
  • Ever thought about using giveaways to build up your fan base? If you've watched other contests and giveaways that artists run online, you'll see it's just about giving something away...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa unpack how to use viral giveaways to massively grow your audience! Learn how to select the perfect prizes that pull in your fans, amplify the virality of your contest with bonuses, and the art of follow-up that keeps fans engaged!

    If you're launching a giveaway but worried about just attracting freebie seekers, this episode will show you how to plan, execute, and capitalize on a viral contest that works!


    How To Choose Prizes That Act As A Magnet For Your Target Audience

    When To Implement Giveaways In Your Music Career

    What Tactics Increase The Chances Of Your Giveaway Getting Traction

    Why Consolation Prizes Can Be A Game Changer For Monetization

    How To Maintain High Engagement With Your Fans During And After The Contest


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO



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  • Got a head full of wild marketing ideas but not sure which ones will actually work? Creativity can be a double-edged sword in music marketing - it can lead to brilliant campaigns in the best case but also can bring NO results in the worst case...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa explore how to tap into your creativity without letting your marketing efforts go off the rails! Learn why sticking to marketing fundamentals is crucial and what key questions you should ask about your audience growth, subscribers, customers, and how to capitalize on opportunities in your fan base!

    If you want to make sure your most creative marketing ideas actually get results, this episode is your guide to planning and executing!


    Why Artists Need To Balance Creativity With Marketing Fundamentals

    What Critical Questions To Ask About Your Fans To Guide Your Marketing Strategies

    Why We Read Old Copywriting Books

    How To Assess Which Of Your Creative Ideas Will Actually Engage Your Fans

    Why Not All Opportunities Are Opportunities


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • For artists and their teams that are planning launches, tours, marketing services, merch, and EVERYTHING else that fits into a music career, there's a lot to figure out! Here are a few helpful stories to clear the path...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa share stories and lessons learned from our biggest case studies from our music marketing agency IndieX! Learn how to utilize all your marketing channels, maximize your merch drops and offers, sell out your tours, and leverage name recognition to hit your marketing goals!

    If you want to shortcut your learning curve and organize your marketing, take a few lessons from our agency clients in this episode!


    How Artists Can Get Off The Revenue Rollercoaster

    What You Can Do To Sell Records at a Premium

    Why You Should Only Pay Attention to ONE Metric When It Comes To Ad Frequency

    How PR and Paid Social Work Together


    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

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  • Using paid ads is a powerful way to market your music online but the results aren't ever black and white and it's not as simple as turning on a campaign and "growing a fan base in your sleep"...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa discuss how to analyze your advertising efforts and growth so that you understand the pace of your audience growth! Learn about the goals of advertising from top to bottom, finding your hero ad, and how to tap into customer journey marketing in your music career!

    If you've ever felt discouraged by the speed of your fan base growth and want to set yourself up for success in the future, this episode is for you!


    What Artists Need To Know About The Pace of Audience Growth When Advertising

    Why You Should Be Polarizing In Your Online Presence

    What To Look For In a "Hero" Ad For Your Music

    How To Analyze Fan Engagement At Every Level of Your Marketing

    What Traps Artists Fall Into When Calling Fans To Action


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • The journey to profitability for artists and bands can feel more like a marathon than a sprint and marketing is not a silver bullet...but many artists expect marketing to perform miracles!

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa discuss how marketing fits into a music career with a measured, realistic approach and explore the blend of making art and making a living! Learn how to manage and set goals with the two essential resources every artist must invest, why artists are uniquely positioned to excel at marketing, and the smart way to analyze your vanity metrics!

    If you want to make music and make it a profitable venture, this episode will help you see the long game and how to attack it!


    Why The Path To Profitability In Music Requires A Long-term Perspective

    How To Set Realistic Goals At The Intersection Of Art And Commerce

    What Resources You Need To Invest In Your Marketing

    What ROI To Look For On Your Time And Capital

    How To Use Vanity Metrics Intelligently

    Why Your Marketing Efforts Should Always Enhance Your Creativity

    Why Artists Are Uniquely Built To Be Great Marketers


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Strategies for running successful paid advertising campaigns for your music can feel like a rollercoaster of changing best practices. It's hard for artists to keep up with what's working today...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack is joined by IndieX Agency Strategist Ande Hunter for a tactical episode to teach you what's working today for our clients in their paid social ad campaigns! Swipe our current standard practices for Spotify growth campaigns, tour marketing, ad testing, how to target your fans effectively, and how we use retargeting for the most impact!

