
  • Dinner table time is so crucial in our busy world. How you interact with your kids shapes their behavior, self-esteem, intelligence, imagination, competence, and ultimately their character.

    In this new episode of the Clean Eating for Kids podcast, learn and utilize these practices to translate to mealtime that is most effective and backed by astounding results in the psychology community of practitioners.

    Learn these eight styles of communication with your child that will build their confidence and strengthen your bond during interactions.

    ✔️ Unlabeled Praise: This provides a positive but nonspecific evaluation attributes activity or behavior, or product of your child. It does not tell a specific behavior you like but does communicate approval. Use phrases like, "I love that." "Great, thank you very much." "Great idea." "Perfect."

    ✔️ Labeled Praise: A specific favorable judgment of an attribute product or behavior of a child. You're telling them precisely what you think is positive. "I like it that you've got broccoli on your plate." "You're doing a great job of using your fork." "I'm really proud of you for filling your plate with such wonderful colors."

    ✔️ Reflective statements: It has the same meaning as the child's verbalization. You are paraphrasing and elaborating, but you're not changing the meaning. You're simply repeating what your child says. "Mommy, there's an apple on my plate here." Your response? "There's an apple on your plate." "I dropped my spoon." Your response? "You dropped your spoon." "Oops, I did that wrong." "Oh, you think you did that wrong?" Those are all great examples of mirroring and reflecting and builds confidence and connection.

    ✔️ Behavioral description: they're non-evaluative declarative sentences or phrases. They describe the child's observable verbal or nonverbal behavior.

    ✔️ Neutral talk: It's composed of statements that introduce information about people, objects, events, or activities or indicate attention to the child but do not clearly describe or evaluate the child's current or immediately completed behavior.

    ✔️ Questions: Verbal inquiries of behavior. They request an answer but do not suggest behavior is to be performed by your child. Here's an example. "Now, what would you like to eat next?" "How many muffins do we have?" "Would I like to share this fruit salad with you?"

    ✔️ Indirect Command: The suggestion for behavior in question form or implied using the word "let's," such as "Let's see if we could get the napkins out for the dinner table."

    ✔️ Direct Command: Statements that contain direction for a behavior to be performed. Here's an example - "Please use the spoon to mix the ingredients in the bowl." "Please hand me the salt shaker."

    Loved this episode? Please be sure to subscribe and ring the bell for weekly notifications on YouTube.

    We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

  • As parents, our job is to set our children up for a lifetime of good health, a robust immune system, proper brain, and body development. We should not forget that it is also essential to strengthen our bond with our family to provide the ultimate need of our biology as humans to connect.

    In this episode of the Clean Eating for Kids podcast, learn how creating opportunities to connect allows us to feel safe as our ancestors did for survival and further our health and life goals as a family.

    Key points that you will learn in this episode:

    ✔️ Value mealtime bonding. Recent studies have found that people of all ages who eat with loved ones are far healthier than others who don't. Kids will eat more fruits and vegetables when eating with their parents and less junk food and less soda. And adults and kids get more essential nutrients like calcium, fiber, and iron needed for fitter bodies when they eat with their family at home.

    ✔️ Set age-appropriate tasks and enlist kids in the preparation of the meal. A three-year-old can set the table with napkins and plastic cups. Five-year-olds can peel oranges for a fruit salad while a ten-year-old can measure and mix ingredients or chop something up with your assistance. This requires a hefty serving of patience, but the result is well worth it. Be mellow and relaxed, and remember you're shaping their experience.

    ✔️ Avoid comparing siblings for several reasons. Those with more than one child should understand that they don't share the same food tastes and eat the same portions. Involve them by taking them up to the grocery store with you. Allow them to choose a new item that they want to try or an old favorite and tell them it's experimentation time at dinner. It takes eleven times to try something before they decide they like it.

    Loved this episode? Please be sure to subscribe and ring the bell for weekly notifications on YouTube.

    We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

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  • Do you use sugar as a reward in your home? Think for a minute about how your eating and feeding practice affects your children's health and behavior.

