
  • Envoy: A life of Ambition'.🔥🔥
    We learned fundamentally about two important questions that must be answered if we are to understand purpose.
    1. What is worth living for?
    2. ⁠What is worth dying for?
    And in answering these questions, we learned that whatever is worth living for, is also worth dying for, which births purpose.
    For us as Christians, we should believe the radical idea that death is gain. Philippians 1:21
    Here are some more notable points from this sermon;
    📌 Living a life of purpose is not easy, and you'll need to step out of your comfort zone to follow God fully.
    📌 When you excel at what God created you to do, you're glorifying Him.
    📌 Purpose will require grit, ambition, and audacity from you.
    📌You must be brave at what God has called you to do and stop being obsessed with self-preservation.
    As we step into this week, let us take practical steps to live for Christ, being ambitious for a selfless cause with the talents and gifts God has given us.🤗🤗

  • Purpose 101.
    He explained that purpose refers to the reason why we were created.He went on to give us four principles of purpose from the book of Genesis Chapter 1:
    📍 There is a sun before the sun: God wants us to understand that purpose comes first. Purpose takes preeminence over everything else. (Genesis 1:5)
    📍 God is man's source: When God wanted to create man, He spoke to Himself, signifying that God is the root of our existence. If you live without God, you live life like the living dead. (Genesis 1:26)
    📍 Man's first day is the Sabbath: God wants us to work from a place of rest. (Ephesians 2:8)
    📍 Man is the image of God: Being called the image of God does not necessarily have anything to do with physical appearance but more with our function because God is spirit. This tells us that as believers, we are ambassadors of Christ, and everything we do, we do on His behalf. (2 Corinthians 5:18-20)He concluded by mentioning some signs that show we are walking in purpose:
    ✍🏾 The commitment of God to what you are doing.
    ✍🏾 Nobody can take from you what you obtained by consecration and sustained by altars because he whom God has blessed, no man can curse.
    ✍🏾 When consecration makes you, you are made, and no one can unmake you.

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  • Envoy: An Exceptional Life.”🔥🔥
    He emphasized that purpose is a double-edged sword, providing clarity and direction while also setting boundaries. Matthew 15:24
    Here are some key points from the sermon;
    📌Purpose tells you what you must do and what you must not.
    📌Purpose determines your boundaries. John 6:35
    📌 Even when you know your purpose, waiting is essential. It’s important to wait for the right time, and discipline is required.
    📌 Not every passion deserves your attention.
    📌 Avoid pushing yourself prematurely into your future.
    📌 Purpose defines and establishes boundaries.
    📌 The church must protect its purpose and avoid straying from its primary calling Galatians 3:28, 1 Corinthians 1:22-23

  • Explore: Understanding the Scriptures.’ 🔥🔥
    He emphasized three main points, namely:
    📍 Proper Bible interpretation is spiritual warfare.
    📍 You need a teacher.
    📍 Interpretation is necessary.
    On proper Bible interpretation as spiritual warfare, here are a few points to note:
    - When it comes to warfare, the primary warfare in the Word of God is the battle of the mind.
    - Knowledge is a powerful weapon of war. 2 Corinthians 2:11
    - The devil will try to outwit you and catch you unawares.
    - How you know you're under attack is when culture begins to change your perspective on what the word of God says.
    - There must be a defense system to guard your heart because the devil is trying to fight there too. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
    - Anything that makes you change your opinion about what God says is warfare.
    On the point that you need a teacher, note the following:
    - We need more people with the humility of the Ethiopian eunuch and teachers like Philip. Acts 8:29-31
    - The Holy Spirit guides in corroboration to ensure what we hear is the truth.
    - He gives us teachers who teach didactically. 2 Timothy 2:2
    - We need faithful men who will teach faithfully to all men.
    On the point that interpretation is necessary, note the following:
    - It takes intentionality to interpret the Bible.
    - The Bible must be rightly interpreted, as there is a wrong way to interpret it.4 Cs in Bible Interpretation:
    📍 Context: Every text you read in the Bible was written to a particular people at a particular time, so to understand it, you must understand the underlying principle in all generations.
    📍 Culture: Romans 16:16
    The word of God as it applies culturally should be applied. This is where interpretation comes in.
    📍 Communication (Language): John 3:16, 1 John 4:9, 1 John 4:11
    📍 Christ: The most important key for interpreting the Bible. Matthew 1:20-22, Acts 2:2-17
    - The New Testament is a commentary on the Old Testament.
    - How to unlock your Bible study is by looking at all the Old Testament quotes in the New Testament and going back to read them in context.

