
  • Does believing in a sin nature, or that all our works have sin, lead to depression?

    Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin talk about how law and gospel aren’t always linear--it’s more circular, and it involves our whole life, as the entire Christian life is one of repentance. They joke Lutherans can sometimes come across as the “goth” of the Christian world, as we

    They talk about how a right understanding of our sin nature impacts our vocation in serving others.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Available Now: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Pre-order: Hitchhiking with Prophets: A Ride Through the Salvation Story of the Old Testament by Chad Bird

    30 Minutes in the NT on Youtube

    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    Available Now: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

  • We've found Katie Koplin, in the midst of moving into an old church, and working on her training to become a Christian counselor. She talks about integrating faith and therapy, and how law and gospel theology plays into therapy.

    We talk about asking good questions, the difference between Christian and secular counselors, and the pros and cons of each. Also, what's the difference between a pastor and a counselor?

    Luther claims that the reason for the reformation was soul care. It wasn't simply an intellectual, or academic debate, as much as it was a pastoral issue on the care of souls, and how theology impacts our approach to handling oppresive shame.

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    Available Now: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Pre-order: Hitchhiking with Prophets: A Ride Through the Salvation Story of the Old Testament by Chad Bird

    30 Minutes in the NT on Youtube

    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    Available Now: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

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  • In part 3 of Gretchen Ronnevik's conversation with Amy Mantravadi, they discuss specifically the unusual marriage of Martin Luther and Katharaina Von Bora. There were many who did not like Katie, and didn't like the dynamic within their marriage. She was a very opinionated person, and many people did not consider her an ideal wife.

    Much of what we know about their marriage are from the "Table Talks" recorded by students and scholars who ate at Martin and Katie's dinner table. Each person who recorded these table talks had differing opinions on Katie, and they must have taken great pleasure in recording the spats and one liners that they slung at each other.

    She held a lot of sway with Luther, which made a lot of people uncomfortable. He would endlessly tease her, and she would tease him right back. When he fell into massive spells of depression and anxiety, unable to leave bed, she would lay next to him, and speak encouragements to him until he was able to get up again.

    They dealt with child death together, they had foster kids together. Their house was recorded as being chaotic, full of young boys and older widows staying with them. Luther's health and her ability to nurse the sick ended up being a huge part of their marriage as well.

    Amy reads one of Katie's letters after Luther's death, and we discuss the sad ending to her life and what we can consider that sadness.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Available Now: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Pre-order: Hitchhiking with Prophets: A Ride Through the Salvation Story of the Old Testament by Chad Bird

    30 Minutes in the NT on Youtube

    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    Available Now: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

  • In this episode Gretchen Ronnevik talks with Amy Mantravadi about the monastic life, and in particular, the nunnery of Katharina Von Bora, before she escaped and married Martin Luther.

    They talk about the Cistercian nuns, their cloistered life, and the situation they were in that was ripe for abuse. With a calloric intake of about 1,000 calories a day, and a sleep deprived schedule, being thin and weak was a sign of spirituality. This was a silent order, so speaking to each other was forbidden, and they had to use sign language for utilitarian purposes only. 2 monks were the only ones who held the keys and guarded who went in and out of their home.

    We talk about Katharina's failed engagement, her rejection of a suitor, and how on earth she ended up with Martin Luther.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Available Now: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Pre-order: Hitchhiking with Prophets: A Ride Through the Salvation Story of the Old Testament by Chad Bird

    30 Minutes in the NT on Youtube

    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    Available Now: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

    More from our guest:

    Amy Mantravadi
  • While Katie finishes up some family stuff, Gretchen invites on Amy Mantravadi to talk about writing about the reformation. They talk about character studies of Luther, Erasmus, Melanchthon, and of course Katie Luther. Amy has written 2 novels about these characters, and has an obsession with church history.