    In this episode of the Clean Eating for Kids podcast, let's deep dive into these proven techniques to transition your family to eating clean, removing harmful sugars successfully in your home, and allow your kids to enjoy healthier sweet alternatives.

    Key points that you will learn in this episode:

    ✔️ Learn specific ways to deal with kids of different ages that may already be addicted to sugar. Lead by example by eating a healthy diet, exercise, and have mellow conversations around why sugar isn't the best choice.

    ✔️ Monitor how your kids feel and behave during and after sugar consumption. You can teach them how to monitor their behavior by discussing it calmly and gently. Explain why they have a sugar crash and have a conversation as to why that happened. Sugar took control of their emotions because it's very addictive and rushes hormones to their brain. And when it burns out, it takes those good hormones away.

    ✔️ Combine reward systems with reducing sugar. When kids are begging for candy bars at the store, tell them that they can have it if they buy it. If they spent too much of their allowance and hard-earned cash on sugar snacks, they can't buy what they're saving for or have a fun activity out with their friends. Doing so gives them the gift of learning how to manage their own money and teaches the consequences of an action to their health goals.

    ✔️ Familiarize and incorporate suggested alternatives into the family's diet. Practitioners recommend stevia, manuka honey, agave, coconut sugar, and other natural sweet sources that, from an evolutionary perspective, our bodies are accustomed to.

    ✔️ Keep those healthy snacks on hand. When our kids and we experience a sugar crash or just a general dip in energy, we reach for foods high in sugar to make us feel better. Think of keeping chopped watermelon or pineapple in the fridge for quick grabbing and make it easy for you to avoid sugary temptations.

    Loved this episode? Please be sure to subscribe and ring the bell for weekly notifications on YouTube.

    We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

  • For the first time in history, U.S. children are not expected to live longer than their parents. Why? Cases of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, and Heart Disease are going through the roof! One out of every three U.S. adults is obese, while one in five kids is obese.

    The most prominent suspect is the high consumption of SUGAR. If you're concerned about protecting your children's health (and yours too!), take a closer look at the sweet stuff in your life.

    Key points that you will learn in this episode:

    ✔️ 80% of the food items in America now contain added sugar.
    Sugar is toxic, and our kids are under attack right under our noses. Food manufacturers use scientists to figure out ways to reformulate its original state and infuse it under the guise of six different names in one packaged product.

    ✔️ Get to know fructose, a.k.a. high fructose corn syrup, and why this has been a popular subject among the science community for the last number of years. They are uncovering how it damages your body and its functions.

    ✔️ Why sugar jumps in, and it hijacks the hormone leptin's job and your brain. You stay hungrier and eat more than you should. Your pancreas, which produces insulin, which helps regulate your blood sugar, also struggles. The more sugar you have in your bloodstream, the harder your pancreas has to work. When your pancreas is pulling double shifts, it leads to obesity, metabolic syndrome, and Type 2 diabetes.

    ✔️ Know how to read the labels right. Kids are recommended to consume less than twenty-five grams or six teaspoons of added sugars daily. You'll be shocked how this can be consumed with a tiny juice box that you're buying from the grocery store!

    ✔️ Access the workbook to take some time to evaluate your family's sugar intake and assess your results. I know this is going to be really enlightening and very eye-opening for all of us.

    Loved this episode? Please be sure to subscribe and ring the bell for weekly notifications on YouTube.

    We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

  • This challenging season may be the most stressful time to be a kid ever. They feel fear knowing what's going on around the world by watching the news on their phones, and they feel overwhelmed and anxious while aware that their parents have money stresses and might be health issues in the family.

    In this special episode, we will learn from one of the world's leading authorities on mind-body healing, weight loss, and stress management – Dr. Brian Alman. He has coached and trained thousands of people and his simple and yet very effective techniques for self-care.

    Key areas you will learn in this episode:

    ✔️ Why the number one treatment for stress is FOOD. Whether it's grown-up kids like us, medium-sized kids like teenagers, or small-sized kids in elementary school or younger — food is the number one "drug" to shut the mind up and quiet the emotions.

