
  • Are you being held back by fear? Many of my clients in Courage Driven Latina are held back by all kinds of fear - the fear of failure, the fear of being seen, and the fear of taking a leap of faith. They’re afraid of what the future could hold because they don’t know what that looks like.

    But that’s ok! No one knows what the future looks like! The confidence and certainty come later - when you’re doing it. And even then, you’re never 100% certain. That’s why you should do it anyway.

    This week, we're talking about how to work through your fears so that your goals are more feasible. You really can do whatever you set your mind to. You just have to let go of your fears so you can actually do it.


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • Are you in your own way? So many of my clients spend so much time thinking about what they want to do, that they’re delaying actually doing anything. And, to be honest, I used to do the same thing! I thought about starting a food blog for a YEAR before I actually posted anything. I didn’t feel fulfilled until I actually started to take courageous action. Which is why I’m introducing you to this week's guest. She took courageous action and now she’s on her way to owning a seven-figure business.

    Revekka Balancier, the founder of Axiom of Purpose, leverages nearly 30 years of marketing and communications experience, bold creativity, and passion for the purpose to craft impactful campaigns dedicated to the greater good. After spending a decade in Hollywood publicity and promotions working on movies for Disney, Paramount, Universal, and other studios, she shifted her focus to public service. She served in key communication roles for the Lt. Governor of Colorado, Denver Human Services, Denver Public Works, the Denver Mayor’s Office, and the Port of San Diego where she launched the agency’s new brand. She spent two years as creative strategy VP for a boutique agency before starting Axiom, focusing exclusively on purpose-driven projects, channeling her expertise toward positive environmental and social change. She spends most weekends brunching with her granddaughters, searching for better crepes than the ones she learned to make from her abuelita - hasn’t happened yet!

    In this week’s episode, Revekka shares her journey through the Courage Driven Latina Program and why she felt like she needed to take courageous action. With over 30 years of experience, she knew she could start her own agency and run things herself. But because she didn’t feel like herself, she didn’t take that leap of faith. Listen to learn how we crossed paths and how she learned to have faith in herself.

    Connect with Revekka:
    Instagram: @revekkab

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/revekkabalancier/

    Connect with Revekka:
    Instagram: @axiomofpurpose

    Website: axiomofpurpose.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/axiomofpurpose


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

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  • When I first met my clients in the Courage Driven Latina program, many of them said that they joined because they just needed the courage to start. They told me that once they started, they knew they could achieve their goals. And while that’s true, the courage to start is not always sustainable. You also need the courage to keep going no matter what.

    And I mean it - no matter what. It’s easy to stay motivated when things are going your way. But your dreams become a reality once you face adversity head-on and get through it. It’s tough, especially when you’re doing it all on your own. This is why I’m going to teach you how to have the courage to push through adversity.

    This week’s episode is very close to my heart because it is halfway through the year and I don’t want anyone giving up on their New Year's goals. Here on the podcast, we are sharing a sneak peek into a workshop I led during our latest in-person event. In this workshop, I’ll teach you how to face adversity and make your dreams your reality.


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Book your Magnetic Mastermind consultation call today!

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we are introducing you to a badass Latina who is killing it in the mental health space. If you follow me, you probably follow Jackie, too. Whether it's through her hilarious memes or her helpful mental health facts, Jackie is succeeding at destigmatizing mental health in the Latine community.

    Jackie Garcia is a bilingual Spanish-speaking Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over seven years of experience working with children, teens, adults, and families. Jackie grew up in Tijuana, Baja California until she was 12 years old. Her parents migrated to the U.S. to pursue a better life for her and her siblings. As many know, middle school years can be challenging. As a teen, Jackie struggled to adjust to a new culture, language, friends, and trends. However, these transformative years significantly impacted her life and led her to become a therapist.

    Jackie encountered her first therapist during this phase of her life, experiencing therapy from the other side of the couch. Her therapist helped her navigate life transitions, adjustments, and hardships at the time. This experience solidified her belief in the broad array of benefits therapy offers, regardless of one’s circumstances, conditions, or concerns. Jackie's extensive clinical experience spans mental health outpatient programs, non-profit organizations, field-based community mental health, and private practice.

    In this week’s episode, Jackie and Erika talk about the stigma around mental health in the Latine community. We as a community have very specific traumas that we are very commonly finding ourselves addressing in therapy - including cycle-breaking, difficult relationships with our parents, and seeking mental health support. During their conversation, Jackie addresses all these topics and more so that you and your loved ones do not have to suffer in silence. Listen to the full episode to hear all about it!

    Connect with Jackie:
    Instagram: @therapylux

    Website: https://therapylux.org/


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • Do you think it’s too late to chase your dreams? This is a problem I’m constantly addressing in the Courage Driven Latina program. My clients think they’re too old and that they’ve missed their window of opportunity. And every single time they have a little courage, their dream becomes a reality.

    It’s never too late and you’re not too old to change. Some of the biggest household names in the world didn’t make it big until they were in their fifties! Imagine if Steve Carell gave up on acting in his thirties - we’d never have The Office!

    In this week’s episode, I’m giving you a sneak peek into how I coach my clients into being courageous - no matter how old they are. Because at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how old you are or how many certifications you have. As long as you want it, you can make it happen. All you need is a little courage.


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Book your Magnetic Mastermind consultation call today!

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • My mom has always been a master manifester. Anyone who knows her knows this. She can see exactly what she wants in her mind and she always makes it happen! It’s honestly so surreal to see it happen in real-time.

    And that's exactly why I invited her onto the podcast! This week, my mom is teaching us how to manifest our wildest dreams no matter what situation we’re in.

    Tune in to this week’s episode to meet my mom, Blanca Gonzalez! My mom is an absolute wealth of knowledge and I am always learning new things because of her. In this conversation, we’ll be discussing her manifestation process, her goals for the future, and some very helpful advice for the next generation.


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Book your Magnetic Mastermind consultation call today!

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • Whether you like it or not, we’re all going to go through hard times. It’s just a fact of life. And even though it’s tough, I never want you to give up just because you’re going through a hard time.

    I help my clients with this all the time. They run into a challenge and then they have the urge to throw in the towel. I never want to tell them that what they’re going through doesn’t matter, because it does and they are hurting. So I coach them on how they can not only get through these challenging times but how they can benefit from them.

    In this week’s episode, we’re talking about how to benefit from challenging times. There is nothing we can do about adversity, it’s always going to happen whether you want it to or not. But what you do during this time of adversity is what matters.

    Resources from this episode:



    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Book your Magnetic Mastermind consultation call today!

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • Constantly comparing yourself to the people around you can be so triggering, especially if you are an entrepreneur or a content creator. If you’re online all the time for work, it can be hard to filter out what's real and what’s hyped up for social media. And even though you don’t have the full story, you find yourself getting frustrated watching other people land opportunities that you want.

    It's so easy to compare yourself to the people around you. It’s a very human response, but it doesn’t have to be your only response. You learn to accept people’s achievements without feeling like you’re lacking anything.

    In this week’s episode, I’m going to teach you how to overcome the comparison trap. I’ll tell you how to stop these thoughts when they happen, how to embrace an abundance mindset, and how to start being more magnetic. Tune into the full episode to find out how!


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Book your Magnetic Mastermind consultation call today!

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • You’re probably wondering what you’re doing wrong. Why are you reaching out to hundreds of potential clients and getting rejection after rejection? If this sounds like you, it may be time to learn how to be magnetic and start adopting a magnetic mindset.

    In this week’s episode, we’re learning how in Erika’s How to Be Magnetic Webinar. This webinar is all about how to be magnetic and attract opportunities and clients for yourself without pitching yourself.

    You're going to learn that magnetism is something that is available to all of us and how it's something that you can turn on at any time, and it's not just for the people who are kind of lucky, it's not just for the chosen ones, or you either have it or you don't. We all have this ability to turn on being magnetic, and we're going to go over how to do that today. Listen to learn how to let go of that chasing energy and start attracting your dream clients and opportunities!


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Book your Magnetic Mastermind consultation call today!

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • Do you feel like you’re constantly chasing after opportunities and never just receiving them? Plenty of people have perfect opportunities that fall into their laps without having to pursue them, but it never seems to happen to you. It's not because they’re luckier than you.

    It’s because they have harnessed the power of magnetism.

    In this week’s episode, we’re going to break down how to stop chasing and start attracting. And everyone can do it! Whether you’re an introvert, an extrovert, or somewhere in between, anyone can use the power of magnetism.


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    How to be Magnetic Mastermind Webinar

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • Have you heard of the Law of Attraction? It’s a global phenomenon that has taken off since the publication of the book The Secret. But have you ever thought about trying to use it?

    Anyone can use the Law of Attraction to create a life and business you love. And I’m going to teach you how.

    The Law of Attraction isn’t going to solve all your problems for you. But it is a powerful tool to help you achieve your dreams. This week, we’ll be going over what the Law of Attraction is, how you can use it, and how to align yourself with the life and business of your dreams.

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    How to be Magnetic Mastermind Webinar

    The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

    The Secret Documentary

    Esther and Jerry Hick's Novels


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • Did you know that Latinas make up only 3% of the marketing industry? And that’s being generous because Latinx in general only makes up 6% of the marketing industry! And it’s crazy because every industry needs marketing. No matter what you love there’s always a marketing department. So why aren’t we in the room when these marketing decisions are being made? Or even better, how do we get in the room?

    Alejandra Hurtado started Majesty Academy, the first marketing school for Latinas. With over 12 years of marketing experience, she noticed a shortage of Latinas in Marketing and Tech. Now, her mission is to use her academy to empower more women and Latinas into marketing. Alejandra is deeply committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the marketing and tech industries.

    In this week’s episode, Alejandra tells us why she wants more Latinas to be in the marketing industry. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or you work for a company you love, marketing is all about communication. And the Latino population is being neglected because there aren’t a ton of Latina markers to speak to our own people. The marketing industry needs people with cultural competency, and that includes you. Listen to Alejandro’s episode to hear all about her journey as an immigrant, why she loves marketing, and why she started Majesty Academy.

    Connect with Alejandra:
    Instagram: @majesty_academy
    TikTok: @yourmarketingchica

    Website: www.majestyacademy.co


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • Are you struggling with feelings of worthiness? If you are, you’re not alone. Many of my clients, in both the Magnetic Mastermind Program and the Courage Driven Latina Program, have struggled with feeling worthy of their goals, dreams, and desires. They know they want more for themselves, they just have a hard time accepting it when it actually happens.

    That’s why I focus on mindset so much. Because without the right mindset, you can have an amazing opportunity presented to you and still want to reject it because you don’t feel worthy of it. And to be honest, this is a totally normal feeling. Even I feel like that sometimes! But it’s not going to help us manifest our dream life.

    In this week’s episode, I’m going to give you four tips to help you feel worthy enough to accept your goals, dreams, and desires.


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • Are you prepared for the worst case scenario? We hope it never happens, but with the news being flooded with layoffs and talk of a recession coming - we need to protect ourselves now more than ever. And we can! We just need a little bit of guidance.

    Jenn Jamali is a first-gen Multicultural Career and Money Coach. With the wisdom from a decade in Fortune 500 recruiting, Jenn built her business from the ground up, funding her maternity leave through a knack for leveraging career opportunities. Now, as a proud mom and Coach, she's on a mission to empower women to elevate their earnings and amplify their options. Jenn's journey from corporate recruiter to real estate investor to Career and Wealth coach is fueled by her passion for manifesting success and her dedication to helping others navigate their path to financial freedom and career fulfillment. Through Jenn’s coaching, it's not just about making more—it's about keeping more and living a life abundant in possibilities.

    In this week’s episode, Jenn shares how the worst case scenario happened to her. She was laid off from an amazing job while she was eight weeks pregnant. But she somehow knew she was going to get laid off WAY before it happened. So she prepared herself and had months of savings ready on standby for when it actually happened. Because of this experience, Jenn became a money coach that teaches women how to save for a possible layoff, land their dream job, and so much more! Listen to hear more incredible life advice and accessible financial strategies from a coach who helps WOC make money moves.

    Connect with Jenn:
    Instagram: @firstjennmoney
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenn-jamali-/?trk=public_profile_browsemap


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • One thing I teach in my coaching program is how to let go of the need for control. It sounds counterintuitive, right? You need to have control of your life in order to make it better. But we also have to acknowledge that there are things we cannot control - and we cannot keep beating ourselves up about it. Which is why, this week we’re talking about surrendering as a strategy for success.

    And when I say surrender, I don’t mean to give up. What we mean by surrender is to stop resisting. To stop fighting and to stop trying to control what you cannot control. It means that you still care, but you're no longer clinging on to an expected result. And by letting go of an expected result, you can open yourself up to a world of possibilities.

    In this week’s episode, I talk about using surrender as strategy and how it can be applied to your daily life. So if you feel overwhelmed by your own expectations, this episode is for you!