    They talk about the bondage of the will, the broken bonds in relationships from the Reformation, and what was going on in the lives of the reformers that may have impact why they did what they did.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Available Now: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Pre-order: Hitchhiking with Prophets: A Ride Through the Salvation Story of the Old Testament by Chad Bird

    30 Minutes in the NT on Youtube

    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    Available Now: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

  • Katie Koplin is busy with a big family move and finishing up this year of grad school, so Gretchen Ronnevik invited on one of the young women she mentors, Gretchen Larson, to talk about what it's like to be a young, single adult in the church, what they need from the church, and how to foster intergenerational relationships.

    Gretchen Larson is a chef at a Bible camp, finishing up her studies on the hospitality business, and was a missionary kid in Eastern Europe. She is involved in mentoring women younger than her as well, and has some great insight to the simplicity and difficulty of loving our neighbors.

    We talk about the freedom given in Christ, and walking through various expectations, and goal setting that gets put on young adults, and how they long for deep connection.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Available Now: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Pre-order: Hitchhiking with Prophets: A Ride Through the Salvation Story of the Old Testament by Chad Bird

    30 Minutes in the NT on Youtube

    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    Available Now: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

  • In the last episode, we talked about the tradwife movement. In this episode we move on to talk about what a homemaker actually is.

    Citing Edith Schaefer's book on the Hidden Art of Homemaking, we talk about the vocation of reminding people of their humanity, and their need for food and rest. We talk about all the various things that make us human. CS Lewis writes about how the easiest way to sin against someone is to start thinking of them as less than human. The world is constantly trying to do this. Homemaking is the vocation of reminding people of their humanity.

    Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin both share some of their stories of how easily it is to be drawn into the tradwife movement, as opposed to their experience as homemakers.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    30 Minutes in the NT on Youtube

    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    Preorder: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Available Now: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    Last Chance: NWA Conference May 3rd-4th

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

  • What's the difference between a stay at home mom and a Tradwife? In this episode Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin, 2 women who have been stay at home moms, talk about the Tradwife movement, and all it contains.

    The easiest place to begin this conversation is from the male counterpart, or the Alpha Male mindset, to see the female counterpart to the joint movement. They talk about what this movement looks like for men, where "Beta Males" are viewed as trash, and then switch to the counterpart aspects of the equally dehumanizing aspects of this for the females.

    What starts out looking like a "good thing" turns "hardcore" as Christian values aren't hardcore enough in this movement to really take it as far as they'd like it to go. This movement elevates good things to gods, where our hope is placed in our own strength, and where the doctrine of vocation is replaced by roleplay.

    We look at examples of Tradwives, how they are often not Christian, but held up as a Christian standard, and historically how this movement came about.

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    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    Preorder: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Available Now: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    Last Chance: NWA Conference May 3rd-4th

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

  • Co-host, Katie Koplin has curated a gospel central devotional for moms, and it's coming out this next Tuesday. We talk about how she chose the various contributors, and the themes that arose as the submissions started to come in.

    Learning our limitedness as mothers was one of the major themes, and how to hold hope and hard in the same room.

    We talk about the hard and good together, and how sometimes it feels like you get punished for doing the right thing. There's no avoiding the suffering, there's just learning to walk through it.

    We talk about dealing with fear as a mother, asking God for a guarentee that things will work out as we want, for a guarentee that they will be healthy and safe, and trusting God despite whatever could happen.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    30 Minutes in the NT on Youtube

    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    Preorder: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Available Now: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    Last Chance: NWA Conference May 3rd-4th

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

  • We have back on our dear friend, Sarah Crowder, as she talks about her contribution to the upcoming devotional "Encouragent to Motherhood." In her writing, she shares about her kids one by one, being diganosed with type 1 diabetes, and mothering in hospital rooms, where death is near.

    She talks about the looming of the law when health issuses are life and death. As humans, we have what she calls a "default to death," which keeps bringing her back to baptism, and what Daniel Emery Price refers to as a "wet theology." We talk about the balm of baptism as we live in light of death. Come back to the water again and again.

