Luke Likes 'Like A Box Of Chocolates'
Yeah, life is like a box of chocolates, like a box of chocolates. Do you know that? Do you know that life is like a box of chocolates, a box of chocolates? You never know what you're gonna get, you never know what you're gonna, you're gonna, you are going to get. You never know.
I do know, I do know, because I always make a list, a list of things, a list of things, of, a list of things to buy, a shopping list. A lot of, a lot of, a lot of, a lot of things to buy. A box of chocolates, yeah, a box of chocolates too, on the list, and plenty of, plenty of, a lot of, plenty of other things, plenty of other things to buy.
What do we have over here on the list?
A carton, a carton of milk, a carton of milk. How about two, how about two cartons? Alright, check.
And what else? Oh, here you go, a tin, a tin, a tin of green peas, green peas, or a tin of, a tin of corn, a tin of corn.
Also, a bar, a bar of, a bar of chocolate, a bar of chocolate.
And oh, also, a bar of chocolates, and a bar of soap, how about this? It's very, very different, please don't confuse them, a bar of soap and a bar of chocolate.
How about a packet, a packet of tea, a packet of tea?
And a bottle of water, a bottle, a bottle, of, of, of, of, of, a bottle of water.
I need a bottle of olive oil, olive oil, that's right.
I don't need a packet of cigarettes, I don't need that, I don't smoke, thank you.
I need a jar, a jar of jam, of course, favourite, a jam, strawberry, strawberry, strawberry jam, a jar of jam, a jar of, of, of jam, a jar of jam.
And a jar of honey, obviously, honey, obviously. Where is this? Here it is, check, okay, I have it.
Then I need a bag, a bag of potatoes, a bag of potatoes, a kilo of potatoes, that's enough, a kilo of potatoes.
And also a tube, a tube of toothpaste, a tube of, of, of, a tube of, a tube of toothpaste, here it is.
And oh, obviously, I need a tub, a tub, a tub of ice cream, like a packet, a tub of ice cream, ice cream, pistachio ice cream would be nice.
Then I also need a carton, a carton of orange juice, orange juice, here it is.
And maybe, maybe, I need a pot, a small pot, a cup, a pot of yogurt, yogurt, here it is.
What else? Okay, that's not the end, not the end. I also need a slice of cheese, a slice, not a slice, a piece of cheese, a few slices, a few slices of cheese.
And a loaf of bread, a loaf, one big loaf of bread. Love it.
And maybe two apples, two apples.
And a bunch of, a bunch, a bunch of bananas, and I'm done, I'm done, yeah.
Maybe, maybe one lottery ticket, yeah, maybe one lottery ticket. Because life is like a box of chocolates, remember? Life is like a box of chocolates.
Maybe it is, after all. I will see, I will see, what I'm gonna get, what I'm gonna get,
Well, it's your turn now. Embrace the day, people!
-------------------------------------------Intro/Outro Music By:Joakim Karud - Longing License: Creative Commons License
Luke Likes 'I Buy It'
OK, so from time to time, I do, I do, I buy it. I buy it, and from time to time, I return it. I return, I buy, and I take it back to the shop. Because I am not happy with the product, I am not happy with the product.
Sometimes I buy it, and I don't really get it, I don't really get it. And that's really, really, really disappointing, disappointing. So I'm disappointed, disappointed.
It isn't this week, it isn't this week. It was last week and I need, I need a new mic stand, mic, what's the name? Oh, arm, boom arm. But it's a stand, a new mic, microphone stand.
So what do I do? What do I do? Of course, I go online, online shopping. So I choose the right one. Perfect, beautiful, new stand. And what do I see? The price is good, the price is good. And the delivery is from two to five days, the delivery. So I will get it after two to five days, working days, working days.
And that's not good, that's not good because of Christmas. And I need it, of course, obviously, obviously, I need it before Christmas. I want my mic stand, I want my mic stand.
So I go out and visit my local shop and think I can find it and I can choose it over there. And I have it before Christmas, before Christmas. So I go and ask this shop assistant, 'hey, do you have this stand? I'm looking for this specific stand, I need it'. And she says, 'hmm, I will check it, I will check it.'
So she goes on her little computer and she is searching for the product. And she tells me, 'yeah, we don't have it right now, we can order that for you.' Yeah, sure, when do I get it? 'Yeah, you can get it from two to five days.' Plus it is 20% more expensive, it is 20% more expensive. Oh no, oh no, thank you, thank you. 'Thanks anyway, thanks anyway', that's what I say, thanks anyway.
Oh my, okay, but it is not the end, it is not the end. So the delivery is again, two to five days, it's too long. I come back home, I come back home and the next day I check online again. I check again the website, the website, thesame, same website.
What do I see? What do I see? Delivery guaranteed, guaranteed, before Christmas. Order now, order now and pick up, pick up, so you can get it, you can pick it up at the local shop, in one hour, in one hour.
And then I think this is perfect, I order now and I go back to the shop. Maybe the next day, it's okay, I can give them one day. I come back to the shop the next day, just before Christmas. And what happens?
Hmm, okay, so in English this is this fantastic phrase, this fantastic phrase, so 'it turns out', it turns out, so it happens, so you are all surprised, you are surprised, it turns out, it turns out I still don't have it. I still, after five days, I still don't have it. The shop doesn't have it, the website doesn't have it. Nobody has it. I feel so disappointed.
I don't know what to say. And I think I don't buy it again. I don't need the stand, the mic stand. I'm okay with my old stand. I am over this, I am over this. So I have enough, I am disappointed. I am not buying that.
Oh, I'm sure you have the same experience. You have the same experience, especially before Christmas. Yeah, but what can you do? What can you do? Nothing. Oh.
Well, it's your turn now. Embrace the day, people!
-------------------------------------------Intro/Outro Music By:Joakim Karud - Longing License: Creative Commons License
Estão a faltar episódios?
Luke Likes 'I Don't Buy It'
Do you buy a lot of stuff? Do you buy a lot of stuff? Ok, I have to be honest with you, I have to be honest. Now, I feel really tired of that. I am really tired. I feel really tired of buying stuff, buying stuff for Christmas and this, this is too much. This is too much. This is just buying and buying and spending money, and that's not good, not good.
I have a headache. I have a headache. So, everywhere you go, everywhere you go before Christmas, especially, especially, they want to sell something. They want to sell something to you. To you.
Hey, do you want, do you wanna, do you want our suitcases? Do you want our suitcases? Yeah, it's 20 percent off, 20 percent off. It's great. Special offer, just for you, just for you. Great offer.
How about these gloves? How about these gloves? Fantastic. Pure quality, quality. Best price. Best price. Hey, buy two, pay for one, buy two, pay for one. How about that? Buy two, pay for one. Oh, no, not that! Buy two, pay for one. It's a bargain. It's a bargain. It's special. It's a special price. It's a bargain. It's a bargain. You will not find a better offer. You will not find a better offer.
