
  • Can you be candid about change at work? Challenger safety satisfies the basic human need to make things better. It allows us to feel safe to challenge the status quo without retaliation or the risk of damaging our personal standing or reputation. As the highest level of psychological safety, it matches the increased vulnerability and personal risk associated with challenging the status quo.

    Listen in as hosts Tim and Junior discuss how to build Stage 4: Challenger Safety individually, within a team, and throughout an organization.

    For the full learning experience, watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WIx3wcvG-s

    Download the episode resources: https://www.leaderfactor.com/resources/how-to-build-the-4-stages-of-psychological-safety

  • Can you create value for your team? Contributor safety satisfies the basic human need to make a difference and offer meaningful contributions. When we create contributor safety for others, we empower them with autonomy, guidance, and encouragement in exchange for effort and results.

    Listen in as hosts Tim and Junior discuss how to build Stage 3: Contributor Safety individually, within a team, and throughout an organization.

    For the full learning experience, watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCijFFN7t5w

    Download the episode resources: https://www.leaderfactor.com/resources/how-to-build-the-4-stages-of-psychological-safety

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  • We can either cultivate or crush, nurture or neglect, stimulate or stifle learner safety, the second stage of The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety. When we have learner safety we feel safe as we ask questions, give and receive feedback, experiment, and admit when we don’t know.

    As the highest form of enterprise risk management, learner safety opens the door to innovation. Leaders committed to safeguarding learner safety know that learning is the source of competitive advantage.

    An emotionally bruised learner is a cognitively impaired learner. An emotionally empowered learner is a cognitively enabled learner. The choice is yours: What kind of risk will you entertain in your culture? The risk of learning, or the risk of not learning?

    Listen in as hosts Tim and Junior discuss how to build Stage 2: Learner Safety individually, on a team, and in an organization.

    For the full learning experience, watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bND6XuFrEVQ

    Download the episode resources: https://www.leaderfactor.com/resources/how-to-build-the-4-stages-of-psychological-safety

  • This episode is the first in a four-part series on How to Build The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety. Listen in as hosts Junior and Timothy R. Clark, author of The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety book, share in-depth insights into the thinking behind the 4 Stages framework. The episode covers the history behind psychological safety as a concept, what psychological safety is not, where vulnerability fits into the equation, and how to activate the power of diversity through inclusion. As always, they also share 3 practical ways to create inclusion safety on your teams.

    To see the slides and host annotations for the episode, watch it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/zDDBkfA0BFk

    Or download the resources from the episode here: https://www.leaderfactor.com/resources/how-to-build-the-4-stages-of-psychological-safety

  • In this final episode of the Micro-coaching and Accountability series, Tim and Junior take the previous two frameworks, The Coaching Continuum and The Three Levels of Accountability, and put them together into the ultimate diagnostic tool for leaders. Think of this matrix as a model to operationalize coaching on a dynamic team.

    Your objective? To move the individuals you work with up and to the right. To transfer critical thinking and ownership and increase their capacity through coaching. Leaders who coach their people all the way to box nine end up with a team of full thinking partners who are highly skilled, think critically, and take ownership of their roles. They’re encouraging outcome-oriented, future-focused employees who thrive in autonomy and accountability.

    For the full learning experience, watch the episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Uwf4uMvsavs

    Download the resources from the episode: www.leaderfactor.com/resources/micro-coaching-and-accountability

  • Accountability means being answerable for performance. The scope and levels to which we are held accountable vary based on role, willingness, skill, and need. But we can all agree that organizations function based on shared accountability. This means that as teams increase their capacity for accountability, organizational function will also increase.

    So how do we become accountable to the unenforceable, ourselves? Here’s another diagnostic tool that you can use to determine where your people work currently, and where they want to be. The 3 Levels of Accountability illustrate the relationship between autonomy and accountability and help us set our sights on the ultimate goal: Outcome-level accountability.

    For the full learning experience, watch the episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/jMBu1jgo8vE

    Download the resources from the episode: https://www.leaderfactor.com/resources/micro-coaching-and-accountability

  • In this first episode of a 3-part series on Micro-coaching and Accountability, Tim and Junior introduce us to The Coaching Continuum, a framework that can be used to identify coaching patterns in leaders. It runs from “Tell” on one side to “Ask” on the other.

    A leader has one primary objective: To expand the capabilities of the people they lead by increasing their ownership and critical thinking skills. There are two levers that a leader can pull to do this. They can model, or they can coach. Those who rely on directive, one-sided interactions to manage their people will breed dependency and learned helplessness. Those who use inquiry-based conversation in their management will create facilitated self-discovery. Effective leaders use both ends of the spectrum. Where on the continuum do you fall?

    For the full learning experience, watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4jOPXTMT8M

    Download the resources from the episode: www.leaderfactor.com/resources/micro-coaching-and-accountability

  • This week, we're talking about intelligence. Most people have a view of intelligence that's not just wrong, but damaging. Our conception of intelligence affects our goal choice and the intensity of our efforts. It affects how we perceive ourselves and our potential. In the episode, Tim and Junior discuss how intelligence is more like athleticism. They emphasize the importance of adopting a growth mindset and choose Carol Dweck's definition of intelligence, the intersection of motivation, ability, and effort, as the most helpful definition a leader can adopt on their leadership journey.


    Intelligence is not fixed and can be improved through effort and learning.Our conception of intelligence affects our goal choice and the intensity of our efforts.Adopting a growth mindset and seeing intelligence as malleable can lead to greater achievement.Rejecting limiting beliefs and embracing a more expansive view of intelligence is crucial for personal and professional growth.Intelligence is the intersection of motivation, ability, and effort.


    (00:00) Introduction and Objectives

    (03:01) Redefining Intelligence

    (14:47) Intelligence as a Multi-Dimensional Concept

    (36:14) Increasing Intelligence Through Effort

    (46:55) Rejecting Limiting Beliefs and Embracing a Useful Definition of Intelligence

    (49:28) Conclusion and Call to Action

  • This week, Tim and Junior outline the resilience cycle, which, similar to patterns we see in ecology, consists of disturbance, adaptation, and recovery. They share 5 practical ways to become more resilient as a leader, including spreading out, leaning on positive emotions, developing effective coping mechanisms, adopting a growth mindset, and seeking strong social support.


    Resilience is a learnable process that involves responding to and adapting to challenges.Spreading out and diversifying one's identity can help build resilience.Harnessing the power of positive emotions, such as hope and optimism, can aid in resilience.Developing effective and varied coping mechanisms, including sleep, food, and exercise, is crucial for resilience.Adopting a growth mindset and seeking strong social support are important strategies for building resilience.


    (00:00) Introduction

    (01:02) Understanding Resilience

    (06:32) Resilience in Ecosystems

    (10:16) Types of Disturbance

    (13:01) Disturbance and Adaptation

    (18:51) Path 2: Positive Response to Disturbance

    (19:20) Resilience as a Learnable Process

    (20:17) Strategy 1: Spread Out

    (25:27) Strategy 2: Harness the Power of Positive Emotions

    (35:39) Strategy 3: Develop Effective and Varied Coping Mechanisms

    (42:34) Strategy 4: Adopt a Growth Mindset

    (44:59) Strategy 5: Seek Strong Social Support

    (48:11) Conclusion

  • This week, our hosts navigate through an extensive amount of research literature to come to some conclusions on self-esteem and how to approach it. When we rely on external factors to determine our self-esteem, we open ourselves up to dangerous perspectives. This kind of contingent self-esteem can lead to chronic insecurity in leaders, which gets in the way of their ability to lead effectively and can have detrimental effects on individuals and organizations. In the episode, Tim and Junior suggest three ways to develop a healthier sense of self-worth and tell us which definition of self-esteem they think works best.