    Text: Phil 2:5, Matt 20:26, Phil 2:9-10, John 6:33, Ezekiel 22:30.
    📌 If you want to image Christ, make your life about purpose, not about status.
    📌 Your yardstick for measuring prosperity should be based on how much you have done for God.
    📌 The paradox of God is that it is those who are poor in Spirit that inherit the kingdom of God. Only those who seek God find all things.
    📌 In the kingdom, greatness is measured in service.
    📌 Giving and generosity is God's, but you must make no mistake to be entitled.
    📌 One of the paradox of life is that God uplifts the humble and resists the proud.
    Your personal needs cannot be the epic center of your Christian life.
    📌 You can't grow in God's kingdom unless you look beyond yourself.
    📌 It is consecration to get to the point where you can live without all the needs you can meet (Matt 4:4).
    📌 Your purpose on earth is to image Christ (Luke 11:2, Mark 10:45, Phil 2:5, Matt 6:33, 7:7)
    📍 Possession is not a valuable as significance. You only save what is scarce.
    📌 When you attain significance , you can get possession in one day.
    📌 The bread that God give is Christ (John 6:33)
    📍 Psalms 23 teaches us about the priority of Salvation plan of God.
    📌 The moment you follow your God-given purpose, some things follow you naturally (Phil 2:9)

    TOPIC: Who do you image? Understanding delegated authority
    TEXT: Eph 3:14
    MINISTERING: Apostle Emmanuel Iren
    Part of the privilege of theology is to start learning what you cannot finish knowing. The greatness of God surpasses knowledge. There is something about the natural creation that gives us an idea of the greatness of God.
    (Eph 3:19)
    Holiness means excellence, something that stands out, indescribable. (Exo 15:11)
    ➡️How do we know what is beyond knowing
    📌Anthropomorphic attributes
    To know God, God must step down and reach out to us primarily by the incarnation of God in flesh and by anthro attributes. (Dan 9:18)
    📌Theomorphic attributes
    This is simply the conception of something in form of a deity. There are some things God put on earth to explain his greatness (Psalm 19:1-2)
    God is the sun
    📍God gives illumination (Psalm 84:11)
    He is the sun in his light we see every other thing, God’s light is our perspective in life. Through him we see everything else especially as believers in a world of several opinions and voices
    📍God is good
    Light is a metaphor for good (I John 1:5) When we call him the light we see his goodness. He does not orchestrate pain or evil, he does not tempt us with sickness, any study that contradicts his goodness is done right. (Rom 15:3)
    📍God is consistent
    He never changes. People changes everyday and so our hope is only in him. (Jas 1:17)
    📍(Psalm 19:6)
    God is self sufficient
    ➡️If God is the sun then we are moons (John 1:1-9)
    It is your destiny to image a spirit, God wants to beam his light through you to a degree that anyone that comes near you sees him through you.
    ➡️The sonship of Christ
    The same way Jesus images the father, we image God. We live as ambassadors of Christ (2 Cor 5:20)
    Every where we go we go on Christ’s behalf. We are called to defend the interest of God on this earth.
    You are blessed to be a blessing not to oppress or impress.
    You are destined to project if you don’t project God you would project something else (Gen 3: lol mlj
    ➡️To image God i
    Look beyond yourself Heb 26
    Side with the purpose of God
    Be compassionate and be sensitive
    Your wealth should be measured by your contribution and not your possessions.
    ➡️What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ and what resources back you?
    (Psalm 82:1)
    📌Everyone sent on behalf of God, they present themselves as though it was God.
    📌God like to delegate authority.
    📌God likes to show off his greatness in his sons.
    📌When anyone in the name of God goes they can make decrees in the name of God.
    📌You cannot stop a man aligned to God.
    📌When you go where God sent you, you are a God in that place.
    📌When God sends you it is as though God went.

  • Explore: The Inspiration of Scripture.
    He introduced the sermon by highlighting the importance of understanding what we believe and being able to defend it.
    The Bible is inspired by two key ways:
    📌 God chose the writers of the Bible, handpicking each one to share His message with the world.
    📌 God provided divine direction, guiding the lives of every author in the Bible to ensure they wrote His words without error.We also learned that the Canon of the Word of God started with God Himself writing the first words. That is, the ten commandments God gave to the children of isreal. (Exodus 32:16).
    Over time, more inspired writings were added by various prophets and leaders (Joshua 24:25-27, Jeremiah 6:16, Hosea 8:12, Zephaniah 3:4).
    One of the ways to tell that the Word of God is reliable is by using the same principles that prove other ancient texts, such as:
    📌 Time Gap Analysis: By examining the time between when the words were spoken and when the first manuscripts were written, we can assess their accuracy.
    📌 Manuscript Quantity: The vast number of manuscripts available today shows that the Bible has been carefully preserved over time.