Buy me! Buy me! Buy me! Or those cushions, those special cushions. Only 199. Special limited offer. Limited offer until the end of this week. You must have that. If you don't buy it, you're an idiot. You're an idiot. You just must have that. Jesus!
Oh, look at this TV, look at this TV. It's like two times bigger than you have. It's two times better, also. You just must have, h ey, how about you buy two? Two for one. Two for one. That's the best, do you have enough walls for that? Do you have enough? No, I don't, who cares. Buy two TVs. Buy two.
And now with these apps, these apps, you are a member of some shop and they will ask you to collect points and then you get a I don't know what actually but they ask you all the time, do you have our card? Do you have our app? You can get a free pen and coffee and a hotdog! You must have the app. You must have the app. Oh, shut up!
And the worst, I think, the worst is that every, everything now, everything must have this special feature, special option, special quality. Hey, how about this special lamp? Now with this new technology. Switch on and off. It's much much better than it was, much better. You can just click five times faster, five times faster than before. How about that? You have to replace, you have to have a new one. You have to have a new one. Definitely, definitely you have to, absolutel,y absolutely, you just absolutely have to have it. Oh my god!
So do you feel like that from time to time, just bombarded, bombarded by those ads, ads and special offers? And you feel like a loser if you choose not to, not to, choose not to take part. Ok, I can tell you. I can tell you. I am not going to, I'm not gonna, I'm not going to take part in that. I decided I am better than that. I am above that, above that. I am better. I am not taking part. And I recommend you, I recommend you do the same, do the same. Yeah, and join me, join me. Yeah, yeah, do that.
Oh. What is that? Look at this! Four towels? Special offer? Just look at this price! Four for one? Four for one?! Okay, just those towels and then I quit. Just those towels. And then I'm above that. Yeah. Jesus.
Well, it's your turn, now. Embrace the day, people!
-------------------------------------------Intro/Outro Music By:Joakim Karud - Longing License: Creative Commons License
Luke Likes 'It's All About Windows'
I'm going to. I'm gonna. It's all about windows, it is all about windows. You know what?You know, do you know what? Christmas is coming, Christmas. Everyone loves this time, well not everyone, but Christmas is coming and you know what, it's all about cleaning windows. Do you know that? Do you know? Cleaning windows.
So Christmas is coming and I am going to, I have plans, I have plans, I am going to clean windows because that is the tradition. I need time. I don't know if I am going to find it, but I am going to try and find it. It's not a lot and it's not just windows, but windows are the most important, the most important.
Probably you don't know that, but I do, I do, all my life. I know that it must sound very, very strange to you, but for no reason, no reason that's the most important part. I have to talk to my parents about it, it's really, really weird, weird, strange. Anyway, anyway, Christmas - that's window cleaning. So I am going to do that.
I am going to do a lot of things before Christmas, I am going to clean up my place. It's not that big, so I am lucky, I suppose I am lucky, but still I am going to do that and I am going to need some time before Christmas. It's next week, it is next week. I am going to do some shopping before Christmas, I am going to do some shopping and obviously I am going to pack the gifts, pack the presents,
Yeah, I think I am ready, I think I am ready and Christmas, Christmas time. Well I am going to finally have some sleep, I am going to have some sleep finally because I don't get enough, I don't get enough, I suppose,
Also I am going to hang out with my family, I am going to do that, it is going to be fun. Unfortunately, unfortunately it is not going to snow, no, it is not, it isn't going to snow, so it's not going to be white Christmas this year round, white Christmas. Well, I am not surprised, I am not surprised, are you? I am not, but still it is going to be fun, it is going to be fun,
What else? Now I am thinking, am I going to record a podcast? Maybe, I am not sure. I am not going to do work, I am not going to do work, so probably I am going to do some things with my family, I am going to visit some people. Yeah, it is a good idea.
A lot of people are going to eat a lot, oh that is one, two, three days almost, three days, so for three days people are going to sit behind the table and eat, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, maybe night, They are going to eat a lot, a lot, a lot of stuff. They are not going to go out, they are going to eat and sit and eat, and sit and eat, and drink. Yeah, that is what they are going to do.
Me? I am not going to do this, me and my family are going to do some sport, yeah, because we are crazy people, we spend Christmas like that. So we are going to do some sport. We are going to sit and eat a little, but also we are going to spend some time outside, doing some sport, we are going to do some sport, that is a good idea, that is a good idea,
Finally, one more thing I am going to do is listen to my favourite podcasts in English, in English and other languages too, that is amazing. I am going to do that, and I am going to try and relax, try and relax, because after that it is going to be back to work and back to normal life.
I hope it is going to be a lot, a lot, a lot of fun, I hope you are going to do the same, you are gonna, you are going to, you are gonna, gonna, gonna, you are gonna do, you are going to do, you are going to do the same, but first, I am going to clean, I am gonna clean the windows. That is the most important part, you do the same, do the same. Merry Christmas!
Well, it is your turn now. Embrace the day people!
-------------------------------------------Intro/Outro Music By:Joakim Karud - Longing License: Creative Commons License
Luke Likes 'Just Do It, Or Don't'
Yeah, just do it, do it, do it, just do it. That's a rule, that is a rule. Or, don't, don't do it, don't, don't, nope, don't do that, don't do it. Do you have rules like that?Do you have rules, rules? We all have rules, I'm sure. Yeah. All countries, all countries have some rules like that.
Eat that, don't eat this. Do this, like that, don't do this like that. And so on, and so on, and so on. I am going to give you some rules now. I'm going to give you some rules about one country, about one country. I wonder, I wonder if you can guess what country it is, what country I'm talking about, I am talking about.
So in this country the rule is, just don't shake hands, don't shake hands over the threshold, threshold, this place, this line in the door, don't ever shake hands. Why? No idea, actually. Bad luck, bad luck. Don't do that in this country, don't ever do it.
And when you visit somebody, when you visit somebody at their place, at their place take off your shoes, take off your shoes Don't wear your shoes inside, don't wear your shoes inside. Just take off, take off your shoes, really. That's a big, big rule in this country.
And celebrate, celebrate, not just your birthday, celebrate, not just your birthday, but choose a day in the year, choose a day in the year to celebrate your name day, name day. So celebrate your name day. Sometimes maybe celebrate it a few times over the year, over the year. That would be, that would be fantastic. No, it's just one, it is just one. So celebrate the name day and invite your friends over and get a lot of gifts.
Yeah, and eat your dinner, eat your main meal, eat your dinner, main meal around two, three p.m., two, three p.m. That is your main meal, eat your main meal, have your main meal around two, three p.m. That's the best time to do that. So do it, eat your dinner quite early, two, three p.m.
Okay, and one more rule in this country. I love it, I love this rule. So whenever, whenever you feel it's your bad day and something doesn't quite work out, doesn't work out, doesn't go your way, doesn't go your way, so it is a bad day, say, just say, oh, it's bad air pressure, bad air pressure. It must be the air pressure, it's too high, it's too high, so high air pressure. Or you just say, oh, the pressure today is so low, I feel horrible, I feel horrible. This is because of the air pressure in the atmosphere, in the atmosphere.