    ✔️ Learn techniques to BREATHE your way through anything. Dr. Alman teaches that no matter how overwhelmed you get and how bad it gets, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. For just a few moments, you see how this provides relief as people have been doing this for thousands of years.

    ✔️ Note the top 3 signals to check if your child is stressed. As a parent, it is your job to connect, ask questions and be open. Get familiarized by the triggers and reactions - either they get overwhelmed, withdrawing, or getting feisty in fighting and take action to help them cope with these big emotions.

    ✔️Find people and resources for help. Suppose you don't have another partner or a family member. In that case, there are wonderful people professionally, coaches, counselors, sometimes psychiatrists, sometimes psychologists, mentors, and teachers who will back you up and be part of the "tribe" to raise your child effectively.

    ✔️ Get kids to realize they have an inner critic. Make sure that you're not telling your daughters or sons bad things about their bodies. They soak up that negativity because they have their inner judge. compares themselves to everybody else, that worries what other people think of them, that tends to be judgmental and critical, and to learn how to give that a voice.

    ✔️ Find more techniques from Dr. Alman's book "Less Stress for Kids." The book is translated into various languages used worldwide by parents, teachers and therapists for simple and effective techniques clinically proven to make sure they help kids immediately.

    About Dr. Brian Alman:

    Dr. Brian Alman, P.h.D is one of the world’s leading mind-body stress experts, who over the past 15 years, has helped his clients resolve past issues and remove personal limitations allowing them to live happier, more resilient lives with his clinically proven techniques.

    He is the founder of True Sage International, a reputable wellness program that focuses on managing stress and integrating healthy habits to improve self awareness. His work has been extensively covered across the media, including NBC News, ABC News, CNN, Fox News and much more.

    Website: www.drbrianalman.com
    Facebook: @DrBrianAlmanPhD

    Loved this episode? Please be sure to subscribe and ring the bell for weekly notifications on YouTube.

    We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

  • Does your child get enough sleep? Numerous studies have shown that sleep duration is related to overweight in children. In this episode, we're going to review stress, sleep, feeding patterns, and the importance of parenting to prevent obesity and poor health in growing children.

    Here are the key areas covered in this episode:

    ✔️ Why studies show that the relationship between sleep and obesity is stronger in children than adults. This may be due to the rapid brain development occurring during childhood and the critical role adequate sleep plays in brain development. Decreased sleep, duration, and quality may lead to specific alterations in regions of the brain involved in energy balance.

    ✔️ Understand the value of eating together. Research has shown that consistent family meals may be protective against obesity, particularly in older children—get the tips on overcoming barriers from sharing family meals consistently.

    ✔️ Practice stress-reducing techniques with your kids. Practice breathing and meditation, drawing, and other calming activities with your children. Be the example and show your child that you use the techniques that you want them to do.

    ✔️ Nothing beats good old exercise! Exercise strengthens the immune system while stress depletes it. Going for a 20 minute walk every day can boost your serotonin levels. Take a family walk or go on a bike ride and develop the habit of consistent movement together.

    Loved this episode? Please be sure to subscribe and ring the bell for weekly notifications on YouTube.

    We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

  • The Role Stress Has On Your Child's Health

    Stress is a natural, mental and physical response to life experiences and situations. Stress can affect anyone, even children. Early life stress exposure may disrupt hormones that regulate appetite, metabolism, and fat storage, increasing the risk of obesity and unhealthy eating behaviors, and unhealthy fat deposition patterns. We have to keep in mind our kids aren't going to exactly come right out and tell us that they're stressed. Some of the physical, emotional, and behavioral cues might not be that easy to decipher for parents. In this episode, we're going to review how to identify it, what it does, the role it has in your child's health, and most importantly, what to do about it.

    Here are the key areas covered in this episode:

    ✔️ Keep in mind that there aren't bad kids. Just because we don't perceive a situation as stressful doesn't mean that children aren't stressed out by it. They're little people feeling big emotions, and their perception is what's creating their reality. The ways that they may be trying to tell you are easy to pick up on once you're able to watch and listen with patience, empathy, and an understanding of what some of the signs may be.