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • We are often told that you can only be good at motherhood if you don’t work, and you can only succeed at entrepreneurship if you don’t have kids. But that’s not true! We don’t have to choose between motherhood and entrepreneurship, we can navigate both and live completely fulfilling lives. And this week's guests are going to show you how they did it.

    Cat Del Carmen is a business coach, wife, and mami who teaches WOC how to scale to six figures in their coaching business. Cat grew her business from $10k to $200k cash in a single year by focusing on client results, becoming an expert at marketing and selling, and now she teaches her clients the same process that helped her scale while simplifying. Cat is the host of Latinas Booked Out Podcast, which has over 110k downloads, where she teaches her concepts, and philosophies of growing a coaching business through trauma-informed, high-integrity, business practices.

    Mariela de La Mora elevates WOC into in-demand thought leaders who make more money by being who they are, but louder. Through her unique blend of marketing, mindset, and leadership coaching, her clients turning what they used to get in trouble for, into their competitive advantage. As the eldest daughter of Mexican immigrants who left a 16-year Marketing career, Mariela has broken out of every conventional box so she could help other daughters of immigrants do the same. She has since built a 3/4 of a million dollar business as a single mom and worked with 6-7 figure CEOs, and even women leaders in the United Nations.

    In this week’s episode, Cat and Mariela share how they’re navigating motherhood and entrepreneurship. Cat went back to work after having her kids because she wanted to show them that they could do anything they put their minds to, rather than telling them. She wanted to be a living example for her kids, and she’s done exactly that. Mariela is a single mom who left her previous partner and the two of them are absolutely thriving. She’s scaled her coaching business by trusting herself and leaning into her options.

    Tune in to hear more inspiring stories of resilience and strength with Cat, Mariela, and Erika!

    Connect with Cat:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/catdelcarmen

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/catdelcarmen

    Website: https://catdelcarmen.com

    Connect with Mariela:
    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mariela.delamora
    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/marieladelamora

    Website: http://www.marieladelamora.com


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • So many of us are dealing with money shame and it is preventing us from building wealth. It’s time to break up with these limiting beliefs. Whether it’s rebelling against your parents' idea of money or not spending because you’re afraid you won’t have money when you need it - these ideas hold us back and we need to heal from them. And this week's guest is going to help us do just that.

    Gina Knox, founder of Gina Knox Coaching, empowers entrepreneurs to master cash flow management, accumulate $100K in savings, and build seven-figure wealth. Motivated by her own financial journey after securing her first job, Gina saved $100K by age 25, then started her financial coaching business at 26. Through her coaching, she's facilitated clients in saving an impressive $6,328,982.94 within 3 years as of Dec. 2023. Passionate about helping entrepreneurs realize their dreams, Gina has assisted many in purchasing their dream homes, paying off debt, and setting up their children with million-dollar trusts. Gina is on a mission to reshape the entrepreneurial mindset around money, leaving a lasting impact on individuals and their legacies.

    In this episode, Gina talks about her own shame around money and how she overcame it. It wasn’t easy, especially since her parents were extreme about money in opposite ways. But she learned to find a healthy middle ground and create new rules for her and her business. Tune in to hear how you can heal your money shame and build wealth!

    Connect with Gina:
    Instagram @‌ginaknox
    Website: http://www.ginaknox.co


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • This week, I am interviewing two Courage Driven Latina Program clients all about how they made one shift in their lives. That one shift was all about changing the way they view themselves. Our self-narrative affects how we take courageous action. And these guests have mastered the art of rewriting their self-narratives.

    Arely Cruz-Sanchez is a first-generation Canadian (born and raised in Toronto) and a proud Salvadoreña! She is the youngest of two daughters and the first to pursue a doctoral degree in the family (currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Cell & Systems Biology/Behavioural Neuroscience). She considers herself a total nerd as she is a neuroscientist who is a huge Harry Potter/Star Wars/Marvel/DC fan, reads romance-fantasy novels (shout out to ‘A Court of Thorns & Roses’ Fans!), and loves dying her hair different colors. She loves physical activity (for the past 4 years she has explored CrossFit, Olympic Lift training, and bodybuilding) and values family and loyalty (her sun sign is Cancer and she is a Sagittarius rising). Her sister, Tania, introduced her to CDL and she is finally embracing a new version of herself that she has been looking for a long time.

    Anahi Bravo is a First-Gen Mexican American. She was born and raised in Houston, TX. As someone who comes from immigrant background, she’s found a passion in helping the community. She is a social worker that supports unaccompanied minors, which has been a fulfilling and learning experience. During her free time, she enjoys working out and trying new hobbies. She’s also in her running and soccer era! She also takes pride in being a dog mom and she enjoys spending time with family.

    In this week’s episode, Arely and Anahi share how the Courage Driven Latina program helped them rewrite their self-narrative. Now that Arely left her overwhelming job and Anahi is launching her podcast, we are looking forward to seeing the next version of their courage projects.

    Stay tuned after the show to hear Erika answer a few last-minute questions about the Courage Driven Latina Program!

    Connect with Arely:
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arely-cruz-sanchez-636153162/

    Arely’s Previous Episode: https://theerikacruz.com/2023/11/07/ep-102-breaking-generational-trauma-w-arely-tania-cruz-sanchez/

    Connect with Anahi:

    Instagram: @anahibravvo


    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz

    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • All-or-nothing thinking is so incredibly limiting and it prevents so many of my clients from living their most authentic lives. It’s the concept that if you can’t do it perfectly the first time, you might as well not do it at all. And that's not true! That's your fear talking and it's holding you back. This week, we’re speaking to two Courage Driven Latina Program clients who have overcome all-or-nothing thinking and changed their entire lives.

    Olivia Muñoz is a Chicana writer, artist and educator living in the Pacific Northwest. Olivia believes passionately in the power of creativity and lifelong learning. She has traveled the world, led trainings on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and mentored young Latinas in higher education. As a former reporter for The Associated Press, Olivia published pieces on food, culture, and breaking news in various news outlets throughout the country. She has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and earned a doctorate in International and Multicultural Education from the University of San Francisco. Olivia was born and raised in Saginaw, Michigan, to Mexican parents, and her heartfelt poetry and essays explore the Midwest Latina experience. She was recently accepted to the competitive Tin House Winter Workshop in Portland, Oregon for 2024, where she will develop a short story collection. Yes, she is the oldest daughter of immigrants.

    Janet Guadalupe Martinez Aguilar, also known as Flaka G, has had an incredible life that has been a remarkable tapestry of triumphs and challenges, woven together with threads of determination, love, and faith. Born in the vibrant heart of Mexico City, she and her family embarked on a journey and she arrived in the United States at the age of 5 years old. Since then, she worked hard to be a beacon of hope for her family, community, and anyone who crosses her path. She has been married for 7 years, she has a 4-year-old who is autistic and an angel baby. She worked as an HR professional for a decade, a non-profit co-founder, a progressive church catechist, and an active mentor in her sorority as our Central Alumnae regional director. Now, she is focusing on changing the world one person at a time as a Career Coach.

    In this week’s episode, Olivia shares how she went from hating her job and never publishing her work to getting paid to travel all over the world and getting accepted into prestigious writing programs. Flaka shares how she made her full-time job her sugar daddy while she builds her career coaching business and launched her non-profit organization. Tune in to hear more about these absolutely inspirational women!

    Connect with Olivia:
    Instagram @‌oliviamunoz170
    Twitter @‌_OliviaMunoz

    Connect with Flaka:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flakageemtz/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janetmtzaguilar

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janetgmartinezz/

    Website: https://poca.us/

    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz


    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.

  • This week we are highlighting one of the most courageous women I know. Jasmin has known so much pain and loss and she still is finding a way to fight for herself and the life that she knows that she deserves. And with the help of the Courage Driven Latina program, I have had the privilege to help her achieve her wildest dreams.

    Jasmin is a first-generation, Mexican- American who is on the path of healing her inner child and traumas from her adult life. She is a wife, mother, friend, and sister who enjoys having conversations about life and how to make the best out of every situation.

    In this week’s episode, Jasmin tells us about the story of her life and all the trauma and loss she’s had to go through. She was abused as a child and forced to still see her abuser, she had parents who didn’t understand her trauma, and as an adult she experienced a devastating miscarriage. After watching one of Erika’s live events, she realized that all the trauma she had experienced had left her dysregulated. She joined the Courage Driven Latina program to work through her trauma and to learn how to give herself a better life - a life she knew she deserved. Tune in to hear how you can transform your life in less than a year.

    TW: Miscarriage, sexual abuse, and family trauma

    Connect with Jasmin:
    IG: @jasmina_15

    Follow Erika on:
    Instagram @‌theerikacruz
    TikTok @‌theerikacruz


    How to work with Erika:
    Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here.

    Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.