  • EXPLORE: The Purpose of Scriptures” 🔥🔥
    He emphasized that the Bible doesn't just tell us what to do but also how to do it. We learnt that we as Christians should have an athletic commitment to devotion even much more than athletes being so devoted to receiving corruptible awards.
    Here are a few things to note about being devoted to the word;
    1. We must honour the word and prioritize it in our lives. 2 Thessalonians 3:1.
    2. We must grow in the word and allow the word of God to grow in our lives. Acts 19:20.
    3. The word of God can prevail. It can conquer opposition in our lives and gain pre-eminence. 2 Corinthians 10:5.
    4. We must learn to defend what we believe, and to do this, we have to dig into the word and study it.
    We ought to give the word of God its rightful place in our hearts. The word of God and God are inseparable. Revelation 19:13, Psalm 107:20.
    As we step into this new week, let us prioritize God's word and allow it to influence our lives.🤗🤗
    Remember that church attendance without transformation is not God's will for you.

  • Believers’ Authority IV

    Here are a few points from the sermon:
    Guiding Laws on Believers’ Authority is a matter of legality (1 Kings 18:38, NKJV).
    📍 There are some things that remove you from God’s protection, and unforgiveness is one of them. It makes you vulnerable to attack.
    📍 Do not dishonour those whom God has called. Avoid constant disobedience towards God-ordained authority.
    📍 Sexual perversion still has consequences. Be mindful of what you allow into your life through your eyes. Set boundaries for yourself.

  • Recharge 🔥🔥
    There are two lessons we can learn from the creation story. ✨
    📌 Priority. Mark 2:27.
    On Priority, here are a few things to note;
    - Everything had a reason for being created.
    - By the order of creation, you see a crescendo that points to priority.
    - You must value your rest in God above all things. Revelations 4:11.
    - You were created for God so you must therefore prioritise him.
    - Seeking first is a heart matter. Matthew 6:33.
    - In order of priority whose opinion are you seeking the most? It is never a waste of time to prioritize God.
    📌 Systems.
    On Systems, here are a few things to note;
    - Everything God did, He never had to do again.
    - Systems are more powerful than discipline.
    - To build good habits, depend on systems, not discipline. Galatians 6:1.
    - Learn to use your money to create more systems.
    - Delegation is a system. Acts 6:4.What does building systems look like?
    - Attending a serious church
    - Choosing your friends wisely
    - Joining a service unit
    Learn to ask yourself these probing questions.
    - What is the system for my devotion?
    - When and where is my prayer time?
    - What systems have I put in place to ensure no matter what happens I can re-arrange your steps? Galatians 6:8.

  • Believers’ Authority III

    Here are a few points from the sermon:
    Guiding Laws on Believers’ Authority is a matter of legality (1 Kings 18:38, NKJV).
    📍 There are some things that remove you from God’s protection, and unforgiveness is one of them. It makes you vulnerable to attack.
    📍 Do not dishonour those whom God has called. Avoid constant disobedience towards God-ordained authority.
    📍 Sexual perversion still has consequences. Be mindful of what you allow into your life through your eyes. Set boundaries for yourself.

  • Regaining spiritual form.
    Genesis1. Before you create anything, you must create infrastructure to sustain it. Atmospheres before activities. Whatever spiritual experience you want to encounter, you must create the discipline to activate the atmosphere.
    Galatians6:7 The realm of the spirit works with investment. You are not beyond the principles that protect your vulnerabilities. Sobriety will protect you from being vulnerable to the devices of the enemy. One of the marks of maturity is that you have mastered the fundamentals. You have the childlike attitude of always beginning your day with Him. Hebrews5:13-14
    There is a process for temptation, it grows gradually. So let your alarm go off immediately you begin to nurse the idea, not when you have committed the act. There are aspects of spiritual growth where we don’t remain a child, and there are some places where we must remain a child. It is not childishness, it is childishness.

