
  • You have a great product or service. But connecting with new clients can feel like hitting a brick wall. So how do you turn a hard "no" into an enthusiastic “YES”?

    My guest today, Jeff West, specializes in teaching business leaders what to say when clients object to your offer. And how to make the sale while building meaningful client relationships. Jeff is also the co-author of the new book "Streetwise to Saleswise" alongside my friend Bob Burg.

    Today, Jeff reveals his 5-step formula for addressing client objections. It’s all about showing emotional control and empathy—but not in ways you might expect. Jeff will show you how to get to the heart of your future client’s concerns and respond directly to them!

    Don’t just close a sale. Jeff’s formula will help you open doors to future opportunities and success.

    Connect with Jeff HERE.

    Buy Jeff’s new book HERE.

    Are you a financial advisor? Join the exclusive email list for financial advisors HERE.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • One of the biggest challenges business owners face is the fear of stepping into the unknown. It's that scary question: "What if I take this risk and it doesn't pay off?"

    My guest today, Rich Redmond, knows that fear all too well. But he’s also figured out how to fight it.

    Rich is the drummer for country music star Jason Aldean and a seasoned pro in the music industry. Rich knows all about taking risks and making them work. Today, he reveals that to really win in business (and life), you have to believe in yourself and keep getting better at what you do.

    Rich also shares the importance of making friends and building strong relationships. Because knowing the right people can really open doors for you. He's also big on sharing your wins—so don't be shy to say what you're good at!

    Plus, Rich has some great advice on setting goals that you can actually reach. And making sure you do something every day to get closer to them.

    So, if you're ready to kick fear to the curb and make some moves towards your goals this year, this episode is your front-row ticket. (See what I did there?)

    Connect with Rich HERE.

    Are you a financial advisor? Join the exclusive email list for financial advisors HERE.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

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  • How can you use technology to make your customer experience even better? My guest today is Ted Moser, author of the new book, "Winning Through Platforms: How to Succeed When Every Competitor Has One."

    Think of a digital platform like a super-smart tool that helps you keep an eye on what your customers need and want. Maybe you help people manage their money, find their dream home, or get legal advice. Ted's going to share how you can use a digital platform to connect better with your customers and grow your business like never before.

    And it's not just about making more money. Ted's also going to talk about how being generous and thinking about the bigger picture can actually help your business stand out. He's got some cool stories about companies that are doing just that. And yes, we totally talk about AI. It sounds fancy, but Ted's got some practical advice on how to use AI to make your business even better, without getting lost in the techy details.

    If you're trying to figure out how to keep your business moving forward in this digital world, Ted's got the wisdom and clarity you need.

    Buy Ted’s new book HERE.

    Are you a financial advisor? Join the exclusive email list for financial advisors HERE.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • Okay, here’s a hot take for you: Business school won’t teach you everything you need to grow your business. And it definitely won’t teach you the people side of business either!

    That’s why I’m so excited about my guest today. His name is Bjorn Billhardt and he’s the bestselling author of the book “The 12 Week MBA.” Bjorn is here to show you how to pack years of business school into just 3 months of focused learning.

    Today, Bjorn reveals the skills most business owners aren’t taught in schools. Especially the need for what he calls “strategic patience” and understanding the people side of business. Bjorn also shares how you can incorporate a cause into your business—and how it can add immediate value to your customers. Plus, Bjorn gives his best advice on setting clear goals and how to invest in yourself.

    Create more value. Put people first. Make more money. That’s what Bjorn shares today. This episode feels like a crash course in growing your business. (While saving you a ton of time and money!)

    Buy Bjorn’s new book HERE.

    Are you a financial advisor? Join the exclusive email list for financial advisors HERE.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • How do you scale your business without losing that personal touch your customers love? And how do you grow without getting lost in a sea of spreadsheets and HR headaches?

    My guest today is James Bogart, wealth advisor and owner of Bogart Wealth. James manages over $3 billion in client assets. But he isn't just about scaling the numbers. James is about nurturing a team that's as invested in your mission as you are. And making money at the same time!

    Today, James shares his playbook on building a business that thrives on more than just profits. He's talking about the importance of aligning your team around a vision that drives growth and makes every Monday feel like a fun mission. James also reveals his personal journey of prioritizing health and wellness. And how this shift not only transformed his life but turbocharged his business success.

    If you want to lead with purpose and build a business that stands out for the right reasons, this episode is for you.

    Connect with James HERE.

    Are you a financial advisor? Join the exclusive email list for financial advisors HERE.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • There’s a major skill that many business owners and leaders are missing. And no, it’s not another sales technique or Instagram influencer idea. The missing skill is *listening.*

    Today’s episode will show you how to become a better listener so you can attract more high quality clients and make more money. My guests today are Maegan Stephens and Nicole Lowenbraun. Their new book, Adaptive Listening, will show you how to become the listener everyone wants to talk to.

    Maegan and Nicole share how tweaking your listening style can open doors you didn't even know were closed. And why empathy could be your secret professional weapon. Plus, they reveal how to understand your own listening style and adapt it to meet the needs of others. So you build more trust with your team and they approach you with new ideas.

    Want to land your next high quality client, be an approachable boss to your team, or just become the colleague everyone wants to brainstorm with? This episode is your first step to becoming the listener everyone wants to talk to.

    Buy Maegan and Nicole’s new book HERE.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • You want your kids to have the business and money education you didn't have. So they become financially independent and know how to navigate the complicated world of finance. But how do you actually implement that?

    My guest today is Jonathan Brush. Jonathan is the President and CEO of Unbound, a training company that specializes in teaching young adults to thrive.

    Today, Jonathan shares why you should have high expectations for your kids. And reveals the real definition of success as a parent. (It’s probably not what you think!) Plus, Jonathan shares the 3 stages of parenting and how to not come across like a dictator. And he says you should tell your kids about your money mistakes because it deepens relationships and builds trust.

    Check out Unbound here.

    Connect with Jonathan here.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • Does asking for the sale make you feel awkward and uncomfortable?

    My guest today, Justin Janowski, has good news. Selling your product or service doesn’t have to feel sleazy or manipulative. It can actually feel easy and fun if you have the right tools.

    Justin is the founder of Faith2Influence, a business that helps entrepreneurs master high-integrity sales.

    Today, Justin reveals how to regain confidence in your sales approach, execute a simple growth plan, and love your sales calls again. He even talks about how to feel empowered, confident, and generous as you charge fair prices. And he gives you a sample sales script to say!

    Sales, when done right, can be win-win for both sides—whether your prospect buys or not. Justin’s going to show you how.

    Check out Justin’s work here.

    Connect with Justin here.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • When you’re running a business, it’s easy to feel like you’re drowning in the day to day tasks. But here’s the scary part: You’ll never ditch the frustration and get out of the weeds. Until you create a system that helps you scale.

    My guest today, Ryan Deiss, is a best selling author and one of the most sought-after speakers on marketing. He’s the founder and CEO of DigitalMarketer.com. And his new book called Get Scaleable will be one of your new favorites.

    Today, Ryan shares how to stop drowning in the details of your day to day. And design a clear operating system for your business that helps you get out of the weeds and get more done.

    Plus, Ryan reveals why you—yes YOU!—might be the one thing that’s stopping your business from growing. He calls that the “founder’s curse.” And he’s going to show you how to build a self-running system so your business can scale without you.

    Buy Ryan’s new book HERE.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • Most entrepreneurs start their business to get more freedom. The problem is, they actually end up trapped by the workload they’ve created.

    My guest today has a hard truth for you. If you don’t learn to delegate, you’ll never achieve the personal or financial goals you want. Which is probably the reason you started your business in the first place. But things can change today. And my guest Brian Will wants to show you how.

    Brian has started 6 very successful companies in 4 different industries over the last 35 years. He’s also the bestselling author of several books, including The Dropout Multi-Millionaire. What a great title.

    Today, Brian shares how to know when it’s time to hire some help. And the 4 different areas of delegation you should know about. So you can go from working 80 hour weeks to 20 hour weeks. Plus, Brian reveals the #1 reason most businesses fail. And the mistakes to avoid to make sure your business stays thriving.

