
  • After years and years of work, I can finally say that I’ve reached the pinnacle of my recovery from burnout. Would I say that I’m fully recovered from burnout? Not quite…

    Recovery is a continuous process, not a one-time event. We will never be fully recovered because recovery has no endpoint. This applies in a big way to people who are recovering from addiction, and for those of us recovering from burnout - it translates perfectly.

    The urge may come to slip back into old ways. To work, grind, push and handle the job, house, and kids while staying up late, getting up early, skipping meals, and neglecting our own needs to make sure the tasks get checked off.

    The important thing to remember when we find ourselves looking in the face of old habits is to take a step back and trust ourselves. Trust yourself to make good decisions and trust your future self to get you through the tough times that wait down the road.

    Prioritizing rest and self-care are key components to recovering from burnout and challenging the guilt that lurks beneath the surface of putting yourself first is a battle that will be ongoing, but worth it in the end.

    Listen as I wrap-up on season three of the Burnout to Badass Podcast. It is full of encouragement and warm fuzzies to keep you on the right track in your burnout recovery.

    “Enough is a decision.” Dr. Errin Weisman

    In this episode:

    [00:17] Welcome to the wrapup episode for season 3!

    [01:54] Where I am in my recovery from burnout.

    [02:56] Recovery has no end point.

    [04:13] My words of encouragement to my coaching clients are the same ones I use with my patients.

    [04:57] The work of recovery will continue throughout the rest of our lives and evolve with us.

    [05:47] Normalize your recovery

    [07:26] Take the next best step for you.

    [08:29] What do we do when burnout creeps back in?

    [09:44] Identifying the messages behind the guilt we sometimes feel for putting ourselves first.

    [11:52] You are the author of your own recovery plan with your very own support group.

    [12:36] Parting words that challenge social norms.

    Links and Resources

    Burntout to Badass: On Demand Course

    Episode 305 - Burnout Relapse Masterclass with Dr. Marion McCrary

    Nicola Jane Hobbs

    2 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • Many of my interviews speak from the perspective of doctors and the challenges we face in our professions. Another, very different, type of experience that happens right alongside us as doctors, is that of our nurses.

    I chat with Jeanelle Classen about her journey as a nurse and the emotional roller coaster it took her on. After facing burnout in her grad year of nursing and the overwhelming feelings of guilt and angst that the career brought her, she needed to make a change and find a way to rid herself of burnout and help others nurses like her.

    For those of you in the medical field, you know how much responsibility and pressure is placed on the shoulders of nurses. With the high levels of stress and emotional exhaustion that nurses experience on a regular basis, due to the demanding nature of their work, it’s no wonder that they find themselves staring into the face of burnout.

    We need to encourage nurses to take the steps that are necessary to take care of themselves in order to prevent burnout. Listen in to this episode to hear about the changes Jeanelle has made in her life and how she is pursuing her passion to raise awareness about the issue of nursing burnout.

    “We need to learn to be healthfully selfish.” Jeanelle Classen, RN

    In this episode:

    [01:29] Welcome to the show, Jeanelle Classen and Michael!

    [02:09] Jeanelle’s background and her mission to help nurses beat burnout.

    [03:30] Jeanelle’s personal burnout story.

    [06:00] The common feelings that we notice when we’re at the breaking point of burnout.

    [10:13] Burnout culture in your career is evident when you see it in your coworkers.

    [12:04] Identifying when it’s time to make the change and going against the flow to find it.

    [14:40] How to beat burnout when you’re fighting against a broken system.

    [16:51] Being healthfully selfish to establish your boundaries.

    [18:56] Stress is truly selfish.

    [19:44] The tools that were instrumental in Jeanelle’s shift away from burnout.

    [21:46] You’re not alone in your burnout.

    [22:16] A sneak peek into what’s new for Jeanelle.

    [24:21] Connect with Jeanelle and the Mindfulness for Health community!

    Links and Resources

    Burntout to Badass: On Demand Course

    Connect with Jeanelle:

    Mindfulness for Health

    Facebook | Instagram

    Jeanelle’s LinkedIn

    2 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
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  • Oftentimes, while we’re trudging through our lives with our heads down, crushing our goals at all costs, and maintaining the title of “Top Performer,” it takes a crippling illness or injury to realize that we can’t sustain the patterns we’ve created for ourselves.

    In this episode, I chat with Rebecca Fleetwood Hession who shares her story about overcoming burnout. After years of avoiding any type of illness, Rebecca was crippled for months with a very scary case of pneumonia. During her time of recovery, she had the opportunity to reconnect with herself and identify that she was smack dab in the middle of burnout.

