found on these slides or on her art page Biz Chix podcast word of year. Masha’s so far have been: 2018: patience 2019: systems 2020: growth Brad Voytek on why his curriculum vitae (~resume) lists his failures & rejections BetterLateThanNever.email - a website to normalize the common experience of being behind on responding to emails & other messages. Note #1: This website is in a drafty draft mode. If you have ideas about how to make this website useful for getting back in touch after a while of not responding, please let me know at masha@boldadulting.com This is inspired by Reply All podcast’s Email Debt Forgiveness Day Note #2: In the episode, Masha mentions that referencing a website that normalizes the experience of taking a long time to respond to a message means that you can reply with 'no guilt'. To be clear, it's not that a late response/lack of a response is something that never does harm. It is sometimes appropriate to apologize for harm that may have been caused by email etiquette issues. Certainly, if not responding means that another person missed a deadline or that you didn't follow through on a commitment, it is best to take responsibility. However, too often, people feel guilt even if a) it hasn't actually been a long time, b) there was no real negative consequence, and/or c) your circumstances mean that it is understandable that some things would have fallen through the cracks. Even if you feel bad, the most important thing is to get back in touch rather than never reach out again because of your bad feels. Tip: To feel better, play music. If you aren’t in a situation where you can play music, podcaster and Maximum Fun founder Jesse Thorn shares that he “whips out a power jam with his mind” (think of music in your head) Confidence Cat Zine - coloring worksheets for confidence, career success, and problem-solving Everything Is Awful and I’m Not Ok: Questions to ask before giving upCourage the Confidence reminds us to sleep:
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Bart Cameron and Masha Evpak
NOTE from Masha: As these episode are being released, the world is dealing with the coronavirus crisis. Because all episodes in the season were recorded well in advance, this is not discussed on the show. I hope that you will apply the same themes that we discuss throughout the Bold Adulting podcast to coping and supporting both yourself and others in your community (including the global community) --
reaching out to people (virtually) figuring out what you want to make progress on and making a plan being open about what you're going through with the people who you feel comfortable sharing with looking for evidence-based resources remembering that you are not aloneIf you want to connect with me to discuss what you're going through (about this or anything else), please feel free to email me or find me on Facebook (send me a message letting me know you found me through the podcast).
I also strongly suggest connecting with other caring and compassionate people through the Facebook group Distance Resistance (which I don't run but I participate in) which is about staying connected even while we have to stay apart. You can also find a lot of information there about getting help or giving help -- this is a is moment to come together.
[content warning: eating disorders & body shame]In episode 2 of a two-part episode, Voice Actor and Coach, Podcaster, and Marketing Specialist Tawny Platis discusses fighting bi invisibility by coming out in the context of being in an other-gender relationship, setting boundaries with family members for self-care, and finding help for recovering from eating disorders and body dysmorphia.
Listen to part 1 first.
Email Tawny
Find Tawny on her:
personal website, Facebook Instagram Death is Hilarious (previously known as The Dirty Bits) podcast Patreon page - support the podcast & get extra content! website Instagram of the former Dirty Bits podcast Tawny Voice Facebook page Instagram Twitter And Facebook group The Lovebug BrigadeMentioned in this episode:
Bi invisibility In the context of a same-gender/heterosexual relationship Using gender neutral language Coming out Note that the “coming out” language is useful for not only sexual orientation and gender identity but also other destigmatized experiences & identities. Not everyone in the queer community feels that it’s appropriate to use this language more broadly, but many do Pansexuality and Bisexuality Note: Masha identifies as pansexual (attracted to people regardless of gender) but uses the word “bisexual” in contexts where she feels that’ll be better understood. This may be considered a form of code switching. The obituary of George Platis - Tawny’s late husband Rich’s Nightclub Baja Betty’s Food Psych Podcast - about intuitive eating and Health At Every Size Asking before hugging Masha’s 3rd ever stand up comedy set was about this. In the spirit of antiperfectionism, she recognizes the ways to improve this for next time, without judging herself for this drafty draft This performance was during a stand up comedy class taught by DJ Demers at MaxFunCon, an amazing convention of the Maximum Fun podcasting network Nose picking article on wikipedia Binge show about bulimia Podience podcast
In this 2-part interview, we talk about how Diet Culture shapes our relationships with food and movement. In case you or someone you know needs it, here is some possibly helpful information:
Eating Disorder Hotline Listings International Eating Disorder Resources Body Dysmorphic Disorder Body LiberationTawny’s dog Babbs says hi:
Courage the Confidence Cat says hi too:
Here he is hard at work while Masha works from home————————————————————————
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Bart Cameron and Masha Evpak
[content warning: eating disorders & body shame]
In episode 1 of a two-part episode, Voice Actor and Coach, Podcaster, and Marketing Specialist Tawny Platis shares about what makes her confidence waver, how teaching helps remind her how far she’s come, and and how she keeps picking up the phone even knowing rejections are common in voice acting. We also discuss how being a generalist makes her a stronger communicator.