    ✔️ Understand that stress leads to obesity. Studies found that children exposed to chronic stressors in early childhood had lower self-regulatory abilities measured by an ability to delay gratification and a larger BMI.

    ✔️Why leptin and ghrelin are the two hormones that play a crucial role in appetite regulation. When leptin is released, it acts as satiety, meaning feeling full signal, decreasing energy and food intake. Ghrelin, on the other hand, has the opposite role. It stimulates hunger upon its release.

    ✔️Know why cortisol release may lead to excessive consumption of foods high in sugar and fat and ultimately excessive weight gain. Exposure to repeated stressors, both a blunted cortisol reactivity response to stress or an elevated BMI body mass index may be observed.

    ✔️Stress is another byproduct of poor sleep habits and quality. When you have poor sleep, you experience an increased response to food stimuli, meaning you're hungrier and have decreased leptin levels.

    Loved this episode? Please be sure to subscribe and ring the bell for weekly notifications on Youtube.

    We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family!


  • Clean Eating for Kids Podcast empowers families to be aware of their nutritional needs and supports the whole family to transition simply and effectively. Together, let's strive for a healthy future.

    In this episode, we discuss in detail the food that you need to reset and to give your gut and whole body the opportunity to heal itself.

    Here are the key areas covered in this episode:

    ✔️ Look into the foods that you are eating that are common toxic triggers. These are corn, eggs, soy, red meat and veggies like potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, dairy and gluten.

    ✔️ Know the three major things to remove from your diet right now to clean up your gut and really kick start your energy.

    ✔️ Investigate your triggers and start your cleanses - it may be difficult but during the time that your cleaning and repairing you are already giving your gut a fighting chance.

    ✔️ Check these highly recommended resources: Clean Cut by Dr. Alejandro Junger and GAPS, which stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell - McBride. Both of these cleanses will bring about astounding results and life-changing shifts in the direction of your health.

    ✔️ A true gut ally is bone broth that will clean and repair your gut tissue like a champ.

    ✔️Be guided by this gut friendly list of foods to have in mind and bring when you go shopping to start off a clean diet household right now.

    Loved this episode? Please be sure to subscribe and ring the bell for weekly notifications on YouTube.

    We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

  • The state of a person's digestive system and total body health is one and interconnected. Recent research established that around 90 percent of all cells and genetic material in the human body is in our gut flora.

    To be healthy, a person has to have healthy gut flora dominated by beneficial species of microbes.

    In this episode of Clean Eating for Kids podcast, join me as we lay the facts and empower you to make better choices and understand The Roots of Your Gut Health with Crystal Hilsley.

    Here are the key areas covered in this episode:

    ✔️ It's quite a famous phrase right now, with the gut referred to as the "second brain." Gut issues are the root causes of mental disorders such as ADHD, ADHD, dyslexia, depression, OCD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, epilepsy, eating disorders, and many other conditions.

    ✔️ Physical conditions also stem from an unhealthy gut, such as autoimmune conditions. These include celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, type one diabetes, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, and other digestive orders.

    ✔️ Suppose you have not been diagnosed with a specific disease. In that case, many of the major ailments you may be suffering from are tiredness, aches, pains, allergies, mood swings, bad breath, body odor, eczema, constipation may be directly related to your gut function.

    ✔️Take in mind that a damaged gut will lead to premature aging.

    ✔️Discover the ailments mentioned that you're suffering from and make changes to your diet. The state of your gut has a direct result on your mental and physical health.

    Loved this episode? Please be sure to subscribe and ring the bell for weekly notifications on YouTube.

    We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

  • Clean Eating for Kids Podcast empowers families to be aware of their nutritional needs and supports the whole family to transition simply and effectively. Together, let's strive for a healthy future.

    In this episode, we discuss recommendations for carbohydrates that you and your kids need.