    If you want to start a business or operate your business with less time while earning more profit, this is the episode for you.

    Connect with Brian HERE.

    Buy Brian’s book HERE.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • Are you limiting your potential? You might be.

    My guest today, Tim Noe, says a lot of people unknowingly hold themselves back. They stay stuck because they’re paralyzed by the fear of taking a leap. And they don’t ever reach their goals.

    Tim’s revolutionary business thinking will help you take your ideas and make them happen. He’s got proven principles to help you launch your own business. He does this by teaching you how to take your own pain points, research the market, and take good risks.

    Tim is the founder of a high-end storage solution for car owners called Texas Collector Car Storage and Owner’s Club. They offer top-level concierge service (on top of just storing high-end cars).

    Today, Tim shares why solving a unique problem is a great business goal. And what you should do if you want to be known for the excellence you provide. Tim even shares some vulnerable advice for young people when it comes to managing their finances.

    Connect with Tim HERE.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • 90% of hiring managers make one common mistake. And that one mistake often costs them the best talent.

    My guest today Anna Papalia says to hire someone who's the opposite of you. And science is on her side. Anna specializes in helping hiring managers learn how to conduct interviews that reveal the best candidate for the job. Her new book is called Interviewology, the New Science of Interviewing.

    Today, Anna shares how you should conduct the best interviews. And what you can do if you want to acquire the right talent for your business. Plus, Anna shares a really cool story about her upbringing—including her inspiring rise from sleeping on an air mattress to an Ivy league education.

    Get Anna’s new book HERE.

    Connect with Anna HERE.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • You could be leaking money—and not even know it.

    My guest Garrett Gunderson says the old way of saving money, investing, and growing your retirement account is gone. Instead, he says you need a radically different approach to create the future you want.

    Garrett specializes in helping people keep more of what they make. He does this by helping you find cash that is rightfully yours without working harder to plug the financial leaks in your life.

    Garrett is a multiple time Wall Street Journal and New York Times bestselling author of several books including Killing Sacred Cows and Money Unmasked.

    Today, Garrett shares why 95% of people are not financially independent when they turn to age 65. And what you should do if you want to be in the other 5%. Plus, Garrett shares why you might be giving free money to the government that is rightfully yours. And why you should plan to spend money on yourself and stop feeling guilty about it.

    Get Garrett’s new book HERE.

    Connect with Garrett HERE.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • Your money is YOUR money. You worked hard to earn it. And you deserve to keep as much of it as possible. So when taxes come due, you want to find the smartest ways to keep more. Not give more to the government.

    My guest today, Tom Wheelwright, is an acclaimed CPA and World-Renowned Expert on tax. And I can’t think of anything more boring. But he loves it! And he wants to show you how to use the tax code to build wealth. His approach makes taxes fun, easy, and understandable.

    Today, Tom reveals specific strategies you can implement to pay less taxes. Plus, he reveals the 3 most expensive words in the English language. And shares the worst tax advice he can’t believe people fall for.

    You worked hard for your money. Tom’s straight-forward steps will help you keep more of it.

    Buy Tom’s new book HERE.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • To get great clients, you have to start with getting good leads. But what defines a good lead? And how do you get them without busting your marketing budget?

    Phil Smith is a world-class leader in scaling large and small businesses. And he’s done it all through successful planning and execution of lead generation marketing.

    Phil’s lead generation business has done multiple 8 figures in revenue. He says it took him a long time to be confident in himself and his abilities. But today, Phil won’t even touch a business unless he thinks he can get it to $100,000 per month in revenue in 3 – 6 months.

    Today, Phil shares the most common mistakes that businesses make when it comes to lead generation and how you can avoid them. Plus, he reveals the systems you need to put in place to start generating high-quality leads that turn into customers or clients for your business and how you can have multiple businesses as an extension of you.

    P.S. Listen to the end to hear Phil talk about his absolutely incredible giving strategy. It includes cash, iPads, and paying checks. You’ll just have to listen to find out why!

    Connect with Phil HERE.

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • There’s 12 soft skills that the top 1% of leaders have. And you’re about to find out if you have them too.