    We talk about allowing yourself grief in motherhood, and recognizing the humanity of motherhood. We don't have hope that everything will turn out ideal, but we have hope that Christ will be with us.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    New 1517 Academy Course: The Early Church: Christ, Controversies and Characters with Bruce Hillman

    Preorder: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Available Now: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    Here We Still Stand 2023 Videos are Available on YouTube

    Last Chance: NWA Conference May 3rd-4th

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

  • This week we are interviewing our friend, Pastor Brad Gray about his book He's one of the special Baptists who publish articles and books with 1517. We talk about preaching the gospel, free from manipulation, and the hope for those who are discouraged. We ask him big questions about his book: Finding God in the Darkness.

    We talk about our faith in the midst of suffering, questioning God, and what's going on in our faith in the midst of depression. He talks about why he wrote this book, and how to comfort those who are in dark places.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    New 1517 Academy Course: The Early Church: Christ, Controversies and Characters with Bruce Hillman

    Preorder: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Preorder: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    Here We Still Stand 2023 Videos are Available on YouTube

    Last Chance: NWA Conference May 3rd-4th

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

    More from our guest:

    Myth Became Fact in the Face of Suffering (Brad's 1517 Here We Still Stand video) Brad's book: Finding God in the Darkness: Hopeful Reflections from the Pits of Depression, Despair, and Disappointment
  • This month's bonus episode we discuss the book "The Spirituality of the Cross" by Gene Veith. This is a great book to read during Lent, as is looks at the centrality of the cross in our spiritual life. Katie Koplin and Gretchen Ronnevik focus their discussion on the beginning of the book, where he talks about morality based spirituality, speculative based spirituality, and mysical spirituality, and how the spirituality of the cross differs from those other 3 approaches.

    While morals, intellectual speculation, and spiritual experiences are all good, centering our spirituality on them can lead to exploitive and manipulative practices.

    We talk about how the definition of terms in this book is strongly from a Lutheran perspective, which is important because some of the words like "Evangelical" can have a multitude of definitions. From a historic perspective, at the time of the Reformation, Lutherans weren't called Lutherans, they were called Evangelical, as opposed to the Reformed who followed the teachings of John Calvin. Veith talks about how the term "Evangelical" is also used in many churches in Europe that hold a Lutheran theology and liturgy, which can be confusing to tourists visiting. Add to that, and the American definition of Evangelical has been seeping into Europe through missionaries.

    We talk about how law and gospel distinctions play into our spiritual life

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    New 1517 Academy Course: The Early Church: Christ, Controversies and Characters with Bruce Hillman

    Preorder: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Preorder: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    Here We Still Stand 2023 Videos are Available on YouTube

    Last Chance: NWA Conference May 3rd-4th

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie KoplinBooks Discussed/Mentioned:

    Spirituality of the Cross by Gene Veith The Ten Commandments for All God's Children (FatCat Book) "Free to Be" by James Nestigan
  • In this episode, Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin talk about the impact of story on our theological understanding, and the use of story in the life of Christians. Using the starting point of Psalm 107:2, we discuss how God works through story, and the baseline of him expressing himself through The Word, and ponder how deep that concept goes.

    The work of story connects the abstract to the concrete and this is shown through the sacraments, as God connects the spiritual through the physical.

    We talk about the impact of story on our souls, how giving our testimony can impact, and the use of story in understanding theology. We talk about how stories build our identity and our history, and is a restful way--and more effective of processing deep truths.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    New 1517 Academy Course: The Early Church: Christ, Controversies and Characters with Bruce Hillman

    Preorder: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Preorder: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    Here We Still Stand 2023 Videos are Available on YouTube

    Last Chance: NWA Conference May 3rd-4th

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

  • Jane Grizzle is one of the contributors to the upcoming devotional edited by Katie Koplin: "Encouragement for Motherhood." Jane wrote about motherhood in the context of having a diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. She is also currently working on her doctorate in ministry. Her contribution to the devotional talks about what it is to parent through limitedness.