    Here are the key areas covered in this episode:

    ✔️ The recommendations for carbohydrates per day should be around 50 percent of your child's diet, 30 percent fat, and 20 percent protein. This is a far cry from the original American food pyramid suggesting six to 11 servings of bread through rice and pasta per day.

    ✔️ It's best to get simple carbohydrates from plant milk and fruit because, with these foods, you're also getting a bonus of fiber and a host of other great nutrients.

    ✔️ Carbohydrates are very addictive, and they go hand in hand with sugar addiction. This is because carbs spike your blood sugar levels and give you a burst of energy, followed by a crash that can cause the body to crave more glucose to spike and crash eventually leads to insulin resistance.

    ✔️ Food should not be used as a "reward." We aren't puppies. Food should be a source of nourishment for our bodies and energy for our lives.

    Loved this episode? Please be sure to subscribe and ring the bell for weekly notifications on YouTube.

    We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

  • Clean Eating for Kids Podcast empowers families to be aware of their nutritional needs and supports the whole family to transition simply and effectively. Together, let's strive for a healthy future.

    In this episode, we discuss misconceptions about children and nutrition and making the right crucial choices beyond old beliefs dictated by the food industry and cultural norms.

    Here are the key areas covered in this episode:

    Soak in the fact that there's a lot of misinformation that puts pressure on parents to live up to unrealistic expectations of feeding their child. Know that a child's food intake varies based on activity and energy levels. Both can decrease the desire to eat, and growth spurts can increase it. Pressuring your child to eat more when they aren't hungry has more harmful effects in the long run. Avoid using sugar-filled foods to entice kids to eat more. Your little ones need a third of their daily calorie intake of fat and not sweets. Changes in growth can be slow and steady or quick and infrequent. Being higher or lower on the percentile chart during the first two years need not always cause alarm.

    Loved this episode? Please be sure to subscribe and ring the bell for weekly notifications on YouTube.

    We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family!


  • Clean Eating for Kids Podcast empowers families to be aware of their nutritional needs and supports the whole family to transition simply and effectively. Together, let's strive for a healthy future.

    In this episode, we discuss how having a growth mindset is necessary for us parents to help our children have a better relationship with healthier food.

    Here are the key areas covered in this episode:

    ✨ 95% of our behavior is controlled by our subconscious autopilots, not our conscious minds. Our lives are simply printouts of the behavior that was programmed into our subconscious minds.

    ✨ Visualize your ideal relationship with your kids. What will mealtime, playtime, food, exercises, and going to the grocery store together look like for you, and how will it feel like?

    ✨ Log your moments of reaction versus response to notice your areas for growth patterns. Knowing how to improve your perception and becoming more mindful will benefit you to establish better habits.

    ✨ As you clean up your eating behaviors and habits, the more likely you will deal better with kids becoming resistant or stubborn to eating the cleaner foods you want them to eat.

    Loved this episode? Please be sure to subscribe and ring the bell for weekly notifications on YouTube.

    We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

  • Clean Eating for Kids Podcast empowers families to be aware of their nutritional needs and supports the whole family to transition simply and effectively. Together, let's strive for a healthy future.

    In this episode, it is worth understanding how to tap into the subconscious mind and control our belief systems for effective parenting.

    Helping children make sense of their emotions affecting the mental models determines their attitudes.

    Here are the key areas covered in this episode:

    For the first seven years of life, a child's brain absorbs subconscious programming that serves as a foundation for creating habits, actions, and behaviors. There are limiting beliefs that we are consciously and unconsciously instilling in our children. As parents, how do we track our patterns and find our beliefs' roots to uncover the negative ways we react to our children? Know how to enforce limits without creating hurt and fear

    Loved this episode? Please be sure to subscribe and ring the bell for weekly notifications on YouTube.

    We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family!


  • We all know the classic adage, "Know the tree by the fruit." You cannot have a mango tree in your garden, and the fruit is rotten. It is the fruit that determines what the tree is. As parents, we have the blessing and responsibility of growing our children into something by the kind of thoughts we cultivate in our minds.

    What kind of fruits do we want our children to be?