    If you've ever felt lost trying to navigate the current best practices when it comes to Meta advertising, use these tips straight out of our agency playbooks to help you run your campaigns with confidence!


    How We Approach Retargeting Strategy In 2024

    When To Use Interest Targeting vs Broad Targeting

    What Audiences Should You Target In Your Sales Promotions

    What Ad Campaign Structure Is Currently Working For Driving Streams

    How To Plan and Budget Your Tour Marketing Ad Campaigns


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    How As December Falls Sold Out Their UK Tour

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Want to maximize the potential of your merch store sales? Even a small set of products can go a long way...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa dive deep into strategies artists can use to make the most of their merch to boost your online sales! Learn how to use vinyl and CD variants, as well as limited runs, to drive sales, catch the attention of various customer avatars within your fan base, and reskin and refresh your offers to breathe new life into your marketing campaigns.

    Whether you've got a merch store with tons of products or just a few offers, the tips in this episode will help you increase the reach and impact of your merch!


    How To Use Vinyl And CD Variants And Limited Runs In Your Marketing

    How To Design Offers For Different Customer Avatars Within Your Fan Base

    Why New Ad Creative Tests Will Increase Your Sales

    How To Reskin Your Offers Around The Calendar


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    How to NEVER Need a Reason to Sell to Your Fans

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Musicians often ask how to capitalize on trends in their marketing without coming off as gross, insincere, or opportunistic. But the process of trendjacking for artists is subtle...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa explore how and when artists can tap into current trends and news to enhance their music marketing! Learn what musicians can take away from comedians, who have free reign over trends, why trendjacking is NOT a quick fix for problems in your marketing, and understand how news and current events influence your fans' online behavior!

    If you want to engage with trends in a way that feels genuine to you and your fans, tune into this episode for strategies to approach trendjacking the right way!


    How To Use Subtle Trendjacking In Your Music Career

    What Musicians Can Learn From Comedians About Handling Trending Topics

    Why Trendjacking Isn’t A Solution For Marketing Infrastructure Problems

    How Current Events Shape Fan Interactions And Behaviors Online

    What Strategies Work Best For Integrating Trends Authentically Into Your Promotions


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Gated content can be a powerful way to turn fans into subscribers and customers, but most artists quickly realize it's not as easy as picking out a type of content and striking up a Patreon membership...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa dive into how to market gated content effectively and how to decide what's right for your music business and fans! Learn the mistakes artists make when gating exclusive music, videos, and other content and how to tease gated content with hooks and messaging that get attention straight from a client case study from our agency, IndieX!

    Whether you’re just starting out with gated content or looking to enhance your current strategy, this episode is packed with strategies that you can put into practice today!


    How To Choose The Right Content To Gate

    Why Unique Hooks Make The Biggest Impact With Gated Content

    How To Choose Between Opt-ins, Memberships, And Paywalls

    What Can Make Your Free Offers Feel Exclusive And Enticing

    How To Effectively Tease Your Gated Content To Spark Interest

    Why The Music Industry Misses When It Comes To Bribes and Memberships

    What You Can Learn From Creators Like Podcasters, YouTubers, And Comedians


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    What Musicians Can Learn From Tabloids and Celebrity Gossip

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Even in the current singles landscape of music, album launches are viewed as a big opportunity to grow your audience and your business. There's another opportunity with album launches that many artists miss...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, join Jack and Circa as they discuss how to use music releases like EP and album drops as launchpads for your future marketing initiatives! Learn how launches can boost the stages of the fan journey, build your ecosystem, and the biggest mistakes artists make when it comes to launches!

    If you're planning a big milestone campaign like an album or EP launch, this episode will help you position your release for the most success and as a launchpad for your music business in the long run!


    Why Launches Boost The Stages Of The Fan Journey

    What Mindset Shifts Artists Need To Make When It Comes To Launches

    How Audiences Move In Your Business

    What Offers To Build For Different Kinds Of Audiences


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Are you wondering where to focus your marketing efforts for your next single release, album launch, tour, or merch drop? There are a ton of channels that you could use to reach your fans. Which will serve you best in your music career?

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa break down a step-by-step process to help you pick the best marketing channels for your next offer- no matter what it is! Learn how to analyze your offers, determine which fans would love it, and how to laser target them so that your next marketing campaign makes a big impact!

    If you've ever felt overwhelmed about how social media, ads, email, text marketing, and everything else should fit together in your marketing campaigns, let this episode be your roadmap!