Email Tawny
Find Tawny on her:
personal website, Facebook Instagram Death is Hilarious (previously known as The Dirty Bits) podcast Patreon page - support the podcast & get extra content! website Instagram of the former Dirty Bits podcast Tawny Voice Facebook page Instagram Twitter And Facebook group The Lovebug BrigadeMentioned in this episode:
Tip: To improve your confidence, teach others what you know Dialectical behavioral therapy (finding healthier coping mechanisms) Masha’s list of ways to feel better includes blowing bubbles, taking a walk, swimming, or petting Courage the Confidence Cat What’s on your list? Share by emailing masha@boldadulting.com or via Twitter or Instagram Voice actor Tara Strong - PowerPuff Girls, Rugrats, and many more Confidence Cat Zine - coloring worksheets for confidence, career success, and problem-solving Thug Notes Drunk History Adam Ruins Everything 7 Celebrities You Wouldn’t Believe Have Imposter Syndrome This was a video Masha made in 2016, the first project she made in iMovie. In the spirit of antiperfectionism, she recognizes the ways it could be better lit & more engaging, without judging herself for this drafty draft Tina Fey: "The beauty of the impostor syndrome is you vacillate between extreme egomania, and a complete feeling of: ‘I’m a fraud! Oh god, they’re on to me! I’m a fraud!’" Ira Glass’s insightful quote about The Gap that creatives experience in their early years between their taste/ambitions/ideas and their skills Nick Howell of Orbital Jigsaw podcast network, the network that Dirty Bits used to be on BizChix business podcast Unreal show Hannah of Film Roast Lori of Zencastr for helping me fix some audio issues Note: Zencastr is a great way to record podcasts long distance Generalists: people who learn about a lot of things at less detail than specialists, e.g. many science or history communicators Masha used to be heavily involved in science communicationIn this 2-part interview, we talk about how Diet Culture shapes the our relationships with food and movement. In case you or someone you know needs it, here is some possibly helpful information:
Eating Disorder Hotline Listings International Eating Disorder Resources Body Dysmorphic Disorder Body LiberationTawny’s dog Babbs says hi:
Masha's cat Courage the Confidence Cat also says hi:
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Bart Cameron and Masha Evpak
Shijia gets help on her confidence as it relates to doing science/grad school in a non-native language, asking for feedback, and comfort interacting with men as a result of cultural upbringing.
Homework: Ask for feedback Tip: Ask for 1 thing you did well and 1 thing you did better (to avoid receiving the “It was good but…” structure of feedback) Tip: If it’s written feedback, read it while you’re well-rested and relaxed (if possible) Tip: Prepare for but don’t avoid awkwardness Growth mindset: don’t feel limited by the skills you currently have My late grandpa Yuriy had this, as he spoke to Americans even when he wasn’t fluent after we moved to the US from Russia. I recently found an amazing home video of him telling a joke in English, making people erupt in laughter, and then being delighted that he was understood Homework: List the benefits of the struggles and learning opportunities you’ve had. Examples: Having English as a 2nd language can provide skills for then learning the language of science Having to work while in college teaches organizing, prioritizing, multitasking, whatever skills that job required, and is actually better than having a resume that has only education Homework: Mindfulness (letting thoughts slip away) Tip: Avoiding Pink Elephants (think of a better thought to replace an unhelpful thought pattern, as just trying to avoid thoughts tends to reinforce them Tip: Track unhelpful thoughts by moving pennies from one pocket to another or by using a tally Tip: Defer anxiety to a later point Christy Harrison’s Intuitive Eating Fundamental Class (a mini course is available) and Food Psych podcast Tip: Use Masterminds (feedback groups) for making progress on research projects or anything else you’re trying to get done————————————————————————
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Bart Cameron and Masha Evpak
[content warning: suicidal ideation] Transformational Life Coach Shannon Parsons shares her recovery from childhood pain and loneliness, how observing another family gave her valuable perspective, and how she raised her children according to her values.
Email Shannon
Mentioned in this episode:
Improv for Entrepreneurs class, through O.Improv Wonder Women Networking events by Liz Myers Humboldt State University On the Spot Improv at the Arcata Theater Lounge Humboldt Orientation Program - teaches people to say “I don’t know, but I’ll get back to you” Confidence Cat Zine: coloring worksheets for confidence, problem-solving, and career decision-making Idea: Draw your Inner Belief Child Tip - to minimize criticizing your ideas, think of them as Throwaway Ideas and let as many out as you can Try the Hatch notebook for tracking ideas and moving forward with some of them Feeling perfectionist even when you’re brainstorming? Try the word “Brainsprinkles,” to further take the pressure off. Do It Scared (take action even when it’s scary, if that action is important and thoughtful) Growth mindset: don’t feel limited by the skills you currently have Confidence Cat demonstration of Growth Mindset Drafty draft: an even lower stakes version of a rough draft NEVER judge your drafty draft A drafty draft can be scribbles on a paper, a super rough outline, just starting a blank document and naming it, a mind map, or a brainstorming session Tip for authentic networking: Instead of handing out dozens of business cards at a networking event, try: 1) ask questions about the other person instead of trying to show why you’re impressive 2) create a podcast or YouTube channel to have great conversations without small talk 3) try to find what you have in common with different people you meet throughout your week Tip: Instead of assuming you suck, see if there are resources that can address your current roadblocks Tip - When you’re faced with something difficult or embarrassing, think “Whatever I go through, I can destigmatize.” Note: This tip doesn’t fit everyone, but is a helpful mindset for people who like to share about their experiences. Even if that’s not you, this may help when you find yourself in a situation where someone opens up to you I forgot to mention when we were talking about my experience getting cold sores (which is caused by HSV or herpes simplex virus): The Life With Herpes podcast Disability After Dark - NSFW (not safe for work)Possibly useful resources:
Inside the US: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-8255 International: List of suicide hotlines around the worldGrowth mindset drawing:
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Bart Cameron and Masha Evpak
Sam gets help with stressing over the possibility of being judged on a first date and about the risks of running a business.
Mentioned in this episode:
Homework: Then What/Worst Case Scenario, adapted from Then What exercise Homework: Don’t Worry, Prepare Tip: When sharing something difficult, give the person a year to deal with the info and come around (as suggested by Dan Savage) Homework: Mindfulness about thoughts————————————————————————
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Bart Cameron and Masha Evpak
Ray receives help with 1) navigating body image and consent issues in dating and 2) finding the confidence to make social change.
Mentioned in the episode:
100 Rejection Letters challenge Pat 2.0 Podcast - provides advice on taking effective action Homework: Keep folder of nice things people have said about youIn this coaching session, we talk about how Diet Culture shapes our relationships with food and our body image. In case you or someone you know needs it, here is some possibly helpful information:
Eating Disorder Hotline Listings International Eating Disorder Resources Body Dysmorphic Disorder Body Liberation————————————————————————
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Bart Cameron and Masha Evpak
In session three of Nora’s confidence coaching session series, she gets help with letting go of unworthiness and perfectionism.
Mentioned in this episode:
Landmark Forum Homework: Gratitude journaling, including gratitude about your own skills, traits, and experiences Homework: Note down your strengths and accomplishments, including those that came out of your struggles Makeup by Nora Lu————————————————————————
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Bart Cameron and Masha Evpak
In session two of Nora’s confidence coaching session series, she gets help with fear of looking bad when trying new things.
Mentioned in this episode:
Homework: Move pennies between pockets to count unhelpful thoughts The idea of “Do It Scared” (not waiting to be totally ready before taking action) Landmark Forum Homework: Avoiding Pink Elephants (think of a better thought to replace an unhelpful thought pattern, as just trying to avoid thoughts tends to reinforce them Homework: Note down your strengths and accomplishments Makeup by Nora Lu————————————————————————
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Bart Cameron and Masha Evpak
In session one of Nora’s confidence coaching session series, she gets help with fixating on body image and focusing on learning instead of perfectionism.
Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3!