    For many of us, burnout can be limited to our careers, but in some cases, it extends into multiple areas of life. Rebecca shares the story of peeling back the layers of her burnout to get to the root of her struggles and the process that she followed to rebuild herself from the ground up by incorporating daily stillness and reflection in her life.

    Tune in to this episode to hear more about Rebecca’s story and to gain insight into how you can add daily stillness and reflection into your routine before you find yourself buried under layers of burnout. This episode is teeming with the value of incorporating rest into your life and your family’s life and I can’t wait to share it with you.

    Caught up isn’t a place.” Rebecca Fleetwood Hession

    In this episode:

    [00:58] Welcome to the show, Rebecca!

    [01:39] Rebecca’s experience with burnout.

    [03:32] How illness helped her identify her burnout.

    [05:16] By listening to her inner voice, Rebecca was able to reconnect with herself.

    [10:35] Unraveling the layers of burnout to find the space you need.

    [15:08] Suggestions to put stillness into your life to offer daily reflection.

    [17:41] Individualizing your stillness time and demonstrating the habit of stillness for your children.

    [22:04] You already have everything you need to thrive.

    [23:17] Connect with Rebecca!

    Links and Resources

    Burntout to Badass: On Demand Course

    Connect with Rebecca:



    Write Your OWN Story Podcast

    Write Your OWN Story: Three Keys to Rise and Thrive as a Badass Career Woman

    2 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book, Doctor Me First, on Amazon Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • When we escape the clutches of burnout and take the time to look back on what actually caused it, we are often shocked to see that we were surviving in burnout mode for several years.

    In this episode, I talk with Dr. Ronnie Shalev who shares her story about how burnout started to creep in on her just two short years after her residency. And in true physician, nose-to-the-grindstone fashion, she continued her career with the white coat for a decade afterward.

    Dr. Ronnie shares how she got her start in real estate while performing as an emergency physician and how it provided her with the opportunity to choose when push came to shove and she couldn’t take the abuse of the ER anymore.

    By generating passive income from her investments, Dr. Ronnie stumbled upon a wealth of freedom that comes when you’re no longer wearing the golden handcuffs of a career that is burying you in burnout.

    Tune in to this episode to hear more about Dr. Ronnie’s experience with burnout, how she beat it, and how she’s paving the way for others to get their start in real estate investments so they can experience the same freedom that brought peace back to her life.

    “Proximity is power.” Dr. Ronnie Shalev

    In this episode:

    [00:50] Welcome to the show, Dr. Shalev!

    [01:20] Dr. Ronnie’s experience with burnout.

    [03:30] The recurring themes that caused Dr. Ronnie to realize that she was facing burnout.

    [07:00] How Dr. Ronnie got her start in real estate.

    [08:11] Real estate investments gave Dr. Shalev the freedom to choose.

    [09:45] Real estate investments are not a get-rich-quick scheme.

    [13:03] Physicians can’t care for their patients if they don’t care for themselves first

    [13:41] The instruments in Dr. Ronnie’s dreams and success.

    [16:58] Advice for physicians who feel stuck.

    [18:10] The background of Shalwin Properties and how it can serve others who want to invest in real estate

    [19:33] Imagine what freedom can do for you and how you can connect with Dr. Ronnie.

    Links and Resources

    Burntout to Badass: On Demand Course

    Connect with Ronnie Shalev MD:

    Shalwin Properties

    Facebook | Instagram

    2 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • Realizing that you’re smack dab in the throws of burnout doesn’t always happen when things start to look like they’re going awry. For many of us, our lives look absolutely pristine from the outside while we’re floundering on the inside looking for an escape from the life we’re living.

    Dr. Sogol joins me on this episode and we talk about her experience with burnout that happened right at the height of her career as she had achieved everything on the list of the “American Dream.” Sometimes, reconciling with burnout is taking a step back from everything we think we should be doing and transitioning into the things we need to be doing.

    A lot of the recovery from burnout happens in the form of recognizing our emotions and where they sit in our bodies. As physicians, this is a tricky concept because many of us become so desensitized from our work. Giving dire news to one patient’s family and then walking into the next patient's room, upbeat and encouraging makes it hard to be in tune with how you really feel.

    Dr. Sogol and I talk all about the tips, tricks, and tools that we use to keep our minds and bodies connected and how we continue to battle against burnout with the accumulative effects of awareness and mindfulness.

