
  • In this podcast, Getrude shares her transformational journey that has taken her and her family from their home country of Zimbabwe in Africa across the world throughout Asia, Europe, United States and New Zealand. Her parents instilled her with important life skills which included having a long-term vision and using her creative skills to solve everyday problems creating business opportunities that make a difference in peoples lives. Her first job was as a systems analyst saw her gain invaluable technology and business skills, which has helped propel her as what can only be defined as a ‘serial entrepreneur’. Getrude is a woman of purpose and she is passionate about helping people achieve their full potential and finding their individual life purpose. She is the Global Curator & Founder of HerStory Circle, a movement designed to share women’s stories across the globe and empower change in the community.

    Getrude is well known for several accomplishments as an African textile artist, fashion designer, inspirational speaker having spoken 3 times on the TED stage and has been described as a vibrant bundle of African energy whose zest and passion for life inspires everyone she meets. She is a Celebrated Author and Coach, having written several books. She is also a Philanthropy Consultant, Aids advocate, Rooney International Scholar, New Zealand Rotary Member and founding director/CEO of New Zealand Medical Recruiters. She is also recognised as an Independent Film Maker, Lecturer at the University of New Mexico & CEO of The Africa Thrive Foundation. There are so many gems and important life-lessons to pick up from our chat with Getrude, we know you will find this episode nothing short of inspirational. Visit www.herstorycircle.com to connect with Getrude, find out more about her work and how you can get involved.

  • In this podcast, James shares his journey of studying Arts and Law and qualifying as a lawyer but never ending up in the profession, often cited as someone who was too ‘hip hop’. This was the universe signalling that he was meant for something else. He started his career in public relations, corporate affairs and investor relations at a large telco company, where he worked on fun promotional events launching various products and raising capital for various projects. This then transitioned into corporate issues management dealing with some very morally challenging projects and it was at this point, where James questioned the integrity and authenticity of what he was doing, his contribution to the world, and where his true purpose lay. A chance meeting with a venture capitalist gave him the confidence to take a ‘micro gamble’ during the GFC and launch a blog, which ended up becoming Anthill magazine, and now rates as one of the top business and finance print magazines in the country.

    James believes strongly in following one’s passion and convictions and not feeling lost like a cog in the wheel in some large organisation. He mentions the benefits of taking little micro gambles on what you believe in and is living proof that you can change your lifestyle and destiny doing what you are passionate about. He relocated his family to the country where he and his family enjoy the clean air and relaxed country lifestyle, nevertheless, he continues to make waves in the business community through his multiple projects. In addition to Anthill magazine, James is co-founder of B2B Group, which includes online school and community, where you can find a variety of useful courses, automated tools and software to help you as a small business owners make your journey easier. Visit www.b2bschool.co to connect with James and his team.

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  • In this podcast, Scott shares how he started off his career as a chartered accountant working for a national engineering group and then went onto work for a large tobacco company where he got a wide range of experience including roles in financial accounting, internal auditing and even marketing management and was able to see the big picture of how business worked. During a recession, he ended up working in the insolvency side of business where he saw first hand the exposure and risk that small businesses faced. It was at this point where Scott started looking at ways in which he could make a difference and add value to the small businesses community that he considered the true ‘heroes’ that didn’t have access to the same resources as a big business.

    Scott went on to start several businesses from ideas he had including a franchise specialising in specialty tortilla wraps! After several learnings, and being forced to go back to the drawing board, Scott’s next job led him to start his own consulting practice, which morphed into a virtual CFO business and then grew to become a successful public practice. But it didn’t stop there. He was hungry to do more and grew his team offshore, launching Financial Fanatics, specialising in general accounting, leasing and bookkeeping. Today, Scott trains and empowers teams to learn the accounting skills to help more businesses out there and he is really making a difference within the small business community. Scott is an author, a keen sailor and is involved in supporting kids orphanages in Thailand through his charity work. You can reach out to Scott on Linkedin or through his website www.financialfanatics.com.

  • In this podcast, Alex shares his exciting journey on how he got started in business. From his early days as a courier driver and being a rifleman in the Australian army, Alex learnt a lot about structure, discipline and hard work. Also, his time at university once again reinforced the importance of having structure and his desire to learn set him up for his time in the corporate world. Alex’s love of sports led him to join the retail and operations division of Nike and soon he was heading up customer service for Australia and New Zealand. This role gave him great exposure in sales, working with people, solving problems and process management. Unfortunately, a restructure in the company forced Alex into having to move within the company to save himself being made redundant and this was a turning point in his career.

