“Especially in this surfer lifestyle, when you see my life from outside and when I talk to friends and people in Germany they say: what`s your f**ing problem?! You should be happy the whole day! And I am like: no, I am not. Because I recognized that I am stil the same and what I was doing in Germany – I was taking those patterns and I was exactly transferring them to here." Julia, founder of the OCEAN SISTERS
In this episode I speak with Julia and Jaz, who founded the OCEAN SISTERS, a community in Ericeira/ Portugal bringing together likeminded people who love the ocean and the lifestyle at Portugals coast!
We speak about seasalt therapy and that it`s ok, not to be ok sometimes ;)Enjoy this episode and become part of the OCEAN SISTERS COMMUNITY by following them on Instagram: @oceansisters_ericeria!
…If you look for mental health support within the public health care system in Portugal have a look at:
And here you find a very helpful article about healthcare in Portugal as well:
www.expatica.comEspecially about mental healthcare:
All the best for you and follow me for more on Instagram @jasminschott_psychologist
Can you relate to the feeling that sometimes it just seems to be TOO MUCH? To much for your body, too much for your mind, too much to handle things in a conscious and calm way and you simply feel overwhelmed?!
In the new podcast episode of DEAR THERAPIST I speak about feelings of overwhelm, the different aspects of emotional, mental, physical, energetical and spiritual overwhelm and I invite you to join me for a Body Scan Meditation in the end of the episode to ease overwhelm and feel more grounded.
Follow me on Instagram: @jasminschott_psychologist
Estão a faltar episódios?
In today`s episode of "DEAR THERAPIST" I spoke to a former client, Dyan Valdés (she gave me the permission to tell her name), who has been a professional musician for years, playing in well-known bands and just recently, she released her very first own single FADE AWAY.
I wanted to know how she accesses creativity and we ended up having a wonderful talk about vulnerability, taking emotional risks, female empowerment and female support and why creating something special always means that some people will definitely not like it.
You can also enjoy listening to the song "FADE AWAY" at the end of the episode!
Check out more about Dyan`s work and her full album being released soon:
www.dyanvaldes.com https://www.facebook.com/DyanValdesMusic https://www.instagram.com/dyanvaldes/
Follow me on Instagram for more inspirational talks and infos about therapy, psychology and coaching: @jasminschott_psychologist
In this episode of DEAR THERAPIST I speak about things therapists say that you should doubt, question or at least not take for the only truth.
This episode is actually inspired by my younger therapist self who said and did things during therapy processes which I now, after being in this business for quite a while, would not say or do like that any more.
I speak about the following:
Why only following a diagnose will make you not see your client fully and will make your client not feel seen Why working on boundaries during therapy might be the wrong approach Why the assumption „You can only love someone else if you can love yourself“ is not totally correct Why your body might not give you the best advice Why fear is not just bad and can even become your guardian angelPlease don’t forget to drop your feedback as a review! I truly appreciate that! Thank you so much and enjoy listening!
SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE: Jasmin Schott Carvalheiro
In this podcast episode I would like to give a definition of Spiritual Psychology and point out why I think that strengthening our minds on a spiritual level became a global need. You will also get some very practical advice on what you can do when you feel like storing a lot of anxiety inside yourself. Enjoy!
FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM: @jasminschott_psychologist
WORK WITH ME https://www.jasminschott.de/work-with-me/
SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com
LISTEN ON APPLE MUSIC: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/dear-therapist/id1504071760
LISTEN ON SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/3A9lbEshl5LYQX2i3bJLRR?si=rOAjdT9dTaKEYqBttD_EUA
We hear all the times that we should have goals right?!
And a vision!
But what if you can`t think of a clear vision? What if your goals just don`t resonate from within?
What if you just don`t have the motivation and energy to even imagine what else could be there for you to live a fulfilled life?
In this episode I speak about how you can access your energy by finding out which are your self-sabotaging behaviours and emotional wholes which need to be filled first before you feel energized and motivated to create a vision from within!
🌿 MY EVENT IN BERLIN: https://www.jasminschott.de/new-events/
Did you ever hear about crystal sound healing bowls? In the new podcast episode I invited the sound healing teacher Hannah Knowlton for an interview and besides talking about her work with the sound healing bowls, she also gives a live demonstration during the podcast episode - so make sure you watch this episode also on my YOUTUBE-CHANNEL to see how she plays the beautiful bowls! 💻
It is important for me to not just give you inspiration in DEAR THERAPIST on a level which reaches your mind or inspires you to think about stuff. Sometimes it needs a stimulus on a different level to really reach our inner truth and honest clarity.
So get comfortable for this episode and prepare for a beautiful sound journey which guides you towards inner clarity in a way words would not be able to. 😌🎶🎧
JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM @jasminschottcarvalheiro
WORK WITH ME https://www.jasminschott.de/work-with-me/
CONTACT HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM @connected_resonance
OR VIA EMAIL: hannahk@ozemail.com.au
LISTEN ON APPLE MUSIC: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/dear-therapist/id1504071760
LISTEN ON SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/3A9lbEshl5LYQX2i3bJLRR?si=rOAjdT9dTaKEYqBttD_EUA
Which aspects should you focus on when you want to boost your self-confidence?
How is it even possible to stay confident and true to yourself in confusing times when outside forces feel overwhelming?
In my new podcast episode I speak about the 3 key qualities to focus on for staying confident in disturbing times:
🌿 courage
🌿 clarity
🌿 presence.
I mainly focus on courage in this episode and will continue to speak more about clarity and presence in the upcoming podcast episodes.
〰 SELF-CONFIDENCE-BOOST-JOURNEY on my Instagram @jasminschottcarvalheiro
〰 my website: www.jasminschott.de
〰 my book: https://www.jasminschott.de/book/
🌿Is it easier for you to change when your surrounding agrees to these changes?
🌿Do you maybe even need the ones around you to say yes to your personal growth?
🌿Do you expect them to also change and experience the benefits of healing which you tasted?
🌿How do you make them understand what they need to do to feel better?
🌿And what if they are resistant and even sabotage your own growth and healing?
If these questions sound interesting or familiar to you, the new podcast episode just comes at the right time for you now ...
What can I do to support my healing? Is there any helpful tools I can try to let go and recover from hurtful experiences in the past? In this episode I speak about holistic healing. In my opinion healing always needs to include body and mind. I consider our bodies as our healing coaches and will tell you in this episode how you should carefully listen to your body`s advise besides other aspects I will speak about when it comes to healing. I hope you will have a good time with this episode!
"If you are fighting with one neighbour, the problem might be the other person. But if you are fighting with all the neighbours, then it might be you." says my client who agreed on having this talk with me.
In this episode you will get a client`s perspective on what therapy can do for you. I hope this is valuable for all of you who wonder, if they should reach out for support, either to search for a therapist, a coach or any other expert in a field where you would like to learn and grow.
If you have suffered from traumatic experiences with closeness (both in private or in business life), it is perfectly normal to react with fear - which can be expressed in all sorts of ways (arguing, distancing, crying, doubting ...). You are not wrong. Its just your system which goes wild due to former experiences because it does not want you to live through any hurtful stuff again. For you to open your heart again, it is important that you understand some simple steps which I will show you in this episode.
🌿 Listen to DEAR THERAPIST on my website: www.jasminschott.de/podcast/
🌿 On Apple Music: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/dear-therapist/id1504071760
🌿 On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3A9lbEshl5LYQX2i3bJLRR?si=rOAjdT9dTaKEYqBttD_EUA
🌿 GET MY BOOK "Connect me" (in German): https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Jasmin-Schott-Carvalheiro/dp/3424631914/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=connect+me&qid=1612127929&sr=8-1
Men or women with Impostor feelings are suffering from a consistent belief in their lack of skills and they are afraid of one day being unmasked even though they are usually very good and successful with what they do. This fear of being unmasked can cause a lot of anxiety and self-doubt. If you can relate to this topic, this real therapy session will show you how I support my client to find peace with the impostor. I hope you benefit from this session and find some inspiration for your life!
🌿 Listen to DEAR THERAPIST on my website: www.jasminschott.de/podcast/
🌿 On Apple Music: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/dear-therapist/id1504071760
🌿 On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3A9lbEshl5LYQX2i3bJLRR?si=rOAjdT9dTaKEYqBttD_EUA
🌿 GET MY BOOK "Connect me" (in German): https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Jasmin-Schott-Carvalheiro/dp/3424631914/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=connect+me&qid=1612127929&sr=8-1
Let`s start this new season of DEAR THERAPIST with a very practical episode. Keep pen and paper handy and take some time to reflect on your life and how you can prepare yourself best for any new beginning ahead!