    Join us today to gain some insight into improving your demeanor with a handful of simple actions that can make a big payoff with consistent practice.

    “I kept changing everything outside of me hoping that it would change something within me and it didn’t.” Dr. Sogol Pahlavan

    In this episode:

    [01:26] Welcome to the show, Dr. Sogol!

    [01:47] Dr. Sogol’s background and her burnout story.

    [04:00] The definition of burnout and how it showed up for Dr. Sogol.

    [09:07] Gaining empowerment from burnout and changing your awareness.

    [10:03] Going beyond awareness and connecting with your body.

    [10:24] Struggling to connect emotions with your body after spending years as a physician

    [13:00] How to reconnect with your subconscious by looking back at previous versions of yourself throughout your life.

    [16:18] Negative attributes and feelings that you struggle with are really defense mechanisms.

    [20:23] Bridging the gap between how you’re feeling and how you want to feel.

    [21:50] How to sustain the work you’ve done to get out of burnout and staying present.

    [27:05] Give yourself time to practice the art of recovering from burnout.

    [29:05] Dr. Sogol’s next moves in life and business.

    Links and Resources

    Burntout to Badass: On Demand Course

    Connect with Dr. Sogol:

    Mindful Living with Dr. Sogol Podcast

    2 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • You are not broken and you are not the only one experiencing burnout. I know I say this all the time but joining me is Dr. Debbie Bradley and she 100% agrees. Listen as she shares her burnout story and why she’s so passionate about helping other female physicians who don’t have it all figured out.

    For Debbie, burnout itself snuck up on her. She was practicing and realizing that she didn’t have the same time to get out and do the things that she loves and that recharge her batteries, but she didn’t realize she was truly burned out.

    Instead it took one particular patient. A young patient who was healthy and active who had a very aggressive disease. The prognosis was terrible and it caused Debbie to look at her life and ask the question, if two weeks from now I was given this diagnosis, would I have regrets about how I’d lived my life?

    The answer was a resounding yes, and she knew she had to change it.

    Debbie has left clinical medicine because she no longer felt called to heal in that way. Now she’s a Certified Executive Coach helping physicians figure out what it is they want to do with their lives and how they want to do it.

    Her story is definitely one you’ll want to hear if you’re feeling like your calling is no longer in medicine!

    “I think that burnout can really sneak up on you.” Dr. Debbie Bradley

    In this episode:

    [01:39] Welcome to the show, Dr. Debbie Bradley!

    [02:00] Learn more about Dr. Debbie Bradley and what burnout looked like for her.

    [05:23] Burnout is so common and it’s so important to normalize that we’re not broken.

    [06:38] It was an eye opening experience to realize that she didn’t know anything about herself.

    [08:07] The moment she realized she was deep in the pit of burnout.

    [14:19] Dr. Bradley shares what her personal board of directors is and why they’re necessary.

    [18:56] Debbie shares what she’s doing now and how she’s impacting the world.

    Links and Resources

    Burntout to Badass: On Demand Course

    Connect with Dr. Bradley:

    Debbie Bradley MD

    Facebook | Instagram | LInkedIn | Email

    2 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • You are not stuck. You have options. No matter what it feels like right now, you are not easily replaceable. Once Dr. Karen Wolowick realized the truth of these words, her entire life changed. Listen as she shares her burnout story and why she’s so happy she conquered her fears so she could do life and gynecology practice her way.

    When Dr. Wolowick started in practice after medical school, everything seemed fine. But it wasn’t too much later that she realized that was not the case. She loved what she did, but she hated the way in which she was doing it.

    She was working in practice at a large facility constantly on the go and feeling like she never had enough time to really sit down with and address her patient’s concerns. After talking with her partner, she knew she had to find another path.

    So she quit, and spent some time healing and figuring out what it was she wanted to do. It was during that time that she recognized that she’s a damn good doctor and that’s what she’s meant to be doing… but her way.

    She learned how to start her own practice and did the damn thing. Now she owns her time, she owns her schedule, and she owns the way in which she’s able to show up and serve her patients.

    Dr. Wolowick is truly inspirational and it’s amazing how much her story and mine feel and seem the same. Listen in to hear it all and learn why you really do have options!

    “Doctors are marketable.” Dr. Karen Wolowick

    In this episode:

    [01:35] Welcome to the show, Dr. Karen Wolowick!

    [02:01] Learn what burnout looked like for Dr. Wolowick, both inside and out.

    [03:58] Did she have one big defining moment or was it a gradual decline?

