The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe Buck Nelson’s repeat encounters with a group of extraterrestrials. Buck and his dog Ted would even travel with the aliens to the Moon, Mars and Venus, the trinity of space travel. Buck learnt of the history of humanity but Buck was powerless to use this information so instead, Buck started himself a little alien festival and wrote him a booklet. Do we have any proof of Buck’s encounters? Tune in to find out as we ask ourselves… What the Buck?
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kōji Kondō.
Chasing UFO’s: https://chasingufosblog.com/2020/06/23/buck-nelson-and-the-downhome-visitors-from-venus/
Scribd copy of Buck’s booklet My Trip to Mars, the Moon and Venus: https://www.scribd.com/document/90648001/Buck-Nelson-My-Trip-to-Mars-the-Moon-and-Venus
Ozarks Alive: https://www.ozarksalive.com/stories/2iepyyzyl2rk6jkohdpf633ftjaaoc
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe Mrs A. Dolphijn’s 1973 experiences whereby Ann saw not one, not two, but three extraterrestrials out of her window alongside a red ball of sorts. Were these really aliens, or could they have been engineers or partygoers? The answer is aliens, obviously. But can you trust a dolphin? Also, how do you get in to CUFOS? All that and more on this episode.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com and via Purple Planet at www.purpleplanet.com - thank you most kindly good people.
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The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe the water beasty allegedly truthfully prowling the depths of Lake Champlain. This beast had been witnessed around 200 times by the 1990’s and evidence was so legitimate that a law was passed protecting the monster. What evidence do we have, we hear you ask… Echolocation! This monster has been seen HAULING A$$. All that and more on this week’s file.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com - thank you most kindly good people.
Lake Champlain Region: https://www.lakechamplainregion.com/heritage/champ
Religion News article on the 2024 Bulwagga Bay sighting: https://religionnews.com/2024/10/25/champ-americas-loch-ness-monster-spotted-in-drone-footage-from-filmmakers/
Skeptical Inquirer article: https://skepticalinquirer.org/exclusive/lake-lsquomonsterrsquo-resurfaces/
YouTube Bulwagga Bay Champie Footage: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkpzfqlt3PI
Affolter 2005 footage: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cryptozoology/comments/y05c7b/the_publicly_available_segment_of_the_mostly_lost/
BiteSized Paranormal video on echolocation: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U83gAUVXRJI
Daily Mail article on echolocation at Lake Champlain: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2834423/amp/Does-Nessie-COUSIN-Audio-recordings-reveal-evidence-underwater-monster-Vermont.html
Documentary Channel documentary with sightings: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a5ORlAZG2Gc
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe 1949 events concerning one Roland Doe. Or is that Robbie Mannheim? Or was it actually in fact Ronald Edwin Hunkeler? Roland was born on the 01/06/1930 to a German Lutheran family and his life took a turn towards the dark when his play buddy aunt Harriet passed away. Harriet had allegedly introduced Roland to the occult and early in 1949 strange things begun manifesting through Roland. We are taking unexplained scratches, flying items, moving beds - the works. This case has been documented in the diary of a priest - holy evidence! Fortunately, many holy folk were on hand to held the family and a great battle may have ensued. Was it a one demon possession? Ten demons? A case of difficult mental health? All of the above? Roswell? These events went on to inspire famous book and movie The Exorcist. Alongside that, we ponder whether the fate of the universe could be decided on a game of Tiddlywinks… All that and more on this week’s file.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com - thank you most kindly good people.
All That is Interesting: https://allthatsinteresting.com/roland-doe-the-exorcist-true-story
Saint Louis University article entitled Exorcism Expose: https://www.slu.edu/universitas/archive/2014/exorcism.php
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe the events of 1940 Gateshead whereby an absolutely reliable five year old witnessed the death of an alien. Death, via shovel. The five year old was chased by this alien you see dear probers but the uncle of the witness, protected the witness via devastating shovel strike. That witness was Robert Hall, a man who searched for answers many years later. Prior to the shovel strike, Robert had witnessed all many of extraterrestrial entities during a soldier parade of sorts and Robert was a victim of alien abduction. All that and more on this week’s file.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com - thank you most kindly good people. During the episode you also may have heard a snippet of the ‘Inside the Castle Walls’ song from Nintendo’s 1996 Super Mario 64 from the Nintendo 64, composed by Hero of Sound Kōji Kondō.