    How To Analyze Your Offer Based On Your Funnel

    What Questions To Ask Yourself When Planning Campaigns

    When To Use One Marketing Channel Vs Many Channels

    How To Talk To Your Fans On Social, Email, Text, and Ads

    How To Carve Out New Channels Ahead Of Music Career Milestones


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Sick and tired of feeling like you're on the content creation and release cycle hamster wheel with your music? Consistency is important, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa talk about the flipside of content quantity and how one piece of great content can drive the majority of your audience growth! Learn why businesses of all kinds repeat their most successful ads, how to pick your best music to pull new fans into your world, and the marketing formula for evergreen videos that work for the long haul!

    If you're looking for a strategy that will set you up to attract new fans with less content creation work, this episode is a must-listen with lessons from our agency and community that you can apply today!


    What The Real Goal of Producing Content and Singles Is

    The Social Psychology of Great Music Content Online

    How Organic Traction Feeds Your Paid Ads and Evergreen Marketing

    Why E-commerce Brands Focus On One Product (And Why The Ones That Don't Fail)

    What You Can Learn From JG Wentworth, Kellogg's, Disney, and Other Successful Advertisers


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    EP219: Is Making A Music Video Actually Worth It?

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Worried about overwhelming your fans with too many asks, too many offers, too much content or the wrong kind? Avoid burning out your fans by tapping into the art of nurturing...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa dive into one of the most overlooked aspects of music marketing—nurturing your fans. Learn about nurturing as a central stage in the fan customer journey for artists at both early and later career stages, the common trap when prioritizing monetization, and example nurturing strategies that you can implement in your music marketing today!

    Want to ensure your ensure your fans stay excited and engaged without feeling bombarded? This episode will help you pick a nurturing path to build and expand upon so that your fans are always getting value from you!


    Why Nurturing Is Crucial In The Fan Customer Journey

    How To Identify If You're Testing Content Or Actually Nurturing Your Fan Base

    What Practical Nurturing Strategies You Can Start Using Today In Your Music Marketing

    Where To Nurture Your Customers Outside Of Social Media

    Why Throwback Content Is A Hidden Goldmine


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • It's 2024 and it's time to stop using data as a buzzword and start using it to actually grow your music career...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, join Jack and Circa for a discussion on the truth about data and its impact on your music career! Learn how the music industry typically collects and uses data, where it falls short, and how to use actionable data to build your fan base, get more people to hear your music, and build revenue streams as an artist!

    If you want to avoid gathering data that collects dust or overcome the overwhelm of taking action on your marketing data, this episode is a must listen whether you've got tons of fans or are just starting out!


    What Data The Music Industry Focuses On

    The Difference Between "Is" and "Ought" Data

    How B2b and B2c Data Is Used In Music

    Why Data Consolidation Is Important For Artists

    How To Leverage Your Owned Media and Customer Data To Grow


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Spotify is hotly debated and discussed right now...from royalty fairness and artist equity, to FTC complaints, publishing, and its CEO, so let's actually talk about GROWING on Spotify instead...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa discuss the latest digital marketing strategies that we teach artists and use for growing an audience on Spotify at our agency! Learn about the brand criteria for Spotify growth with digital marketing, where your content plays a role, and the paid traffic strategies that are working best for artists right now!

    If you're looking for a refresher on Spotify growth strategies to test and deploy in your music career, tap into this episode to get the latest ground report from our music marketing agency team!


    Why Growing On Spotify And Getting An ROI Is So Challenging

    What Data The Spotify Algorithm Looks For

    What Paid And Organic Digital Strategies To Use For Spotify Growth

    The Pros And Cons Of Growing An Audience On Spotify

    When To Use Traffic Vs Conversions Campaigns In Meta Ads For Driving Streaming Growth


    Get Access To Our Spotify Growth Workshops Inside IndiePRO

    Get Our FREE Spotify Growth Starting Line Guide

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Knowing what marketing efforts to focus on can be the difference between adding hundreds of thousands in sales or spinning your wheels on another "great" idea for your music career. Here's how to know the difference...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa break down how we added over $300k in annual revenue and 15x'd the sales of one of our agency clients at IndieX! Learn the levers we pulled to capitalize on their two album releases with paid traffic campaigns on social media, exclusive vinyl variants, and a calendar of profit maximizer sales promotions...

    If you're looking to pull out all the stops in using digital marketing in your music career, this episode is a MUST listen!


