
  • Social media is full of baby sleep advice and amongst the good advice is some truly alarming and potentially harmful misinformation. Tune in to hear Dr Fallon & Dr Laura (PhDs) debunk misleading advice around baby sleep and answer parent questions including: 

    How can I help my baby overcome jet lag?What can I do if my baby won’t sleep in anyone’s arms but mine?How does day sleep impact night sleep?How to avoid sneaky pram naps that impact my toddler’s night sleep?Should I stop feeding my baby to sleep?

    ❤️ Listen on Apple Podcasts https://loom.ly/zui5kX8
    ❤️ Listen on Spotify https://loom.ly/ZuBk3N0
    🎥 Watch this episode on YouTube https://loom.ly/JhNkXPs

    ❤️ Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1

  • Knowing when and how to drop a nap can feel like a minefield. Learn our tips for identifying when to drop a nap and what you can expect while your baby or toddler adjusts to a new daily rhythm.

    Dr Fallon & Dr Laura (PhDs) also answer parent’s questions including:

    Is it ok to bring bedtime slightly earlier when trying to drop a day nap?Should I expect my toddler to add extra sleep to their nights when I drop a day nap?Which should I work on first - dropping a day nap or stopping cosleeping?How can I encourage more night sleep when my baby is so sleepy in the daytime?


    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ Register for the free Toddler Sleep & Settling webinar hosted by the Raising Children Network and presented by Dr Fallon Cook from Infant Sleep Australia, June 18th at 8pm AEST: https://raisingchildren.net.au/guides/podcasts-and-webinars/webinars/helping-toddlers-sleep-and-settle


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    ❤️ Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

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  • Dr Fallon took drastic action when she realised the juggle of paid work plus raising children had become too much to manage. Tune in to hear what prompted a house sale 🏠, a big move 🚚, and a total rethink of family life 😌

    Dr Fallon & Dr Laura also answer questions from parents including:

    How can I add more sleep to my child’s daily rhythm?Is it too early for my FOMO baby to drop to 1 day nap?How long are sleep cycles?Why is my baby suddenly waking up so much?

    🎁 To celebrate the 1st birthday of the Sombelle Paediatric Sleep Programs, we have a special discount code for listeners. Use code FIRSTBIRTHDAY for an  extra $20 off your membership – that’s ON TOP of the current 30% off sale! 🎉

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts 

    ❤️ Subscribe on Spotify 

    🎥 Watch this episode on YouTube

    ❤️ Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

  • Here are Dr Fallon & Dr Laura’s top 5 tips for helping your baby or toddler happily fall asleep in their cot or bed. These are the tips they discuss with families every day in their paediatric sleep clinics. This episode will empower you with the skills to work on settling your baby or toddler in their cot or bed, when you feel ready to do so. 

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts 

    ❤️ Subscribe on Spotify 

    🎥 Watch this episode on YouTube

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ❤️ Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

  • This week’s episode is entirely dedicated to you, the parents! Dr Fallon & Dr Laura (PhD’s) answer questions about sleep and settling submitted by Sombelle parents. Ranging from tiny newborns to pre-schoolers, this episode covers the most common sleep & settling difficulties you’re likely to face with your little one during the first few years.

     Questions answered include:

    After a stretch of great sleep, why is my baby’s crying suddenly increasing at bedtime?Why does sleep sometimes randomly worsen?When should the longest day nap happen?Which parent should take the lead on settling?How can I manage two children with very different sleep needs?When should I work on cot settling with my newborn?When can I move my baby and toddler in to the same bedroom?How do I get my toddler out of a cycle of early rising?