    Post Nike, Alex shifted gears and joined the world of digital marketing, where he worked for an agency and really honed in on his interest in the emerging world of digital marketing. This experience set him up to then start his own agency to suit his lifestyle. Through offering various different services initially Alex found his niche in the lead generation and acquisition space. Today, Alex runs a successful business called SellingTM (sellingtm.com) and helps businesses acquire more leads and customers through Linkedin as his main platform. Through his evolving journey to get to this point, Alex shares a lot of lessons he learnt along the way on what works and what doesn’t. We hope you enjoy this conversation and pick up on the many great tips shared by Alex that will definitely help you in your journey, as you transition out of corporate and get your business going!

  • In this podcast, Kevin shares how his rather fun journey in and out of corporate to entrepreneur and business visionary. From his early days as a data analyst and web designer, Kevin worked out he loved to figure out how stuff worked and spent his time learning, creating and designing. His definition of ‘work’ was doing what he loved and he spent many hours improving on his skills. This took him to his dream job in Silicon Valley as a front-end developer for a technology company that seemed to have all the right aspects he was looking for, i.e. a job he loved doing, great culture and the ability to learn and be creative. Kevin quickly went on to apply his skills in various startups including a cleaning business, in which he was a pioneer at the time applying technology to a traditional business. Interestingly, this is where he learnt all about growing a team, hiring, training and putting in place structure and systems to scale and expand.

    Kevin took his creative passion into launching more ecommerce startups in a variety of markets such as luggage, dog services and even eye lashes amongst many others! Through all of his experiences, Kevin discovered he had a passion to help other founders get their business started and scale and this led him to partner with his best friend creating Voy Media (voymedia.com) which is a super successful advertising, marketing and venture capitalist company that works with many fortune 500 companies down to startups. The company is growing rapidly and has many shared values that include greatness, creativity and having a growth mindset. Kevin is also an author and podcaster and shares some truly awesome tips on what it’s like to follow your passion and just do it. We hope you enjoy this chat and pick up on the many great tips shared by Kevin, and give yourself permission to explore your creative side in business!

  • In this podcast, Amy shares how she began her journey in the corporate world working in several roles ranging from customer service to financial planning and it wasn’t till early on in her marriage that an opportunity for her husband Alan and her to enter the hospitality business as restaurant owners became a reality. Amy shares all the highs and lows over the last several years of being in business and how they literally learnt on the job. Neither had business experience or an understanding of the restaurant business, but they took it upon themselves to learn everything they could and really listen to their customers, creating a cafe restaurant for the people, by the people.

    Fast forward to today and 17 years later, Amor Mexico is a thriving restaurant, but its become more than just an eatery. It is a community hub that focuses on people and stories. Amy has worked tirelessly to develop a culture in her business that underpins the success of the restaurant and makes it stand out. Amy shares her deep philosophy of learning, growing and having fun whilst growing her business and having gratitude for everything that happens. You will pick up many gems in this enlightening conversation. Visit Amor Mexico at www.amormexico.com.au

  • In this podcast, Anfernee shares his adventurous journey that took him from the shores of Australia across the world to Canada and then across the world again to his ancestral birthplace of Laos. Anfernee has done everything from being a team leader at a large corporate call centre, to project management, sales consultant and marketing advisor in various large and small organisations, to blogging, teaching salsa, volunteering with a kids charity, to speaking and other advisory roles with startups. Anfernee has seen it all and has developed a deep understanding of psychology and human behaviour, what drives people and the power of telling ones story. He’s also someone who has seen the good and the bad side of business, been through redundancies and the fallout as a result of poor policies implementation by management. He knows firsthand the pressures of work and the profound impact it can have on the social and mental health of people in the workforce.