    GET UP: Regaining Spiritual Form
    📌 Aspects of spiritual devotion that make us childlike.
    * Excitement. Psalm 122:1. You know you’re in trouble when you’re not as excited as you used to be. You must watch and guard your excitement.
    * Attention. Proverbs 4:20. John 15:5. Exodus 33:15. Anything you’d rather do than wait on God has become an idol. God must be able to interrupt your work. Create the balance in your life. Put God in your schedule and prioritize him.
    * Conviction. A child believes what his parent says. Embrace the word of God as the final authority over everything. God said it, I believe it na that settles it.
    * Humility. Mark 10:13. One way to know you’re receiving the kingdom is your attitude to correction. You cannot grow until you stop avoiding corrections.

  • Believer's Authority II

    God wasn’t trying to help the Israelites escape. He wanted to humble Pharoah. To effectively exert your authority as a believer, you must first understand the God that’s on your side.
    God wanted to expose Pharoah’s frailty and prove to his people that he was just a man Exodus 11:4-11, Exodus 12:40-41. The contest between God and Pharoah wasn’t close. The book of Exodus wasn’t just about an exodus but also about establishing God’s unequivocal power and authority overall.The devil is not the factor, and as a child of God, you have the right to live like he doesn’t exist. Bondage has a lot to do with ignorance. A curse can only rest where there’s a vacancy. If there’s already a blessing, a curse can not stand Numbers 23:23-25. The blessing of God has a self-protecting measure.
    Natural laws of seasons apply, but there’s a blessing that’s not tied to any geographical area Deuteronomy 28:1-3;8;13.
    Biological laws apply, but there’s something more. It takes more than hard work to rise, It’s a blessing Deuteronomy 28:24.

  • Airplane: When I Don’t Feel Connected to God. 🔥
    He emphasized that there is no other way to do Christianity. You’re either serious or an imposter.
    Here are a few things to note:
    - When we observe your emotions, we must see that no one commands your chief joy except the Lord.
    - When you pray, pray well. This is one simple hack to change your walk with God.
    - In prayer, the posture of your heart matters. There is a type of prayer that gets the job done. (1 Peter 5:8)
    - Learn to spot the enemy. (1 Thessalonians 5:6-8)
    - You must be vigilant. (Titus 2:1-6)
    - It is not enough to come to church and join worship. Ensure there is a divine glow in you.
    Two Reasons Why People Are Not Growing Spiritually
    - No goal in mind: To stay vibrant, you must see your ministry to others. (Ephesians 4:11-12 & 16)
    - They do not have a process: You must create a system. Make sure you’re doing something about your walk with God daily. Set strict structures and systems.
    No matter how much you’ve been sleeping, you can wake up because you have an advantage in Christ. ✨

  • When I don’t feel close to God
    Symptoms can sometimes be 50/50. We can feel something and be wrong about it. Feelings are not always a true determinants of things.
    What to do when you don’t feel close to God:
    1. Gaze on the constant nature of God. Jam1:17
    Regardless of what you feel or what’s going on in your life, God is always constant. You might feel far from Him but He isn’t. Ps139:7-12, Eph2:4-8
    2. Feast on your knowledge of God. Your feelings don’t matter as much as His nature. In difficult times, remember the goodness of God.
    Matt26:38-39, Phil4:6
    2.Take your emotions to the place of prayer.
    4. Examine yourself 2cor13:5,7:8-10, matt27:2-5
    Deny ungodliness and worldly lust. Its sin to not call yourself forgiven when He calls you forgiven. Never submit to the emotions above His leading.
    5. Submit your emotions to the word. 2cor10:5, Phil4:8
    6. Embrace grace
    7. Exercise yourself unto godliness
    You’ll work more in power if you prayed. Heb12:12-13, Isa43:2

  • Regulate Your Emotions’. 🔥
    He emphasized that soul maintenance is one of the yardsticks for measuring spiritual growth (2 Timothy 2:15-16).
    Here are key points to note from the service:
    - In spiritual growth, learn what to emphasize and de-emphasize (Philippians 4:8-9).
    - It is part of your spiritual growth to master how to handle distractions.
    - You must not have an opinion on everything.
    - You can be intentional about what you think. Not everything deserves your attention.
    - Forgetting is part of spiritual growth (Philippians 3:12-13).
    - You can change your focus and priority. If you care too much about what people think, you haven't grown (Colossians 3:1-2).

    What you should know:
    - Temptation is common to all men.
    - Happiness must be a choice (Hebrews 12:1-2).
    As we step into this new week, remember to set your gaze on Christ and choose to magnify God in the face of trials.