    Self-esteem is a complex concept that encompasses self-competence and self-liking.Contingent self-esteem is dependent on external factors and can be detrimental to well-being.The measurement of self-esteem can be assessed using scales such as the Rosenberg self-esteem scale.Contingent self-esteem can impact decision-making, relationships, and emotional health.The influence of social media has led to the emergence of image-based contingent self-esteem.Contingent self-esteem is linked to vulnerability to negative emotions such as depression and anxiety. Beware the dangers of contingent self-esteem and the negative impact it can have on personal well-being and leadership effectiveness.Personal experiences can shape one's self-esteem, and it is important to recognize and challenge negative influences.Contingent self-esteem can lead to chronic insecurity in leaders, hindering their ability to lead effectively.Pathological self-esteem, characterized by narcissism and hubris, can have detrimental effects on individuals and organizations.Develop a healthier sense of self-worth by finding your intrinsic motivation, celebrating effort rather than outcomes, and promoting self-compassion.


    (00:00) Introduction and Overview

    (00:50) The Complexity of Self-Esteem

    (06:04) Measurement of Self-Esteem

    (09:19) The Impact of Self-Esteem on Decision-Making and Well-Being

    (12:07) Introduction to Contingent Self-Esteem

    (16:37) The Destructive Nature of Contingent Self-Esteem

    (21:23) The Influence of Social Media on Contingent Self-Esteem

    (22:26) Assessment of Contingent Self-Esteem

    (25:13) The Link Between Contingent Self-Esteem and Negative Emotions

    (25:58) Beware the dangers of contingent self-esteem

    (33:38) Contingent self-esteem and its negative effects on leadership

    (43:39)Tactics for developing a healthier sense of self-worth

    (47:35) Find your why

    (49:00) Celebrate effort, not outcomes

    (50:53) Promote a healthy dose of self-compassion

  • Have you ever thought about leadership as an invitation? If your goal is to improve and make a positive impact, then leadership will be an inevitable part of your journey. The job to be done, then, is to recognize and accept the invitations that come your way. These could be invitations to grow, help others, or even sometimes, to fail. Tim and Junior make one thing clear, choosing leadership over comfort and contentment is the ultimate call to adventure.


    Leadership is about healthy influence and is not dependent on positional power.Leadership is an invitation that is inevitable if one's aim is to become better and make a positive impact.Declining leadership invitations can lead to missed opportunities for growth and influence.Subject matter expertise and leadership are not mutually exclusive; both can be developed and leveraged together.Imposter syndrome should not prevent one from accepting leadership invitations.Accepting leadership invitations helps avoid stagnation and apathy. Rejecting leadership invitations can lead to long-term consequences and a cycle of apathy and helplessness.Literature teaches us about the human condition and the importance of striving for something greater than food, drink, and contentment.The law of least effort and human biases can influence our decision-making and lead to inertia and mediocrity.Accepting leadership invitations requires a balance between self-interest and altruism.Successful failures, where we learn and grow from failed outcomes, are an important part of accepting leadership invitations.Choosing leadership over comfort and contentment is the ultimate call to adventure.


    (00:00) Introduction

    (00:44) Defining Leadership

    (04:11 )Leadership as an Invitation

    (05:11) Leadership as the Inevitable End

    (06:26) Personal Examples of Leadership Invitations

    (11:42) Consequences of Declining Leadership Invitations

    (14:22) The Temptation to Decline Leadership Invitations

    (20:15) Imposter Syndrome and Leadership

    (22:42) Avoiding Stagnation and Apathy

    (24:18) The Consequences of Rejecting Leadership Invitations

    (28:03) The Law of Least Effort and Human Biases

    (30:46) The Negative Implications of Contentment

    (36:06) Accepting Leadership Invitations: Recognize, Say Yes, and Try

    (41:01) Successful Failures: Learning and Growing from Failed Outcomes

    (47:31) Choosing Leadership Over Comfort and Contentment

  • This week, Tim and Junior are talking about the importance of doing the little things for a long time. Why? Because leaders sweat the small stuff. They know that over time, focusing on the little things plays a key part in sustaining goals, maintaining a sense of control, building momentum, and recognizing improvement.


    The compound effect of doing little things for a long time can have a significant impact on personal and professional success.Small actions and habits are controllable and sustainable, leading to gradual improvement and building momentum.Focusing on the little things allows for progress over perfection and generates more evidence of success.Taking responsibility for one's current position and evaluating performance daily are key ways to achieving meaningful results. Focus on daily performance and the power of a 24-hour cycle.Evaluate pursuit and achievement over different timeframes, such as 24 hours and 24 months.Embrace suspense and milestones as part of the journey towards achieving goals.Prioritize renewal and recharging to maintain motivation and energy.Don't seek external recognition; find satisfaction in the quality of your inputs.Embrace anonymity and silence as opportunities for growth and development.Find magic in the mundane by appreciating the small, daily actions that contribute to long-term success.


    (00:00) Introduction and Surprise

    (01:37) The Importance of Little Things

    (05:01) Control and the Little Things

    (06:09) The Compound Effect in Personal and Professional Life

    (09:56) Examples of Doing Little Things for a Long Time

    (13:46) The Benefits of Small Actions

    (16:13) Progress Over Perfection

    (24:15) Perception of Behavior and Motivation

    (29:26) Taking Responsibility for Your Position

    (32:29) Evaluating Performance on a Daily Basis

    (34:48) The Power of a 24-Hour Cycle

    (37:08) Evaluating Pursuit and Achievement

    (39:37) Dealing with Suspense and Milestones

    (43:22) Renewal and Recharging

    (45:12) Don't Look for Recognition

    (49:25) Finding Satisfaction in the Quality of Inputs

    (50:02) The Value of Anonymity and Silence

    (53:42) Looking for Magic in the Mundane

  • Tim and Junior talk about the two primary failure patterns in leadership, incompetence and corruption. Effective leaders are leaders with high competence and high moral character. A deficiency in one or the other leaves us susceptible to poor choices, values, and influence on our leadership journey. As part of the episode, our host outlined four different types of leaders. Are you the apprentice, the accomplice, the villain, or the hero?


    Leadership failures often fall into two categories: incompetence and corruption.Character and competence are both essential for effective leadership.Influence can be positive or negative, depending on the combination of character and competence.The relationship between incompetence and corruption can lead to a downward spiral in leadership and life. Leadership can be categorized into four quadrants: the apprentice, the accomplice, the villain, and the hero.Developing both character and competence is essential to becoming a hero leader.Plotting your current and future positions on the leadership field helps identify the gap and create tension for growth.Closing the gap requires a fearless examination of personal leadership pathology and a commitment to change.


    Introduction (00:00)

    The Two Failure Patterns: Incompetence and Corruption (00:35)

    The Two Axes: Character and Competence (03:01)

    Character and Competence: The Intersection (04:17)

    Building Influence through Competence and Character (06:18)

    Influence Can Be Positive or Negative (08:00)

    The Relationship Between Incompetence and Corruption (16:11)

    The Four Character Types: Apprentice (25:42)

    The Accomplice (29:13)

    The Villain (31:19)

    The Hero (34:27)

    Plotting Your Position (40:18)

    Closing the Gap (46:53)

    Final Thoughts (58:13)

  • We're talking about interview questions this week. Why? Because poor interview protocols are dangerous and inefficient. They decrease your chances of finding the right person to join your team. During the episode, Tim and Junior highlight the limitations of traditional interviews and give you 10 unique interview questions to help you improve your 3D interviewing skills. Some of these questions are kind of unconventional. But the concepts should help you create a more engaging and effective interview experience that will land you hires that you love.


    Traditional interview questions are often cliché and fail to elicit meaningful responses.Asking real and thought-provoking questions can lead to more authentic and insightful conversations.The interview process should focus on critical thinking, self-awareness, and the ability to reflect on past experiences.It is important to continually refine the interview process to create a more engaging and effective experience.


    00:00 Introduction and Importance of Interview Questions

    01:23 Improving the Interview Process

    06:24 The Limitations of Traditional Interviews

    08:11 The Concept of 2D vs 3D Interviewing

    09:08 The Impact of Personal Life on Work Life

    10:31 The Importance of References

    11:30 The Challenge of Resume Accuracy

    14:03 The Problem with Rote Interview Questions

    15:01 Question 1: What are you better at than anyone else within a mile of this room?