    Today, Anfernee combines all his experience helping leaders and business owners on strategies to better manage their business, look after their people and through effective content be able to share their story in a way that inspires their customers and prospects. He helps business owners to grow their business through sound marketing practices, teaching them how to protect and leverage their brand and share client success stories on professional network platforms such as Linkedin. Enjoy this candid discussion with Anfernee as he bares all to give you a real insight into what an entrepreneurial journey looks like and how to navigate your path towards finding your passion. Check out his case study guide to sharing customer success stories at www.simplecreativemarketing.com/casestudyguide

  • In this podcast, James shares how he started his career in the corporate world in Sales and very quickly decided that he wanted to help others succeed more than just pursuing individual achievement. He then went into Sales management which unfortunately came with a pay cut, however, this led him to gain experience in becoming more of a coach and mentor to others, which he thoroughly enjoyed. When the day came where he was told his role was redundant, he decided to back himself and get into business doing what he was passionate about, even though this was a challenging time, as he had a young family and many financial obligations.

    Over the years, James worked decided to focus on helping Mortgage brokers to improve and scale their business. He is a firm believer that when starting out, you’re best of just getting going sooner rather than later. As you progress and learn over time you can begin to plan your vision, structure your business and implement systems and try to refine your niche. James’ business is called ‘The Successful Adviser’ (www.thesuccessfuladviser.com) and he has a Facebook group called ‘Brokers Super Group’ specifically for Mortgage brokers.

  • In this podcast, Melina shares her journey from her early days working in retail sales where she was quickly thrust into management and developed a unique ability to assess people, understand where they were coming from and find creative ways to solve problems. Her early ventures into photography and wedding expos saw her question the way the industry worked and she used her creative flair and talent to revolutionise the industry. As a travel consultant, Melina was a top achiever and used her thirst for adventure that took her around the globe exploring and learning her art of dealing with people, rescuing animals, caring for children and a love of nature. Fast forward to today, Melina runs a successful business from home as a relationship expert and personality profiler. Her business is called Sacred Potential (www.sacredpotential.com) and in her practice, she uses tools such as human design, liquid crystals and a variety of other products to quickly get to the heart of what drives you as a human being, what type of work you should be doing, how you can improve your relationships, health and spirituality. She gives you permission to be your authentic self as she often says everyone else is taken. Be inspired by Melina’s story of evolution as she shares how everyone can work out their true purpose and do the work they were born to do!

  • In this podcast, Geoff shares his story that took him as a young man around the world in search of his passion. Starting off as an architect of buildings, Geoff realised he could never be satisfied doing the same thing over and over. He was a creative soul that needed to be free and just couldn’t see himself confined to being at a desk or cubicle for the rest of his career. This decision saw Geoff’s corporate days short-lived. Through his many travels around the US followed by the UK, Geoff developed his own ideas of what he’d like to pursue. He was a voracious reader and formed Book Rapper (www.bookrapper.com) one of his earlier businesses that shared book summaries from some of the worlds most influential authors, now shared over 100.000 times. His podcast has had a growing following for several years and his current business The Ideas Architect (www.geoffmcdonald.com/geoff-mcdonald-ideas-architect) helps businesses design and package their own ideas. His approach is non-conventional, yet refreshing. He is invited to speak at many conferences and is a mentor to many, including engineering graduate students from the University of Melbourne. Geoff lives a nomadic lifestyle, moving from place to place by choice and his business has the freedom to operate anywhere he goes. Geoff’s story will definitely get you to question what you are doing to ensure you don’t just settle, rather to pursue your dreams and venture out of your comfort zone to achieve your fullest potential.

  • In this podcast, Daniel shares his story of how he faced a tough choice of staying in a corporate IT job that would compromise his integrity with the direction the business was heading. After deciding this was not the path for him, he made a conscious effort to pursuing something that he was more passionate about, even though at that stage he couldn’t see any way of making money from it. At the time, Daniel had been doing a lot of work researching local history and speaking to relatives of people from nearby towns and documenting their journeys and achievements and recording them on devices that would play next to statues in parks, or graves in cemeteries. This soon this became a full-time effort to get these stories out to the general public. As his reputation grew, Daniel attracted media attention and gained a lot of traction through schools wanting to take their students on history tours. This expanded over time to people from all walks of life wanting to learn more. Fast forward to today and Daniel is the owner and operator of Sydney History Tours (www.SydneyHistoryTour.com), Virtual History Australia (www.VirtualHistoryAustralia.com) and Sydney Ghost Tours (www.SydneyGhostTour.com), all of which aim to educate and entertain their audience that now come from around the world. Daniel’s story is one of resilience and never giving up. He shares a lot of insights for every aspiring business owner/entrepreneur that has a dream or a passion and more importantly shares his simple philosophy on how to make it happen!