    [05:44] What was the straw that broke the camel’s back?

    [07:36] Did she do anything to deal with the emotions and feelings she had as she left the practice she was working in?

    [09:02] Learn how she figured out how to start her own practice.

    [10:35] How does she keep herself balanced now that she recognizes her burnout tendencies?

    [11:35] What does Dr. Wolowick mean when she says that doctors and professionals have options?

    [14:26] It’s terrible to feel stuck. Take a moment to slow down and find what you love.

    Links and Resources

    Burntout to Badass: On Demand Course

    Connect with Dr. Wolowick:

    Wolowick Womens’s Health

    2 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • Dr. Seema Desai finished dental school in 2008 and has been practicing off and on ever since. The problem was that no matter where she worked, who she worked with, or who her patients were, she never felt fulfilled. Why couldn’t she be happy “having it all”?

    Instead of digging deeper into the cause of her dissatisfaction, she shifted gears and checked another box. She became a mom. She took a few years off with her first child, but ended up deep in the pit of undiagnosed postpartum depression.

    Looking back she wishes she’d had the courage to seek professional help, but at the time she took steps to acknowledge where she was at, seek help from her inner circle, and invest in coaching. Her coach was also a yoga teacher and when she started her own yoga ritual she finally started to find her place.

    Listen as Dr. Seema shares her story and the advice she wishes someone had given her when she was at her lowest. We had an amazing conversation that you won't want to miss if you’ve found yourself questioning whether or not checking all the boxes is truly fulfilling your purpose.

    “Even the smallest advocacy for five minutes, for ten minutes for an hour, whatever it takes. That’s ok.” Dr. Seema Desai

    In this episode:

    [02:20] Welcome to the show, Dr. Seema Desai!

    [02:44] When did Dr. Seema realize she was deep in the pit of burnout?

    [06:29] “When you start to see the little signs of burnout, take steps to course correct.”

    [07:58] What were the years that she was experiencing burnout and what did it look like from the outside?

    [10:08] How did she feel on the inside during burnout?

    [13:42] Does she think the generational trauma has impacted her burnout journey?

    [15:52] Did she have a specific moment when she realized she was burned out?

    [17:24] What did she do when she had her revelation?

    [19:28] How yoga has impacted her recovery from burnout.

    [22:33] Listen as she shares where she’s at now and how she approaches each day.

    Links and Resources

    Burntout to Badass: On Demand Course

    Connect with Dr. Desai:

    Dr Seema DasaI

    Connected: Discovering Your Inner Guides: A Kid’s Guide to Navigating Their Emotions by Seema Desai

    LinkedIn | Instagram

  • I cannot believe we are in Season 3 of Burntout to Badass. I got to have some amazing conversations with men and women who have made it through their own burnout battles and are now happily living on the other side.

    If you feel like you’re on the brink of burnout or maybe, just maybe, you’re deep in the pit of it, then this is the podcast for you! This is the place where we’re normalizing the conversation around burnout, because you are not alone.

    Listen in as we get Season 3 started!

    Links and Resources

    Burntout to Badass: On Demand Course

    2 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • I can’t believe season 2 is already over. I got to have some amazing conversations with brilliant women who struggled through the darkness of burnout and are now living amazing lives. It’s not going to stop here though!

    There will be a Season 3 and I’m so excited about it. We’re going to be testing out a new format and hearing the amazing stories of more brave and resilient female professionals.

    If you’ve been struggling with burnout, check out my Burntout to Badass course. I know that it can help you find the balance you’re looking for without the vision boards, journaling, and worksheets.

    Nope! You’re going to get out in nature! Click here to learn more.

    If you have an amazing story of overcoming burnout, then shoot me an email at hello@burntouttobadass.com. I want to hear it and I’d love to feature you on the podcast!

    See you in the next season!

    “It’s not perfect. It’s imperfectly Marvelous” Dr. Errin Weisman

    Links and Resources

    Burntout to Badass

    3 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT A LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Join us for our Monthly Burnout Masterclass Series. Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • Women are more often asked to do extra things at work than men. Things that do not translate into promotable actions, and we keep on saying yes to them. Listen as I chat with Kelli Thompson all about the invisible workload of women at work and how it contributes to burnout.

    Kelli has spent more than 15 years in leadership, coaching, and training and has translated those skills into an amazing ability to help women find clarity and confidence in their careers. She was a chronic work addict and eventually realized that she was using work to avoid a terrible home life.

