Event Experience brings the best and brightest Event Experience Leaders together to share stories, tips, and lessons learned from creating some of the world's biggest events. Featuring conversations about event marketing, event management, audience engagement, and how to measure event success.
Unlocking Leadership asks the big questions about being a better leader in the modern workplace. Hosted by Clare Carpenter.
Na Ideias e Desafios pensamos que já existe muita complicação no mundo.
Sabemos que o conhecimento só serve para alguma coisa quando é posto em prática imediatamente e vemos o seu resultado rapidamente. Por isso, sejam temas de Vendas, Liderança, Motivação, Gestão ou Coaching, serão abordados de uma forma simples e prática para que sejam de facto uma mais-valia no seu dia a dia.
Semanalmente iremos publicar diversos formatos, artigos de opinião, entrevistas, gravações de palestras entre outros.
O nosso ‘podcast’ é apenas mais uma dos recursos de formação gratuita que temos ao dispor das empresa e profissionais no mercado.
Se quiser conhecer tudo o que temos para si, visite-nos em:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
What if you could spend time with experts in law firm marketing and practice management, ask them about their successes and failures, their tools and strategies; then take an insight or two to inspire your own business growth? That’s what we do each week on Your Law Firm is a Business... Take it to the Next Level. Hosted by Melanie Leonard, Esq (practice management maestro) and Mark Homer (law firm marketing master), every episode is an in-depth look at how to run a strong business, not just practice law. The goal is to introduce and reinforce the correct strategies for growing your firm but not at the expense of health and happiness.
Welcome to the Vantage Influencers Podcast channel, where we talk about employee engagement, compensation benefits, recruitment, and everything that concerns HR!
Office LAB spricht mit den interessantesten Menschen der Welt, um sich mit den provokanten und kraftvollen Ideen unserer Zeit auseinanderzusetzen.
Hätte mal keiner gesagt, wir hätten nichts getan, bevor wir als Menschheit auf der Erde zugrunde gehen! Klimawandel, mehr noch: Klimakrise, dramatischer Verlust an Biodiversität und überhaupt. Der Mensch hält sich einfach nicht an die Regeln von Ökosystemen, sondern schafft seine eigenen.
Und das alles nur wegen der Wirtschaft!
Leicht pointiert, zugegeben, aber es ist halt so: die Art und Weise unseres Wirtschaftens entzieht uns und vielen anderen Arten auf der Welt die Lebensgrundlage. Und zukünftigen Generationen erst recht.
Wir wollen in dieser Podcast-Reihe verstehen, wie es anders geht. Wie sich so Wirtschaften lässt, dass auch zukünftige Generationen davon profitieren.
Wir stehen für eine nachhaltige, eine regenerative Wirtschaft in Theorie und Praxis.
Das bedeutet, ihr bekommt zu hören:
Nachhaltige Strategien für einen langfristigen Geschäftserfolg, ökonomisch, sozial und ökologisch.
Alles dabei, jede Woche Donnerstag eine neue Episode.
Alle Episoden + Hintergrundinformationen auf unserer Website:
Anregungen, Rückfragen und Anfragen an [email protected]
oder an den host Frank Schlieder direkt über LinkedIn-Direktnachricht:
Auf bald! -
An Audio Blog, by Audio Content Lab, highlighting the latest in audio content marketing and sonic branding.
© 2020 Audio Content Lab -
Em DIGITALIDADE vou explorar os melhores insights sobre Marketing, Comércio Eletrónico, e Redes Sociais. Cada episódio será uma nova aventura que promete informar, inspirar e entreter. O meu objetivo é criar uma comunidade de ouvintes que partilhem a minha paixão por aprender e explorar temas que importam nos nossos dias para as organizações e pessoas.
O guia para descomplicar e otimizar os diferentes aspectos do mundo empresarial.
Em cada episódio, José Madeira e Sérgio Silvério partilham conversas sobre estratégias eficazes para simplificar os negócios, desde a informática, passando pela gestão, até ao marketing.
Prepara-te para revolucionar a forma como encaras os desafios empresariais. Se és empresário, empreendedor ou gestor e queres simplificar processos da tua organização este podcast é para ti.
Junta-te a nós, quinzenalmente, às quartas enquanto desmistificamos o poder de simplificar negócios.
Sabe mais sobre os nossos negócios em: -
The future is always bright…if you know where to look. Join me each week for A Bit of Optimism! I talk to inspiring people who teach me more about life, leadership and general interesting things.
Um podcast português sobre cryptomoedas e outros assuntos
O meu nome é Sérgio Rodrigues e ajudo pessoas a organizarem as suas finanças para que alcancem a tranquilidade financeira, sem sacrificar o conforto diário
Um podcast que promete elevar a tua literacia financeira em 3 pilares: mentalidade, orçamento e investimentos.
Aqui fala-se de tudo relacionado com dinheiro. Sempre com linguagem simples, descomplicada e com temas focados naquilo que tu precisas. -
The Make Space for Growth Podcast is a space to talk about growth - in business, at home and with the family, or in your community.
The show is hosted by Sara Vicente Barreto, a corporate strategist, problem solver, social entrepreneur, writer and mum of 2.
Sara is passionate about growth and has created the Make Space for Growth community, bringing her authentic experience across areas of life. -
Interviewing the best negotiators in the world, we explore negotiation strategy, negotiation tactics, stories of negotiation failure and negotiation success.
Weekly views on the key news stories from the Hotel Analyst team, covering the global hotel investment market. To read more detail, subscribe at
Next Economy Now highlights the leaders that are taking a regenerative, bio-regional, democratic, equitable, racially-just, and whole-systems approach to creating the new economy. Popular guests include Vincent Stanley (Patagonia), Winona LaDuke (White Earth Reservation), Frederic Laloux (Reinventing Organizations), Autumn Brown (AORTA), Kate Raworth (Doughnut Economics), and Aaron Tanaka (Center for Economic Democracy). Learn more at
This podcast is a fantastic Ham-Fisted Production. Ever wondered how some of your favourite people got to where they are today in the entertainment business? Have you ever questioned what it takes to accelerate to the top of your field and maintain that high level position?
Each week on Expert Minutes John Hambone McGuire will be speaking to some amazing industry experts and household names from various corners of the entertainment business, where they will share their stories and give you a little perspective into their worlds. Successful paths always leave footprints.If your day jobs not your dream job - keep hustling.
Expert Minutes is brought to you by The Expert Agency - the UK’s leading PR and media management agency for experts and leading voices. Distributed by: Podcast Radio -
Start each workday with digestible nuggets on the benefits of running a lean organization. We cover 5 topics in 5 days in about 5 minutes.
1. Leadership- Discover key concepts for successfully leading your organization during its lean transformation.
2. Culture/Intrapreneurship- Learn how to support your intrapreneurs, those who are driving change within your organization.
3. Lean Topics- Still catching on to lean principles and methodologies? We’ll help you with the basics and advanced topics.
4. Industry 4.0- Learn how smart manufacturing, smart factories, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and more will change the face of business.
5. Interviews- Hear from others that are on their lean journey and learn their secrets to success!
Learn more about American Lean at
Tom Reed can be reached at [email protected] -
"Video Edge: Course Creators Guide to Video Content Creation" - A dynamic podcast dedicated to empowering course creators like you. Discover the art of captivating video content, learn the secrets of audience engagement, and unlock the power of your unique voice. With us, turn your ideas into influential, high-quality videos that truly resonate. Tune in and get ready to take your content to the cutting edge of creativity.