  • In this podcast, Melo shares a journey that has taken him several times around the world to find his true passion in life. Melo learned to manage highly challenging and stressful situations, build mental endurance and rise above adversity from his life lessons on the road where he cycled, trekked and travelled over 30,000km’s around the planet on his mountain bike. He traversed Africa, Asia, India, Nepal, Europe and North America, along the way he had to overcome many obstacles and demanding encounters, including near-death experiences. While travelling he has also immersed himself in the meditative and spiritual practices from the remote corners of the globe. Melo worked in corporate sales, however, this left him unfulfilled and misaligned with his core values. Through a series of moves into personal training and coaching, Mel began to explore his passion to help more people get results. Fast forward to today, through his personal brand (melocalarco.com) he now shares that deep experience in his professional role as a certified performance coach and mindfulness facilitator with corporate CEO’s, managers and directors of large companies, as well as sporting professionals, entrepreneurs, thought leaders and individuals that want to be the absolute best at their craft. His programs have been described as 'truly transformational!'

  • In this podcast, Frank shares his personal journey of how he made the daring choice to pave his own path and leave behind a well-established career in the corporate world. In his early 20’s he was already a successful marketing and product manager for some of the biggest brand names in the country like Cadbury, Kraft and Uncle Tobys. However, Frank noticed that there was a lot of opportunities left on the table that the big corporations were constantly leaving behind. Also, there was no central place for clients to get the help they needed and the marketing, design and advertising world were very segregated. In a bold move, Frank made a decision to back himself and his skills and create his own business that would bring all the pieces of the puzzle together in one place and create a unique one-stop-shop experience for the client and deliver exceptional value. Now well over 20 years in business for himself, Frank still prides himself on looking after his clients needs ensuring they get the very best service. His business Pinpoint Design Group (www.pinpointdesign.com.au) now looks after some of the biggest brands in the country and yet Frank is still humble and happy to help where he can. For a truly remarkable story of success, follow Franks story as he shares the challenges he faced and overcame and how to remain resilient in tough times. This is a must for all aspiring business owners!

  • In this podcast, Sandy shares her journey from her earlier time in Canada to her home in Australia and the challenges of being in an executive role as HR director of big companies as well as balancing her time as wife and mother of 2 young children. Sandy saw that there was a major lack of care and services that were being offered to people that were made redundant from their jobs and after speaking to hundreds of people and outplacement providers, she decided to do something about this and create change in the industry. Sandy had a bold vision to set up an online business that offered a holistic range of services around training, health and wellness, meditation, coaching, mentoring and many others, to ensure a strong transition plan was in place to look after these employees. Today, her business Career Money Life (www.careermoneylife.com) has won numerous industry awards and she is considered by many to be a pioneer in her field. Sandy’s biggest passion is being able to help others and be there for her family. If you’re looking to be inspired, then listen to this episode, as Sandy shares great pearls of wisdom she gained over the years. Sandy encourages us all that it is possible to make a positive change in one’s life if you have self-belief, a vision that you hold on to and the will to persevere no matter what life throws at you.

  • In this podcast, Terry bares all in sharing his journey from humble beginnings that saw his family flee on a boat during the Vietnam war. Coming to Australia with literally nothing but the clothes on his back and growing up with a single Mum from an early age, Terry appreciated how hard it was to survive and work hard for your money. He saw others in the same boat struggling to make ends meet and decided early on he was going to do something different to help change this trend. During a successful corporate career, Terry gained much recognition in the area of trading and investing. Unfortunately, long hours at work led to him to suffer multiple health scares that one day landed him in hospital after a tragic fall. This was the turning point Terry needed to exit the corporate world. He decided to go on his own and put his talent to work to help people manage their money and invest safely. Fast forward to the present and Terry has been blessed by none other than billionaire trading genius Warren Buffet himself and today he operates a successful global company The Freedom Trader (https://www.thefreedomtrader.com/breakfree) where you can find lots of tips, advice, online programs and training for anyone aspiring to create wealth outside of their immediate job or business and secure their future. Be inspired by how one man’s courage journey has helped so many change the course of their lives!