I hope this episode supports you to deal better with all the little new beginnings all of us are facing in this new world right now or maybe you are at the end of a relationship, are about to start a new job, are dealing with any kind of loss and feel not prepared enough to step into the new ... Listen, reflect and: act!
Enjoy! ☀️
🌿 Listen to DEAR THERAPIST on my website: www.jasminschott.de/podcast
🌿 On Apple Music: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/dear-therapist/id1504071760
🌿 On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3A9lbEshl5LYQX2i3bJLRR?si=rOAjdT9dTaKEYqBttD_EUA
🌿 GET MY BOOK "Connect me" (in German): https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Jasmin-Schott-Carvalheiro/dp/3424631914/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=connect+me&qid=1612127929&sr=8-1
Hello and welcome to DEAR THERAPIST! I am Jasmin Schott Carvalheiro, psychologist, psychotherapist and author based in Berlin and Portugal. I created this podcast for those of you who wish for support in finding inner stability and strength when life gets tough and shaky.
I also created this podcast for all of you who want to live their life to the fullest. Who not only want to find back to inner stability after a crisis but also really want to go for their big dreams.
You will find inspirational real therapy and counselling sessions and interviews in this podcast, guided meditations as well as practical advice and excercises to strengthen your mental health.
My aim is that after each episode, you have a clear idea what you can do right now to strengthen your mental health and how to support yourself from within.
🌿 Listen to DEAR THERAPIST on my website: www.jasminschott.de/podcast
🌿 On Apple Music: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/dear-therapist/id1504071760
🌿 On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3A9lbEshl5LYQX2i3bJLRR?si=rOAjdT9dTaKEYqBttD_EUA
👋🏼Was ist deine Abschieds-Masche? Schnell weg ohne Tschüss zu sagen? Eeeewig langes Festhalten, bevor du dich trennen kannst? Ohne Drama und großen Streit geht es nie? Oder bist du eher die Person, die sicher stellt, dass sich beim Abschied so wenig wie möglich ändert, alle Freunde bleiben und überhaupt alles schön harmonisch abläuft?
In dieser Folge spreche ich über das Abschied nehmen und teile mit dir meine ganz persönlichen und sehr aktuellen Erfahrungen damit, denn wenn diese Folge live geht, bin ich gerade mit meinem Mann und unseren zwei kleinen Kindern von Berlin nach Portugal ausgewandert. 😲
Ich habe also einiges zum Themas Abschied nehmen zu sagen ...
📕 Hier kannst du mein Buch bestellen:
👩🏻💻 Zu meinen Onlinekursen: https://www.jasminschott.de/online-angebot/online-kurse/
🌿 Meinem Kanal auf YouTube folgen: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaEjZJZnIaVD9hJf8j7oplA?view_as=subscriber
🌿 Podcast auf Apple Music abonnieren: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/dear-therapist/id1504071760
🌿 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3A9lbEshl5LYQX2i3bJLRR?si=rOAjdT9dTaKEYqBttD_EUA
🌿 Auf meiner Webseite anhören: www.jasminschott.de/podcast
Juhuuu! Mein erstes Buch ist erschienen!! Es ist ein psychologischer Ratgeber, der sich damit beschäftigt, welche Schritte es braucht, um aus Krisen gestärkt hervorzugehen, und wie wir nach solchen Phasen nicht sofort wieder in das same old Leistungs-Hamsterrad einsteigen, sondern nachhaltig etwas verändern und zu mehr Verbundenheit und Erfüllung im Leben finden.
In dieser Folge erzähle ich dir mehr zur Entstehungsgeschichte meines Buches und warum du es unbedingt lesen solltest ;)
📕 Hier kannst du mein Buch bestellen:
👩🏻💻 Zu meinen Onlinekursen: https://www.jasminschott.de/online-angebot/online-kurse/
🌿 Meinem Kanal auf YouTube folgen: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaEjZJZnIaVD9hJf8j7oplA?view_as=subscriber
🌿 Podcast auf Apple Music abonnieren: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/dear-therapist/id1504071760
🌿 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3A9lbEshl5LYQX2i3bJLRR?si=rOAjdT9dTaKEYqBttD_EUA
🌿 Auf meiner Webseite anhören: www.jasminschott.de/podcast
In dieser LIVE-Coaching-Session begleite ich eine Klientin dabei, für sich die Frage zu beantworten: "Wie mache ich mir weniger Freizeitstress?"