    She only made the connection between her work and her home life after she finally left her first marriage. Once her home life calmed down, she started wanting to actually be home. So she had to start rebuilding and reinforcing her boundaries.

    That was when she set out on a path to find her core values and implement them in a way that saw her life and career elevated.

    Listen as she shares her story, how she finally made shifts to leave her burned out lifestyle, and why she’s passionate about helping women everywhere to do the same. Your career does not have to be draining. Find your joy and you’ll find the space you’re meant to occupy both personally and professionally!

    Kelli is truly a badass and you won’t want to miss this conversation.

    “Because if I was overworking, then I wouldn’t have to face just how horrible of a situation I was in, in my marriage, and that was an ‘aha’ for me.” Kelli Thompson

    In this episode:

    [01:55] Welcome Kelli Thompson to share her background and story.

    [03:13] Kelli shares a story highlighting the invisible workload of women at work.

    [07:39] What did her burnout look like from the outside?

    [09:51] Did she have one particular moment where she realized her extra work wasn’t paying off?

    [12:27] What helped her realize she was drowning in her own invisible workload?

    [14:54] How can you take steps toward evaluating your invisible workload?

    [20:48] “You will disappoint some people, and that’s okay.”

    [22:42] There’s no reason for you to have to give an immediate answer to requests.

    [24:36] Connect with Kelli.

    Links and Resources Connect with Kelli:

    Kelli’s Website

    LinkedIn | Instagram

    3 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT A LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Join us for our Monthly Burnout Masterclass Series. Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • What do you do when the world as you know it explodes out from under you? You pick yourself up, start healing, and move in a different direction. Listen as Vicki Bradley shares her story of going from corporate retail leader to conscious executive leadership coaching while raising two children on her own. Vicki was doing the damn thing. She was a President in the corporate retail space. She was traveling and making waves and taking care of everything and everyone in her sphere, until one day she couldn’t anymore.

    Hours before she was supposed to get on a flight from Toronto to Dallas, she woke up in bed completely unable to move. This was the first episode in a series that would finally take her away from the career she loved and had been building for her entire adult life.

    Then the question became, what next?

    When you’re used to driving yourself to the absolute edge in order to take care of everything and everyone, what do you do when you have to stop?

    Vicki’s story is a powerful example of what burnout can do to the body and what it looks like when you finally come out of the dark pit. Listen in to hear it all! Hopefully she’ll inspire you to make bold changes in your own life.

    “I truly believe that if we are listening, our bodies will tell us what is happening.” Vicki Bradley

    In this episode:

    [02:03] Welcome to the show, Vicki!

    [02:36] Listen as Vicki shares her burnout story.

    [06:20] I had to listen to my body even though my brain said otherwise.

    [08:11] She discusses the driving force that kept her going.

    [11:07] Vicki says that on the inside she knew that the world as she knew it was changing.

    [12:19] Once she started talking about what she was going through it was like a little bit of light began to shine through.

    [15:24] The most instrumental person in helping her get through and push forward.

    [17:13] We all get stressed, it's about how long you stay in that state.

    [17:45] Life after burnout.

    [18:56] She gives some advice for anyone listening who is going through burnout.

    [19:57] Find out where to connect with Vicki.

    [21:12] Thank you so much for sharing your story!

    Links and Resources Connect with Vicki:

    Vicki Bradley and Company

    WIL Talk Podcast

    LinkedIn | Facebook

    3 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT A LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Join us for our Monthly Burnout Masterclass Series. Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • Have you ever found yourself taking ownership of a situation in a way that keeps you stuck? Char Watson helped two failing dental practices come back from the brink and when the situation became untenable, she couldn’t let go. She’s sharing her story and why her burnout inspired her to create her business and her course!

    Char always knew she wanted to be in healthcare, but she didn’t realize which capacity she’d be in. Rather than being in the medical field, she became an office manager for a dentist’s office in her area.

    When she started the office was in shambles. He was months away from having to close his doors. Through patience and hard work she took his office away from the brink and it began to thrive.

    She later did it again when he merged with another practice that was in even worse shape than his own. Only this time she had two precious babies and her priorities had shifted.

    His behavior and the amount of the work was just too much. After her husband and one of the office workers from the merged office brought up how much she’d changed, she knew it was time. Her husband then received orders to deploy and she left the practice.

    Now she’s running her own business and training practice managers. Listen as she bares it all and explains why she’s so passionate about helping your future practice DOO avoid burnout.

    “The bandaid didn’t solve the problem I was still crying every morning before work..” Char Watson

    In this episode:

    [01:53] Welcome to the show, Char!