See Nora’s Instagram: Makeup by Nora Lu
Mentioned in this episode:
Food Psych Podcast - about intuitive eating and Health At Every Size Tip: destroy or throw out scale Homework: Every day, note 1-3 thing you are grateful for yourself Tip: Don’t just focus on aesthetics; think about everything your body is doing for you! Orthorexia: fixation with “healthy” eating Note: “healthy” is in quotation marks both because orthorexia shows how this focus can actually be unhealthy AND because the typical distinction between “healthy food” and “unhealthy food” is not evidence-based (see Food Psych episodes 168 and 183). Homework: Track unhelpful (e.g. self-critical) thoughts by moving pennies from one pocket to another or by using a tally Homework: To cultivate your growth mindset, make 2 lists: List #1: Subjects or skills that you’ve learned List #2: Subjects or skills that you want to learn Then circle one or two items from list #2 and figure out how you can start learning. Homework: Reach out to people in careers you’re interested in to request to job shadow them or an informational interview Download the free 7 Step Guide For Confidently Reaching Out to Anyone Note: Informational interviews can be more helpful and less time intensive for everyone involved. Job shadowing isn’t always possible (e.g. for safety or security reasons) and for many jobs would involve sitting and watching someone work at a computer all day. It may still be useful if a) the person explains what they are doing well and b) to understand the structure of how they work. If working at a computer all day sounds terrible to you, it’ll be more clear to you by watching this work than by hearing a summary of the work. Confidence Cat Zine: coloring worksheets for confidence, problem-solving, and career decision-making Calendly or other scheduling tools to make setting up meetings easy on everyone Tip: Instead of referring to your questions as “stupid questions,” try “basic question.” After all, not knowing something that you have little or no experience with is not a reflection of poor intelligence! And asking questions to fill in your knowledge gaps is a very smart move.In case you or someone you know needs it, here is some possibly helpful information:
Eating Disorder Hotline Listings International Eating Disorder resources Body Dysmorphic Disorder Body Liberation————————————————————————
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Bart Cameron and Masha Evpak
In this confidence coaching session, Lucy gets help 1) navigating awkward conversational moments and 2) identifying goals and taking action. Please forgive us for some background noise. :)
"Trying is cool" - LucyMentioned in this episode:
Greater Good Storytelling: coaching and workshops by storytelling consultant Nathan Young Tip by Lucy: Imagine you’re a cricket watching a reel of your past moments, to reflect on what went well and what you can do differently next time Note: Be careful not to over-ruminate. Part of the reason Lucy finds this helpful is because it helps her not overly fixate on awkward moments. Homework: Practice mindfulness, letting your thoughts swim or float away Homework: Nervous about how you’re coming across to friends or coworkers? Ask for feedback Tip: To prevent the “it was good but…” format of feedback, ask for one thing you’re doing well and one way you could do better BetterLateThanNever.email - a website to normalize the common experience of being behind on responding to emails & other messages. Note: This website is in a drafty draft mode. If you have ideas about how to make this website useful for getting back in touch after a while of not responding, please let me know at masha@boldadulting.com Totally Laime podcast Seinfeld productivity method Note: Although this “don’t break the chain” system of getting things done every day is attributed to Jerry Seinfeld, the origin has been disputed Homework: 100 Rejection Letters Challenge Tiffany Han Jia Jiang’s Rejection Therapy including Dare Me app Kim Liao’s Why You Should Aim for 100 Rejections a Year I heard about this challenge from Elizabeth Gilbert’s Magic Lessons podcast which is a MUST-LISTEN for any creative person who needs a confidence boost Rejection Game but please anyone who tries this, please be ethical and aware of power dynamics. Examples: Don’t ask out someone who you supervise. Don’t hassle customer service employees with uncomfortable tasks they may feel obligated to do for tips. Don’t ask women or people of color in professions dominated by white males to take on a disproportionate amount of tasks that don’t advance their profession. Keeping all that in mind, go out and face your fears! Bullet Journal to organize goal progress in a way that best matches your preferences and needs You can do it really simply but if you want some more fun, try this and this.————————————————————————
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Masha Evpak & Bart Cameron
Business Coach Geraldine Carter shares how she helps women entrepreneurs find their confidence while growing their businesses, how she navigates career transitions when the path ahead is uncertain, and how she notices norms without conforming to all of them.
Mentioned on the episode:
She Thinks Big (formerly Focused Business Coaching), including Geraldine’s podcast and Facebook Climate Ride Free - 7 Step Guide For Confidently Reaching Out to Anyone Biz Chix podcast One Bad Mother podcast Why complimenting weight loss is a bad idea————————————————————————
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Masha Evpak & Bart Cameron
In part 2 of a two-part interview, Podcaster and writer Jordan Morris shares his experience with self-soothing when unemployed, how self-esteem affects his social anxiety, why it can be hard to feel ok about downtime in a culture that expects constant productivity, and why sharing a creative project can be more daunting than creating it.
Jordan’s Twitter
Jordan’s website
Part 1: Previous episode of Bold Adulting with Jordan, about confidence and adulting moments in his sci-fi podcast Bubble
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Bart Cameron
The Bold Adulting podcast is coming soon!
We’ve been away focusing on a bunch of things, including creating resources to help YOU with your confidence, authenticity, and confidence.
The next Bold Adulting podcast season fill feature 8 confidence coaching sessions, 5 interviews, and the audio from a Success in Grad School & Beyond workshop.
Reach out to Masha: masha@boldadulting.com
If you like the show, please leave a 5-star review in the iTunes store/Podcast app, even if that’s not how you listen to the show. :)
Mentioned in this episode:
Bold Adulting seasons 1 and 2 Lift Live business conference by Mirasee Thanks to Gena Ferrabee and Dori Zabari for super helpful coaching & strategy sessions! Confidence Cat Zine: coloring worksheets for confidence, problem-solving, and career decision-making Free resources including 7 Step Guide For Confidently Reaching Out to Anyone Interviews to come: Podcaster and Writer Jordan Morris Business Coach Geraldine Carter Transformational Life Coach Shannon Parsons Voice Actor & Coach Tawny Platis Office of Postdoctoral Affairs Director Angela Fowler Confidence coaching topics to come include: Dealing with awkward moments Achieving goals Body confidence Letting go of perfectionism Finding the confidence and organization to make big projects (with a social mission!) Anticipating judgment on first dates Entrepreneurial jitters Feedback in science careers (applicable to everyone) Job interviews Social anxiety Listener shoutouts: Katharina Laura————————————————————————
Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at BoldAdulting.com!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com
Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram
All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.
Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided.
In this bonus episode between seasons 2 and 3 of the BoldAdulting podcast, writer & podcaster Jordan Morris discusses with Masha how the characters on his sci-fi comedy Bubble articulate their needs and boundaries, navigate choosing between privacy and authenticity, try things that may not work out, and deal with difficult feedback. Also hear Jordan share about his confidence in sharing creative projects.
This is part 1 of a 2-part episode with Jordan Morris. Hear part 2 when BoldAdulting season 3 is back! Season 3 will include on-air confidence coaching calls. Interested in confidence-coaching?
Listen to Bubble, Jordan’s sci-fi audio comedy.
Connect to Jordan on Twitter.
Share your thoughts with fellow Quirks!
1) How do you communicate your needs and boundaries?
2) Share a creative project you’ve made (or are making) and tell us what it has been like to share it!Download a free guide to confidently reach out to anyone!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com -
In the last episode of season 2, Mental Health Podcaster Andrew of Andrew in the Gap Years shares his big dream goal of training all undergrads in active listening, how he prepares for social settings to prevent a vicious cycle of social anxiety, how as a child he learned to fear making mistakes, and his secret for actually having fun at job interviews.
Email Andrew: Andrewinthegapyears@gmail.com
Find Andrew in the Gap Years and connect to him on Twitter.
Mental health or business podcasts recommended by Andrew and/or Masha: Biz Chix, Shrink Wrap Radio, Social Work Podcast, Counselling Tutor, Psych Central Show, Therapists Uncensored, We All Wear It Differently, Mental Illness Happy Hour, The Hilarious World of Depression
Discuss this episode with fellow Quirks!
1. How does social anxiety feel for you and how do you deal with it?
2. Tell us about a time you made a mistake and how it affected your life or career.March 6th was Masha’s birthday. Enjoy the show and want to give her a great gift? Please leave a 5-star review on iTunes even if that’s not how you listen to the show! J Thanks!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com -
In part 2, Graduate Career Counselor Giulia Hoffmann shares about her experience questioning gendered messages about confidence, choosing which battles to fight, her reasons for wanting to earn her PhD since she was 6 years old, and how she felt when she finally earned that PhD.
Listen to part 1.
Find Giulia on LinkedIn
Email Giulia: gkhoffmann@ucsd.edu
Discuss this episode with fellow Quirks!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com -
In part 1, Graduate Career Counselor Giulia Hoffmann opens up about feeling like the only grad student who wasn’t trying to become a professor, the changes she made to her job applications to finally find a great job, and a trick for using procrastination to find your dream job.
Find Giulia on LinkedIn
Email Giulia: gkhoffmann@ucsd.edu
Discuss this episode with fellow Quirks!
Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter.
Email: masha@boldadulting.com - Mostrar mais