So say it and put all the blame, all the blame on the air pressure. It's not your fault. Oh, for example, for example, you fail your exam, you fail your exam, so your exam, your exam doesn't go as planned, well, that's not your fault, that's not your fault, come on, it is not. That's the air pressure, come on, it's the air pressure today, horrible air pressure, yeah.
Or your team, your favourite team doesn't win, must be the pressure, must be the air pressure, of course. Why not, yeah, why not? The air pressure, obviously the air pressure, and so on and so on. This is very, very convenient, very comfortable, convenient to say that. Love this, I love, I say that all the time, all the time.
So if you follow these rules in this country, you will feel at home, you will feel at home. So always, always, always think about these strange rules, maybe they are not that strange. I'm sure you have the rules like that, or maybe you don't, I don't know.
So what country is it? What country is it? If you are not sure, if you are not sure by now, just go back to my previous, previous episodes, previous episodes. I'm sure you'll know that. Yeah, good luck with that, good luck.
Well, it's your turn from now. Embrace the day, people!
-------------------------------------------Intro/Outro Music By:Joakim Karud - Longing License: Creative Commons License
Luke Likes 'Geography Lesson'
Do you like quizzes? Like I do, in English, in French, in Italian, any foreign language? I love it, I love it. And still travelling, so still travelling, so the quiz is about travelling, about travelling. I hope you like it, and please don't get upset, upset if you don't know the answers. It's not about that, it's not about that. It is about you understanding English.
Alright, let's go.
So I'm your host for today, I am your host over this quiz show. My name is Luke, and welcome to the big travelling quiz show.
Question number one, question number one. We all know the Olympic flag, and the Olympics, we love the Olympics, the Olympic flag. And we all know that there are five rings on the flag, but can you name all the colours of the rings? All the colours of the rings, what are they?
Do you know? Not that easy, not that easy. Okay, so the colours are from left to right, from left to right. Blue, yellow, black, green and red. All the colours are five continents. America is just one big continent, I think. Who cares, that's just one continent. Well done.
Question number two, question number two. Alright, that's a food question. The question is: hot, spicy, Tabasco sauce, hot, spicy, Tabasco sauce, you might know it, you might know it, which country is it from? Which country is it from?
Do you know? Oh no, it's not from Mexico, it's from the USA. Alright, not that easy, I think. I think not that easy.
Question three, are you ready? Alright, let's go, let's go. Danish, Danish from Denmark. Danish carpenter, carpenter, so a person who makes things,makes things out of wood, out of wood, the carpenter, Ole, Kirk, Christensen. I'm so sorry, all the Danish people, my apologies, that's what it says, Ole, Kirk, Christensen founded, so started, started, founded, which company? The Danish carpenter founded which company? Ole, Kirk, Christensen. Do you know that?
You must know that because all people in the world, love that. Especially kids. Do you know? Yeah, that's Lego, Lego, Lego bricks. Wonderful Lego bricks. Thank you.
Alright, so question number four. Languages, oh that's good, that's good, languages. So Kenya, let's go to Kenya now. So Kenya's two official languages. one English, the English language, and what else? What else? There are two languages. What is the other one, the official language?
Do you know? So the other one is Swahili, Swahili. Yeah, you might know that one. You might know that one, not just in Kenya. So English and Swahili. That was a tough one, tough, difficult, tough one, tough question.
Question number five now. It's time for the mountains. It is a very classic geography question. Very classic. Mountains, oh it's like school. Mountains. So the mountains, so Mount Vinson, Mount Vinson is the highest peak, it is the highest mountain, the highest peak, the highest top of the mountain, in which continent, in which continent? Do you know that? Do you know, do you know that?
Do you know? Yeah, it must be, it must be Antarctica, Antarctica, yeah. Mount Vinson, Mount Vinson. Not a very popular name.
And question seven, the last question, the last question. You must know that. What is the most popular world language used internationally, international world language, in the world? Do you know that?
Of course you do, of course you do. It is the English language. It is the English language and we all want to speak it. We do want to communicate.
That was a lot of fun, a lot of fun.
Well, it's your time now. Embrace the day, people!
-------------------------------------------Intro/Outro Music By:Joakim Karud - Longing License: Creative Commons License
Luke Likes 'Yeah, But Now, It's Different'
So, is it, is it different? Usually, usually, it is quite fine, it is alright, usually. And usually I feel fine, usually I, well I have to say, I have to say that, usually I work a lot, I work a lot. And usually I go out and drive, I drive a lot. And I do my language routine, I do my language routine usually. Also, I eat regular meals, usually. I do workout and I do sports and usually it's okay, usually.
But now, it's different, now it is different, today is different. I'm not having the best day, I'm not having the best day, I have to say. Usually I do, but today I'm not having the best day.
I'm not feeling very well, I'm not feeling very well. I'm a little under the weather, under the weather. That's a really nice English expression 'under the weather'. Yeah, it means 'a little sick', I'm feeling a little under the weather.
So, today it's different.
I don't usually feel this way, but today I'm not working a lot, I'm not working a lot. Usually I do, but today I'm not, I'm not. I'm resting, I'm resting. I am trying, I'm trying to rest, I have to say, I'm trying to rest, to rest. And I'm, well, I hate it, I hate it, but I am lying in bed, I am lying in bed. Well, I'm trying, I'm trying. Yeah, I am trying to do that.
So, I'm lying in bed and I'm not going out much because I'm staying, I am staying at home. It's probably the good thing to do when you are not feeling well, you are not feeling, so I'm trying to do the right thing I am trying.
So, I'm taking care of myself, I am taking care of myself. So, I'm taking medicine a little, I'm taking medicine a little and I'm drinking a lot of liquids. I'm drinking a lot of liquids, a lot of liquids. I'm not doing sport, that's not a good idea, not a good idea when you are sick.
And I'm having a hard time, so it is difficult, I'm having a hard time studying and working, but I am doing that a little. Maybe I shouldn't, I shouldn't, but I am, I am doing that a little. Well, for one thing, I am recording, I am recording this podcast and I am speaking, I am speaking.
So, you can hear a little in my voice maybe, that I am not right, that's right. I'm blowing my nose, I'm blowing my nose from time to time and I'm coughing a little. I'm coughing, coughing, but I'm feeling not that bad, not that bad.
But the whole day, it's not going, it's not going as planned. Because usually I work and I'm active, I go out, I study, I do sport, I do shopping, I do a lot, a lot, a lot of things. Usually, today not, today I'm not doing any of that, any of that.
Fortunately, fortunately, I'm not seeing a doctor, I'm not seeing a doctor because I don't think, I don't think it's that bad. So, yeah, I'm hoping, I'm hoping that tomorrow, tomorrow is a new day,is a new day, is a brand new day.