    In this new episode of the Clean Eating For Kids Podcast, Crystal Hilsley shares essential truths on how reframing your mindset will transform your life and improve it to pass it on to your children and build yours and their best future.

    Key takeaways covered in the episode:

    ✅ Extra eyes and little hearts pick up on your vibrations of how you look at life and approach day-to-day situations. To your children - you are their hero, their north star. They adapt to a certain degree your inherent beliefs, traits, habits, and characteristics. It's nature versus nurture in full force.

    ✅ Fixed versus Growth Mindset. Which one do you have? A fixed mindset assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are just static givens, which we can't change in any meaningful way. On the other hand, a growth mindset thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of unintelligence but as a heartening springboard for growth and stretching our existing abilities. These two mindsets, which we manifest from a very early age, creates a great deal of our behavior, our relationship with success and failure in both professional and personal contexts.

    ✅ Vulnerability to failure is the door. How else do you learn if you don't try and fail? When your kids fail at something, remind them they've just earned the gift of a learning experience, which they will remember the next time they do the same thing. If you messed up in parenting, go back to your child and say you're sorry and hug them. Let them know they are not to blame and that you're human too and you make mistakes.

    ✅ Children come into this world essentially knowing nothing. They look around them, and they learn from the reactions of their environment. They want their needs met. The questions they ask their inner selves come from their belief systems. Our job as parents is to help them create positive beliefs about themselves, life, people, and the world around them.

    Through interaction with you, if they might not feel seen or heard, perhaps you're looking at your phone, distracted, or you don't fully appreciate and recognize the craft that they created for you. Or maybe you've complained about lack of resources such as money.

    This builds up as a typical limiting belief kid adapt from an early age -- leading to personal statements, "I am not good enough, I'm not important, or if I fail or make a mistake, I will get rejected."

    Children create their meanings for situations, specifically with food. If you're approaching them with a plate of broccoli and you're anxious or even stressed, then they're going to associate that food with an awful experience.

    If you tune in to our next video, we're going to discuss the subconscious mind and the states in which beliefs are created. It's a tall order to realize as a parent that you are forming and shaping their belief systems from birth to seven years old. But keep in mind, it's never too late to change and adjust to correct your course of action. That's what a growth mindset is, after all.

    If you find this episode valuable, check out this HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week, you can access modules that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks. A value-packed library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for you and your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

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  • Malnutrition and infection have long been intertwined. Poor nutrition is the leading cause of autoimmune disease around the globe. Five infectious diseases cause more than 50% of children's fatalities below five years, most of which are undernourished.

    Given these alarming statistics that might affect our children, I've invited Pamela Wirth to give us a 360 perspective about Nutrition and inflammation: the relationship of food to immune and brain health.

    Pamela Wirth is the co-founder of Hello Health® Nutrition that helps children reach their full potential in two therapeutic formulas created for kids and adults seeking immune, brain, and gut support.

    She combined her passions of health and wellness, traveling, and helping others write Hello, Health with the support of US doctors and other families, sharing her journey to solve her son's complicated autoimmune disorder.

    Ms. Wirth's consulting, life experiences, and attention to detail supported her to work with several people, including doctors, which enabled Ms. Wirth to create Hello Health, encouraging wellness for children and adults to feel better from the inside out.

    Key takeaways covered in the episode:

    Be reminded that every child is different. With that, we should look at the person's whole rather than solve a current issue at hand. Understand the implication of having solutions, research, and treatments around “person to person” rather than “symptom by symptom”. Draw inspiration from Pamela's experience with her son, how she became her son's biggest advocate, helped him battle his complicated autoimmune disorder, and rippled her impact on many other children and adults. Correct the misconception that you can go to one doctor, and it's all going to be okay. It would be best if you always had a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or even 5th and 6th opinion. Look into things like olive leaf, extracting oil of oregano, and how they can help combat, alleviate, and heal complicated autoimmune disorders common among school-aged children. Remember that there's no such thing as the body is to the body; the brain is to the brain. Understand that there is a connection that ties the pieces together. You've got to take care of the body to take care of the brain and vice versa.