    [02:17] She shares her background and what her burnout looked like from the outside.

    [04:14] She discusses how she felt in the moment while trying to keep a dental practice afloat.

    [04:55] Char talks about when it went from good to bad.

    [08:42] She speaks about the years leading up to her burnout.

    [09:59] She shares the moment she realized she was at the bottom.

    [12:00] She believes her babies were instrumental in helping through her burnout journey.

    [12:55] Char talks about how her husband's deployment was the catalyst for her to start her own business.

    [15:12] She took the time she needed to heal what needed to be healed.

    [16:13] She shares some final words with the audience.

    [18:32] Char discusses her business and what she does.

    [21:19] Thank you for being on the show!

    Links and Resources Connect with Char:

    The Providers DOO

    The CEO Doctors Podcast

    LinkedIn | Email

    3 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT A LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Join us for our Monthly Burnout Masterclass Series. Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • Through high school, college, medical school, residency, and beyond, we spend our lives being told what to think. But why do we think these things? Dr. Payton Fennell joins me to chat about his burnout and why he had to burn it all down to rise again.

    Payton is staring straight at the years that are meant to be his prime as a physician, but he doesn’t feel like he’s there. He went to school, got out and went to the Navy, and then came back home to begin working in sports medicine.

    Everything was going great, but he didn’t feel it.

    Instead of continuing on when everything felt off and wrong, he closed down his practice and spent a month in the wilderness. He needed the pause. He needed the time to get away and figure out what was going on in his head.

    You’re not meant to have it all figured out and gone are the days of coming out of residency, finding the perfect job, and staying there. Listen in to learn more about Payton and his story.

    “Fear is something that holds us back but it can also drive us.” Dr. Payton Fennell

    In this episode:

    [01:49] Welcome to the show, Dr. Payton!

    [01:59] His background and the journey to where he is now.

    [08:06] How fear can hold us back or drive us.

    [11:10] When his burnout started.

    [13:08] He made many changes during burnout but they didn’t really help.

    [14:43] Taking a pause, reading and journaling were important in getting through burnout.

    [16:26] “Your journey is your own, nobody can tell you what to do” is what he wants the listeners to take away from his story.

    [18:21] Thank you so much for being on the show!

    Links and Resources Connect with Payton:


    3 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT A LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Join us for our Monthly Burnout Masterclass Series. Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • Burnout is never innocuous but sometimes it can have much bigger health implications. Catherine Shearer is a personal injury attorney who from the outside had everything together. On the inside, however, it was a different story. Listen in to hear her burnout tale and what it took for her to get out of the deep dark pit.

    Catherine was killing it in her career. She was on every committee, took on every extra responsibility, and was rising through the ranks of her practice. But she was burning the candle at both ends and never felt like she could take a breath.

    Soon it was apparent that there was something truly wrong. She had no energy and she couldn’t focus. She went to the doctor, and after months of testing, it was determined that she had Hashimoto’s disease.

    She took great care to change her lifestyle and finally asked for the help that she needed. Now she’s still practicing but with the support she needs. She also started the Happy Lawyer Podcast to have conversations and share her wisdom and advice with other female lawyers.

    The number of female attorneys who leave the profession rather than ask for the help they need is staggering. She’s hoping to combat that by giving them the tools to ask for the support that will help them keep going.

    “Slowly and surely I was burning the candle at both ends and I couldn’t really stay above water anymore.” Catherine Shearer

    In this episode:

    [01:53] Welcome to the show, Catherine!

    [02:50] She shares her burnout story.

    [04:14] What burnout looked like from the outside.

    [05:34] Being diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder was one of the catalysts for change.

    [09:12] She believes a eureka moment caused a change.

    [10:28] Catherine discusses those who were instrumental in helping her make changes.

    [13:28] She talks about the accommodations she has made for herself.

    [16:50] Listen as she shares about The Happy Lawyer Podcast.

    [20:03] Thank you so much for being on the show!

    Links and Resources Connect with Catherine:

    The Happy Lawyer

    The Happy Lawyer Podcast


    3 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT A LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Join us for our Monthly Burnout Masterclass Series. Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • What do you do when you’re at the top of your game but feel unappreciated and as if your work isn’t valued? Fall into burnout. But then you pick yourself up, realize that your work is extremely valuable, and effect change in your specialty by becoming a physician coach. At least that’s what Laura Berenstain, M.D. has done as a pediatric cardiac anesthesiologist who now helps coach and mentor others!