    We talk about the reality of anxiety, making judgment calls in parenting, and parenting from a place of being limited--which we all are. This was an encouraging conversation.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    New 1517 Academy Course: The Early Church: Christ, Controversies and Characters with Bruce Hillman

    Preorder: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Preorder: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    Here We Still Stand 2023 Videos are Available on YouTube

    Last Chance: NWA Conference May 3rd-4th

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

  • Is Valentine's Day a Hallmark Holiday? We sit down with Dr. Dan van Voorhis from "Christian History Almanac" and ask him about the history of St. Valentine's Day from a church history perspective. He shares with us 3 different historic people named "Valentine" in the 200s, when Christianity was illegal in Rome. He shares how the first valentine letter on the record was one of condolances, not romantic love, and how these stories were tied into the martyrdom of the early church.

    We talk about the facinating Georgian vs Julian calendar, and how that effects our perception of the season of Valentine's Day on the church calendar--as it used to be in the peak of spring, and how it started overlapping with fertility holidays.

    Throughout history, Christians used saints days to keep their calendar, to avoid using pagan gods' names in their calendar, and further down the line, Puritans didn't use either, and used only numbers in their calendar "15th day of the 10th month..." We go down a fun rabbit trail discussing the struggle of the historian to figure out which calendar each reformational character used in their letters, and calendars were often determined by Catholic or anti-Catholic loyalties.

    So if you want to be historically accurate, you'd celebrate Valentine's Day on February 27th, and send out a bunch of condolance cards. :) Just kidding. It was a just for fun conversation full of fun facts and Dan always brings the encouragment from a historical perspective that there is nothing new under the sun, and that the rumors of grace are true, and everything will be ok.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    Preorder: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Preorder: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    Here We Still Stand 2023 Videos are Available on YouTube

    Last Chance: NWA Conference May 3rd-4th

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

    More from our guest:

    Dr. Dan van Voorhis
  • This is part 2 of our conversation on no-contact relationships, and looking at how various relationships of Jacob's are reconciled, and the spectrum of what that looks like.

    Regardless of how reconciliation happens, it never goes back to the way it used to be. A new relationship with new boundaries are formed.

    We share the episode of "The Office" when Michael hits Meredith with his car, brings everyone to the hospital and while she's in pain, demands that she forgives him in front of everyone. When we injure someone, and demand instant forgiveness while they are still healing is actually reinjuring them over and over as you consistently put your needs above theirs--preventing any wound from closing.

    Another example is in divorce, when someone breaks the marriage contract, and there can be forgiveness for the other person, and at the same time, the marriage contract is over.

    We talk about reconciliation in eternity being our hope, and how restoration doesn't always happen here on earth as we live in broken bodies with broken minds.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Remembering Rod Rosenbladt

    Preorder: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin

    Preorder: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom

    Here We Still Stand 2023 Videos are Available on YouTube

    Last Chance: NWA Conference May 3rd-4th

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

  • Is it okay for Christians to cut off contact with someone? Is it okay to cut off contact with family members? What about forgiveness?

    In this episode Gretchen and Katie talk about the new term "no contact" that is replacing the traditional term of estrangement, and looking at various ways healing looks, and forgiveness playing out in person to person relationships.This continues on our series on prosperity gospel in the family, which is the belief that if we just do everything right, everything will turn out right. We push back against formulas, and look to the cross, and how personally and particularly God works out healing.

    In this episode we take a look at the life of Jacob in Genesis, and consider various ways that relationships in his life played out. This is part 1 of 2.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Bible in One Year with Chad Bird

    Freedom Lessons Album

    Your God is too Glorious, 2nd Edition by Chad Bird

    Schweitzer's Psychoanalysis of Jesus Christ: & Other Essays in Christian Psychotherapy by John Warwick Montgomery

    NWA Conference May 3rd-4th

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

    Katie's substack on Forgiveness and Reconciliation in the life of Jacob
  • In this month's extra book club episode, we are discussing Brené Brown's book: "Dare to Lead." We talk about mixing secular and Biblical sources and the right and wrong way to do that. We talk about her definitions of vulnerability, and when and where it's appropriate to be vulnerable.

