No ketchup on these eggs. Can you see the curve of the spacetime continuum?
The CIA made its way to SXSW to up its recruiting game, looking for some cool kids to help undermine the stability of communities we don’t like! Sign up today!
A new film is coming all about the invention of Flaming Hot Cheetos, but the truth is not what it seems, and involves a whole lot more Jesus. Is it an idea? Or divine intervention.
Canadians have had their right to giving people the middle finger reinforced by the justice system. Flip that bird loud, and proud. The race to make the AI of the future continues to get super creepy, weird, and probably going to destroy the earth.
Top tier fart-based click-bait. What’s your goddess personality?
*Website, Show Notes and More Right <Here>*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
CIA at SXSWThe Flaming Hot Cheeto MovieThe Flaming Hot Truth!GodReports Flaming Hot InterviewMiddle Finger Rights in CanadaCreepy Snapchat AI ConversationsToronto Raptor Fart ContentLunchables for Everyone!What Kind of Goddess are You? -
Milf Manor crawled, so that Farming for Love could run. Calling all urban singles (and people looking to up their Insta followers).
New York cops want shoppers mask-less, that’ll stop crime! Spotify has an AI to DJ your playlists for you, and be your closest friend.We’ve been blessed once again by the Bodhisattva, with moon-landing theories, and a particle collider human-sacrifice. Telling the epic and tragic tale of Andy the Goose, who wore fresh Nikes. RIPs Andy.
Fuck 6Buzz. Unsubscribe. The difference between a bad joke and a great business idea is negligible.
*Website, Show Notes and More Right <Here>*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Farming for Love TV CalloutNew York Masks-Off for Facial RecognitionMSG Facial Recognition Power TripSpotify AI DJ FeatureFake Chinese News AnchorsStanley Kubrick Faked Moon LandingCERN Human SacrificeFashion Show Robots$24k on a ‘98 Ford EscortThe Story of Andy the GooseTeacher’s Secret Crypto-MineNanobot Teeth Brushing -
Estão a faltar episódios?
Saturn is returning, bringing the podcast back into your life with it. It’s not a quarter-life crisis, it’s a “reassessment of truthful living from the cosmos” (buy my book). What kind of manifestor are you? Take a quirky quiz!
Trust your gut, trust the vibe check, don’t trust people who hang out at water parks. Failed the vibe check? Call the cops.
Bust out ‘The Borg’ for your all-day college binge drinking needs. Part booze, part water, part electrolytes, part regretting decisions you made while being drunk all day. Moonshine for the modern age.
Getting shot by an MRI machine is a tough way to go. Ready to spiritually commit suicide? Buy a wearable bean bag!
It’s about the nut, not the strokes.
*Website, Show Notes and More Right <Here>
*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Saturn Returns Podcast: OriginsTim Hortons Reward Points ScamWhat kind of Manifestor are you??The BORGBrazilian Man Shot by an MRI MachineThe Witcher 3 Inappropriate GenitalsCrispy McChicken Crematorium The Wearable BeanBag“Accidental” Joke ShootingFox News Text MessagesHeadshot Photos Fine-Print Romance Novel: “His Big Childhood Sweetheart”The Truth About “Incognito Mode” -
World-Record old dogs podcast. Shoutout to the Portuguese dog that has outlived many a’ human. Good boy Bobi.
NASA has plans to ruin the global economy with a kajillion dollar asteroid filled with iron and other crap. Kings of Toronto's KFC basketball court (*Short white guys may not actually be dominating this venue).
Questionable methods of male "enhancement" and Matt’s discovery of the odd community surrounding it #stretchgang. Beggars in Indonesia are cashing in on horribly degrading themselves for TikTok. A case of mass chicken wing theft sparks an idea, a Breaking Bad rip off about wings and sauce?
We’re ringing Dr. Matt once again for marital missteps, wedding dress faux-pas, new/old female friends with sleepovers, city-dwellers developing coyote obsessions, and some extremely strange sibling relationships.
Was Chinatown a good prequel to the Rush Hour movies? You tell us!
*Website, Show Notes and More Right <Here>
*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
EPISODE LINKS OF INTEREST:- World Record Old Dog Good Boy
- NASA's Bajillion Dollar Asteroid
- Ontario Spotted Lantern Fly Warning
- KFC Buckets for Buckets B-Ball Court
- Foreskin Restoration Apparatus
- Indonesian TikTok Begging
- Double Amputee Police Shooting
- Mass Chicken Wing Theft
- Wife's the Worst I Ever Had (Dr Matt)
- Mother In Law Wedding Dress (Dr Matt)
- Husband's Old Female Friend (Dr Matt)
- Husband's Coyote Obsession (Dr Matt)
- Brother-Sister Extreme Weirdness (Dr Matt)
Make your kids' birthday the best ever by building shelves at Lowes! Conspiratorial thinking about an infrastructure-based future? For the adults, how about a gun range with booze? Let’s take the idea of a Dave & Busters to an all new totally safe level! Giddy up!