    Laura was killing herself for her career. It took her husband raising his voice to her for the first time in their entire marriage for for her to realize something had to change.

    The demons on her shoulders of anger and depression were riding her hard and she knew she had to make a change. But she didn’t want to quit. She loved her job and her patients, she just needed something more.

    She now helps coaches and mentors women physicians and especially pediatric anesthesiologists and intensivists because there is such a need for them. Coaching has completely changed how she looks at her potential, and she wants that for others too.

    Listen in as Dr. Laura shares her story and how she's working to empower other women and change culture and systems in medicine.

    “For the first time in our relationship, he actually raised his voice to me and said you need to get out before this kills you.” Dr. Laura Berenstain

    In this episode:

    [01:53] Welcome to the show, Dr. Laura Berenstain!

    [02:15] Listen as Dr. Laura shares how her burnout presented itself.

    [03:00] What she believes her burnout looked like from the outside.

    [03:33] Hear about her background.

    [04:44] Dr. Laura discusses where she believes her anger came from.

    [05:29] It was a dark night of the soul moment that shook her up.

    [06:22] How she navigated her way out.

    [08:31] Learn about an initiative called the Women's Empowerment and Leadership Initiative.

    [09:49] “Mentorship goes both ways and is lifelong.”

    [11:21] What she means when she says ‘even when it seems it’s over it’s not.’

    [13:26] Find out where to connect with Dr. Laura.

    Links and Resources

    Women’s Empowerment and Leadership Initiative

    Connect with Laura:

    Laura Berenstain, MD

    LinkedIn | Twitter

    Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia: A Case-Based Approach by Dr. Laura K. Berenstain & James P. Spaeth.

    3 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT A LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Join us for our Monthly Burnout Masterclass Series. Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • Everyone experiences burnout differently. For Katrina McGhee it was a slow burn that left her totally crispy inside. After going to business school to start what she thought was her dream career, she realized it most certainly wasn’t.

    She kept pushing through and tried to stay optimistic, but things just kept getting worse and worse. There she was, in her early 30s, living a shell of the life she thought she’d have.

    That’s when she decided to make a change. She worked hard and paid off all of her debt, saved up a good chunk of money, quit her job, and hit the road. Instead of staying stuck, she set out to live the life she’d dreamed of.

    Now she helps others find their healing through taking sabbaticals. Getting out into the world and seeing things outside of her normal view helped her tremendously and she knows it can do the same for others.

    Listen as Katrina shares her story and gives us tips for taking our own sabbatical.

    “I really felt like my insides were crisping like they were just toasted. There wasn’t a lot to give to my own life to fill my own cup and there wasn't a lot to give to the world outside of me.” Katrina McGhee

    In this episode:

    [02:28] Welcome to the show, Katrina!

    [02:52] She shares her burnout story.

    [04:43] She talks about what she thinks people saw when they looked at her.

    [07:19] She discusses the rock bottom and eureka moments she had.

    [10:22] Listen as Katrina shares the next steps going forward out of burnout.

    [12:33] She talks about what she wants people to know after hearing her story.

    [14:54] Taking a pause is so important and don’t “should” all over yourself just take the pause.

    [17:00] Thank you for being on the show!

    Links and Resources Connect with Katrina:

    Katrina McGhee Coach

    Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook |

    3 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT A LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Join us for our Monthly Burnout Masterclass Series. Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • **TRIGGER WARNING - There is discussion about a period of time that includes sexual assault.**

    Despite making very good money in an industry that she’d always dreamed of being in, Cherry Tung was not happy. The reason for that could lie in the fact that the illusion of ethics and truth was shattered when someone in the industry drugged and raped her. Listen as she shares her story and what it took for her to create her own business to help more people find wealth.

    Cherry was raised by a very traditional Chinese family. The expectation was that she would go to school, get a good job, and build her portfolio over years. When the assault happened however she realized that the plan was flawed.

    She still got her degree and she even later worked in the industry at a different firm, but she soon had an epiphany. She didn’t want her boss's job. If she didn’t want to become the boss, what was she doing wasting her time there?

    Eventually she sought therapy and was diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety, and depression and was subsequently put on some very strong medications. Through therapy, working out, journaling and more she began to conquer her low self esteem and her wealth coaching business was born.

    Cherry’s story is extremely unique while at the same time being all too similar. Listen in to learn more.

    “I kept uploading videos on YouTube and Instagram just to feel alive but deep inside I was really broken.” Cherry Tung

    In this episode:

    [01:25] Welcome to the show, Cherry!