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts 

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    🎥 Watch this episode on YouTube


    Resources & products mentioned in this episode:

    This episode mentions Burrito Baby’s escape proof swaddle. We’ve secured a 15% discount for our listeners. Click here to learn more: https://burritobaby.com.au/INFANTSLEEPAUSTRALIAThe Raising Children Network’s free Baby Sleep & Settling (0-6 months) webinar will be presented by Dr Fallon Cook on May 21st at 8pm AEST. Click here to register: https://raisingchildren.net.au/guides/podcasts-and-webinars/webinars/helping-babies-sleep-and-settle


    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1 

    ❤️ Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

  • To celebrate our 50th episode, we are sharing the story of 6.5 month old baby *Lucy. Dr Laura explains the struggles Lucy’s parents were facing with her sleep and settling, including difficult settling and up to 8 overnight wakes. Lucy’s parents felt exhausted and nervous about making changes after reading conflicting advice online. Hear how Laura carefully crafted an approach to suit Lucy’s temperament and unique sleep needs, whilst also ensuring the approach felt comfortable for Lucy’s parents. Lucy’s sleep quickly improved and she’s still sleeping well several months on.

    Tune in to learn about how you too can support strong sleep health in your baby or toddler, as Dr Fallon & Dr Laura (PhD’s) discuss this interesting case study.

    Parents questions are also answered, including:

    Do sleep requirements increase when babies start day care?How do naps influence night time sleep?How long do we try an approach before giving up and trying something new?Will settling be easier if our baby is in their own bedroom?


    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts 

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    🎥 Watch this episode on YouTube


    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1


    ❤️ Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/


  • If you’re struggling with overnight wake ups in your baby or toddler, tune in to hear Dr Fallon & Dr Laura (PhDs) discuss the 5 key factors that hold the key to more restful nights for you and your little one. This episode is your ultimate guide to reducing night waking!

    Parents questions are also answered, including:

    My baby wakes for 3 hours in the middle of the night and refuses to fall back asleep in their cot. How do we stop these extended night wakes?My toddler used to wake 15 times per night and now only wakes once or twice, but has started to wake very early. How do we resolve this early waking?Why is my baby suddenly very upset at nap time?How do I fit my baby’s naps around the school drop off/pick up for my older children?

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts 

    ❤️ Subscribe on Spotify 

    ❤️ Subscribe on Google Podcasts

    🎥 Watch this episode on YouTube


    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1

    ❤️ Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

  • Everyone struggles to find a daily rhythm when managing a newborn baby plus older children. Keeping older children entertained, fed and safe, whilst also cycling through endless feeds and newborn cuddles, does get easier and you will find your feet. 

    In this episode of Brand New Little People, Dr Fallon and Dr Laura (PhDs & Sleep Practitioners), share their best tips on how to manage a new baby whilst also caring for their older sibling/s.

    Parent questions are answered, including:

    How do I move my toddler from their cot to a floor bed?When should my toddler drop from 2 naps to just 1?How can I reduce overnight feeds in my 8 month old?

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts 

    ❤️ Subscribe on Spotify 

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    🎥 Watch this episode on YouTube

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1

    ❤️ Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

  • Age-based sleep schedules are all over the internet, but are they any good? Most overestimate how much sleep babies actually need and this can lead to settling difficulties, excessive night waking, and exhausted parents.

    In this episode of Brand New Little People, Dr Fallon and Dr Laura (PhDs & Sleep Practitioners), explain how to find your baby or toddler’s perfect daily rhythm that caters to the amount of sleep they actually need. 

    Parent questions are answered, including:

    My toddler becomes hysterical if I don’t feed him to sleep, what can I do?Why does my baby cry the moment I take them in to their nursery?Should I always put my baby back down awake after night feeds?At what age can I use a schedule?How can I manage sleep during and after illness?

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ❤️ Subscribe on Spotify ❤️ Subscribe on Google Podcasts

    🎥 Watch this episode on YouTube

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1

    ❤️ Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

  • Have you ever struggled with a baby who won’t stop crying, or a toddler who is so wound up they just cannot settle down for sleep? All babies and toddlers have moments when they’re highly dysregulated. Knowing how to manage these moments is an important parenting skill.

    In this episode of Brand New Little People, Dr Fallon and Dr Laura (PhDs & Sleep Practitioners), explain exactly how to help your baby or toddler calm down in preparation for good sleep.

    Parent questions are answered, including:

    Should I adjust my baby’s daily rhythm if one nap is very short?What’s the best way to keep a sleep diary?How do sleep needs change from infancy in to toddlerhood?