The suit and tie clothed powers that be think the (digital) end is neigh, and as a bonus our brainwaves are apparently on their way to being read and played with. Weeeee! Maybe conspiracies are the way to go?
Rick Ross is afraid of Teslas, and also Almond Milk… Break dancing is coming to the Olympics, but can the judges be bought? And a new professional slapping league is hitting primetime television, get those super slow-mo cameras ready!
And Dan & Matt play a game, guessing the amazing new achievements of the 2022 Guinness Book of Records “Best Of”. What’s the circumference of your tongue? How many stairs can you climb with a friend on your head? How are you nunchuck skills?
Where did all the lemons go?
*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
EPISODE LINKS OF INTEREST:- Lowes Birthday Build Parties
- Gun Range with Alcohol
- WEF Digital Collapse Prediction
- Decoding Your Brain Waves
- Rick Ross Afraid of Teslas
- Break Dancing in the Olympics
- Pro Slap League
- 2022 Guinness World Records Review
Canada recommends only 2 drinks per week, Matt's going to die, RIPs. Suspicious Simply Orange Juice with "nothing to hide", except the poison. Melon Juice with barely any melon. Trust no juices.
Sloppy arsonists get a taste of their own kerosene. A London, Ontario woman who drunkenly drove her car into a house and blew up a neighbourhood has found the right people to blame. Well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions…
Did you take our advice and steal from your grocery store? There’s a Toronto Lawyer to defend you. If you and a bunch of friends steal groceries, how are the charges dolled out? Legal math inside!
Kyle Rittenhouse canceled by Las Vegas, people mad at Pink Floyd and the spectrum of light, and Tucker Carlson says Nicotine expands your mind duuuuuude.
No good argument has ever been written on the side of a vehicle.
*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Twitter/Instagram/TikTok: @FuckinEhPodcast
Did Nicotine open your mind? Tell us your story: fnehpodcast@gmail.com
Show Notes and Article Links: disinformed.ca/fuckineh
Live updates of Matt's digestive issues. Magic trick, watch these glasses "disappear". Consulting artificial intelligence for promotional help, and to fight parking tickets.
Rolls Royce record sales numbers, the "haves" are Gucci. We advocate heavily for stealing more groceries. Space hotels are coming, but will you be? ;) Replika chatbot friends are getting aggressively creepy.
Hold on to your glasses folks. Robot Chris Hansen is on the way to save the day!
*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Twitter/Instagram/TikTok: @FuckinEhPodcast
Have you been harassed by an Artificial Intelligence? Tell us your story: fnehpodcast@gmail.com
Show Notes and Article Links: disinformed.ca/fuckineh
Every content creator has a reckoning. We're selling out to chug Moiuntain Dew on Youtube.
It's the end of the world, almost. Nefarious body-part sellers. Bad Moms IRL. The Legemd of the Kebab King.
What soup do you use to cause change in the world?
*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Twitter/Instagram/TikTok: @FuckinEhPodcast
What soup do you use to change the world? Email us: fnehpodcast@gmail.com
Show Notes and Article Links: disinformed.ca/fuckineh
We're looking for some SEO help... Taste-testing Mountain Dew "Gold". Canadians save a moose from a frozen lake.
Fighting with no legs. Celebrating a gun-anniversary. And writing the 'newest' testament with the help of our robot friends.
This podcast's copyright belongs to Matt's dog.
*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Twitter/Instagram/TikTok: @FuckinEhPodcast
Rebuttals to Matt's belief that Terminator 2 is the best sequel ever? Email us: fnehpodcast@gmail.com
Show Notes and Article Links: disinformed.ca/fuckineh
Why come up with your own intros if an AI will do it? Send me some pics so I can generate my own fantasy.
Robots anywhere... Robots everywhere! Goblin Mode podcasting into the new year.
Who's really the villain? It's you!
*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Twitter/Instagram/TikTok: @FuckinEhPodcast
Are you an AI that can write questions for the podcast? Email us: fnehpodcast@gmail.com
Show Notes and Article Links: disinformed.ca/fuckineh
Dystopian subscription-based future. What are you gonna do about it??
New entrepreneurial ideas. Uncomfortable Teddy bears. Mis-used AIs. And a very big Only-Fan.
Give us your money dammit. Fuck the Warden Costco.