And I can see it, I can imagine, imagine now. I'm not feeling this way, I'm feeling well and I'm not lying in bed, I'm not staying in, I'm not coughing. And I am living my life, I'm living my life as I want, as I want.
Yeah, usually, usually, but now, it's different.
Take care of yourself.
Well, it's your turn now. Embrace the day, people!
-------------------------------------------Intro/Outro Music By:Joakim Karud - Longing License: Creative Commons License
Luke Likes 'Still Lost'
So, it seems, it seems that I am still lost, I am still lost when travelling and speaking English. So, let's give it a spin, let's give it a spin, a random spin, like before. Ok, ready?
Yeah! So you arrive at a hotel, or I arrive, I am still lost.
Hi, hello, I would like to, I would like to, I would like to rent a room,
I would like to get a room, a single room, because I am alone, I am alone here.
A single room for the weekend, for the weekend.
So, how much is it? How much is it?
Oh, ok, I'll take it, I will take it, that's fine.
Can I pay by credit card? Can I pay by credit card, please?
Is breakfast included? Is breakfast included?
And, oh, oh, one thing, one thing, I would like to order a taxi for 6am tomorrow.
Is it possible? Is it possible?
And, do you know what the fare is?
What is the fare? How much is the taxi?
What is the fare to the airport?
Yeah, thanks. Ok, checking in, that was a little difficult. Still lost. So, let's do it again.
Yeah! So maybe it is time, it is time to actually eat something, eat something at a restaurant.
Can I have the menu please? Can I have the menu please?
And, excuse me, can I get a glass of water, a glass of water for me, a glass of water?
I'd like to order, I would like to order.
I'll have maybe spaghetti, 'spaghetti alla puttanesca'.
How about that? How about that?
And, do you have vegetarian food? Vegetarian food?
Can I get this pizza without onion, without onion please?
Some Italian food.
Oh, and I'll have, I will have orange juice, orange juice please.
Excuse me, I would like to pay.
Can I have the bill please?
The bill please, I would like to pay.
Thank you, it was delicious, delicious.
Not hungry anymore, still lost, thanks.
Yeah! So it was time to eat something, now time to spend some cash, spend some money. Oh, that's a street market over there.
How much is this over here, how much is this?
How much are these? How much are these over here?
Yeah, these ones.
Oh, and that one, that one, how much is that one?
I don't know what I'm buying. Maybe, how about an umbrella? I'm buying an umbrella, obviously it's raining.
And, how much are those, how much are those?
Yeah, I think I will, I will, I'll take this one.
Okay, yeah, how much?
Oh, right, yeah, keep the change, keep the change.
Thanks very much and have a good day too, thanks.
Well, everyone is happy, everyone is happy. It's a win, win, it's a win, win. Maybe one more, one more spin.
Yeah! Okay, it is time to leave I guess and come back home, because we want to get a taxi, we want to get a taxi to the airport.
I need to get to the airport please.
How much is the fare, how much is the fare?
Oh, alright, can you give me a hand?
Can you give me a hand with my bags please, with my bags?
I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry,
I don't want to miss my flight.
Oh, big traffic, big traffic today,.
Can you drop me here? Can you drop me here?
I can run, I can run to come back home. It is the best part of travelling, to come back, to come back.
Well, it's your turn, now. Embrace the day, people!
Luke Likes 'Lost'
So, do you, do you ever feel, do you ever feel lost when you have to speak English? You have to speak English, you have to communicate. When you travel, especially, when you travel. I am lost all the time. Not in English, but in general, in general.
So I ask those questions, because I want to, I want to find out. I want to know, I want to find out many things, actually many things. For example, let's do it my way, my random way. I'm not actually sure if you can hear, if you can hear that, but let me give it a try, let me give it a try. Wait.
Yeah! So you are at the bus stop, you are at the bus stop, and we have tasks to do, tasks. We don't want to be lost, we don't. So...
Excuse me, can you tell me please?
How to get to the nearest hotel, how to get to the nearest hotel?
I want to get to the hotel please, I want to get to the hotel please.
How far is it? How far is it? How far is it?
How many stops is it? How many stops is it from here?
How many stops? What is the fare? What is the fare? What is the fare?
And one more thing, one more thing, I'm travelling, I am travelling with a suitcase.
Do you have to pay extra? Do you have to pay extra?
Thank you, I'm not lost anymore, I hope. So let's do it again.
Yeah! You are at the tourist information centre, tourist information centre, visitor centre, visitor point, visitor point.
Oh, hello, what are the interesting things, what are the interesting things to do around here?
Are there any tours? Are there any tours available, available?
And how much are the tickets? How much are the tickets?
Can I get, can I have one adult ticket and one child ticket please?
And where do I get on the bus? Where do I get on the bus?
How long does it take? How long does it take?
Is there a guide? Is there a guide on the bus?
Can I get some brochures? Can I have, can I get some brochures please?
And can I rent some bikes please? Can I rent some bikes please around here in the town, in this city?
Thank you and I'm not lost anymore, hopefully, hopefully. Okay, just one more time, one more time please.
Yeah! It seems we are hungry now, we are hungry.
Excuse me, excuse me, is there a good restaurant around here? Is there a good restaurant, restaurant, restaurant around here?
Which one do you recommend? Which restaurant do you recommend?
I wanna, I want to try the local food, I want to, I wanna try the local food.
Yeah, what time does it open? What time does it open?
And is it expensive? Is it affordable? Is it affordable? Is it not very expensive?
Thanks for your help, thanks for your help.
I am not lost anymore, I am not lost anymore, am I? Because that's not the end. Travelling can be very, very tiring, tiring. With all those questions I need some rest. But then come back.
Well, it's your turn now. Embrace the day, people!
Luke Likes 'It Is What It Is'
It is, what it is. You can't change it, you can't. What can you do? It is, what it is.
Yeah, so it is Tuesday, it is Tuesday, it is evening, it is late, it is getting late, it is 10pm, and well, it is cold, it is cold. It is cold, and it is wet, it is 2 degrees Celsius, I think, 2 degrees Celsius. It is cloudy, it is cloudy, it isn't raining, it isn't snowing, but it is cloudy, maybe a little windy, it is a little windy as well. It is not the best weather.
So yeah. it is what it is, but maybe, maybe it is time to find a warmer destination, maybe it is a good idea, it is a good idea to find a warm destination. How about that? Hey, what do you think? How about that? It is, it is time, it is time to find a better place, maybe.
Well, I'm sure, I am sure it is possible, I'm sure it is possible. It is a little difficult because it is a little far, maybe, and a little hard to get to, it is a little hard to get to, but I believe it is also, it is also worth it, it is worth it. Let's, let's have a look, let's have a look. What's the weather like? What is the weather like now in Sydney? Yeah, Sydney, Australia. Yeah, Sydney, Australia, not Sydney, Germany. No, it's Sydney, Australia, obviously.