Wenn das Thema "Freizeitstress" auch ein Thema ist, das dich immer mal wieder beschäftigt, hör` sehr gern in die Podcastfolge rein und ich hoffe, dass auch du vom Coaching profitierst!
📕 Hier kannst du ab dem 17.8.2020 mein Buch kaufen:
👩🏻💻 Zu meinen Onlinekursen: https://www.jasminschott.de/online-angebot/online-kurse/
🌿 Meinem Kanal auf YouTube folgen: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaEjZJZnIaVD9hJf8j7oplA?view_as=subscriber
🌿 Podcast auf Apple Music abonnieren: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/dear-therapist/id1504071760
🌿 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3A9lbEshl5LYQX2i3bJLRR?si=rOAjdT9dTaKEYqBttD_EUA
🌿 Auf meiner Webseite anhören: www.jasminschott.de/podcast
Kennst du das? Wenn du versuchst, dich den großen Fragen des Lebens zu widmen, dann steigst du an irgend einem Punkt immer aus, weil es sich zu angsteinflößend, kompliziert oder diffus anfühlt? 😨
In dieser Podcastfolge gebe ich dir Tipps, wie du genug innere Stabilität aufbaust, um dich dann ganz mutig den grossen Fragen zu widmen - frei nach dem Motto: erst erden, dann losgehen!
Am Ende der Folge machen wir auch gemeinsam eine erdende Meditation und ich zeige dir, wie du im Alltag durch die Verbindung zu deinem Körper schnell zu deiner inneren Stabilität Kontakt aufnehmen kannst.
📕 Hier kannst du ab dem 17.8.2020 mein Buch kaufen:
👩🏻💻 Zu meinen Onlinekursen: https://www.jasminschott.de/online-angebot/online-kurse/
🌿 Meinem Kanal auf YouTube folgen: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaEjZJZnIaVD9hJf8j7oplA?view_as=subscriber
🌿 Podcast auf Apple Music abonnieren: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/dear-therapist/id1504071760
🌿 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3A9lbEshl5LYQX2i3bJLRR?si=rOAjdT9dTaKEYqBttD_EUA
🌿 Auf meiner Webseite anhören: www.jasminschott.de/podcast
In diesem Mitschnitt einer Coaching-Session begleite ich eine Klientin dabei, für sich die Frage zu beantworten: "Wo und wie will ich leben?"
Das war für mich das erste Live-Coaching, das ich im Podcast ausstrahle und ich freue mich sehr, dass eine so tolle Sitzung dabei herausgekommen ist! Viele spannende Erkenntnisse wünsche ich auch dir!Die Folge ist definitiv etwas für dich ...
⭐️ ... wenn du schon immer mal hören wolltest, wie eine Coaching-Sitzung mit mir ablaufen kann
⭐️... wenn du für dich selbst herausfinden möchtest, wie du dich großen Fragen widmen kannst, die sich erst mal zu groß anfühlen
⭐️... wenn du wissen willst, wie du von dem Wunsch nach Kontrolle und Sicherheit hin zum Mut und zur Mut-Energie findest
⭐️... wenn es dich interessiert, was du ganz konkret und noch heute tun kannst, um deinem großen Traum ein wenig näher zu kommen.
📕 Hier kannst du ab dem 17.8.2020 mein Buch kaufen:
👩🏻💻 Zu meinen Onlinekursen: https://www.jasminschott.de/online-angebot/online-kurse/
🌿 Meinem Kanal auf YouTube folgen: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaEjZJZnIaVD9hJf8j7oplA?view_as=subscriber
🌿 Podcast auf Apple Music abonnieren: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/dear-therapist/id1504071760
🌿 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3A9lbEshl5LYQX2i3bJLRR?si=rOAjdT9dTaKEYqBttD_EUA
🌿 Auf meiner Webseite anhören: www.jasminschott.de/podcast
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