  • The Believer’s Authority

    We can connect the workings of the Gifts of the Spirit with the miraculous display of God’s power at the initial stage of the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. 1Cor 12:1-7
    Important Things to Note;
    📌In paganism, every idol is a specialist, there is a god for everything (e.g., fertility, war, commerce, etc) There are a plethora of different spirits and powers working together.
    📌In Christianity, there is only one God who is diverse in power. Divers works, same Spirit.
    📌In paganism they don’t have an omnipotent god but in Christianity, we have an omnipotent God.
    Things to note about the gods of Egypt;
    📌 There is no single creator of all, they depend on a different plethora of powers.
    📌 Their gods were not personal gods, they didn't care.
    📌 The Egyptians believed that the gods were behind natural disasters.

    The aim of all of God’s miraculous works in Egypt was not to help the children of Israel escape, He wanted to prove to the Egyptians that there is one Almighty God, not a plethora of powers.
    He did this by;
    📌displaying all the specialties of all their powers in one God. Exo 9:24
    📌demonstrating controlled power, (controlled outcome); the disasters were only happening in the Egyptian camp, Goshen was excluded. Exo 9:7
    📌Precision; all the plagues started when Moses said they would start and ended when he said they would end. Exo 8:9-10
    Who is the God of the Bible?
    1. He's a personal God, He genuinely cares for you.
    2. He's a good and kind God.
    3. He's the God of all creation.

  • Faithful Steward 🔥🔥
    He established fundamentally that when it comes to financial stewardship, the most important thing is the alignment of the heart with our actions.
    So, this helps us see that generosity is not just about what you have or don’t have but a thing of the heart. 2 Corinthians 9:7.
    Here are some notable points to note from this sermon;
    - When it comes to generosity, there are weightier matters, and a heart matter is a weightier matter.
    - ⁠We must recognize that all we have comes from God. God is our source and hence, we can give back to him as a result of this consciousness.
    (Leviticus 19:23-25)
    - ⁠We ought to recognize that we are where we are by God’s grace, and not by our abilities. (Deuteronomy 8:11-18)
    - ⁠We should remember the source of our resources and prioritize our spending accordingly.
    - ⁠God can bring supernatural advantage, divine leading, creative miracles, and divine protection, leading to financial blessings.

  • Financial Stewardship: Welfare
    He emphasized that there are times and seasons in this world. It is our duty as believers to build capacity and work hard. Genesis 8:22
    Here are key points to note from the service;
    - Miracles will never take the place of principles.
    - If your financial story must change, you must build capacity and learn a skill.
    - Proper management will give you an edge even without prophecy. Genesis 41:34-36
    - You don't build and sustain wealth by praying alone. Proverbs 24:3
    - In every provision God gives you, never mistake the seed for bread. Some things are to secure your future and investment, they are not for consumption. Isaiah 55:10
    - You must learn to delay gratification.

    Important Guides to Welfare
    - Ensure that the help you are rendering is needed by the recipient.
    - Budget every aspect of your expenses, including generosity.
    Wisdom tips for handling finances:
    - Manage resources. Gen. 41:33
    - Save. Gen 41:34-37.
    - Prioritize your giving.
    - Budget everything, including your generosity. 1 Cor 13:3.
    As we exercise generosity, let us consciously walk in wisdom and learn to save and not pray alone.

  • New Testament Giving and Metaphors.
    He emphasized that Christ was God’s best and he gave us his best freely.
    Here are key points to note from the service;
    - When you understand the fatherhood of God, you know there are things inconsistent with His nature.
    - We give to God because he has blessed us not so that he blesses us. ⁠
    - God gives us things freely without us meeting any requirement.
    - As God gave himself to us in salvation, we give ourselves to him in consecration. ⁠
    3 types of tithes in the Bible:
    1. Levitical Tithes. Numbers 18:21, 26-29, Leviticus 20:30-32
    2. The Festival Tithes or the Eating Tithes: This didn’t happen regularly like the levitical tithe. It was a form of love feast where people ate in the presence of God. Deut 14:22-26, Deut 4:5-7
    3. The Charity Tithe or the Poor Tithe: It was set aside for the poor. Deut 14:28-29

    The Bible also states that;
    1. Everyone should give. 2 Cor 8:1
    2. We are to give generously and regularly.
    3. New Testament Giving is voluntary and sacrificial.
    As we step into this new week, let us remember to abound in generosity, as we abound also in other aspects of our faith.