    How We Grew An Artist Revenue 15x

    Why Qualitative Engagement Is An Indicator For Monetization Potential

    How Release Cadence Impacts Sales

    What To Do When Your Merch Doesn't Sell Out

    How To Structure Your Sales Promotional Calendar For Profit


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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    — —

    About 300k fans across social

    Ran sales promotion first to existing fans: $11,834.07 total store revenue that month

    He did 8k the previous year in ecommerce sales

    He was doing around $2000/mo in ecommerce when he came to work with us

    Here's the levers we pulled to 15x his revenue to $312,158.12 total store revenue last year

    2 album releases in that time

    Cold sales ads for CDs and Vinyl (edited)

    Warm sales ads for CDs, Vinyl and soft cloth

    Sales promos every 6 weeks

    Sales promos alternate between new vinyl variants and new soft cloth launches

    Nurturing email every week

    sales promos as profit maximizes

    qualitative engagement as a monetization opportunity

    release cadence importance

    make more offers, let them be scarce, sell out

    sell out your stock on the road as extra stock

  • Ever wondered why some artists never seem to grow? The answer might be simpler than you think: they never start. Procrastination could be your biggest barrier to success...

    In this eye-opening episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa tackle the #1 reason artists don't grow—failure to take the first steps towards growth! Learn about the psychology of procrastination in a music career and practical strategies to overcome it, the importance of being willing to experiment with marketing, releases, and content, how to focus on actions that move your business forward!

    Whether you're debuting your first track or you’re an artist with millions of fans, this episode is packed with insights on how to take action on new opportunities, overcome limiting beliefs, and start pursuing your goals!


    How To Break Through Procrastination At Any Career Stage

    What Experimental Approaches Can Help You Move Past The Starting Line In Your Music Career

    Where To Focus Your Efforts To Propel Your Music Business Forward

    How AI Can Be Experimentally Used To Build Systems And Tools

    How To Learn To Effectively Use New Tools Fast

    Why Artists Fail To Act On Additional Opportunities As They Grow

    How Limiting Beliefs Can Hold You Back And Strategies To Overcome Them


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Lessons in the music industry show up through different paths…some are taught, some are fought through success and failure, and others are caught from experimentation…

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa unpack ten music marketing and music business lessons to help shorten the learning curve to success in your creative career! From picking the best music to lead your marketing to brand building, people problems, and capturing viral audiences, there’s a lot of ground to cover from our 8 years of running a music marketing agency.

    If you want a leg up that blogs and textbooks can’t give you, let the lessons in this episode point you in the right direction for navigating music marketing and the industry!


    Why Some Music Just Isn't Marketable and How To Select Your Best Music

    Where Music Videos REALLY Fit Into Your Marketing Strategy

    Why Social Media Virality Doesn’t Always Equal Easy Monetization

    How Repetition Is Key In Your Online Marketing

    Why People Problems And Bad Strategy Go Hand In Hand In Music

    Why The Belief That Music Is Recession-Proof Is A Myth

    How The Pareto Principle Applies To Artists


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • A simple trip to the grocery store today could change the course of your music career. Don't believe it?

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa talk all about how musicians need to tap into audience attention online and how tabloids and celebrity gossip can help! Learn why artists struggle to command attention, what terrible copywriting on social media looks like, how to write headlines that capture the attention of your fans, and tips for making your music releases, tours, merch, and content newsworthy!

    If you want to stand out online among all the content noise, apply the lessons from this episode to your social media strategy and finally bridge the gap between the attention of strangers and fans!


    Why Many Artists Fail To Grab Attention Online

    How Terrible Copywriting On Social Media Is Costing You Fans

    How Tabloids, Reddit and Celebrity Gossip Can Help You Write Amazing Headlines

    How To Make Your Music Releases Newsworthy

    Where To Find Inspiration Outside Of Music For Your Copywriting

    The Difference Between Capturing The Attention Of Fans Vs. Strangers

    Why Insane Clown Posse Is The "World's Most Hated Band"

    How To Use True Stories To Create Real Connection With Your Audience


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • For artists trying to build their music careers by growing and monetizing a fan base, improving the music itself is not always the best starting point...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa discuss how to reverse engineer your music business growth by improving the processes that help you create, capture, and monetize your fans' attention! Learn why only focusing on developing your product might get you stuck at the starting line, how to set achievable goals to release music and content, and to structure offers and promotional cadences based on real fan feedback!

    If you want to fine-tune the processes that will actually grow and scale your fan base and your career, the insights from this episode have you covered!


    How Circa Started Indepreneur With Personal Conversations

    Why Growth Isn't Solely About Creating Better Music

    How To Set Realistic Goals For Long-term Success

    How To Use A 9-word Email To Engage Your Audience Effectively

    How To Build And Reverse Engineer A Promotional Cadence That Fits Your Strategy

    What Artists Can Learn From Taylor Swift About Maximizing The Value Of A Release


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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