    18:39 Question 3: What don't you know that you wish you knew?

    21:07 Question 4: How would your enemies describe you?

    21:36 Question 5: How far away is the future?

    23:03 Question 6: You're the president of the country and you get impeached. Why?

    23:31 Question 7: What's something that you know for sure?

    24:00 Question 8: Tell me about the last time you spent your own money to learn something new

    36:24 Question 9: What's the first thing a team member would complain about when working with you?

    41:13 Question 10: What character in a popular film or book are you most like?

    51:40 Continually Refining the Interview Process

  • In this episode of Culture by Design, Tim and Junior sit down to talk about leading through uncertainty. The content from this episode comes from Dr. Clark’s most recent Harvard Business Review publication, an article entitled What Employees Need from Leaders in Uncertain Times. In the episode, they explore the impact of uncertainty on individuals and organizations and share four practical strategies for effectively leading teams through uncertain times.


    Uncertainty is a constant in life and can have both negative and positive impacts.Creating thick trust is essential for effective leadership during uncertain times.Inoculating with vision helps motivate and guide individuals and teams through uncertainty.Increasing honesty and transparency builds trust and fosters a positive work environment.Seeing uncertainty as an opportunity allows leaders to explore new possibilities and stay competitive.


    00:00 Introduction

    03:10 The Impact of Uncertainty

    11:06 Perception of Uncertainty

    19:57 Creating Thick Trust

    27:11 Inoculating with Vision

    35:17 Increasing Honesty and Transparency

    39:46 Seeing Uncertainty as Opportunity

    50:25 Conclusion

    Important Links
    HBR Article

  • We can all agree that identifying potential leaders is a crucial part of organizational success. But too often, leaders are promoted purely for their technical ability. What would happen if organizations put equal weight on cultural competence in their promotion criteria? In this episode, we're talking about just that. Listen in as our hosts, Tim and Junior, discuss the question, what are the subtle signs that someone will make it in leadership?

    Key Takeaways:

    Identifying potential leaders is crucial for the success of organizations.Five subtle signs that someone will make it in leadership include: washing the dishes, acknowledging silent contributors, spending their own money to learn, taking initiative, and admitting when they don't know something.These signs reflect qualities such as humility, initiative, and a commitment to personal and professional development.Leaders should prioritize learning, take ownership of their own development, and be willing to take action and make decisions.


    00:39 Identifying Potential Leaders

    12:19 Subtle Sign #1: They Wash the Dishes, Take Out the Trash, and Refill the Paper Towels

    21:17 Subtle Sign #2: They Acknowledge the Efforts of Silent Contributors

    28:36 Subtle Sign #3: They Spend Their Own Money to Learn

    33:37 Subtle Sign #4: They Kill the Snake When They See the Snake

    39:27 Subtle Sign #5: They Say 'I Don't Know' When They Don't Know

    47:11 Conclusion

  • This week, our hosts Tim and Junior are talking about the limitations of a traditional, four-competency emotional intelligence model. Why? Because LeaderFactor’s private emotional intelligence assessment, EQindex™, is now publicly available! This assessment, and its Leadership 360 version, is based on a 6 domain, 30 skill model that measures what we believe, what we know, and what we do as we interact with others. If you’re wanting to know what the future of emotional intelligence looks like in 2024, this would be the episode to listen to. As always, you can find important links from the episode, as well as transcripts and show notes, on our website at leaderfactor.com/podcast.

    Key Takeaways:

    Emotional intelligence is the ability to interact effectively with others and is crucial in personal and professional settings.The traditional four competency model of EQ is limited and does not consider motivation and intent.The EQ Index model introduces the regard competencies to address this limitation.Beliefs influence awareness and perception, which in turn influence behavior.The dominant linear causal pathway in EQ is beliefs, awareness, and behavior.