Streets of Silence summary: https://streetofsilence.com/1940-alien-encounter-in-england-the-gateshead-grey/
Northern Echo article: https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/opinion/leader/9104870.alien-killed-coal-shovel/
YouTube video ‘Gateshead Grey’ via Rich Planet Starship: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dBJ5kbkC_6E
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe an anonymous person with a case of the Hayley’s in that they were seeing dead people. Or were they? Were the entities actually aliens? Can crystals protect from dark energy? All that and more, although probably not, in this episode. Yeah, that’s about it.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com and via Purple Planet at www.purpleplanet.com - thank you most kindly good people.
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe a possible UFO and alien or ghost encounter on the 1960’s streets of Saltwood, Kent, in the United Kingdom. Four honourable friends (well one of them was particularly honourable) were heading home one evening when they saw an orb in the sky which may have been a spacecraft but that isn’t even the shocking part. What the friends saw next, was incredible. This thing, was like a half bat, half human. Batman? Half-Bat? Bat-Slice! This Bat-Slice waddled but it didn’t waddle away, waddle waddle… Would the police intervene or would another honourable and trustworthy character have to step in to prove this case? Logic! Evidence… All that and more on this week’s file.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kōji Kondō.
Cryptid Fandom: https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Bat_Beast_of_Kent
Readly: https://gb.readly.com/magazines/fortean-times/2023-11-30/65619b8ec43d2c64c1e8daab
The Skeptic: https://www.skeptic.org.uk/2024/06/the-bat-beast-of-kent-mysterious-figure-spooks-four-at-sandling-railway-station/
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe events at the Base Aérea de Talavera la Real aka the Talavera la Real Air Base in Badajoz, in the Southwest of Spain. A couple of soldiers were out for a patrol aka walk and made the questionable decision to split up. When they did, things started to get strange. First, there was a whistle. Then, a dog got spooked and not only spooked but sick. Following that, something appeared and this something may just have been otherworldly. The soldiers did what soldiers would be expected to do but did this encounter leave any evidence behind? All that and more on this week’s file.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kōji Kondō.
Cryptidz Fandom article: https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Badajoz_UFO_Creature
UFO AC research group article: https://ufoac.com/the-badajoz-ufo-incident.html
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe a mythological creature almost Pokemon-esque in original description but were the locals of Solomon Island mistaking a technological creation for that of nature? One man would come to know the truth, though Marius Boirayon also isn’t entirely sure. Also, what the F are Wombles? All that and more on this wonderful episode…
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com and via Purple Planet at www.purpleplanet.com - thank you most kindly good people.
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe sightings of a legendary beast in the San Antonio area of Texas dating back allegedly to the 1800’s. The donkey lady has a grim origin involving either murder or arson and murder. Either way, the donkey lady has been seeking revenge ever since and the internet is rife with sightings. It’s not entirely clear as to whether this is someone resembling a donkey or someone who has been combined with a donkey. In the early 2000’s you could actually give the Donkey Lady a telephone call. But is she real? All that and more on this week’s file.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com - thank you most kindly good people. There was a segment from 1998 Nintendo 64 classic Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time entitled Legend of Hyrule composed by Hero of Sound Kōji Kondō. We closed out the episode with another Kōji-composed classic, the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
KSAT Donkey Lady Origin article: https://www.ksat.com/sa-live/2017/10/25/south-texas-haunted-folklore-the-tale-of-the-donkey-lady/
Texas Hills Country history article by Anna Hedges (31/08/2022): https://texashillcountry.com/donkey-lady-bridge-san-antonio/
Weird US: The Legend of the Donkey Lady article: http://www.weirdus.com/states/texas/local_legends/donkey_lady_bridge/
Creepy Pasta: https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Donkey_Lady
San Antonio Report article on Donkey Lady haunting phone lines: https://sanantonioreport.org/the-donkey-lady-a-san-antonio-legend-now-haunts-the-phone-lines/
Donkey Lady hotline (we don’t know if this still works): 210-960-3826
For years we've discussed dropping the Side Probe from the archives where we met a penis in a jar and now the time has come... For the ears of all, here is that historic episode where we probe Rasputin. Oh my, there is a lot to get through here and we brought it all to you in a single extended episode. The rumours say that Rasputin was a man of paranormal abilities but was he really? We establish that the Tsar or Czar, Nicolas (the Second) Romanov, had a regal moustache before diving straight in to Rasputin’s origin story. What is it about Rasputin’s eyes? Was Nickelodeon around in the early 1900’s? Or had the miracle healing powers of Rugrats plasters not been invented yet? Did you know that Rasputin actually changed his name? You’ll never believe what to as it’s such a big departure from Rasputin but why did he do it? Unfortunately, eventually, Rasputin would one day discover that with great power comes great responsibility. Once he did, where did Rasputin’s dick supposedly end up? All that and more on this episode from the archives. Sorry about the sound quality...