  • In this podcast, Liza openly shares how she embarked on her entrepreneurial journey to start a part time business whilst being in a demanding corporate sales job where she excelled. Not satisfied with smashing her targets and being a top achiever, Liza yearned for having time freedom and looking after her health and was getting burnt out with stress. Her journey to begin her online business in the network marketing business saw her reach top leadership positions and through her dedication she changed the lives of thousands of people around the world. Her passion with the industry has seen her now consult and shape the future direction of the network marketing industry from a digital communications perspective. Her business Content Maximiser provides solutions for all types of businesses (www.contentmaximiser.com). Today, Liza is in control of her own time, looks after her health, is able to live a balanced lifestyle and is busy changing more and more lives as she spreads her teachings across industries and therefore hundreds and thousands of everyday consumers. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did and hope you take away a lot of great advice from Liza.

  • In this podcast, Mimi shares her compelling story of transition – one I’m sure you’ll be amazed at for no challenge was too hard. Coming from a traditional background of working hard, Mimi did exactly this as a senior corporate lawyer, then transitioned her skills into the recruitment industry and did this for a numer of years and travelled overseas with her work. Picking up valuable skills in dealing with people and developing a real passion for matching people with their ‘dream jobs’ was what eventually led Mimi to get into starting her own coaching business. After supplementing her skills with NLP training, Mimi now offers an online program and coaching through her business Mimi Fong (www.mimifong.com.au) and she is always ready to help anyone looking to find their passion and discover what they’d love to do. Along this journey, Mimi has encountered and overcome several of life’s challenges such as a messy divorce, having a baby and building a business in the background. If you want to draw strength from someone positive and see that no matter what your situation is in life, you can overcome it and work with your passion to develop that dream career you’re looking for. This will surely inspire you to step it up and take action!

  • In this podcast, Alex is pretty open about how he got started in business and failed in his first 4 attempts! As someone who’s worked in various businesses and in the corporate world, Alex had pretty good skills, but was frustrated at the methodologies being shared by business coaches and consultants he came across that were using outdated marketing and sales strategies. He always had a passion for sales and marketing and wanted to work in a smarter way to help business owners to market their business better and more affordably – and reach their target market more effectively, not to mention building your personal brand and footprint, building trust and personal connections one-on-one to drive lead generation with individuals and groups, through partnership marketing. Alex discovered that LinkedIn was the ONLY tool that ticked all the boxes he was after and founded Linkfluencer (www.linkfluencer.com) to share his knowledge and resources to help as many people as he can globally. His success has seen him featured on all major media networks like Forbes, INC magazine, Huffington Post, etc. You’ll love the honesty and cander in which Alex freely shares what he knows. If you want to be inspired to work smarter not harder and build a solid foundation for your business, then you’ll love this interview!

  • In this podcast, Robert shares his journey from his early days at university doing DJ work, which was his way of paying through university until he landed his feet in the corporate world to get a ‘real’ job. After 8-9 years and completing an MBA, Robert was at the top of what would appear to be a very successful sales career where he was in senior management and was always overachieving on his targets of $1-2M per year. He quickly realised he was too smart to be doing this for someone else and decided to make it on his own – starting a video production business and then moving on to starting a marketing devision for another agency and found his passion in marketing and helping people build their business and get extraordinary results. This led him to write his book “Feed A Starving Crowd” (www.feedastarvingcrowd.com) which is now a best seller and he is highly sought after for his advice and help. You’ll love this podcast because Robert is a great example of someone who just wanted to do better in life and he went out and gave it a go, and never gave up till he found what he was passionate about. Now all the hard work is paying off and he is making his mark on the world!

  • In this podcast, Christie shares with us her journey from the corporate world where she was involved in commercial clinical research for a large pharmaceutical company and wanted to use her position to make a difference in the world through her work. However being a small cog in a big wheel meant she was not going to achieve her goals and so her quest in the business world began and today she now heads up her own automation consultancy with her partner Jake in a company called Benelds (www.benelds.com.au). They are one of the fastest growing Infusionsoft partners in the world, and specialise in Infusionsoft strategies & training. Christie runs the Automation Academy, an arm she developed that helps business owners systemise and automate their business from start to finish, freeing themselves from the day-to-day, to go out and focus doing what they’re really good. A really compelling story to listen to that will inspire you to go out there and make it happen.