    01:35 Introduction to EQindex™

    02:47 The Importance of the EQ Index Model

    03:42 Defining Emotional Intelligence

    04:13 Emotional Intelligence as a Delivery System

    05:24 The Relationship Between EQ and Performance

    07:06 The Limitations of the Traditional EQ Model

    09:20 The Four Competency Model of EQ

    12:11 The Need for the Regard Competencies

    13:42 The Order of the EQ Domains

    15:44 The Relationship Between Beliefs and Awareness

    16:48 The Influence of Beliefs on Perception

    18:12 The Dominant Linear Causal Pathway

    34:13 Summary and Takeaways

    Important Links:

  • In this week's episode of Culture by Design, Junior and Dr. Tim Clark discuss a daunting but important question: What do you do with a toxic leader? Too often, organizations will either do nothing or wait too long to react to evidence of harmful leadership. But toxic cultures can't and won't heal themselves. And the remedy largely depends on the kind of leader you're dealing with. Listen in as Tim and Junior explore the characteristics of toxic leaders, the consequences of toxic behavior, and the role of culture in creating, maintaining or preventing toxicity. You'll learn how to distinguish between an actively toxic and passively complicit leader, and discover how to hold your leaders culturally accountable for their behavior.


    Toxic leaders exist and can have a significant impact on organizations.Toxic leadership is often a result of insecurity and unmet human needs.Actively toxic leaders should be removed from the organization, while passively complicit leaders can be coached and held accountable.Tolerance for toxic behavior leads to the normalization of toxicity and can have long-term consequences for the organization.It is important to prioritize long-term thinking and hold leaders accountable for their behavior.


    00:00 Introduction

    04:11 Pathological Behavior and Consequences of Toxicity

    10:26 Culture and Toxicity

    17:02 Toxic Leadership and Unmet Human Needs

    22:18 Identifying Actively Toxic and Passively Complicit Leaders

    26:21 Passively Complicit Leaders

    35:15 Actively Toxic Leaders

    43:11 Long-Term Thinking and Tolerance for Toxicity

  • In the final installment of our Leadership Journey series, we delve into the intricacies of Leading the Business with Dr. Tim Clark and Junior. This episode uncovers the transition leaders must undergo from tactical to strategic thinking, focusing on optimizing the whole while preparing for the future.

    Key Points & Timestamps:

    Transitioning to Strategic Thinking (03:03)Moving from a tactical mindset to a strategic mindset requires leaders to see the big picture and think systemically, ensuring the organization's long-term viability and competitive edge.Understanding Enterprise-Level Responsibility (07:05)Leaders must embrace a broader scope of responsibility, constantly assessing and innovating how the organization creates and delivers value today and in the future.The Role of Decisions in Strategic Leadership (10:53)Highlighting the importance of decision-making, leaders must cultivate the judgment to navigate complexity and uncertainty, driving the organization's strategic direction.Balancing Preservation and Innovation (23:55)Strategic leaders must run parallel paths: preserving the value of today's business while disturbing the status quo to innovate for the future.Principles for Effective Strategic Leadership (26:11)Emphasizing the need for clear goals, prioritization, adaptive capacity, and setting the right tone at the top, this section offers actionable strategies for leaders at the helm of business strategy.

    Important Links Mentioned in the Episode:

    Leadership Journey Series: leaderfactor.com/podcastLive Webinar on Emotional Intelligence: Registration Link
  • Tim and Junior continue their Leadership Journey series by diving into part two on leading teams. They discuss the challenges leaders face when transitioning from individual contributor to managing others.

    0:02:15 - Transitioning from independent contributor to leading a team requires a fundamental shift in mindset and skills. It's often under supported by organizations.

    0:08:50 - The team is the basic unit of performance for solving complex problems, not the individual. Adopting a team mindset is critical.

    0:13:06 - Promoted leaders can struggle with the loss of their technical identity and skills which defined them previously.

    0:19:52 - Building trust enables teams to accomplish more together. The components of trust are integrity, mutual respect, competence, communication and initiative.

    0:36:35 - Effective coaching is not telling. It's collaborative, leverages strengths and transfers ownership and critical thinking.


    Part 1 of the Leadership Journey Series
    EQindex™ Live Event