Okay, oh no, it is, it is 22 degrees Celsius right now, and it is cloudy. Unfortunately, it is cloudy right now. It is morning, but it is cloudy, and maybe later on, it is a little warmer, 25 degrees, and a little sunny, it is a little sunny. But now, it is cloudy, and also, it is windy. Nope, no, Sydney, no, thank you, Sydney, thank you. Nope, it is a bad idea right now, it is a bad choice right now, I think.
In that case, in that case, maybe it is a better idea, it is a better idea to go to Portugal, yeah, to Lisbon. It is a better idea to go to Lisbon, let me have a look. Okay, oh, it is not bad, it is not bad. It is late evening, of course, but it is 14 degrees right now, 14, and it is a little windy, it is a little windy, but it is, I think, better. I think it is a little better outside, especially tomorrow, it is 19 degrees and sunny. Yeah, okay, it sounds better, better than here.
Okay, but maybe we can find a place where it is much, much hotter. How about Central America, South America. Oh, I know, how about Panama? Let's see, Panama. Okay, oh, I have it, it is 6pm, right, oh my God, it is 29 degrees, it is not bad, it is not bad, but wait, wait, that's so great. It is stormy, stormy right now, it is stormy weather, it is raining heavily, it is raining heavily right now.
Oh my God, and the whole week is going to be like that, is going to be, is gonna be like that. The whole week. Panama, no, thank you. Oh my, oh my, so it is stormy, or it is windy, or it is cloudy, it is too far. Maybe it is better to stay over here, actually, and just wait, just wait when it is summertime. Okay, well, it is what it is, as they say, it is what it is.
Well, it's your turn, now. Embrace the day, people!
Luke Likes 'Yes, Please'
Yes please, yes please, yes please. So when you travel, when you travel and you speak English, you speak English, you do say 'yes, please, yes, yes, I need your help please, I need your help please' quite often, quite often.
Yes you do say that, you do say it, you do say it, for example a ticket, a ticket please, an adult ticket, adult one adult ticket please, or a glass of water please, a glass of water, a glass of wine, maybe a glass of wine please, or the bill please, the bill, the bill please, the bill please. Oh wow, we do need help when we travel, yeah, we do.
So yes please is not, is not the only way, the only, the only way to do that. Can I have, can I have, can I have, can I have your name please? Can I have your name please? Can I have a blanket? Can I have a blanket please? Can I have a blanket?
Well I don't ask that, I have my own blanket, obviously I do, you know that, What else, what else. Can I have the Wi-Fi code, the Wi-Fi code please, Wi-Fi code please? Can I have the number, the number please? Can I have the number please?
And also can I get, can I get, can I get? Can I get an extra chair please? Can I get an extra, extra chair please? Yeah I just need two, I need two, yeah, whatever. Can I get the address, can I get the address please?
Can I have, can I get, can I have, can I get. Very practical, very very practical. Oh no, oh no, there isn't any shampoo, there isn't any shampoo left, any shampoo. Can you get me some shampoo please? Can you get me, can you get me some shampoo please?
Oh there is only one blanket, there is only one blanket. Can you get me, can you get me a blanket? One extra blanket please, can you get me one extra blanket? And I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry. Can you get me, can you get me something to eat, can you get me something to eat please?
Can you get me something to drink? I'm thirsty, I want to drink, I'm thirsty. Can you get me something to drink please? And I have a horrible headache, I have a horrible headache, Can you get me some aspirin? can you get me some pills please? Can you get me some painkiller, some painkiller please?
Can you get me, so can you get me, can you get me. Can you open the window? Can you bring...? Can you explain please? Can you bring...? Can you read it once again please? Can you give me...? and so on, and so on.
There is one more, one more 'please', one more 'please'. I would like, I would like, I'd like, I'd like, I would like. I would like some coffee, I'd like some coffee, I'd like some water, I'd like some peace and quiet please. Oh wow, that sounds very passive aggressive, I think.
I would like, I'd like, I would like some music, I'd like some music please. Yeah, hey, would you like, would you like some music? Yes, please. Would you like some coffee? Yes, please. Would you like some green tea? Oh, I would love that, I would love that,
Would you like, would you, would you, would you like to. Would you like to listen to some music? Or would you like to watch something? Oh, yeah, sounds good, sounds good. Would you like to record a podcast with me? Would you like to? Yeah, I'd like to do that,
I would like you to record this podcast with me, I'd like you to travel with me, to go with me, I would like you to listen to this podcast, I'd like you to learn English with this podcast, and I would like you, I would like you to use it in your life, use it please.
Well, it's your turn now. Embrace the day, people!
Luke Likes 'The Worst Traveller'
The worst traveller ever. I want to talk in English, obviously, in English, about the worst, the worst traveller ever, the worst traveller of all time. That's me.
First of all, first of all, I don't really travel much, I don't really travel, but when I do, I am the worst, I am really the worst ever. When I was a child, when I was a child, I learned, I learned the capitals of the world, and I love it. And, I'm the worst traveller.
My favourite book of all time, I have it, I have it all the time with me, I carry that with me in my bag, is 'A Lonely Planet's Ultimate Travel Quiz Book'. 2,000 questions about every corner, corner of the world. And, I'm the worst traveller, I am, really am.
Let me explain, let me explain.
Well, it takes me, it takes me ages, it takes me ages to choose, choose the destination, the destination, it takes ages. Oh my god. Then, it takes even more, even more to book the accommodation, the accommodation, compare, compare the price. It takes forever, it takes forever.
Then, time to pack, oh my god. I need everything. T-shirt? Ten, I need ten. Hey, backpack or suitcase? I take both, I take both, yeah really. So luggage, all luggage in the world, all luggage in the world, I'm the worst traveller ever.
Then, the journey, my journey, oh my, oh my. I need my stuff, I need my stuff. I need my cushion. I think I need my sleeping bag also. Even when, even when we are staying in a hotel, I don't care, I don't care. I take it, I take it anyway, anyway. I'm the worst traveller ever.
And then I want to see all, all the tourist attractions, all of them, all of them. So I need my guidebook, guidebook, not the internet, no, no, no. I need my book and go from point A to point B, from point B to point C. I want to know everything. I am so, so, so bad. All the sights, all the attractions, all the monuments, all the museums, all the galleries, just everything.
And try the local food? Nope. I have my food, my sandwiches, my food, my food. And then buy, I buy the cheap, bad, really, really bad, souvenir, souvenir. I want that, I want the cheap plastic, bad, ugly, souvenir. That's me.
When it comes to, when it comes to accommodation, accommodation and the apartment, the apartment, the hotel, I want my bed, I want my bed, really. I want my sofa, so I miss my sofa, I miss my desk, I miss my desk really bad. And the thing that I want the most is to come back, because the best part of travelling for me is to come back. Because I'm the worst traveller ever.
So, don't ever travel with me, don't ever. But I love it, I love it, sure, why not.
Well, it's your turn now. Embrace the day, people!