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts 

    ❤️ Subscribe on Spotify 

    ❤️ Subscribe on Google Podcasts

    🎥 Watch this episode on YouTube

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1

    ❤️ Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

  • Worried about how your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling might be impacted by travel? Don’t worry, we’ve got you sorted. The truth is, most babies and toddlers adapt really well to shifting time zones and new sleep arrangements, and with a few tips and tricks you’ll have a wonderful holiday.

    Join Dr Fallon & Dr Laura (PhDs, Sleep Practitioners) as they unpack everything you need to know to ensure everyone sleeps well during your next local or international trip.

    They also answer parent questions including:

    What should we do if we’ve dropped our toddlers nap but childcare insists on keeping the nap?Are power naps good or bad?How can I stop my toddler from waking for 2-3 hours in the middle of the night?How can I encourage my toddler to sleep in longer?When is it ok to drop night feeds? 

    ❤️ Listen on Apple Podcasts 

    ❤️ Listen on Spotify 

    ❤️ Listen on Google Podcasts

    🎥 Watch this episode on YouTube

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1

    ❤️ Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

  • Just when you think you’ve got your baby or toddler’s naps sorted, 💥BOOM💥…you’re back to square one. Your baby or toddler's naps will change a lot over the first few years depending on their age and their unique sleep requirements. This might mean you have to pivot, and adjust their naps to keep them happy and well rested, day and night. 

    In episode 44 of Brand New Little People, Dr Fallon & Dr Laura (PhDs, Sleep Practitioners) explain how to troubleshoot common nap difficulties, including how to identify when it’s time to drop a nap, and how to structure naps so they don’t cause difficult nights.

    In this episode, parent questions are answered, including:

    How can I structure naps so my baby has an earlier bedtime?When should I offer my baby a ‘powernap’?When is it time to drop the dream feed?How can I help my baby and toddler adjust to sharing a bedroom?

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ❤️ Subscribe on Spotify ❤️ Subscribe on Google Podcasts

    🎥  This episode is not available on YouTube

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1

    ❤️ Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/


  • Sleep is one of the three pillars of health, alongside nutrition and exercise. This is true for babies, toddlers, children, and adults. ‘Sleep health’ will look different depending on your age.

    In this episode of Brand New Little People, Dr Fallon and Dr Laura (PhDs & Sleep Practitioners), explain how to identify good and poor sleep health and discuss why taking care of sleep in your little one, is just as important as taking care of other aspects of their wellbeing.

    Parent questions are answered, including:

    How can I calm my super busy baby at bedtime?How will I know when it’s time to reduce day naps?Is it ok for my cat-napping baby to have more naps than other babies their age?How can I stop feeding to sleep overnight?

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts 

    ❤️ Subscribe on Spotify

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    🎥 Watch this episode on YouTube

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1

    ❤️ Follow us on instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

  • Are you worried, perhaps even frightened, to try settling your baby or toddler in their cot? You’re not alone, many parents struggle with this transition because they’re unsure how to manage their own, and their child’s big emotions, and they don’t want to cause any harm.

    In this episode, Dr Fallon and Dr Laura talk about how to support your child’s emotional wellbeing by providing intense support and reassurance during this transition. When done properly, supporting your baby or toddler to settle in their cot for sleep, can strengthen the relationship between you and your child, improve sleep quality for the entire family, and it reduces risk for SIDS.

    Parent questions are answered, including:

    My toddler has started waking up at night, how do I adjust their schedule to help them sleep through the night again?How can I manage sleep and settling during and after illness?If my baby can self settle but wakes up for 2 hours in the middle of the night, what does this mean?

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ❤️ Subscribe on Spotify ❤️ Subscribe on Google Podcasts

    🎥 Watch this episode on YouTube

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1

    ❤️ Follow us on instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

  • What does it mean to ‘fail’ sleep school, and are parents being too hard on themselves?