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com - thank you most kindly good people.
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe our most mischievous but kind of pointless festive trouble-makers yet, the Christmas Goblins. Known in ancient antiquity such as ancient greek culture as Kallikantzaros, these things have been rodeo’ing strangers and weeing on flowerbeds in between trying to cause the end of the world. For millennia. But can we find any evidence of their existence? What if we told you that we can? Allegedly. Truthfully. If you were born on one of the twelve days of Christmas, you just might turn in to one of these creatures. Unless someone singed your toes as a baby… All that and more on this week’s episode.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kōji Kondō.
Archaeology dot com: https://www.archaeology.wiki/blog/2016/04/01/the-goblins-kαλικάντζαροι-of-the-twelve-days-of-christmas/
Argophilia: https://www.argophilia.com/news/kallikantzaroi-greek-christmas-goblins/232499/amp/
Hannah Fielding: https://hannahfielding.net/goblins-of-greek-folklore/
Boxing Day Wrecking Spree of 2020 via Edinburgh News: https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/disgusting-boxing-day-vandals-went-on-vehicle-wrecking-spree-in-musselburgh-3079519
The Five Bus Stop Spree of Moorthorpe via Wakefield Express: https://www.wakefieldexpress.co.uk/news/five-bus-stops-on-single-road-mindlessly-vandalised-in-boxing-day-rampage-176184
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe a red light in the sky above Nanesti, Romania, witnessed by many. But also not captured by any. Was this a military device or spy technology, or was this of extraterrestrial origin? It was accompanied by a power cut. Does that make it more or less likely to be of extraterrestrial origin? Do you believe in ASFAN? All that and more on this episode.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com and via Purple Planet at www.purpleplanet.com - thank you most kindly good people.
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe an alleged encounter with a family of Bigfoot. Sasquatch. Saggy’s we mean Sassy’s. Yes this is the Sassy Saga Part 3. Albert Ostman went for a holiday at the picturesque and isolated Toba Inlet in British Columbia in 1924. Albert didn’t bank on getting abducted by a tribe of Bigfoot during his holiday though! Albert was held captive for several days but it turns out that Bigfoot like snuff a little too much… Albert kept quiet about his encounter for 24 years before finally coming clean with his story when Albert was in his fifties. Was Albert believable? Alongside that, this case uncovers that Bigfoot wear utility belts… All that and more on this week’s probe.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kōji Kondō.
New York Times reproduction of the 1924 Albert Ostman story: https://www.nytimes.com/1974/01/20/archives/stalking-the-sasquatch-its-hard-to-prove-that-something-even-a.html
Sasquatch Alberta Albert Ostman summary: https://sasquatchalberta.com/classic-encounters/albert-ostmans-abduction/
Green, John. (1978) Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us. British Columbia, Canada: Hancock House.
British Columbia summary of Toba Inlet: https://britishcolumbia.com/plan-your-trip/regions-and-towns/vancouver-coast-mountains/toba-inlet/
Squatch Stories YouTube summary: https://youtu.be/1J9eUQyIFMo?si=NDSf6TOZl9gAsLBE
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe the famously little known Rockville alien sightings of May 1969. Not just one alien either. Not even just two. We are talking three aliens. Three damnit! Not only did Mike Luczkowich see these creatures and find tracks at a later date but there was a further witness who saw a UFO mere moments earlier. Legitimate evidence! Is this Maryland, Virginia’s most legitimate case ever? I mean sure, it probably isn’t but it could be. Are the cases of aliens wearing overalls too numerous to doubt at this point? More importantly, did Mike get some? Alongside that we ponder who the biggest Funko Popper is? All that and more on this week’s file.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kōji Kondō.