*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Twitter/Instagram/TikTok: @FuckinEhPodcast
Like sending all your money to an Onlyfans model? Tell us why: fnehpodcast@gmail.com
Show Notes and Article Links: disinformed.ca/fuckineh
Century-level podcasting. We did it! Quality recording set-ups be damned.
More email wisdom from the mysterious spiritual shaman of the Bodhisattva. The ballad of "Big Nose" George and his human-skin shoes. History has never been more "fun". Calling Doctor Matt for advice on bathtub urinals, couch pee stains and a spouse's "walk" buddy.
A new century begins.
*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Twitter/Instagram/TikTok: @FuckinEhPodcast
What's your favourite brand of Turkey? Let us know: fnehpodcast@gmail.com
Show Notes and Article Links: disinformed.ca/fuckineh
Live podcasting in the flesh. There's nothing like eye contact.
Bezos gives financial advice for the future. Steve Jobs' sandals go for auction. Smoke whatever you want, just don't touch my McDonalds.
AI is coming for our podcasts now too. How do you compete with dead people interviews?
*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Twitter/Instagram/TikTok: @FuckinEhPodcast
Which dead celebrity should we interview? Tell us: fnehpodcast@gmail.com
Show Notes and Article Links: disinformed.ca/fuckineh
Matt returns from a terrible, no-good, very bad travel experience.
Fast times with Elon at Twitter High, tanking stocks and buying checkmarks.
Per Capita is a hoax. No more nose picking. Legalized mushrooms.
Two 30- somethings having existential dread, every week! Tell your friends!
*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Twitter/Instagram/TikTok: @FuckinEhPodcast
Send us your terrible travel stories: fnehpodcast@gmail.com
Show Notes and Article Links: disinformed.ca/fuckineh
We're meditating on slaughter. Thank you for dying, so we may laugh.
Funny tasting water? Keep your eyes on the janitor. Looking for a place to live? Try the Yecosystem and earn your Yeezy Bucks.
Checking in on the American Mullet Championships, the world's oldest haircut
Gamer complainers. Touch grass, touch ass, move on.
*Music Produced by David Felton, @deefeltmusic on Instagram/Tiktok
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Twitter/Instagram: @FuckinEhPodcast
Email the Show: fnehpodcast@gmail.com
Show Notes and Article Links: disinformed.ca/fuckineh
Getting consent from your higher self.
Should there be a minimum age for Hooters? This podcast is not for people who are using their college degrees correctly.
Look at this pair of cool fuckin guys, who think they're soooo cool.
*Music Produced by David Felton
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Twitter/Instagram: @FuckinEhPodcast
Email the Show: fnehpodcast@gmail.com
Show Notes and Article Links: disinformed.ca/fuckineh
Sandwich pockets and elbow pad swag.
Real football players with ridiculous names. Legal documents are just bad writing. Science isn't bringing its best...
Performing psychic surgery on your eardrums each and every week. David Blaine, hot sauce king.
Who wants to see us hit dingers?
*Music Produced by David Felton
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Twitter/Instagram: @FuckinEhPodcast
Email the Show: fnehpodcast@gmail.com
Show Notes and Article Links: disinformed.ca/fuckineh
Baking onions. Swallowing the not.
The CIA is just like you and me, they even have a podcast! Haters gonna hate, dead or alive.
Dog pooped in your mouth? Never a bad time to take a selfie! Do anything, except work on yourself.
Birds aren't real... Right?
*Music Produced by David Felton
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Twitter/Instagram: @FuckinEhPodcast
Email the Show: fnehpodcast@gmail.com
Show Notes and Article Links: disinformed.ca/fuckineh
Ignorance is a feature, not a bug.
Rosie-ann 'O'Barr-nell, same person. Can't find your money? Check under the sandwich. This is a podcast for those I'm Warring with, listeners overcome with earned laughter. Protect your cheeks, protect your noses.
God is simply overworked.
*Music Produced by David Felton
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Twitter/Instagram: @FuckinEhPodcast
Email the Show: fnehpodcast@gmail.com
Show Notes and Article Links: disinformed.ca/fuckineh
Happy 2nd pod-aversarry.
The knees are the elbows of the legs. Doomsday Lemonade, Kim Jong Mmmm! Wuba-Luba Grub-Grub. Reading your insides like tea leaves. Old man attitudes towards broccoli-top hairstyles.
Deadass best podcast out there Fr Fr No Cap.
*Music Produced by David Felton
*Show Artwork created by @TheMightyQWorks on Twitter/Instagram
Twitter/Instagram: @FuckinEhPodcast
Email the Show: fnehpodcast@gmail.com
Show Notes and Article Links: disinformed.ca/fuckineh
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