    This week, Dr Fallon and Dr Laura discuss why some babies and toddlers don’t have success at sleep school, and what parents can do about it. They answer parent questions including:

    How can I extend my baby’s day naps?How can I reduce my toddler’s night waking?How do I stop patting my baby to sleep?How can I get my baby to settle in their cot if they don’t stop moving?Why does my toddler want me to visit their room during the night?

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ❤️ Subscribe on Spotify ❤️ Subscribe on Google Podcasts

    🎥 Watch this episode on YouTube

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1

    ❤️ Follow us on instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

  • Should you ditch the dummy? And if so, what’s the best way to do it?

    When is the right age to introduce a comforter, or small soft toy, to your baby?

    This week, Dr Fallon and Dr Laura discuss the pros and cons of dummy use, including when and how to ditch the dummy. They also discuss the benefits of using a comforter, or small soft toy, from 7 months of age onwards and answer parent questions too.

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ❤️ Subscribe on Spotify ❤️ Subscribe on Google Podcasts

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddlers sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1

    ❤️ And don’t forget to follow us on social media too! https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

    🔴 Check out the Red Nose guidelines on safe dummy use here: https://rednose.org.au/article/using-a-dummy-or-pacifier

  • What can Taylor Swift teach us about parenting? According to Dr Fallon, quite a lot! Toddlers have big emotions and so do kids (and parents) who miss out on Era’s tour tickets 😆 Learning how to support your child through their big emotions is a skill that all parents develop - with some trial and error along the way!

    This week, Dr Fallon and Dr Laura discuss how to navigate the trickiest toddler emotions, separation anxiety, and toddler sleep difficulties. They also answer parent questions including:

    My toddler stands up and screams when I try to settle him, how do I convince him to sleep in his cot?Can teething pain and the timing of day naps cause early rising in toddlers?My child cries a lot at bedtime – why and how can I reduce this?

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ❤️ Subscribe on Spotify ❤️ Subscribe on Google Podcasts

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddlers sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1

    ❤️ And don’t forget to follow us on social media too! https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

  • Join Dr Fallon and Dr Laura (PhD’s, Sleep Practitioners) to learn strategies for managing sleep and settling difficulties in your baby, toddler, or pre-schooler, including what to do about split or ‘biphasic’ nights, and when to worry about short naps, or ‘cat naps’.

    Listen to Fallon & Laura as they answer parent questions including:

    My baby has started rolling in his cot & waking up stuck on his tummy, how do I get his sleep back on track?My baby wakes 10+ times each night, what do I do?Should I unswaddle my baby before or after moving them to a cot?

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ❤️ Subscribe on Spotify ❤️ Subscribe on Google Podcasts

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddlers sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1

    ❤️ And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast and follow us on social media too! https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

  • Dr Fallon & Dr Laura discuss factors to consider when making changes to how and where your baby or toddler settles for sleep, and answer parent questions:

    Should we stop cosleeping before moving our toddler to their own bedroom?Should we stop offering a bottle at bedtime?When do sleep requirements stop declining?Which parent should do the settling?Is it ok to take a break from a new settling approach, or is it best to persist?

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ❤️ Subscribe on Spotify ❤️ Subscribe on Google Podcasts

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddlers sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1

    ❤️ And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast and follow us on social media too! https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/

  • Tune in to hear Dr Fallon and Dr Laura’s (PhDs) top tips for helping your child adjust to their new childcare environment. They also answer questions including:

    Is it ok if my baby or toddler is settled differently at childcare?How can I help my small baby adjust to settling in their cot?How can I ease my baby’s transition to sleeping in their own bedroom?What can I do when my baby or toddler rolls or stands up in their cot?

    🍼 If your little one is about to begin childcare, read our tips for a smooth transition: https://www.infantsleep.com.au/blog/sleep-child-care

    ❤️ Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ❤️ Subscribe on Spotify ❤️ Subscribe on Google Podcasts

    ✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddlers sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

    ✅ For FREE help with toddler sleep, join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/toddler-sleep-mini-series 

    ✅ For FREE help with baby sleep, download our ebook: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/opt-in-1

    ❤️ And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast and follow us on social media too! https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/