Luke Likes ' Right Here, Right Now'
Okay, it is getting late, it is getting late right now. It is half past ten, half past ten p.m. in the evening, yeah. So, it is getting late and I am recording, I am recording and I am speaking English to you. I am speaking English and I know what you are doing because I am a spy. Remember? Do you remember? I am a spy.
I know what you are doing. You, right now, right now, at the moment, you are listening. You are listening to me, you are listening to my podcast and learning English, hopefully, hopefully, and learning some English, just a little, just a little bit.
So, what are you doing and what am I doing? Well, me, I am sitting here at my desk, I am sitting here at my desk, I am sitting and I am talking, I am having, I am having hot, hot tea, hot tea. And to be honest, to be honest, to be honest, not much is happening, not much is happening, happening around, not much.
My dog, my dog, Marcepan, is lying over here, is lying over here and outside, let me have a look, let me have a look, outside, it is starting to rain, I think. It is starting, it is starting to rain, it is starting to rain. It is not snowing, it isn't, it is not snowing. It is starting or it is raining maybe at the moment, raining.
I am sure it is getting cold so, my neighbours are not, aren't outside right now, they aren't sitting, they aren't sitting outside because it is definitely, definitely too cold for them. So, they are not sitting outside, they are sitting inside. I can't hear them right now, I can't hear them, but just a little, I can hear, I think, yeah, I can hear a TV on? So they, maybe, maybe, they are watching some TV right now, maybe they are watching some TV and nothing much is happening, is going on, going on.
So, I'm speaking to the microphone, I am speaking to the microphone. I'm wearing my headphones, headphones, yeah, I'm wearing my headphones and speaking to my microphone to you, but you, what are you doing?
I know, I know, that's a fact, and I am a spy, that you are listening, you are listening right now, but is it morning right now?
Are you just waking up? Are you waking up? Maybe you are still, you are still lying in bed, maybe you are lying in bed, or maybe it is evening and you are falling asleep because it is getting, it is getting so boring, so boring. You are falling asleep, you are falling asleep, or maybe, what else?
Maybe you are walking your dog. Are you walking your dog, are you walking your dog right now and listening and listening to my podcast? Are you doing some sport and listening to my podcast? Are you walking to school and listening to my podcast? Are you driving to work and listening to the podcast? Are you riding a bike?
Hmmm, what else? Oh, I know, are you ironing, are you ironing and listening to the podcast? Are you ironing and listening to the podcast? That's a great way to learn English, so maybe you are learning English and ironing, and ironing. Are you eating? Maybe you are eating, maybe you are cooking. Are you dancing? Are you maybe having a shower and listening to the podcast?
I'm not sure, I'm not sure, but who knows, who knows. I hope, I hope you are listening, you are listening and you are learning just a little bit, just a little bit and having a little fun, also.
Well, it's your turn now. Embrace the day, people!
Luke Likes 'International Secret'
So, I have a secret for you today. I have a secret. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell. The secret is that I know where you are from. I know.
Hey, where are you from? Where are you from? Are you from Poland? Are you from Poland? Are you from Jamaica? Are you from Canada? Are you from Kenya? Yeah, I know. Where are you from? Where are you from?
It's a secret. It's a secret. Well, it's not a secret. It's not a secret, but I know it because of something that is called, something that is called, called, it's called, so the name is, it's called analytics. Analytics and it's a secret. I'm a spy now.
So, are you from Poland? Are you Polish? You are. Some of you. Hello and welcome. I'm a real podcaster now.
Are you, are you from the US? Are you from the US? Are you from the US? Yes, you are. I can see you there. You are. A lot, a lot of you from the US, from the US. So, a lot of Americans, a lot of Americans.
Are you from Turkey? Are you from Turkey? Are you Turkish? Yes, you are. You are Turkish. Hello, Turkish people. Are you from Turkey? Yeah, a lot, a lot, a lot.
And also, are you from Canada? Are you from Canada? Are you Canadian? Yes, you are Canadian from Canada. Oh, maybe. That's Canadian. That's from Canada. From Canada. People from Canada. I think, I think, I know why. We have the same, we have the same weather. We have the same cool, chilly, dark weather. I think, I think. So, hello people from Canada.
The next country, the next country is not chilly, is not chilly at all, is not chilly at all. Is Egypt? Are you from Egypt? Are you Egyptian? Egyptian. That's not winter, is it? That's not winter. It's snowy, snowy winter. Nope, nope. That's pretty, that's pretty hot, I suppose, I suppose.
I also know that you are from Ukraine. From Ukraine. You are Ukrainian. Hello, people. From Ukraine. Hello. And next up, next up, so the next country is the Netherlands. The Netherlands. Are you from the Netherlands? Are you from the Netherlands? Are you Dutch? Are you Dutch? Dutch people from the Netherlands? That's so cool. Hello. That's so, so cool. Thanks.
And the next one, the next one. Oh, that is awesome. That is awesome. Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Are you from Japan? こんにちは ありがとうございます Hello. Thank you very much. That's so great. Hello. Very cool.
That's a long, long list. This is 46 countries. Right now, 46. A long, long list. Thank you, everyone. Are you from Germany? And you maybe are from Italy. Are you from France? Are you from Kenya?
No, that's a lot of countries, a lot of... Brazil. Are you Brazilian? Are you from Denmark? Are you Danish? Are you from Algeria? Are you Vietnamese? Are you from Vietnam? Are you from Sri Lanka? Are you from Sri Lanka? Are you Indian? Are you Swedish? Are you Norwegian? Are you Korean? Are you Austrian? Are you Portuguese? Are you Mongolian? Oh my god. Are you Mongolian? That is so nice.
Hello, people. Really, really cool. So, you know my secrets now. International secrets. Thanks. And see you next time.
Well, it's your turn now. Embrace the day, people!
Luke Likes 'Four Seasons'
And so for today I have seasons. The weather, a very emotional, emotional topic. Intriguing topic, very. The weather, the weather. And why? If you want to, if you want to complain, complain about something, here you are - complain about the weather, complain about the weather. I'm not going to, I'm not going to do that. Just a little bit maybe, just a little bit.
Alright, so imagine that, imagine that. I wake up today, I wake up today. I go out in the morning, I go out in the morning and I tell myself, I tell myself 'where is my car? Where is, where is my car? I can't see it, I can't see my car. Where is it? Well, there it is, there, there it is, there it is, over here. There it is, under that big, white, soft pile of snow, snow, oh. A lot, a lot of snow. All white, all white.
Because it's winter time, it's winter time. Not in calendar, but outside, outside. A lot of snow, big surprise for everyone, for everyone. And for me too, so this is winter. It's cold and snowy, but a little bad, but a little bad part is that, is that the days are so, so short, so short. And the night and the evening are so long. I can't see the sun, I can't see the sun. All day long, all day long, I can't see the sun, and that's not so good. So winter time. Thank God, thank God,we have Christmas coming, we have Christmas coming.
