After concluding Season 3, Decoy and I look ahead to the future! The games we want to play, and the episodes coming next season!
Player Count Seems Legit
Is That Richard...
Is That A Makeshift Spacesuit?
Decoy's Reaction to Skwid's Last Two Picks
The Updated Ranking:
Arcs Root Dominion Twilight Struggle Brass Birmingham Nemesis Ark Nova Dune Imperium Wonderlands War Feast for Odin Wingspan Mahjong Azul Fromage Apiary John Company 2e Jaws of the Lion Vijayanagara Mind MGMT Tokaido Turncoats Go Fort Sea Salt and Paper Quoridor Betrayal Cosmic Frog Flamecraft Chess Catan Scythe Quacks Disney Villainous Sheepy Time Ticket to Ride Hnefatafl Royal Game of Ur Incan Gold Red Dragon Inn Scrabble Poker Cat in the Box Mancala Greed Dominoes Parcheesi Fireball Island Cluedo Guess Who? Checkers Stratego Discworld: Ankh Morpork Risk Chinese Checkers Battleship Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Backgammon Kerplunk! Mouse Trap -
Welcome to the Season 3 Finale! We've gotten a whopping 60 on our list so far, and are excited to re-visit the season and also start looking ahead to the future episodes and games we'll cover! Come hang as we finally do the thing we've been needing to do all season...
Find Muck Expansion
Decoy's Personal Ranking
Show Ranking Prior to Re-Rank
Arcs Root Brass Dominion Twilight Struggle Nemesis Ark Nova Dune Imperium Wonderland’s War Feast for Odin Wingspan Mahjong Azul Fromage Apiary John Company 2e Jaws of the Lion Vijayanagara Fort Mind MGMT Quoridor Go Tokaido Turncoats Sea Salt and Paper Flamecraft Chess Betrayal Cosmic Frog Catan Scythe Disney Villainous Quacks Sheepy Time Ticket to Ride Hnefatafl Red Dragon Inn Incan Gold Royal Game of Ur Scrabble Poker Mancala Cat in the Box Greed Dominoes Parcheesi Fireball Island Cluedo Guess Who? Checkers Stratego Discworld: Ankh Morpork Risk Chinese Checkers Battleship Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Backgammon Kerplunk! Mouse Trap -
Estão a faltar episódios?
Welcome to the heaviest game experience we've covered on the show, and possibly that exists in the gaming hobby. This game is changing the very nature of what we think about when we say board game, in a powerful way. Come join us for our final new game of Season 3!
Box Art
Old White Guys
Parliament Cards
External Link to Grantland Articles on Diplomacy
Board Example
Full Board
Decoy Getting Educated
Arcs Root Brass Dominion Twilight Struggle Nemesis Ark Nova Dune Imperium Wonderland’s War Feast for Odin Wingspan Mahjong Azul Fromage Apiary JOTL Vijay Fort Mind MGMT Quoridor Go Tokaido Turncoats Sea Salt and Paper Flamecraft Chess Betrayal Cosmic Frog Catan Scythe Disney Villainous Quacks Sheepy Time Ticket to Ride Hnefatafl Red Dragon Inn Incan Gold Royal Game of Ur Scrabble Poker Mancala Cat in the Box Greed Dominoes Parcheesi Fireball Island Cluedo Guess Who? Checkers Stratego Discworld: Ankh Morpork Risk Chinese Checkers Battleship Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Backgammon Kerplunk! Mouse Trap -
Bees. In Space. You read that right.
Box Art
Player Board
Various Tiles
The List
Arcs Root Brass Dominion Twilight Struggle Nemesis Ark Nova Dune Imperium Wonderland’s War Feast for Odin Wingspan Mahjong Azul Fromage JOTL Vijay Fort Mind MGMT Quoridor Go Tokaido Turncoats Sea Salt and Paper Flamecraft Chess Betrayal Cosmic Frog Catan Scythe Disney Villainous Quacks Sheepy Time Ticket to Ride Hnefatafl Red Dragon Inn Incan Gold Royal Game of Ur Scrabble Poker Mancala Cat in the Box Greed Dominoes Parcheesi Fireball Island Cluedo Guess Who? Checkers Stratego Discworld: Ankh Morpork Risk Chinese Checkers Battleship Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Backgammon Kerplunk! Mouse Trap -
Schrodinger's Cat, the game! We wanted to put trick taking on the menu this year and drafted this lovely game, however, we put Arcs up first before actually getting to it. But that's not to say there's something here, potentially for everyone! Come hang.
Box Art
Cat in a Box
The Ranking
Arcs Root Brass Dominion Twilight Struggle Nemesis Ark Nova Dune Imperium Wonderland’s War Feast for Odin Wingspan Mahjong Azul Fromage JOTL Vijay (its here for the one you’re lookin for) Fort Mind MGMT Quoridor Go Tokaido Turncoats Sea Salt and Paper Flamecraft Chess Betrayal Cosmic Frog Catan Scythe Disney Villainous Quacks Sheepy Time Ticket to Ride Hnefatafl Red Dragon Inn Incan Gold Royal Game of Ur Scrabble Poker Mancala Greed Dominoes Parcheesi Fireball Island Cluedo Guess Who? Checkers Stratego Discworld: Ankh Morpork Risk Chinese Checkers Battleship Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Backgammon Kerplunk! Mouse Trap -
Its all the hotness, and our resident expert guest and fellow Void Chronicler Oliver joins us from his own show about Arcs to chat about what could very well be the GOTY, as well as the GOAT. Come chill for this one.
Box Art
Player Board
Faithful Cards
Best Fate Art
The List
Root Brass Birmingham Dominion Twilight Struggle Ark Nova Nemesis Dune Imperium Wonderlands War Feast for Odin Wingspan Mahjong Azul Fromage JOTL Vijayanagara Fort Mind MGMT Quoridor Go Tokaido Turncoats Flamecraft Sea Salt and Paper Chess Betrayal Cosmic Frog Catan Scythe Disney Villainous Quacks of Quedlinburg Sheepy Time Ticket to Ride Hnefatafl Red Dragon Inn Incan Gold Royal Game of Ur Scrabble Poker Mancala Greed Dominoes Parcheesi Fireball Island Cluedo Guess Who? Checkers Stratego Discworld Ankh Morpork Risk Chinese Checkers Battleship Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Backgammon Kerplunk! Mouse Trap -
"Wouldn't it be tight if everyone was chill to each other?" - Yes, yes it would be. This game may well be the perfect game for everyone to buy and have, and is cheap enough and easy enough to get to back up that sentiment. Come hear why!
Box Art
More Cards
Root Brass Birmingham Dominion Twilight Struggle Ark Nova Nemesis Dune Imperium Wonderlands War Feast for Odin Wingspan Mahjong Azul Fromage JOTL Vijayanagara Fort Mind MGMT Quoridor Go Tokaido Turncoats Flamecraft Chess Betrayal Cosmic Frog Catan Scythe Disney Villainous Quacks of Quedlinburg Sheepy Time Ticket to Ride Hnefatafl Red Dragon Inn Incan Gold Royal Game of Ur Scrabble Poker Mancala Greed Dominoes Parcheesi Fireball Island Cluedo Guess Who? Checkers Stratego Discworld Ankh Morpork Risk Chinese Checkers Battleship Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Backgammon Kerplunk! Mouse Trap -
Welcome to Medievil India, where the Sultanate, Bahmani Empire, and Vijayanagara vie for control of India. This game is art, history, and board game rolled up into one in a magical way, and introduces a new ICS structure to the COIN formula you may already be familiar with. Come and Enjoy!
Box Art
Empty Board
Full Board
Root Brass Birmingham Dominion Twilight Struggle Ark Nova Nemesis Dune Imperium Wonderlands War Feast for Odin Wingspan Mahjong Azul Fromage JOTL Fort Mind MGMT Quoridor Go Tokaido Turncoats Flamecraft Chess Betrayal Cosmic Frog Catan Scythe Disney Villainous Quacks of Quedlinburg Sheepy Time Ticket to Ride Hnefatafl Red Dragon Inn Incan Gold Royal Game of Ur Scrabble Poker Mancala Greed Dominoes Parcheesi Fireball Island Cluedo Guess Who? Checkers Stratego Discworld Ankh Morpork Risk Chinese Checkers Battleship Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Backgammon Kerplunk! Mouse Trap -
Quack Quack people!
Box Art
Root Brass Birmingham Dominion Twilight Struggle Ark Nova Nemesis Dune Imperium Wonderlands War Feast for Odin Wingspan Mahjong Azul Fromage JOTL Fort Mind MGMT Quoridor Go Tokaido Turncoats Flamecraft Chess Betrayal Cosmic Frog Catan Scythe Disney Villainous Sheepy Time Ticket to Ride Hnefatafl Red Dragon Inn Incan Gold Royal Game of Ur Scrabble Poker Mancala Greed Dominoes Parcheesi Fireball Island Cluedo Guess Who? Checkers Stratego Discworld Ankh Morpork Risk Chinese Checkers Battleship Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Backgammon Kerplunk! Mouse Trap -
You guys. It's Cheese.
Best Cheese According to Decoy
Box Art
Lazy Susan!
Full Board Example
Sandbox on Getting Blocked
The Ranking
Root Brass Birmingham Dominion Twilight Struggle Ark Nova Nemesis Dune Imperium Wonderlands War Feast for Odin Wingspan Mahjong Azul JOTL Fort Mind MGMT Quoridor Go Tokaido Turncoats Flamecraft Chess Betrayal Cosmic Frog Catan Scythe Disney Villainous Sheepy Time Ticket to Ride Hnefatafl Red Dragon Inn Incan Gold Royal Game of Ur Scrabble Poker Mancala Greed Dominoes Parcheesi Fireball Island Cluedo Guess Who? Checkers Stratego Discworld Ankh Morpork Risk Chinese Checkers Battleship Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Backgammon Kerplunk! Mouse Trap -
Welcome to your homework. A game that is as universal as Catan? And potentially as important? Either way, come hang.
Root Brass Birmingham Dominion Twilight Struggle Ark Nova Nemesis Dune Imperium Wonderlands War Feast for Odin Wingspan Mahjong Azul JOTL Fort Mind MGMT Quoridor Go Tokaido Turncoats Flamecraft Chess Betrayal Cosmic Frog Catan Scythe Disney Villainous Sheepy Time Hnefatafl Red Dragon Inn Incan Gold Royal Game of Ur Scrabble Poker Mancala Greed Dominoes Parcheesi Fireball Island Cluedo Guess Who? Checkers Stratego Discworld Ankh Morpork Risk Chinese Checkers Battleship Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Backgammon Kerplunk! Mouse Trap -
Welcome to the second installment of the Nemesis Family of Games! Lockdown is a great addition to your Nemesis cabinet, and spoiler alert, my favorite version of the game! Welcome back JC to the show, and enjoy the surprise at the end of the show!
Sample Objective Card
Skwid Kill Card
Action Card Example
Game Board Example
Box Art
The Ranking
Root Brass Birmingham Dominion Twilight Struggle Ark Nova Nemesis Dune Imperium Wonderlands War Feast for Odin Wingspan Mahjong Azul JOTL Fort Mind MGMT Quoridor Go Tokaido Turncoats Flamecraft Chess Betrayal Cosmic Frog Catan Scythe Disney Villainous Sheepy Time Hnefatafl Red Dragon Inn Incan Gold Royal Game of Ur Scrabble Poker Mancala Greed Dominoes Parcheesi Fireball Island Cluedo Guess Who? Checkers Stratego Discworld Ankh Morpork Risk Chinese Checkers Battleship Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Backgammon Kerplunk! Mouse Trap -
This game is the best game you've never heard of! Can't wait for you all to check this one out! Also, check this out.
Game Carrying Case
Full Setup
The List
Root Brass Birmingham Dominion Twilight Struggle Ark Nova Nemesis Dune Imperium Wonderlands War Feast for Odin Wingspan Mahjong Azul JOTL Fort Mind MGMT Quoridor Go Tokaido Flamecraft Chess Betrayal Cosmic Frog Catan Scythe Disney Villainous Sheepy Time Hnefatafl Red Dragon Inn Incan Gold Royal Game of Ur Scrabble Poker Mancala Greed Dominoes Parcheesi Fireball Island Cluedo Guess Who? Checkers Stratego Discworld Ankh Morpork Risk Chinese Checkers Battleship Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Backgammon Kerplunk! Mouse Trap -
Welcome to our 50th game! We've had quite the journey with this show, and are very excited to share this game with you as our 50th. May the next 50 be even better than the first!
Cover Art
BGA Example
The List
Root Brass Birmingham Dominion Twilight Struggle Ark Nova Nemesis Dune Imperium Wonderlands War Feast for Odin Wingspan Mahjong JOTL Fort Mind MGMT Quoridor Go Tokaido Flamecraft Chess Betrayal Cosmic Frog Catan Scythe Disney Villainous Sheepy Time Hnefatafl Red Dragon Inn Incan Gold Royal Game of Ur Scrabble Poker Mancala Greed Dominoes Parcheesi Fireball Island Cluedo Guess Who? Checkers Stratego Discworld Ankh Morpork Risk Chinese Checkers Battleship Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Backgammon Kerplunk! Mouse Trap -
It isn't that I don't want to not like this game, nor is it not that I don't want to not be non-positive, but I have a sneaking suspicion that all of this is all a farce, even this very episode!
Relevant Cards:
The Ranking
Root Brass Birmingham Dominion Twilight Struggle Ark Nova Nemesis Dune Imperium Wonderlands War Feast for Odin Wingspan Mahjong JOTL Fort Mind MGMT Quoridor Go Tokaido Flamecraft Chess Betraya Cosmic Frog Catan Scythe Disney Villainous Sheepy Time Hnefatafl Red Dragon Inn Incan Gold Royal Game of Ur Scrabble Poker Mancala Greed Dominoes Parcheesi Fireball Island Cluedo Guess Who? Checkers Stratego Risk Chinese Checkers Battleship Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Backgammon Kerplunk! Mouse Trap -
We're back! This season is all killer no filler, and first up is a stone cold classic that makes even Decoy excited to play it! Welcome back to Gettin Gamey!
Action Board:
Empty Player Board:
Completed Player Board Example:
Welcome back to the Gettin Gamey Panel Series! This time Decoy and I discuss and draft our games for Season 3, which when it's all said and done will put us at 60 games! We'll start releasing Season 3 in the fall as usual, so thanks for listening, and stay tuned :D
The Gettin Gamey Panel Series returns in the much anticipated Season 2 Re-Rank episode! Were we right when we covered the games? Yes. Are we right when we re-visit them? Yes. The panel tackles the biggest task it has yet to face...Ranking 47 games at the same time! This one was long, so this version of the episode was just the ranking discussion. Loyal listeners will remember that last season we discussed our personal rankings first, then used the aggregate info and hindsight to then place them. we did that again and we talked for like 6 hours...So this episode is going to be two parts. The official re-rank, and then a subsequent bonus episode that is just the game discussion and chatter. Come hang :)
Welcome to another in our Panel Series...we had to decide what in the hell we were going to do with the great Hnefatafl debate! Sandbox is here to mediate for us! This episode is one that will greatly help us coast into our re-rank and season finale!
Welcome to the final game of season 2! While this isn't the finale, it is in some ways as it'll be the last new game we cover this year! We've been teasing it for a while, so now come check the mammoth that is Gloomhaven!
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