    My guest today, William Vanderbloemen, loves helping people understand how to stand out and become irreplaceable at their job. After studying over 30,000 leaders, William’s research company has identified the 12 habits that the best leaders have in common.

    Today, William walks you through the top 12 soft skills the most successful leaders have. And how you can develop these skills to be better at your job and make more money. Then William told me something about eye contact that I have never heard before in the history of this podcast! This episode is worth the listen just for that great tip.

    Whether you're an entrepreneur, a seasoned executive, or somewhere in between, understanding these 12 soft skills could be the key to unlocking your full potential.

    Get William’s new book HERE.

    Connect with William HERE.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Ready to take your business to the next level? Schedule a call with Derrick today here: www.GoodMoneyFramework.com/consulting

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • Sometimes the most random side hustles can pay off big. And today’s guest and his story is a great example.

    My guest today, Ethan McDaniel, is a high school teacher who paid off a $4,000 Disney vacation in 3 months by…get this…garage saling. Yep, he made that much and more by flipping and selling different items at garage sales and online.

    Today, Ethan reveals how he was able to make that much with his side hustle alone in just 3 months. And his strategy for buying and reselling things online. Like how he bought a pair of speakers for $7 and resold them for $700. And Ethan’s got plenty more stories like that.

    If you want a quick way to make money, garage saling might be for you. Ethan’s going to tell you exactly how to do it well.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Ready to take your business to the next level? Schedule a call with Derrick today here: www.GoodMoneyFramework.com/consulting

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • You want to connect with your teen. You want them to listen to you. Especially to share the advice about money and business that you wish you would have known as a teenager. The problem is, your teen seems to be a lot more interested in the influencers on TikTok than your advice. So how do you connect with them so you can help them become wiser and smarter?

    My guest today is Will Elliott. Will coaches tweens, teens and parents all around the world to transform their confidence and create stronger, more connected relationships. He’s coached hundreds of families and grown a social following to over 700K.

    In this episode, Will shares some of his most effective strategies for connecting with your teen. One of his tips is practicing the “parenting pause” — which I can’t wait for you to hear more about. And Will shares 2 things his own dad did that made him feel seen and create a bond of trust. Then Will shares why generosity is something you must be teaching your teen, because society won’t.

    Connect with Will HERE.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Ready to take your business to the next level? Schedule a call with Derrick today here: www.GoodMoneyFramework.com/consulting

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • (Special note: Today we have a special replay of this bonus episode of The Good Money Podcast.)

    Bohn Crain is the first student to make a debut on the podcast and he's a college senior at Dallas Baptist University. Bohn was referred to me by my business attorney who told me a story about a young man that his son met at college. He said Bohn set a goal of meeting one new person a day. And I thought that was amazing.

    Today, Bohn talks about how he came up with this idea, the power of meeting and connecting with people, and an honest look at how that goal has paid off. Plus, Bohn shares how he feels misunderstood by people and how he’s constantly working to reinvent himself. Which doesn’t stop when you become an adult!

    If you know a teenager who is struggling to make meaningful connections with adults or their friends, send this episode to them. Or maybe you’ve faced a lot of rejection recently and could use a pep talk to put yourself out there again. Bohn’s going to encourage and motivate you to get back in the game. Because sometimes, it all starts with simply saying hi to the person next to you.

    Connect with Bohn HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Ready to take your business to the next level? Schedule a call with Derrick today here: www.GoodMoneyFramework.com

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney

  • Who is the person you talk to most in life? Here’s a hint: It’s you. And you can’t add value to the marketplace if you don’t add value to yourself first. My guest today, renowned psychotherapist Lori Gottlieb, will help you transform your negative self-talk into a compassionate pep talk so you can make more money.

    In the next 30 minutes, you’ll understand the power of your thoughts and the questions about money you should be asking your significant other. Plus, you’ll discover the life-changing exercise Lori has her clients do and much, much more.

    Get access to Simple Teen Success HERE.

    Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here: https://amzn.to/34hSonE

    Book Derrick to speak at your next event HERE.

    For daily tips to help you make and save money, follow us on Instagram @derricktkinney