After that, after that, the spring. Around March, April, March, April, it is much better. It is much better, and a lot more, a lot more sun, a lot more light, and the days are not so short. So it is warm, but not hot. Rainy from time to time, that is spring. And the best part is when the plants start blooming, blooming, yeah, it is wonderful, wonderful, over here.
The summer time is full of sun, the summer time is full of sun, long, long days, hot, hot days, and warm nights and evenings as well. So people hang out, outside, hang out outside much longer, much longer, and it is a lot, a lot of fun, a lot of fun.
Finally, my favourite autumn, or fall, autumn, fall, around September, autumn, fall. It is also, it is also wonderful, wonderful, because it has all those colours, all those colours - brown, red and yellow. It looks just like a picture, like a picture.
The days are not as short as in winter, and it is not as hot as in the summer, so everyone, everyone should be happy about this, everyone should be happy. I'm not sure, I am not sure, if they are actually, if they are actually, but me, I love that season.
Four seasons, I have to say, I have to say that all seasons have something to offer. Well, maybe November is really, really tough, really tough over here. But I'm not complaining, not complaining at all, not.
Well, it's your turn now. Embrace the day, people!
Luke Likes 'Rain Or Shine'
So how often, how often do you do that? How often? Come rain or shine? Come rain or shine? Right, let's see, let's see. Hmm, seldom, seldom, I seldom do that. I seldom play my ukulele, I seldom play my ukulele, ukulele, I seldom do that.
Okay, once or twice a year, once or twice a year, a year. Hmm, unfortunately, unfortunately, I see my mechanic, mechanic, because my car, because my car is a piece, a piece of junk. I love it, I love my car. It's like family, but it is a piece of junk. I love you car! Anyway, once or twice a year, once or twice a year. I have to, huh, yeah.
And now, more than once a day, more than once a day, I see my neighbours more than once a day. Hi neighbour, hi neighbours dog!
But about once a week, once a week, about, about once a week, I have a special dinner, a special dinner, about once a week. That's so, so cool. I love that. Love it.
And I never, I never, I never go to the swimming pool. I never do that. I don't know why. I think the water is too wet. Yeah, the swimming pool and the water, it is too wet. I like dry, dry swimming pool. Very dry, too wet for me. Yeah, and that's that.
Quite often,hmm, I do sports quite often. I do sports quite often, because I love it. I love it. And a couple of times, a couple of, a couple of, a couple of times a month. I, oh, I know that. I have a nap. A long, beautiful, terrific, terrific nap. I have a nap a couple of times a month. Beautiful.
And now, not very often. Well, I don't do the shopping very often, I think. I have to, but I don't do it very often. I don't. Yeah.
And I hardly ever, I hardly ever skip lessons. I hardly ever skip lessons, I think, I think. And that's why, that's why my students love me. They hate me. Okay.
And I almost, almost, almost every day. I almost every day. What do I do? I know. I study languages almost every day. That is five, six, seven days a week. Seven days a week.
Sometimes, sometimes, I sometimes need a break. I sometimes take a break. But I always listen to my podcasts. I listen to my podcasts. Come rain or shine. Come rain or shine.
Like you. Just like you. Just like you. Yeah.
Well, it's your turn now. Embrace the day, people!
Luke Likes 'Language Every Day'
So Luke likes languages and Luke likes his day. He starts, he starts the day and language learning and language teaching is a big part, is a big part of everyday, everyday.
So he wakes up, he wakes up at 7am in the morning, 7am. Well, a little past 7, maybe 10 past 7, and he does some morning exercise, morning exercise. Stretching, stretching exercise. That's very, very important, very. That's grandma's order, grandma's recommendation.
And then he gets dressed, gets dressed. He never skips breakfast, never. So he has breakfast every day, oatmeal with nuts, fruit and things like that. Very light breakfast, very tasty, very tasty. This is the perfect, perfect time to revise, revise some language, revise some language.
He doesn't, he does not, he doesn't, he doesn't have time for coffee or tea because he leaves home, he leaves home and quickly jumps, he jumps into his car, into his car and on his way, on his way he listens to podcasts, conversations because it's a perfect situation for languages, perfect situation to listen, to listen and understand, understand.
Then lessons, he starts his lessons at 8, at 8am, at 8am every day. That's so early for me. At 8am. He has classes with his students, classes with his students, then a break, a short coffee break, around 10, 11. Then some more lessons. He has lunch and this is also some time for language, learning and preparing, preparing some classes later in the day.
He comes back to work at around 3pm and he has some more work to do. So he works with his students, he works with his students Sometimes he is very proud, he is very proud and his mood, his mood is up. But sometimes, not often, sometimes, from time to time, not often, sometimes his mood is really, really down because his students don't do the work, don't do the work, they don't study enough. That's bad.
Okay, anyway, anyway, anyway, around 6pm he has another short break, another short break for something to eat and also he has his evening green tea. Then after that the last, the last round of lessons, the last round of lessons at about 7pm. At about 7pm some more lessons with his students, sometimes good, sometimes not as good, and he finishes in the evening quite late, quite late.
He comes back, he comes back home at around 9, 10pm, 9, 10pm. But this is some fun time, fun time with languages, studying, listening, speaking and reading. A lot of fun but a little late, a little late.
In the evening, in the evening, he really likes playing some music and just before, just before he goes to sleep, he has five minute time to come down and meditate a little, he meditates. Finally, finally he finishes the day at midnight, sometimes, well quite often really, around 1am. Yeah.
And tomorrow, tomorrow is a brand new day, a language everyday.
Well, it's your turn now. Embrace the day, people!
Luke Likes 'Awkward Every Day'
So, it's a little awkward today, a little awkward, and my day is awkward. I'm awkward, a little awkward.
And it's a little awkward. So, I go to sleep around 10pm, and it is a little awkward.
I have a shower, and I go to sleep around 10pm, and it's a little awkward.
Then I get some time for myself, I watch my favourite series or I read a book sometimes, I have a shower, and I go to sleep around 10pm, and it's a little awkward.
I make dinner, and then I hang out with my family a little, and I get some time for myself. I watch my favourite series or read a book, I have a shower, and I go to sleep around 10pm. And it is a little awkward.
And so I finish work, and on the way back home, on the way back home, I do some shopping. And then I talk to my neighbours, I make dinner, and hang out with my family a little, yeah. And then I get some time for myself, I watch my favourite series or read a book, I have a shower, and I go to sleep at around 10pm, and it is a little awkward.
I start work at around 8, I have a break for tea or coffee, and I have lunch. I finish work on the way back home, I do some shopping, and I talk to my neighbours. I make dinner and hang out with my family. Then I get some time for myself. I watch my favourite series or read a book, I have a shower, and I go to sleep at around 10pm, and this is a little awkward.