Before It’s News: https://m.beforeitsnews.com/paranormal/2014/05/alien-close-encounter-in-rockville-virginia-2468676.html
Skylook (MUFON) Issue 93 page 7: https://dailydialectics.com/space/MUFON/MUFON%20UFO%20Journal%20-%201975%208.%20August%20-%20Skylook.pdf
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe three related yet unrelated disappearances. Including reappearance. But those reappearances were several hundred miles away, instantly. Yes. Three people in recent provable unproved history have disappeared and reappeared many, many miles away. Alongside that, as it’s Kev’s birthday, Mr Moonwalker once again gives Kev the choice, Mr Moonwalker, never, had. All that and more on this episode.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com and via Purple Planet at www.purpleplanet.com - thank you most kindly good people.
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe an alleged alien invasion in New Mexico. We are talking Independence Day levels of invasion here. Not one, none two, but more than five hundred UFO’s, allegedly. Were the military involved? Or can space science explain this one way? It’s not easy to science this one off when the crafts were moving independently of each other, witnessed by hundreds of people as they headed for a head-on collision and then changed direction. Yup. All that and more on this weeks episode.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com and via Purple Planet at www.purpleplanet.com - thank you most kindly good people.
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe Mr Fritz, a potentially haunted, or possessed ventriloquist doll from the era of World War Two. Billy Booth was a US soldier sadly killed towards the end of the war, just before the Prisoner of War camp Billy was captured within was liberated. Billy, a former children’s entertainer, had brought a little light relief to the camp with his ventriloquist act and to keep his memory alive, Billy’s friends sent Billy’s doll Mr Fritz to Billy’s family after they were free. The doll was freaky as sh!t and ended up being passed from owner to owner before ending up in the hands of a magician who knew how to limit the dolls now otherworldly activity for you see, Mr Fritz, continued to move by himself. It’s been said that this tale holds the most legitimate evidence of paranormal activity ever discovered. Because we said it. All that and more on this week’s file.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kōji Kondō.
Dan Blaine’s blog: http://www.danbaines.com/blog/the-disturbing-tale-of-mr-fritz-the-haunted-ventriloquist-dummy-of-stalag-iib/15/10/2019
Dan Baines’ YouTube link: https://youtu.be/vNe3tCdKG9o
Back up YouTube link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6p3hXH1xBNQ
Mirror Newspaper article: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/haunting-moment-second-world-war-20648629
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe the David Lang disappearance of 1880 Tennessee. Th 23rd of September 1880 had been a hard morning on David Lang’s farm. It would get even harder for the rest of the family after Judge August Peck visited with his brother in law Mr Wade because no sooner had the gentlemen arrived than David Lang quite literally vanished in to thin air. Yes, David Lang basically blipped out of existence. He was there then he wasn’t. Was David a Victorian era magician? Was this an alien abduction? Did David slip in to some kind of pit or cavern? Did David step on a fairy and live to regret it? Or was this all an elaborate plan to escape family life on the farm? There’s also the possibility that this never happened at all, sure, but we have evidence. Limited evidence. Including an alleged statement of truth from one of the witnesses… Alongside the case we ponder… Can horses sense disturbances in the cow force? How does time travel freaking work, exactly? All that and more on this week’s file.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kōji Kondō.
Anomaly: http://anomalyinfo.com/Stories/1880-september-23-mystery-david-lang
Hoaxes org archive: http://hoaxes.org/archive/permalink/the_disappearance_of_david_lang/#google_vignette
Rick Robinson’s NOW article on dimensions in the universe: https://now.northropgrumman.com/how-many-dimensions-are-there-in-the-universe#
The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe many, many events at Nellis Air Force Base including a video that has left Greybeard’s mind blown. There have been UFO’s and swarms of UFO’s seen in this area but are they extraterrestrial in origin? Or are they military? All that and more, or possibly less, in this episode.
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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com and via Purple Planet at www.purpleplanet.com - thank you most kindly good people.
The Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mWzhW390KQ&t=1s
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