    [01:44] Listen as Cherry shares what her first burnout looked like.

    [04:08] When she was going through burnout, she hid it from her family.

    [05:23] Cherry talks about her second burnout.

    [07:45] Who helped her through the rough times.

    [09:20] How the journey has been since she went on leave.

    [10:50] She was fired when she went back to work.

    [12:08] Cherry discusses talking to a therapist, getting off her meds, and how being fired got her out of a dark place.

    [14:45] Where she is at now in her marvelously imperfect life.

    [16:39] Learn about her wealth coaching business.

    [18:14] If you want to avoid burnout you have to have some form of passive income.

    [19:53] Thank you so much for being on the show!

    Links and Resources Connect with Cherry:

    Cherry Tung Wealth Coach for 9 to 5 Employees

    Facebook | Instagram | Youtube

    3 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT A LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Join us for our Monthly Burnout Masterclass Series. Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • It’s only been in recent years that the impact of neurodiversity has been recognized as impacting work product and learning. Alex Gilbert was diagnosed with ADHD and Dyslexia at the age of 8 due to the persistence of her mother. Listen as she shares how her neurodiverse brain has contributed to her burnout.

    In Alex’s words, she’s been working harder and harder and harder to get things right, even though her extra work rarely provides the results she wants. Society hasn’t been designed with her in mind and her constant push to do and be more, directly contributed to her burnout.

    The constant need to do and be more however pushed her mental health to the brink. It took time, but she realized that leaning into her strengths was far more productive than worrying about the things she wasn’t good at.

    Now she’s a coach helping individuals to create proper coping mechanisms to deal with work and ADHD. She also consults for businesses looking to create more inclusive workplaces for those struggling with neurodiversity.

    Alex’s story is extremely inspirational. Get ready to learn what it means to truly lean into your strengths and find your purpose.

    “I have Dyslexia and ADHD and I’m always burnt out. I'm always burnt out because I’m trying something over and over and over again and trying to fit into a society that’s not made for me.” Alex Gilbert

    In this episode:

    [01:59] Welcome to the show, Alex!

    [02:16] Listen as Alex shares her story of burnout.

    [04:01] She speaks about being diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADHD at eight years old.

    [06:26] Women internalize a lot of things and never ask for help.

    [07:16] Alex discusses how her mental health has suffered over the years.

    [09:09] She shares about the people who have been instrumental in her journey.

    [11:30] She talks about what helped her realize she was unique and could solve problems in unique ways.

    [13:30] She speaks about where she is now in her journey.

    [15:53] Alex describes how she helps people who connect with her.

    [17:10] She shares what she wants the listeners to walk away with today.

    [17:44] Thank you for being on the show!

    Links and Resources Connect with Alex:

    Cape-Able Consulting

    Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn

    3 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT A LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Join us for our Monthly Burnout Masterclass Series. Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.
  • Staci Danford is a one of a kind mix of joy and neuroscience. She started her career as a teacher and after 25 years realized she needed a change. Listen as she shares her story and how she pulled herself out of the pit of burnout.

    As a teacher she was all in. She was dedicated to making sure her students got the absolute best of her and knew that they had someone in their corner. She always had the most exciting classroom and she spent much of her free time grading and providing feedback.

    All of this to the detriment of her home life. Her own kids didn’t get the same attention because she was so focused on her kids at school. After the demise of her marriage she knew she had to make some changes. But what should she do?

    A former student of hers gave her the motivation to go back to school and become an educational neuroscientist. She’d always loved everything about the brain and now she studies it!

    Her story is amazing and I loved how she came out of burnout a stronger woman. Listen in to hear it all and get your dose of positivity and joy.

    “If you don’t start living for you, no one is going to do it for you.” Staci Danford

    In this episode:

    [02:20] Welcome to the show Staci!

    [02:34] She shares the kind of Neuroscientist she is.

    [03:20] Listen as Staci discusses her burnout story.

    [06:22] She talks about how one of her students was the catalyst for learning what gratitude does for the brain.

    [08:28] Staci believes that pausing and appreciating the little things that make you happy and gives you constant joy.

    [09:44] She shares some advice for anyone listening that might be going through burnout.

    [11:28] “Joy is your job.”

    [11:42] Learn how to connect with Staci.

    [12:28] Thank you for being on the show!

    Links and Resources Connect with Staci:

    The Grateful Brain

    Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

    3 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Join us for our Monthly Burnout Masterclass Series. Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.