I have breakfast and leave home, I start work at around 8, I have a break for tea or coffee, and I have lunch, I finish work, and on the way back home, I do some shopping. I talk to my neighbours, and I make dinner, and hang out with my family. Then I get some time for myself, I watch my favourite series or read a book, I have a shower, and I go to sleep at around 10pm, and it's a little awkward.
So I get up and have a quick wash, I brush my teeth, and I have breakfast. I leave home and start work at around 8, I have a break for tea or coffee, and I have lunch. I finish work and on the way back home, I do some shopping, I talk to my neighbours, and I make dinner, and hang out with my family a little And then I get some time for myself. I watch my favourite series or read a book, I have a shower, and I go to sleep at around 10pm, and it's a little awkward.
Then I wake up at around 7, and I get up, have a quick wash, I brush my teeth, I have breakfast, and I leave home. I start work at around 8, I have a break for tea or coffee, and I have lunch. I finish work and on the way back home, I do some shopping, I talk to my neighbours, make dinner, and hang out with my family, and I get some time for myself. I watch my favourite series or read a book, I have a shower, and I go to sleep at around 10pm, and it's a little awkward.
So, I dream that my life is extraordinary, yeah. And then I wake up at around 7, I get up, and have a quick wash, I brush my teeth, and have breakfast. I leave home, and start work at around 8, I have a break for tea or coffee, and I have lunch. I finish work and on the way back home, I do some shopping, and I talk to my neighbours, I make dinner, hang out with my family, and get some time for myself. I watch my favourite series or read a book, and I have a shower. I go to sleep at around 10pm, and it is a little awkward.
And every day is a little awkward.
Well, it's your turn tomorrow now. Embrace the day, people!
Luke Likes 'Do you?'
So, today I have many, many questions. Many questions. Or maybe just one. 'Do you?'
Do you have?
Do you?
Do you have?
Do you have some three time?
Do you have some three time?
Do you have?
Do you have?
Do you have?
Do you have a family?
Do you have a family?
Do you have brothers?
Do you have sisters?
Do you have kids?
Do you have friends?
Do you have pets?
Do you have any plans for today?
Do you have plans for the weekend?
Do you have a pen?
Do you have a pencil?
Do you have an umbrella? It's raining.
Do you have an umbrella?
Do you have a moment?
Do you have a moment?
Do you have experience?
Do you have any experience?
And do you have a favourite book?
Do you have a favourite song?
Do you have a favourite colour?
And do you have a favourite sport to play?
Do you have a favourite sport to play?
Hmm. 'Do you?' Do you have? One question? Just one question.
Do you want?
Do you want?
Do you want?
Do you want?
Do you want any help?
Do you want any help?
Do you want a hand?
Do you want a hand with that?
Do you want a hand?
Do you want some tea? Coffee?
Do you want some cake?
Do you want?
Do you want to?
Do you want to go now?
Do you want to stay?
Do you want to sleep?
Do you want to sleep?Do you want to run?
Do you want to play?
Do you want to sing?
Do you want to speak to me?
Do you want to read?
Do you want to go out?
And do you want to eat?
Do you want to eat something?
Go out and eat something?
Do you want to?
Do you?
Do you want to?
Do you wanna?
Do you wanna?
Do you want to?
Just one question. Do you want to?
Do you like?
Do you like?
Do you like tea?
Do you like coffee?
Do you like green tea?
Do you like black tea? Red tea?
Do you like tennis?
Do you like fishing?
Do you like dancing?
Do you like summer time?
Do you like winter time?
Do you like walking in the rain?
Do you like walking in the park?
Do you like swimming?
Do you like playing instruments?
Do you like listening to music?
Do you like watching Netflix?
Do you like talking?
Do you like chatting with your friends?
Do you like listening to podcasts? Listening to podcasts?
Do you like languages?
Do you like studying?
Do you like doing nothing?
Do you? Do you like? Just one question.
Do you? Do you have? Do you want? Do you like? Do you?
Does he?
Does she?
Does he?
Does she?
Do they?
Do they?
Just one question. Do you?
Do you need?
Do you ride?
Do you speak?
Do you go?
Do you work?
Do you enjoy?
Do you hate?
Do you prefer?
Do you recommend?
Just one really. Do you know now? Do you?
Well, it's your turn now. Embrace the day, people!
Luke Likes 'But When?'
I have a schedule for you today. I have a schedule for you. Why? All right. Do you have a lot of friends? Do you have a lot of friends that hate you because you don't have time for them?
Well, I think I do and they do, they do hate me because of my tight schedule, tight schedule. So, it goes like this, it goes like this.
Hey Luke, maybe we could meet on Monday, on Monday. How about Monday? How about Monday?
Oh, Monday, Monday. Oh no, not Monday. No, sorry, I can't, I have a lot of work. That's a busy day, busy day. Sorry, no Monday. Monday is no good, is no good.
What about Tuesday? Is Tuesday alright? Is Tuesday alright? Ah, Tuesday? No, Tuesday, no, sorry, sorry. Tuesday is a gym day, gym day, Tuesday is a gym day. No, sorry, I can't, Tuesday. Definitely, definitely not, Tuesday.
Hmm, so, can you make it on Wednesday? Can you make it, can you make it on Wednesday?
On Wednesday? Oh no, oh, Wednesday, I'm sorry, I can't, I can't meet on Wednesday. Wednesday is no good. I have a podcast to make, I have a podcast to make on Wednesday, sorry. Yeah, so, sorry.
Why not Thursday? Are you free? Are you free? Are you free on Wednesday? Are you free?
Oh, Thursday, not Thursday. I have tennis on Thursday, I have tennis, I have tennis on Thursday. I play tennis on Thursday. No, no, no, I can't make it.
Hmm, so maybe Friday then, maybe Friday? Are you free? Are you free on Friday?
Oh, Friday, Friday sounds good. Friday sounds good. Sounds good. But wait, no, no, no, no, I forgot. I forgot. Japanese class. I have Japanese class on Friday. Oh, I can't, I can't, sorry.
Maybe the weekend? Saturday? Sunday? How about Saturday? Can we meet on Saturday? Can we meet on Saturday?
Saturday, yeah, but I play basketball on Saturday. I'm sorry, can't make it. I can't make it.
Say, Sunday?
On Sunday, family dinner, family dinner. I'm so, so sorry. I really, really can't get out, get out of it, get out of it, sorry. That's a real shame, shame, but no.
That can be hard. So Monday, no, Tuesday, no, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday... Oh God, I have no free time. I know, I have a solution. I have a brilliant idea. How about the eighth day of the week?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and 'Myday'. Oh yeah, on 'Myday', on 'Myday', I have all the time in the world, all the time in the world.
Hey, how about 'Myday'? Can we meet on 'Myday'?
No problem, I'm free on 'Myday'. We can meet any time you like. Say, 9am? No problem. Why not 1pm? Perfect. How about 6pm? Fine by me, fine by me. And 11pm? I can make it. No problem at all. On 'Myday', I have all the time in the world, all the time.
Well, it's your time now. Embrace the day, people!
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