    Loved this episode? We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

    Link for the stat:


  • Clean Eating for Kids Podcast empowers families to be aware of their nutritional needs and supports the whole family to transition simply and effectively. Together, let’s strive for a healthy future.

    In this episode, we are joined by Misty Lee, Pharm.D., to talk about how digestion and food choices impact health, what kinds of stress impact daily activities, and ways to alleviate those stressors.

    Lee is a Pharmacist who specializes in Digestive Health and Quantum Biofeedback Therapy. She educates busy, stressed-out professionals and helps them decrease the effects of stress on their health.

    Here are the key areas covered in this episode:

    Why consuming unhealthy food without any nutrient content and enzymes create a lot of havoc on our legislative tract. While feeding yourself is part of loving yourself, you have to be mindful of what you put inside your body.

    Did you know that some women are selling their breast milk? The cow's milk is made for a baby calf to gain six hundred pounds in its first year of life. It has all the fats, proteins, and carbs that it needs for a cow. We are not a cow, so we're not assimilating it!

    What is quantum biofeedback? If you think of yourself like an onion, when you get biofeedback, you're now peeling off layers of stress because we're normalizing the frequencies of the cells and putting them back into balance. Understand what biofeedback is and see how it applies to your daily life.

    Find out what happens when you operate at such a high level of stress and the physical symptoms that occur due to different stress sources.

    "I don't want to stay in the sick cycle. I don't want to be in a nursing home at the age of sixty-five. I want to be traveling the world and seeing things. So, I'm going to make sure that my health is at its best when I'm retired." If you have the same mindset, check out Lee's recommended food and supplements.

    Loved this episode? We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

  • Adults and Triggers

    Our children are the most important thing to us —they are our everything.

    But when our kids are in the middle of a meltdown, what happens? It triggers us as adults.

    Have you ever asked yourself why that is so?

    Kids should not be able to trigger us to the point where we're losing our mind, and we're screaming and doing things like hitting them, etc. —that's not the answer.

    Take meltdowns and temper tantrums as a learning opportunity. Your child, aside from being a miniature version of yourself, is a beautiful little teacher.

    To handle meltdowns, the very first thing you must do is understand your kids. However, it's not often as simple as it seems. Many things trigger temper tantrums and outbursts: fear, dissatisfaction, anger, physical discomfort, to name a few, and because a tantrum is not an exceptionally straightforward means of communication, parents are sometimes in the dark on what drives the action.

    The Clean Eating For Kids Podcast brings you this episode on "Adults and Triggers," where Crystal Hilsley shares some strategies for effectively handling meltdowns in kids.

    Key takeaways covered in the episode:

    Understand that before we're able to take care of your children, you were meant to take care of yourself first. As the saying goes, put your oxygen mask on first before putting one on your child.

    Implement a schedule for your kids. What a schedule does is it allows children to feel safe. When they feel safe, they're much calmer, and they know what's expected of them.

    Never let negative emotions get in the way of treating your children. Note that anger as an emotion lasts around 90 seconds. What happens after that 90 second is you choose to either allow that emotion to completely dissipate and dissolve or continue on a path of holding in that emotion. Learn firsthand from Crystal Hilsley on how to release these negative emotions.

    Teach your kids through example. Realize that your belief systems are what create your perceptions, and perception is what makes your reality. So when you're being triggered, stop for a moment, get very present and be calm. A small child who has not learned to control their emotions yet is learning from you.

    Discover how to pass on to your children the healthy way to remove and work through difficult emotions. Remember that the behaviors and the habits that your children have now will go into adulthood.

    Parenting starts with self-care. Be sure to budget in time for yourself because when you're calm, your giftedness comes out, and you enjoy things that make you happy.

    Loved this episode? We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

    Join our FREE Facebook Group


  • Mindset and Belief Systems for Kids

    Clean Eating for Kids Podcast empowers families to be aware of their nutritional needs and supports the whole family to transition simply and effectively. Together, let’s strive for a healthy future. In this episode, we’re going to highlight the mindset and belief systems for kids.