    When she presented this information in as she presented it to various armed forces, she explains how any act of courage embraces vulnerability.

    This book isn't about leadership as much as it's about working in group settings, working through hard things with those in your community, all of which apply to parenting, committees, teams, or wherever there are people working toward a common goal.

    There's some great tips in here on how to build trust with others. There's also some great information on healthy boundaries: what they are and what they aren't. It's also a logical look at feelings and what to do with them, and how to view them.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Bible in One Year with Chad Bird

    Freedom Lessons Album

    Your God is too Glorious, 2nd Edition by Chad Bird

    Schweitzer's Psychoanalysis of Jesus Christ: & Other Essays in Christian Psychotherapy by John Warwick Montgomery

    NWA Conference May 3rd-4th

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

  • We are back with author Sarah Hinlicky Wilson to talk about her kickstarter book on the Transfiguration.

    We talk about the parallel of Jesus' baptism, and the transfiguration, and how God the Father speaks in both situations. We talk on the play on words with the Greek of booths/tents/tabernacle, and what Jesus was also showing them about himself during this Transfiguration.

    The line is drawn between the Transfiguration and the Crucifixion, and how the transfigured Jesus is different than the accounts of the resurrected Jesus. There was a kindness shown during the Transfiguration, even though they were afraid, and Jesus picks them up.

    This is a story reminding us that there are some stories that are about God alone. This is a story for us, but not a story about us.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Bible in One Year with Chad Bird

    Freedom Lessons Album

    Your God is too Glorious, 2nd Edition by Chad Bird

    Schweitzer's Psychoanalysis of Jesus Christ: & Other Essays in Christian Psychotherapy by John Warwick Montgomery

    NWA Conference May 3rd-4th

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

    More from our guest:

    Sarah Hinlicky Wilson
  • We are having author Sarah Hinlicky Wilson on this episode about her new book "7 Ways of Looking at the Transfiguration." She is also the author of the fiction book we read for our book club, "A-Tumblin' Down."

    She talks about theories of the Transfiguration, and why people think Moses and Elijah were on top of that mountain with Jesus. The talks about different accounts of the Transfiguration of Christ in the different gospel accounts.

    She talks about the interesting position of the celebration of the transfiguration in the church liturgical calendar from a church history standpoint, and it's connections with the crusades, and how that changed in the Reformation, and why it now comes just before Lent in the current liturgical calendar.

    Moses and Elijah are the only prophets who climb Mt. Sinai (called Horab in some passages), and the significance of meeting God at a mountaintop. Though the transfiguration did not happen on Mt. Sinai, but theres a reaching from the New Testament into the Old Testament in these accounts.

    It's very important to look at the story progression in regard to the transfiguration (what story comes right before, and what story comes right after) to interpret this passage correctly. While we often look at these passages in segments, this story is part of a bigger story progression in the gospels. It's connection to the Feast of Booths from the Old Testament puts it in context of the Israelites "liturgical calendar" of feasts, connected to the traditional agrarian calendar, and what it meant that Jesus brought them into the Feast of Booths that comes just before the Passover, which was a hard thing to understand just after Peter proclaims that Jesus is the Christ.

    Sarah does such a great job of explaining the significance of the Transfiguration, and layering the various calendars of the feasts, harvest time, and Jesus showing them that the passover has to happen still, and you can't skip the sacrifice of the Lamb. to bring this event into focus.

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    What’s New from 1517:

    Bible in One Year with Chad Bird

    Freedom Lessons Album

    Your God is too Glorious, 2nd Edition by Chad Bird

    Schweitzer's Psychoanalysis of Jesus Christ: & Other Essays in Christian Psychotherapy by John Warwick Montgomery

    NWA Conference May 3rd-4th

    More from the hosts:

    Gretchen Ronnevik

    Katie Koplin

    More on our guest:
