Part 2 of our conversation regarding ignoring your reality...which is impossible but we can face it and let it go with a few simple steps. It is your CHOICE.
The next step is to start seeing the rest with Divine Eyes then finally, choosing a different story.
Dive in with me on this important process to CHANGE your Reality in as little as 3 days. Try it.
Please follow me across all social media pages @CommonGirlCreations
and my website www.commongirl.net
To connect directly, please send me your thoughts, comments, experiences and more to commongirlcreations@gmail.comSupport the Show.
Is it really possible to ignore your reality? It is the advice guven across the majority of law of attraction platforms. But is it POSSIBLE?
This starts off a little off topic but please stay til the end and I HOPE you get something out of it!
The discussion continues in Part 2 coming soon.
Please follow me across all social media pages @CommonGirlCreations
and my website www.commongirl.net
To connect directly, please send me your thoughts, comments, experiences and more to commongirlcreations@gmail.comSupport the Show.
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Cybernetic Mechanisms...
What the heck am I talking about?? I am talking about your subconscious programming default much like how a thermostat or autopilot function.
Enjoy! If you would like to support the show and be a part of our growth, click here: https://cash.app/$commongirlcreations
Thank you in advance for the support!.
Check out my other projects on www.commongirl.net or questions?
commongirlcreations@gmail.comSupport the Show.
I thought it was a good time for episode 10 to have a candid conversation about who I am, why I started and my dreams, desires and goals for this process.
it was not going to be downloaded for the podcast, was only a YouTube video but had lots of encouragement for this upedited, bare bones truth episode to be shared as apparently, I AM NOT ALONE in this journey!
Be sure to subscribe, like, share to help spread my message and hope it resonates with you!
Follow across all social media @CommonGirlCreations
Check out my new merchandise: https://www.commongirl.net/shop
Enjoy! If you would like to support the show and be a part of our growth, click here:
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Law of Gender is also known as the Creation Law and closely related to Law of Polarity as it deals with opposites.
the difference is with the Creation Law, these opposites must come together for Creation to happen. This Law states we all have a masculine and feminine energy and must go through a period of gestation before that Creation is manifested.
It works whether you believe it or not. It works whether you understand it or not. It is Law.
Follow me across all social media pages (and watch this episode on Youtube) @CommonGirlCreations:
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If you would like to support the show and be a part of our growth, click here: https://cash.app/$commongirlcreations
Thank you in advance for the support!
commongirlcreations@gmail.comSupport the Show.
Have you ever walked into room and felt as though you could "cut the tension with a knife"? Or maybe walked into someone's home and immediately felt warmth, coziness, love? What we are picking up is energy. Good or bad. Light or heavy. Our Chakras are energy processes and some feel it in their head, chest or stomach. Do we have control of this energy? How can we change or TRANSMUTE negative or "shadow" energy into something useful, positive?
Be sure to Like, Subscribe and follow for more episodes!
Follow me across all social media pages (and watch this episode on Youtube) @CommonGirlCreations:
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If you would like to support the show and be a part of our growth, click here: https://cash.app/$commongirlcreations
Thank you in advance for the support!
commongirlcreations@gmail.comSupport the Show.
Triggered? Anxious? Spiraling downward? Learn how to STOP this painful cycle before it takes root. You have been controlled far too long by these uncontrolled emotions. Watch this video to learn how to take back control and calibrate yourself INTO THE POWERFUL BEING YOU WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO BE!
Check out my YouTube Channel!
Podcast now playing on Spotify, Amazon, Apple, Google and Buzzsprouts.
CommonGirl Creations Podcast by Jennifer MarieFollow me across all social media pages (and watch this episode on Youtube) @CommonGirlCreations:
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commongirlcreations@gmail.com#lawofattraction #lawofassumption #triggered #anxietyrelief #anxiety #lawofcompensation #manifestation #manifestingmoney #manifestingmiracles
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If you have ever struggled in receiving your "due", receiving your "fair share", then this is an episode you cant miss.
Also known as Karma, this law explains the direct relationship between you and your services rendered. Karma can be a b****, but Karma can also be the most beautiful gift you could ever receive!
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE and FOLLOW ME for more EFFORTLESS ways to live your best life!
Follow me across all social media pages (and watch this episode on Youtube) @CommonGirlCreations:
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If you would like to support the show and be a part of our growth, click here: https://cash.app/$commongirlcreations
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#lawofattraction #lawofvibration #lawofassumption #lawoftheuniverse #lawofcompensation #commongirlcreationsSupport the Show.
This is one of my favorite laws: Law of Polarity
Everything has an equal opposite energy. It is present at the same time, on the same line. You don't see it because you don't look away from what you don't want long enough to notice what you do want is right there! You must change your viewpoint, your attitude, even if for a moment and you will see. Everything is RIGHT there. The exact opposite of your lack, well being, wealth...
Follow me across all social media pages (and watch this episode on Youtube) @CommonGirlCreations:
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If you would like to support the show and be a part of our growth, click here: https://cash.app/$commongirlcreations
Thank you in advance for the support!
#lawofattraction #lawofvibration #lawofassumption #lawofpolarity #lawoftheuniverse #commongirlcreationsSupport the Show.
Become a DELIBERATE creator through the Law of Attraction. If you've ever felt as though you could predict the outcome of a negative situation and find yourself saying things like, "I knew it!" or "This always happening to me!" then you are experiencing the Law of Attraction at work! It works no matter your awareness too it so why not ATTRACT POSITIVE outcomes and say with HAPPINESS: "It always works out for me!"
Follow me across all social media pages (and watch this episode on Youtube) @CommonGirlCreations:
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If you would like to support the show and be a part of our growth, click here: https://cash.app/$commongirlcreations
Thank you in advance for the support!
#lawofattraction #lawofvibration #lawoftheuniverse #lawofassumption #manifestation #manifesting #commongirlcreationsSupport the Show.
This is THE PRIMARY LAW. We are ALL connected. ONE consciousness. Together. We are not alone and we hold the POWER inside our own body to connect with our greatest power & resource!
Follow me across all social media pages (and watch this episode on Youtube) @CommonGirlCreations:
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If you would like to support the show and be a part of our growth, click here: https://cash.app/$commongirlcreations
Thank you in advance for the support!
#lawofattraction #lawofvibration #lawsoftheuniverse #lawofdivineoneness #lawofassumption #commongirlcreationsSupport the Show.
The BEST solutions to any problems are found within your own mind. Listen now to find out how EASY it is to SOLVE ANY ISSUE that presents itself. Inspired ACTION is what you're looking for and it can be found in your INSPIRED THOUGHT.
Follow me across all social media pages (and watch this episode on Youtube) @CommonGirlCreations:
Check out my NEW merchandise:
If you would like to support the show and be a part of our growth, click here: https://cash.app/$commongirlcreations
Thank you in advance for the support!
commongirlcreations@gmail.comSupport the Show.
An overview of the 12 Laws of the Universe. Lets start CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE with this overview. THEY ARE ALWAYS WORKING. Why not learn how to use deliberately instead of by default?!
Follow me across all social media pages (and watch this episode on Youtube) @CommonGirlCreations:
Check out my NEW merchandise:
If you would like to support the show and be a part of our growth, click here: https://cash.app/$commongirlcreations
Thank you in advance for the support!
commongirlcreations@gmail.comSupport the Show.