    Your belief profoundly affects the way you lead your life. It can determine whether you become the person you want to be and whether you accomplish the things that you value. A simple belief has the power to transform your psychology and as a result — your life!

    Here are the key areas covered in this episode:

    How fixed and growth mindset help shapes your life, and how these two things lead to a host of different thoughts and actions, taking you down an entirely different road.

    Understand that what you do is more powerful than what you say. Even when you think your children aren't paying attention, it's essential to be a positive role model. Think about what you want your kids to learn from you and try to model that in your life.

    The domino effect of reminding your kids that "they have just earned the gift of a learning experience" whenever they fail at something. Remember, they always need your support, love, and guidance.

    Unlock the secrets to providing a safe space for your kids to become the happy, healthy, and confident adults that you want them to be.

    Loved this episode? We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

  • Mindful Breathing for Kids

    Clean Eating for Kids Podcast empowers families to be aware of their nutritional needs and supports the whole family to transition simply and effectively. Together, let’s strive for a healthy future. In this episode, let’s talk about the importance of mindful breathing for kids.

    My content is all about family support to get your kids on board to eat healthier. This formula is backed by science and psychology.

    As we know, they have the data to prove the requirement of having the right mindset and belief systems to create the habits that allow us all to have a joyful life experience that starts in childhood.

    Now, what does mindful breathing for kids have something to do with it?

    Here are the key areas covered in this episode:

    How do kids and adult handle stress differently? Discover the TOP 3 fast, effective and fun breathing exercises for your kids that will help your kids cope with stress. You can practice these breathing techniques any time of day!

    The root of unhealthy stress and its damaging effects, such as sickness and disease. Anxiety becomes distressed when we don't know how to handle the powerful thoughts and feelings.

    Why you shouldn't deny, ignore, or bury your stress inside! According to American Psychological Association, statistics show that one-third of kids experience high levels of stress and anxiety today.

    The best advice about stress management that will enrich your personal life and help you develop a sense of mindfulness. This will make you want to get involved in a family support program!

    Get access to The Family Plan Course, Family Plan Management Tool, and Family Storyline. https://familywithpurpose.com/

    Loved this episode? We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

    Join our Free Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cleaneatingforkidsgroup/

  • Kids and Tantrums

    Clean Eating for Kids Podcast empowers families to be aware of their nutritional needs and supports the whole family to transition simply and effectively. Together, let’s strive for a healthy future. In this episode, let’s talk about how you can properly manage kids’ tantrums.

    Tantrums and meltdowns are among the biggest challenges of parenting. The challenges kids face today are unlike any other generation before them. If your child is experiencing heavy feelings and emotions, it's up to us to make them feel safe, seen, and heard. If you're struggling to identify the underlying reason behind your child's meltdown and you're not managing it with ease and grace, you can take comfort in the fact that you aren't alone.

    If you're comparing yourself to other parents who seem like they have it all figured out, you're doing yourself a disservice. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, but with the right strategic approach, it will get better. If the approach you're currently taking isn't working, this episode will guide you create the new pattern or behavior you want so you can transition from being frustrated, exhausted, and ready to give up, to joyful, organized, and very fulfilling.

    Here are the key areas covered in this episode:

    Unlock the TOP 4 reasons for kids’ outburst and tantrums you must know about how you can help them cope with negative feelings. The ultimate goal is to empathize, reassure, and teach.

    Kids are desperate for connection when they're in the middle of a storm of emotions and are looking to you for support and love and guidance. Find out how you can respond with love and empathy.

    What makes positive nonverbal communication powerful and why warm, loving relationships are key to children’s development.

    Learn how you can allow your child to speak their frustration and not interrupting the emotional response of anger.

    Believe that you can shorten the duration of that tantrum. So, stay calm and be patient. Take a moment to give yourself a pat on the back. Each and every time you practice this exercise and learn to identify the triggers that cause that tantrum, it will get easier to improve your approach.

    Get access to The Family Plan Course, Family Plan Management Tool, and Family Storyline. https://familywithpurpose.com/

    Loved this episode? We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp